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CRMDAMCONT - SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)

CRMDD01L - Container for SMODD01L

CRMDD01T - Container for SMODD01T

CRMDD03L - SMODD03L Structure (SFA)

CRMDD04L - Container for SMODD4L

CRMDD04T - Container for SMODD04T

CRMDD07L - Container for SMODD07L

CRMDD07T - Container for SMODD07T

CRMDIFFKEY - List of Data in Concatenated Key Fields

CRMDIMA - Header Tables of DIMa Objects

CRMDT_FDT_DEFAULT_VALUES - Set default values for condition and action parameters

CRMDV_FDT_ACTATT - Generated Table for View

CRMDV_FDT_ACTN - Generated Table for View

CRMDV_FDT_APPL - Generated Table for View

CRMDV_FDT_ATTR - Generated Table for View

CRMDV_FDT_BO - Generated Table for View

CRMDV_FDT_RESATT - Generated Table for View

CRMDYNFLD1 - Check Results Management: Screen Fields

CRMDYNPRO - Check Results Management: Screen of a Program

CRMD_ACTION_ASYN - Asynchronous Actions Monitoring


CRMD_ACTIVITY_I - Activity Reporting : Activity Line Item Extension

CRMD_ACT_H_DATE - CRM Activity: Last Selection Values for Period per User

CRMD_ACT_H_PRIO - CRM Activity: Last Selection Values for Period per User

CRMD_AC_ASSF4_01 - Search Help Values - Internal Order AC_ASSIGN

CRMD_AC_ASSF4_02 - Search Help Values - Sales Order Item AC_ASSIGN

CRMD_AC_ASSF4_03 - Search Help Values - WBS Element AC_ASSIGN

CRMD_AC_ASSF4_05 - Search Help Values for Cost Center AC_ASSIGN

CRMD_AC_ASSF4_EX - Search Help Values - External Account Assignment AC_ASSIGN

CRMD_AC_ASSIGN - Settlement Account Assignment Set

CRMD_ALLOC_ID - Global Assignment Numbers

CRMD_ALLOC_REL - Links: Transaction Item - Assignment Number

CRMD_APO_I - Temporary APO Item Data (Only APO 2.0)

CRMD_APPROVAL - Approval Header Control Data

CRMD_APPROVAL_S - Approval Step control data

CRMD_ARIDOC_MSG - Maps Messages from ERP to Messages in CRM

CRMD_ARIS_OBJ - ARIS busines objects

CRMD_ARIS_OBJT - Description for ARIS business objects

CRMD_ATTR_ID - Assigns attribute model to document key

CRMD_AUI_BTIDX - Index table for Business Transaction Search in Agent Inbox

CRMD_AUI_BT_IDXQ - Work Item index queue table for concurrent processing

CRMD_AUI_IDX_STA - Agent Inbox Search: Status of intiial load of index tables

CRMD_AUI_OUTCORR - Agent Inbox Index Table for Outbound Correspondence

CRMD_AUI_WI_IDX - Index table for Work Item Search in Agent Inbox

CRMD_AUI_WI_IDXQ - Work Item index queue table for concurrent processing

CRMD_BCASE_BCD_T - CRM Briefcase: Briefing Card description (Text Table)

CRMD_BCASE_BCL_T - CRM Briefcase: Briefing Card link label (Text Table)

CRMD_BCASE_BFD_T - CRM Briefcase: Briefcase description (Text Table)

CRMD_BILLING - Business Transaction - Billing Set

CRMD_BILLING_DB_DYN - Billing Request Item: Dynamic Fields of the Database Buffer

CRMD_BILLPLAN - Billing Plan

CRMD_BILLPLAN_D - Billing Plan Date

CRMD_BILLPLAN_DA - Value Split for Billing Plan

CRMD_BILLPLAN_DF - Date in Billing Plan for Financing

CRMD_BILLREQ_I - CRM Billing Request Extension: DB Table

CRMD_BINREL - Interlinkages Between CRM Application Objects

CRMD_BM_MES - CRM broadcast messaging runtime table for messages

CRMD_BM_MESADD - broadcast messaging table for additional fields

CRMD_BM_MESCONT - broadcast message table for message content

CRMD_BM_MESEXP - broadcast messaging table for expire timestamp

CRMD_BM_MESEXTRA - broadcast messaging table for extra data


CRMD_BOL_TRACE_R - Found relations from BOL trace

CRMD_BOUNCE_ATTR - Bounce: Attribute Store in SO50 for SO28

CRMD_BRELRSHPA - Additional Attributes of Relationships

CRMD_BRELVONAE - Additional attributes: Object interlinkage VONA

CRMD_BRELVONAI - Item interlinkages - object interlinkage VONA

CRMD_BREL_IPLK_I - Time-Dependent Document Link: Item Attributes

CRMD_BREL_PLNK_I - Time-Dependent Document Link: Item Attributes

CRMD_BREL_RSHP - Interlinkages Between Service Application Objects

CRMD_BRF_EVAL_RL - Evaluated Rule Instance per Event Handler Time

CRMD_BRF_LOG - Log for Business Rule Framework (BRF)

CRMD_BRF_S_OBJ - Search Expression: Search Objects

CRMD_BRF_S_OBJ_T - Search Expression: Text Table for Search Objects

CRMD_CANCEL - Business Transaction - Cancellation Set

CRMD_CANCEL_IR - Individual cancellation rule

CRMD_CASE_INDEX - Index Table for CRM Cases

CRMD_CCM_LINK - Link from payment item to claim chargeback recovery in CRM

CRMD_CHKLSTAZ - EEW: Generated Object (Do not Process Manually)

CRMD_CHNGPROC_H - Header Change Process - Control Data

CRMD_CHNGPROC_I - Change Process Control Data

CRMD_CIC_CTI_H - CRM CIC: buffered CTI data: Header

CRMD_CIC_CTI_I - CRM CIC: buffered CTI data: items

CRMD_CIC_CTI_LOG - CRM CIC: log information of the data load from CTI

CRMD_CLIENT_CHAN_DIV_STRUC - Structure for Transfer Distribution Channel/Division to MSA

CRMD_CLIENT_CHAN_DIV_TXT_STRUC - Structure for Sales (DIV/CHAN) Attribute Texts to MSA

CRMD_CLIENT_COUNTRY_MRK_STRUC - Structure for Transfer: Country to MSA

CRMD_CLIENT_COUNTRY_STRUC - Structure for Transfer: Country to MSA

CRMD_CLIENT_OM_MARKETING_STRUC - Structure for Marketing Attributes to MSA

CRMD_CLIENT_OM_SALES_STRUC - Structure for Sales Attributes to MSA

CRMD_CLIENT_OM_SERVICE_STRUC - Structure for Service Attributes to MSA

CRMD_CLIENT_OM_STRUC - Structure for Org. Structure to MSA

CRMD_CLIENT_OM_TEXT_STRUC - Structure for Organizational Structure Texts in MSA

CRMD_CLIENT_PRODCAT_MRK_STRUC - Structure for Transfer: Country to MSA



CRMD_CLM_ACTUP - Action profile

CRMD_CLM_AVAL - Generated Table for View

CRMD_CLM_CMITREF - Campaign managment item references

CRMD_CLM_ISCRREF - IC Interactive Scripting References

CRMD_CLM_OS_REF - Worker table for object services integration

CRMD_CLM_QSRCH - Generated Table for View

CRMD_CLM_ROOTCL - Responsible user to root call list mapping

CRMD_CLM_ROOTCLO - Interaction center to root call list assignment

CRMD_CLM_TASKINS - Call list management task instances

CRMD_CLM_TROOT - Call list type to root call list mapping

CRMD_CL_CHAN_DIV - Table for Transfer Distribution Channel/Division to MSA

CRMD_CL_CHAN_DIV_STRUC - Structure for Transfer Distribution Channel/Division to MSA

CRMD_CL_COUNTRY - Table for Transfer Distribution Channel/Division to MSA

CRMD_CL_COUNTRY_MRKTNG_STRUC - Structure for Transfer: Country to MSA

CRMD_CL_COUNTRY_STRUC - Structure for Transfer: Country to MSA

CRMD_CL_COUNT_MK - Table for Category Transfer to MSA

CRMD_CL_MRKTNG - Table for Marketing Attributes to MSA

CRMD_CL_OM - Table for Org. Structure to MSA

CRMD_CL_OM_CHAN_DIV_TEXT - Structure for DIV/CHAN Attribute Texts to MSA

CRMD_CL_OM_MARKETING_STRUC - Structure for Marketing Attributes to MSA

CRMD_CL_OM_SALES_STRUC - Structure for Sales Attributes to MSA

CRMD_CL_OM_SERVICE_STRUC - Structure for Service Attributes to MSA

CRMD_CL_OM_STRUC - Structure for Org. Structure to MSA

CRMD_CL_OM_TEXT - Texts for Organizational Structure to MSA

CRMD_CL_PRODCAT - Table for Category Transfer to MSA

CRMD_CL_PRODCAT_MRKTNG_STRUC - Structure for Category Transfer to MSA

CRMD_CL_RELAT - Relations

CRMD_CL_SALES - Table for Sales Attributes to MSA

CRMD_CL_SERVICE - Table for Service Attributes to MSA

CRMD_CL_TERR - Territories

CRMD_CL_TERR_STRUC - Territories

CRMD_CL_TEXT - Table for Org. Structure to MSA

CRMD_CMDC_MAPID - FSCM Dispute Case Identification

CRMD_CMDC_MSGMAP - Maps Messages from ERP to Messages in CRM

CRMD_CMDC_REL - Relationship: CRM Complaint to ERP Dispute Case

CRMD_CMG_CASE_AT - CRM-Specific Case Attributes

CRMD_CMG_CASE_INCLUDE - Include for CRM-Specific Case Attributes(SAP, IBU and Cust.)

CRMD_CMG_CAT_LIS - Extended Attributes for Case Categories

CRMD_CMG_NOTEATR - Table for PU Attributes for Case Note Enhancement

CRMD_CMG_N_ATR_T - Table for PU Attributes for Case Note Enhancement

CRMD_CMG_XI_MAP - Mapping for case XI

CRMD_CM_TRANS - Table for Transporting BO Links to Documents

CRMD_CO_HEADER - CO Account Assignment of Sales Transactions

CRMD_CO_ITEM - CO Account Assignment of Sales Items

CRMD_CUMULATED_I - Transaction Item - Cumulated Value

CRMD_CUMULAT_H - Business Transaction - Cumulat_H extension

CRMD_CUSTOMER_H - Transaction - Customer Extension

CRMD_CUSTOMER_I - Transaction Item - Customer Extension

CRMD_DEDUP_REL - Relationship: Duplication

CRMD_DH_DATA_MAN - Data Buffer Management

CRMD_DH_DATA_OPP - Opportunity Data Buffer

CRMD_DH_QRES - Query Result Buffer

CRMD_DH_QTERM - Query Term Buffer

CRMD_DH_QUERY - Query Buffer

CRMD_DH_STATE - Status Information of Delta Handler

CRMD_DPP_HI_BLCK - Data Privacy: Contains the Header/Item with Blocked BP

CRMD_EDR - CRM Invoice Line Item - EDR Table

CRMD_EDR_PAYM_D - Payment data of EDRs

CRMD_EI_DOC - EI: Document table

CRMD_EI_DOC_CLU - EI: kb id - cluster id table

CRMD_EI_FEAT - EI: feature table

CRMD_EI_FEAT_CLT - stores feature cluster relationship

CRMD_EI_FEAT_CLU - EI: table to store feature cluster relationship

CRMD_EI_LANG_SAP - SAF: Knowldge base entity information for SAP data sources

CRMD_EI_LE_ATT - EI - LE - Persistent Attributes of Learning Engines

CRMD_EI_LE_CORP - EI - LE - Table for Correlation Values

CRMD_EI_LE_CORPB - EI - LE - Table for Correlation Values

CRMD_EI_LE_CORS - EI - LE - Table for Correlation Values

CRMD_EI_LE_CORSB - EI - LE - Table for Correlation Values

CRMD_EI_LE_ESET - EI - LE - Entity Sets - Training Data for Learning

CRMD_EI_LOG_CMP - EI: Log for knowledge base compilation

CRMD_EI_LOG_GEN - SAF: Log for knowledge base generation

CRMD_EI_SOL_CART - EI: Persist user selected solution out of SDB

CRMD_EI_S_PSNL - SAF: Personalization

CRMD_EOB_FOR_BP - Data Privacy: SORT/EOB for business partner

CRMD_EOP_1O_DATE - Data Privacy: SORT calculation based on 1Order documents

CRMD_EOP_ADMIN - Data Privacy: Admin Table for EOP Check Functionality in CRM

CRMD_EOP_AOASSI - Data Privacy: BOR Object assignment

CRMD_EOP_APOBJ_T - Data Privacy: Text table for Application Object

CRMD_EOP_APPLOBJ - Data Privacy: Application Object EOP Determination

CRMD_EOP_LOGGING - Data Privacy: Logging for EOP-check

CRMD_ERMS_CAN_UP - Content Analysis - Synchronization Markers

CRMD_ERMS_CAT_OT - Coherent Cat - Object Types for Categorization Repository

CRMD_ERMS_CONTNT - E-Mail Content for Indexing Purposes

CRMD_ERMS_E21O - Link from E-Mail to one order object

CRMD_ERMS_E2CASE - Link from E-Mail to case object

CRMD_ERMS_EVENT - E-Mail event

CRMD_ERMS_EVENTT - E-Mail event text

CRMD_ERMS_HEADER - Statistical data header

CRMD_ERMS_ML_ET - Machine Learning: Transactions for Data Extraction Run

CRMD_ERMS_MTCHCA - ERMS Matching Categories

CRMD_ERMS_MTCHRL - Matching Rules


CRMD_ERMS_PLVR - ERMS Policy Variant

CRMD_ERMS_PLVR_T - ERMS Policy Variant: Texts

CRMD_ERMS_PROF - ERMS Policy Variant Version

CRMD_ERMS_PROF_T - ERMS Policy Variant Version Text Table

CRMD_ERMS_RLACTF - Actions Fired From Rules

CRMD_ERMS_RLCN - ERMS Rule Container

CRMD_ERMS_RLCN_T - ERMS Rule Container

CRMD_ERMS_RLSNAP - Rule Snapshot for E-Mail Workbench

CRMD_ERMS_RLSNPT - Rule Snapshot for E-Mail Workbench



CRMD_ERMS_STAS_T - E-Mail status text

CRMD_ERMS_STATUS - E-Mail status

CRMD_ERMS_STEP - Statistical data step


CRMD_ESCAL - Service Response Time Schema

CRMD_ESCAL_REC - Response Time Profile - Service Agreement

CRMD_ESCAL_RECNO - Response Time Profile - Service Agreement

CRMD_ESCAL_T - Response Time Profile Texts

CRMD_ESSC_SVY - SSF custom satisfaction survey data

CRMD_ES_ACT_FUNC - Enable WEBCUIF Enterprise Search functions

CRMD_ES_ATTR - Node attributes

CRMD_ES_CLIENT - ES modeling client

CRMD_ES_COMP - Holds software components holding templates

CRMD_ES_DELETED - Stores deleted templates for subsequent transport

CRMD_ES_FIELD_EX - Excluded fields for ES

CRMD_ES_KEYSTORE - Enterprise search Extraction temporary database

CRMD_ES_LOADMODE - Exceptions for load mode

CRMD_ES_LOGS - Stores logs per template

CRMD_ES_MAPSTR - Mapping fpr structures during extraction

CRMD_ES_PATHS - Node paths


CRMD_ES_TMPLHDR - Templates for ES

CRMD_ES_TMPLHDRT - Template Texts for ES

CRMD_ES_TMPLREL - Relations of templates for ES

CRMD_ES_TMPLSET - Template Set for ES

CRMD_ES_TMPLSETC - Components for Template Set

CRMD_ES_TMPLSETT - Template Set Text for ES

CRMD_EXT_REF - Additional External Reference Numbers Set

CRMD_FDT_ACTNS - Rule Builder Actions table

CRMD_FDT_ACT_SET - Rule Builder Rule Action set table

CRMD_FDT_PLCY_T - Rule Builder Policies text

CRMD_FDT_POLICY - Rule Builder Policies

CRMD_FDT_RULE - Rule Builder Rules

CRMD_FDT_RULESET - Rule Builder Rulesets

CRMD_FDT_RULE_T - Rule Builder Rules text

CRMD_FDT_R_SET_T - Rule Builder Rulesets text

CRMD_FDT_TR_LINK - BRF+ Lean Trace Linkage

CRMD_FLEX_COLROW - description for Flex table row or column

CRMD_FLEX_TITLES - titles for Flex table cells

CRMD_GPM_ATT - Grantor Program Management Attributes

CRMD_GPM_ATT_E - GPM: Customer-specific Grantor Program Attributes (EEW)

CRMD_GPM_EXT - Grantor Program Expense Types Assignment

CRMD_GPM_INTEG - GPM: Information about integration to other systems

CRMD_GPM_OBJREL - Grantor Program Object Classes/Types relationships

CRMD_GPM_OBJ_PPF - GPM: Persistent attributes of class CL_CRM_GPM_OBJECT_PPF

CRMD_GPM_PAR - Grantor Program Management Partners

CRMD_GPM_PCT - Grantor Program Process Control

CRMD_GRM_CASE - Case Relation

CRMD_ICA_BUAG - IC Analytics: Event Log BDC BuAg

CRMD_ICA_CASE - IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Case

CRMD_ICA_CONTACT - IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Contact

CRMD_ICA_CUSTMR - IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Customer

CRMD_ICA_DEPTRAN - IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Dependent Transaction

CRMD_ICA_EVENT - IC Analytics: Event Log Event

CRMD_ICA_EVGRP - IC Analytics: Event Log Event

CRMD_ICA_EVPARAM - IC Analytics: Event Log Event Parameter

CRMD_ICA_FICAWLI - IC Analytics (FICA): Event Log BDC Workitem

CRMD_ICA_FOLLUP - IC Analytics: Event Log BDC FollowUp

CRMD_ICA_IBASE - IC Analytics: Event Log BDC IBase

CRMD_ICA_ICINTAC - IC Analytics: Event Log IC Interaction

CRMD_ICA_INTACRC - IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Interaction Record

CRMD_ICA_MKTINTA - IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Mkt. Interaction

CRMD_ICA_OORDER - IC Analytics: Event Log BDC OneOrder

CRMD_ICA_PRODUCT - IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Product

CRMD_ICA_VEHICLE - IC Analytics: Event Log BDC Vehicle

CRMD_ICM_CMG_ATT - Investigative Case Management Attributes

CRMD_ICM_CMG_XRF - Table for storing ICM - CMG External References

CRMD_ICM_LOG_TXT - Table for last log texts

CRMD_ICM_MAT - ICM Matrix : 5x5 Matrix DB table

CRMD_ICM_MAT_MOD - Model table for ICM 5x5 Matrix

CRMD_ICM_MAT_OBJ - Objects in ICM 5x5 Matrix BOL/GENIL

CRMD_ICM_REC_FLG - ICM Record: Filing Log DB

CRMD_ICM_REL - ICM Relationship: Relationship

CRMD_ICM_REL_EXT - ICM Relationship: extensive attributes

CRMD_ICM_REL_MOD - Model table for ICM Relations

CRMD_ICM_REL_OBJ - Objects in ICM Relations BOL/GENIL

CRMD_IC_AM_ATR - attributes of out-of_box AM

CRMD_IC_AM_ATTR - Table for Alert Modeler Implementation Class

CRMD_IC_AM_ATTRT - Alert Modeler: Java Class Text Table

CRMD_IC_AM_PHS - Table: PlaceHolders of Alert Modeler

CRMD_IC_AM_PHST - Alert Modeler: PlaceHolder Text Table

CRMD_IC_AM_PRMS - table maintaining all parameters of alert modeler

CRMD_IC_AM_PRMT - Text Table:Alert Modeler Java Class Parameter

CRMD_IC_CCODE - Company Code

CRMD_IC_FAVCAT - Favorite Categories

CRMD_IC_FAVCATT - Favorite Category Text Table

CRMD_IC_FAVORS - Table for maintaining my Favorites

CRMD_IC_GPSCR - Table of Group Relation with Script

CRMD_IC_INIT - Table for initial Views and Actionbox IDs

CRMD_IC_ISECAT - Categories (Interactive Script Editor)

CRMD_IC_ISECATDS - Categories (Interactive Script Editor)

CRMD_IC_LABELS - Interactive Script labels

CRMD_IC_LBLDSC - Label descriptions (Interactive Script Editor)

CRMD_IC_LTX_LOGS - Record the number of Transaction Launches

CRMD_IC_MAILREC - ICWC Receiver Information for SAP Office Mail Recipients

CRMD_IC_NBPERS - Personalized Navigation Bar Profile Settings

CRMD_IC_PLCY_EVT - IC policy event assignment table

CRMD_IC_PROF_POL - Policy to IC profile assignment table

CRMD_IC_SCRATTR - Script/Survey attributes (Interactive Script Editor)

CRMD_IC_SCRDSC - Interactive Script description

CRMD_IC_SCRGPT - Text table for script groups: change from tmp later

CRMD_IC_SCRGRP - Script Groups: Change from Tmp later

CRMD_IC_SCRUF - Interactive Scripting fields

CRMD_IC_SCRUFDSC - Interactive Scripting field description

CRMD_IC_SCRUFITD - Interactive Scripting field item descriptions

CRMD_IC_SCRUFITM - Interactive Scripting field possible values

CRMD_IC_XMLCOM - Component ID for XML storage for IC application


CRMD_IC_XMLSTORE - XML storage for IC applications

CRMD_IC_XMLSTORT - XML storage for IC applications

CRMD_IC_XMLSTORX - XML storage for IC applications

CRMD_IC_XMLSTRTX - XML storage for IC applications

CRMD_IC_XMLTEMP - Temporary table for keeping flag on converted data.

CRMD_IC_XPRASTAT - Table to maintain the XPRA migration status for components

CRMD_IM_DYN_ATTR_FILTER - Filter for dynamic attribute

CRMD_IM_LINK - Personalized Mails: 'Tracking Enabled URLs' with Attributes

CRMD_IM_LINK_T - Personalized Mails: Text Table for CRMD_IM_LINK

CRMD_IM_ML_HEAD - Personalized Mails: Contact Tracking Outbound Table (Header)

CRMD_IM_ML_HEAD_DS - Dialog Structure of E-mail Header

CRMD_IM_ML_ITEM - Personalized Mails: Contact Tracking Outbound Table (Item)

CRMD_IM_ML_ITEM_DS - Dialog Structure of E-mail Item

CRMD_IM_ML_SMART - Internet Marketing: Additional Mail Data

CRMD_IM_ML_SMART_DS - Internet Marketing: Dialog Structure for Addl Mail Data

CRMD_IM_ML_SMART_DT - Internet Marketing: Document Structure for Addl Mail Data

CRMD_IM_PICTURE - Web Screens in Mail Form

CRMD_IM_PICTURE_URL - Web Graphics and Their URL

CRMD_IM_TABLE_T - Texts for CRM Table in Mail Form

CRMD_INCOMP_INDX - Index Table: Incompleteness

CRMD_ISM_DOC_NO - IS-M/AM: Sales Document Number (Sel. Method for Search Help)

CRMD_IST_HIST - Telco Contract History

CRMD_IST_ITA3 - EEW: Generated Object (Do Not Process Manually)

CRMD_ISUEXTA4 - EEW: Generated Object (Do Not Process Manually)

CRMD_ISUEXT_ARC - CRMD_ISUEXTA4 -> enhancement for Archiving


CRMD_ISULOGA8 - EEW: Generated Object (Do Not Process Manually)

CRMD_ISUSECA5 - EEW: Generated Object (Do Not Process Manually)


CRMD_ISU_BRF_FAV - Favorite BRFplus Functions


CRMD_ISU_CM_H - Check Monitor: Header

CRMD_ISU_CM_I - Check Monitor: Checks

CRMD_ISU_CM_IM - Check run result messages

CRMD_ISU_CM_IS - Check Monitor: Issues

CRMD_ISU_CM_IT - Check Monitor: Free text


CRMD_ISU_CM_PAR - Check Monitor: Parameters for Object to Check


CRMD_ISU_CM_SO - Check Monitor: Select Options for Objects to Check


CRMD_ISU_CONS - Utilities Price Object Consumptions

CRMD_ISU_CONT - Containerablage zum ISU Vertrag

CRMD_ISU_CONT_TS - Container Timeslices

CRMD_ISU_GUID_STRUCT - Structure With Guid 16

CRMD_ISU_INCMPLT - Storage table for all incomplete IS-U contracts

CRMD_ISU_LABEL - Utilities user-defined Labels for Object Set Profile and Cat

CRMD_ISU_LABEL_T - Utilities user-defined Labels for Object Set Profile and Cat

CRMD_ISU_POCP - Utilities Price Object Components

CRMD_ISU_PRA1 - Price Versions

CRMD_ISU_PRAT - ISU Single Prices

CRMD_ISU_REAX - EEW: Generated Object (Do not Process Manually)

CRMD_ISX_DISC - Extension: Discount

CRMD_ISX_MAPTB_I - Parameters, CC Tables Extension: Database Table

CRMD_ISX_MR_NV - Mass run name value pairs

CRMD_ISX_MSG - ISX - Message distribution

CRMD_ISX_PRMA_MW - Temporary storage for processed master agrmnts in middleware

CRMD_ISX_PRVMA_I - Prov. Master Agreement Item Ext.: Database Table

CRMD_ISX_TEMPCON - Provider Template Content

CRMD_ISX_TEMPL_H - ISX Template Header Object

CRMD_ISX_TEMPL_I - Provider Template Item Object

CRMD_IU_DIT_JOBS - Details of Job in DIT



CRMD_KW_DOC_GEN - Attributes for CRM Docs - Language-Independent/Single Value

CRMD_KW_PLM - Settings for Integrating PLM DMS in CRM CM

CRMD_KW_TEMPL - Tree Structure of KW Templates

CRMD_KW_TEMPLT - Text Table for Tree Structure of KW Templates

CRMD_LAWREF_H - Law Reference Header Segment Main 1Order Table


CRMD_LIC_COUNT - Licence Count via Active Users

CRMD_LINK - Transaction - Set - Link


CRMD_MC_GUID - Mass create report saved GUIDs

CRMD_MKTCA_CT_IN - Table for Inbound Entry

CRMD_MKTRU_RU_H - Rule (Header)

CRMD_MKTRU_RU_I - Rule (Instructions)

CRMD_MKTRU_SVY - Assignment Business Partner / Surveys

CRMD_MKTTG_TG_H - TG Exchange: Target Group Header

CRMD_MKTTG_TG_I - TG Exchange: Target Group Item (BP Info)

CRMD_MKTTG_TG_I2 - TG Exchange: Target Group Item (Product Info)

CRMD_MKTTG_TG_T - TG Exchange: Target Group Text

CRMD_NF_CHANNELS - Notification Channels and Outputs

CRMD_NF_CONDS - Notification Subscriptions - Filter Conditions

CRMD_NF_EXTSRV_Q - Notification Subscription - Queue for External Service

CRMD_NF_FILTERS - Notification Subscriptions - Filters

CRMD_NF_HEADER - Notification Subscriptions - Header

CRMD_NF_QUEUE - Notification Subscriptions - Queue

CRMD_NF_SUBS - Notification Subscriptions - Subscribers

CRMD_NOTE_S_IDX - Index Table for CRM Notes Section (Search)

CRMD_OBJREF_REL - Obj. Relationships bet. CRM Appln. Objects and other Objects

CRMD_OPPORT_H - Opportunity

CRMD_OPPORT_I - Opportunity Item Table

CRMD_OPP_LINK - Interlinkages between Opportunities (Master/Sub)

CRMD_OPT_CSTIC - Mapping of Options and Characteristics of Configuration

CRMD_ORDERADM_H - Business Transaction

CRMD_ORDERADM_I - Business Transaction Item

CRMD_ORDER_INDEX - Index table for one-order document

CRMD_ORDPRP_I - Business Transaction Item - Product List

CRMD_ORGMAN - Organizational Unit Set

CRMD_ORGMAN_TEMP - Temp. table for storing the org. model Sales area data

CRMD_OUTPUT_DOC - CRM Order: Table with Reference to Application Document


CRMD_PERF_TMP1 - Execution Times

CRMD_PERMISSIONS - Administration Table for Change Authorization

CRMD_PERS_LIST - Generic Storage for Personalization Data

CRMD_PFC_ODAT2 - Cluster table for PFC ODATA

CRMD_PFC_ODATA - Cluster table for PFC ODATA

CRMD_PFC_ODATA2 - Cluster table for PFC ODATA

CRMD_PML_CONDS - Personalized Mails: Conditions for mail form elements

CRMD_PML_DESCR - Personalized Mails: Text Table for Mail forms and MFelements

CRMD_PML_ELE - Personalized Mails: Mail forms element table for ADM data

CRMD_PML_HEAD - Personalized Mails: Header table for mail forms (ADM data)

CRMD_PML_PLIST - Personalized Mails: Product Lists for elements 'Text'

CRMD_PML_PLIST_T - Personalized Mails: Descriptions for Product Attributes

CRMD_PML_TEMPL - Personalized Mails: Template/Versioning table for mail forms

CRMD_PML_TXTSUBJ - Personalized Mails: Details for elements 'Text' / 'Subject'

CRMD_PPM_OPPBUF - Realtime Buffer-Supported Fields of All Opportunities

CRMD_PPM_OPPBUFI - Realtime Buffer-Supported Fields of All Opportunity Items

CRMD_PREFILL_DAT - Temporary table for storing the serialized Prefill Data

CRMD_PRICING - Business Transaction Pricing Parameter Set

CRMD_PRICING_I - Transaction Item Price

CRMD_PROC_COMP - Process components

CRMD_PROC_COMP_T - Process components text table

CRMD_PRODUCT_I - Transaction Item - Product

CRMD_PROV_ORD - Telco mass data creation log

CRMD_PSDMEA_H - Enforcement Action Header

CRMD_PSDM_TRC_H - DM: Enforcement Action BRF+ Lean Trace (JSON)

CRMD_PSDM_TRC_R - DM: Enforcement Action BRF+ Lean Trace Records (JSON)

CRMD_PSL_PRP_REL - Relationship: Prod. Service Letter and Partner/Prod. Range

CRMD_PS_ELIG_H - Eligibility Periods

CRMD_PS_EL_NOTE - Notes for Manually Created Eligibility Periods

CRMD_PS_FDT_0200 - Social Services BRF+: Lean Trace (JSON)

CRMD_PS_FDT_0201 - Social Services BRF+: Lean Trace Records (JSON)

CRMD_PS_GED - Gross Entitlement Determination Header Data

CRMD_PS_GEDITEM - Gross Entitlement Determination Item Data

CRMD_PS_GPD - Gross Payment Document Header Data

CRMD_PS_GPDITEM - Gross Payment Docment Item Data

CRMD_PS_LINK - Quarantined - Do not use!

CRMD_PS_NCD - Net Calculation Document Header Data

CRMD_PS_NCDITEM - Net Calculation Document Item


CRMD_PS_SOCIAL_I - Social Service extension

CRMD_QUALIF - Qualification Requirement Set

CRMD_RA_PORT - Rating area to CC port determination in CRM

CRMD_REVACC_MIG - Revenue Accounting Migration

CRMD_REVACC_SID - Revenue Accounting Migration Service ID

CRMD_RF_TRACEDB - Test Queries for FS

CRMD_RF_TRACEDBW - Where clauses

CRMD_ROUT_GRP - Routing group for business routing

CRMD_ROUT_GRP_BP - Routing groups - business partner assignment for b routing

CRMD_ROUT_GRP_PR - Routing Group Selection Via Profiles for Business Routing

CRMD_ROUT_GRP_PT - Routing Group Selection - Profile Template / Attribut (BR)

CRMD_ROUT_GRP_T - Routing group texts for business routing

CRMD_RULE_SIMU - Rule Builder Simulations

CRMD_SAF_BOR - bol-bor information for saf search and knowledge service

CRMD_SAF_DT_SUB - SAF: Check subscribers for diagnosis tool

CRMD_SAF_KB_STAT - SAF: Knowledge entity access statistics

CRMD_SAF_SMETHOD - Trex language and search method relation

CRMD_SALES - Business Transaction - Sales Set

CRMD_SCE_IBCSTIC - Conversion Table for Internal Char. Number - Char. Name

CRMD_SCE_IBKB - Conversion Table for Knowledge Base ID - KB Name and Version

CRMD_SCE_PART_OF_DATA - Data Fields for a Bill of Material Item (Master Data)

CRMD_SCE_PART_OF_INFO - Information for a Bill of Material Item

CRMD_SCE_PART_OF_KEY - External Key for a Bill of Material Item

CRMD_SCHEDLIN - Business Transaction Item - Schedule Line

CRMD_SCR_TRANS - Script Transcript Table

CRMD_SCR_TRANS_N - Script Node Transcript Table

CRMD_SDL_SYST - Control of Scheduling Table (System Default)

CRMD_SERVICE_H - Service Process

CRMD_SERVICE_I - Transaction Item - Service

CRMD_SERWI - Service Availability Profile

CRMD_SERWI_T - Availability Time Texts

CRMD_SHCUT_D_CAT - Distributed saved search categories

CRMD_SHCUT_U_CAT - Saved search categories for users

CRMD_SHIPPING - Business Transaction - Shipping Set


CRMD_SHORTCUT_T - Shortcut Texts

CRMD_SOARCVERIFY - Table of Selected Non-Archivable/Non-Deletable Social Post

CRMD_SOC_POST - Social Media Post

CRMD_SRCL_H - Service Clocks: 1O Extension - Data Base

CRMD_SRCL_TR_ACS - Processing Times Trace Action Sets

CRMD_SRCL_TR_FLW - Processing Times Trace Flow Table

CRMD_SRCL_TR_HD - Processing Times Trace Header

CRMD_SRQM_SOLCF - Solution manager system configuration settings

CRMD_SRQM_SOLID - Solution Manager Integration Info

CRMD_SRV_DEMAND - Transaction Item - Service - Resource Requirement

CRMD_SRV_INDEX - service index table

CRMD_SRV_OSSET - Subject Reference Object

CRMD_SRV_RANGE - Reference Object Area

CRMD_SRV_RA_ER - Service: Revenue Accounting Enrichment Pre-Processing

CRMD_SRV_RA_OL - Service: Revenue Accounting Operational Load

CRMD_SRV_REFOBJ - Reference Object

CRMD_SRV_REQ_H - Service Request Header Extension

CRMD_SRV_SLAPRO - SLA Profile Transaction Data Table


CRMD_STOCK - Rough stock information

CRMD_STRUCT_I - Item Data Structure Information

CRMD_SURVEY - Business Transaction - Survey Valuation Set

CRMD_TC_LOCK - TC: Lock Management

CRMD_TC_TECH_RES - TC: Technical Resources

CRMD_TEXT_GEN - Gen. Texts: Texts

CRMD_TIMEREP - Transaction - Time Reporting for Industry Add-On

CRMD_TM_ASSIGN - Call List Assignments

CRMD_TM_CL - Call lists

CRMD_TM_CLSTAT - Call list statistics

CRMD_TM_CL_CMPGN - Business context information: campaign, scripts

CRMD_TM_DCS_TREE - CRM: Telemarketing Scripting Decision Tree


CRMD_TM_IACT_BP - Business context information: one order and business partner

CRMD_TM_KEY - Key-Value Registry


CRMD_TM_NODE - CRM: Telemarketing Scripting Node

CRMD_TM_NODE_CAT - The catogrization of node

CRMD_TM_NODE_T - CRM: Telemarketing Scripting Node - Description

CRMD_TM_OPTION_T - CRM: Telemarketing Option text

CRMD_TM_PORGMT - Organization Management Object Profiles

CRMD_TM_PO_LINK - Persistent object link (from->to)

CRMD_TM_PUSERT - User Profiles

CRMD_TM_SCR_HEAD - CRM: Telemarketing Scripting History HEAD

CRMD_TM_SCR_HIST - CRM: Telemarketing Scripting History HEAD

CRMD_TM_SQ - Search Query Header

CRMD_TM_SQCH - Search Query Conditions Header

CRMD_TM_SQCV - Search Query Conditions Values

CRMD_TM_SQT - Search Query Texts

CRMD_TM_TREE - CRM: Telemarketing Scripting Tree

CRMD_TM_TREE_LCK - CRM Interactive Scripting (for locking only).

CRMD_TM_TREE_T - CRM: Telemarketing Scripting Tree Text

CRMD_UBB_POOLCHG - Temp. Table for Adjusting Contracts Assigned to Periods

CRMD_UIF_SNOTE - Transparent Table Note for Flight

CRMD_UIF_SYSINDX - System Table INDX for UI Framework

CRMD_WEBREQ_CONT - Web Requests: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)

CRMD_WEBR_INDEX - Index Table for Order - Web Request

CRMD_WFMOD_ACTIO - to be deleted - temp information about action for a workflow

CRMD_WFMOD_ROLE - to be deleted - Modeler: link workflow to a role

CRMD_WFMOD_WKFL - to be deleted - Templates and components for the wf modeler

CRMD_WR_BRF_AC1 - Database Table for Actions in Setting Web Request Fields

CRMD_WR_BRF_EXP - Database Table for Created Web Request Expressions

CRMD_WR_BRF_MSG1 - Assign Web Request Messages to Sub-Actions

CRMD_WR_BRF_MSG2 - Web Request Variables (for Messages in Sub-Actions)

CRMD_WR_BRF_MSG3 - Literals as Web Request Message Variables

CRMD_WR_HEADER - Administration Data for Web Request (XML)

CRMD_WR_HEADER_T - Text Table for Administration Data of a Web Request (XML)

CRMD_WSARISOBJ_T - Mapping of ARIS objects to UI objects with subtypes

CRMD_WST_COMPSET - Component Set Enabling for Open Service Tool

CRMD_WS_ARIS_MAP - Mapping of ARIS objects to UI objects with subtypes

CRMD_WS_ARIS_OBJ - Mapping of ARIS objects to UI objects with subtypes

CRMD_WS_ATRFIL_A - BOL relation filter table for webservice tool(auto. filter)

CRMD_WS_ATRFIL_M - BOL relation filter table for webservice tool(manual filter)

CRMD_WS_METHODS - BOL Metadata Storage for Open Service Tool

CRMD_WS_OBJECTS - List of UI objects enabled for webservices

CRMD_WS_OBJT - BOL Object Descriptions

CRMD_WS_OBJ_REL - BOL Object Relations

CRMD_WS_OBJ_RELT - BOL Object Relations Descriptions.

CRMD_WS_RELFIL_A - BOL relation filter table for webservice tool(auto. filter)

CRMD_WS_RELFIL_M - BOL relation filter table for webservice tool(manual filter)

Return Table index