SAP EarlyWatch Alert report - Automatic checks for security notes using RSECNOTE
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Over time SAP has released a number of OSS notes to fix security issues within the SAP system. The only problem is how to easily know what these are and whether you need to implemented them into your system.
Well that's where the SAP early watch alert report comes in. This report checks your system for security relevant notes and outputs a brief description of each issue, the note number which fixes it, how this
note can be implemented and whether it has already been applied to your system. The specific notes checked by this report is controlled online by SAP via an RFC call. Therefore if new security notes become available
these will be included without any need to update your SAP system further.
In order to use the SAP earlyWatch report you simply need to implement note 888889 via transaction SNOTE. This should implement automatically without any manual intervention as long as you have the correct
version of the software component ST-A/PI. If SNOTE says it cannot be implemented check note details for requirements and update your ST-A/PI component to the correct version and re-try note application.
Once note 888889 has been implemented execute transaction ST13, enter RSECNOTE into the Tool name and press execute.
You should now be presented with the report detailing which notes are relevant and need implementing on your SAP system and which notes have already been applied.
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