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WRHPE_FRAME_CONTROL - PA-PD: Profile Maintenance -> Frame Control

WRHPE_MAIN_CONTROL - PA-PD: Profile Maintenance -> Object Parameters

WRHPE_TREEMBNODE - Common part of a node in model and view

WRHPE_WWW_1002 - PA-PD: Structure Object Description (Infotype 1002)

WRHPE_WWW_1048 - PA-PD: Structure Proficiency Description (Infotype 1048)

WRHPE_WWW_ALTQ - PA-PD: Structure Alternative Qualification Types

WRHPE_WWW_HEAD - PA-PD: Profile Maintenance -> Configuration Object Header

WRHPE_WWW_PART - PA-PD: Profile Maintenance -> Configuration Subprofile

WRHPE_WWW_PART_CONFIG - PA-PD: Profile Maintenance -> Configuration Subprofile

WRHPE_WWW_PART_CONTROL - PA-PD: Profile Maintenance -> Subprofile Parameters

WRHPE_WWW_PERSON_DATA_1 - PA-PD: Personnel Data (General)

WRHPE_WWW_PROFCIES - PA-PD:Structure: Quality Scale

WRHPE_WWW_PROFILE - PA-PD: Structure: Profile

WRHPE_WWW_PT1048 - Fields for Table Section of Infotype 1048

WRHPE_WWW_QUALIDIR - PA-PD: Import Parameters for BAPI Function Modules

WRHPE_WWW_QUALIFIC - PA-PD: Structure Qualifications (Selection Fields)

WRHPE_WWW_QUALIFIC_TAB - PA-PD: Structure Qualifications (Profile Table)

WRHPE_WWW_QUALI_DIR - PA-PD: Structure Qualifications Catalog

WRHPE_WWW_Q_1025 - PA-PD: Structure Depreciation Meter, Validity of Qual. Type

WRHPE_WWW_Q_TAB - PA-PD: Structure Qualification Types (List)

WRHPE_WWW_SCALE - PA-PD: Structure Proficiencies

WRHPE_WWW_TREEMBNODE - Common part of a node in model and view

WRHPE_WWW_TREEV_NODE - Tree Control: Attributes of a Node

WRHPE_WWW_TREE_BUFFER - PA-PD: Structure Buffer for Tree

WRHPE_WWW_TREE_NODE - PA-PD: Structure: Node Structure

WRHPE_WWW_USR01 - PA-PD: Structure for Business Object USR01

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