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TPAB03 - Replenishment Strategy JIT Call Stock Transfer

TPABAV - BAV internal structure for param. transfer (import/export)

TPACHECK - Checking Table Directory for Check Modules of SD Partner

TPACHECKASSIGN - Checking Module Assignments in SD Partner Processing

TPACHECKRELATION - Dependency Graph for Check Modules in SD Partner Processing






TPAER - Business Partner: Functions in Partner Determination Proced.

TPAER_PM - Partner Functions in Partner Schema (PM) with Copy Flag

TPAFILTER - Filter Table for Displaying Partner Subscription 1000 (V09C)

TPAKD - Business Partner: Valid Acct Groups per Partner Function

TPAKL - Assignment of Partner Function to Account Group Vendor

TPALOG - DB Buffer for ALOG File

TPALOGHDR - Header Table for TPALOG


TPAMA - Search Strings for Pattern Matching

TPAMAT - Text Table for Search String TPAMA

TPAR - Business Partner: Functions

TPARA - Directory of Memory IDs

TPARAAPPL - Application Table for TPARA

TPARAMETERS - Parameters for Transfer to Parallel Processing Module


TPARAT - Memory ID Short Texts

TPARA_VARIANTS - Parallel Processing Variants Retail

TPARA_VARIANTS_T - Parallel Processing Variants Retail - Texts

TPARG - Arguments for Finding Transfer Prices

TPART - Business Partner Functions: Texts

TPARTS - Equvalent for i_parts (marked Mat. in adspc_ip)

TPART_S - Partner Function/Partner Role Text Structure

TPARU - Control parallelized confirmation processes

TPAR_S - Partner Function/Partner Role Structure

TPATT - Pattern type in VarChart

TPATTR - Table Painter Attributes

TPAUM - Business partner: Language conversion for partner functions

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