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TNICPM - IS-H: ICPM structure - Delivery of ICPM catalog

TNIEBILL - IS-H: Internet-Enabled Estimated Invoice - Not Supported Now

TNII_TYPE - Info Structure of BDMT_CONTROL Monitoring Tree

TNIRS - IS-H: Settings for Insurance Relationships

TNIW3 - Lowest Value: Document Types

TNIW4 - Lowest Value: Movement Types

TNIW5 - Lowest Value: Deval. by Rge of Coverage

TNIW5N - Lowest Value: Devaluation by Range of Coverage (w. Version)

TNIW5W - Lowest Value: Devaluatn by Range of Cov. for Each Val. Area

TNIW6 - Lowest Value: Deval. for Reasons of Slow/Non-Movement

TNIW6N - Lowest Value: Devaluation by Slow/Non-Movement (w. Version)

TNIW6W - Lowest Value: Devaluation for Slow/Non-movement by Val.Area

TNIW7 - Weighting Factors for Consumption Values (Deter.Lowest Val.)

TNIW8 - Weighting of Stock Quantities (Deter.Low.Val.)

TNIW8H - Weighting of Stock Quantities per Period (Lowest Value)

TNIW9 - Reduction of Sales Prices (Lowest Value)

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