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SPHADDRESS - SAPphone: Type and Content of Address

SPHADMIN - SAPphone: Fields for administration

SPHBEXTNSN - SAPphone Internal: Structure for Extenstion Tables

SPHBUSER - SAPphone Internal: Structure for User Tables

SPHFIELDS - Structure for transferring field names and values

SPHOPTIONS - SAPphone: Structure of options for handling incoming calls

SPH_ADROBJ - SAPphone: Addresses and owner objects

SPH_AGREXT - SAPphone: Numbers of Authorization Groups

SPH_AGRKYS - SAPphone: Internal Key for Authorization Groups

SPH_AGRUSR - SAPphone: Users of Authorization Groups

SPH_APPLIC - SAPphone: Structure for tasks with description and flag

SPH_ATIC - SAPphone: Address data areas for incoming caller search

SPH_ATICT - SAPphone: Address data areas - Text table for SPH_ATIC

SPH_ATICTX - SAPphone: Address data areas with description

SPH_CALL - SAPphone: Call data

SPH_CALLER - SAPphone: Caller data

SPH_CAMPGS - SAPphone: List of Active Campaigns in CC / Dialer

SPH_CINFO - SAPphone: Call information

SPH_CSTATE - SAPphone: Call status

SPH_DEFLCT - SAPphone: Language-dependent texts for SPH_DEFLEC

SPH_DEFLEC - SAPphone: Permitted numbers for deflect

SPH_DEFLGP - SAPphone: Language-dependent texts for SPH_DEFLGR

SPH_DEFLGR - SAPphone: Deflect groups

SPH_DIALER - SAPphone: Dialer Structure

SPH_DLRCMP - SAPphone: Table with Dialer and Associated Campaigns

SPH_DYNUSR - SAPphone: User settings for screen

SPH_EXTENS - SAPphone: Extensions / Ext. Groups Combinations

SPH_EXTGRP - SAPphone: Extension Numbers Groups

SPH_EXTGRT - SAPphone: Language-dependent Texts for SPH_EXTGRP

SPH_EXTNSN - SAPphone: Extensions per Work Center

SPH_IDMETH - SAPphone: Identification Methods for Work Center Settings

SPH_IOBJ - SAPphone: Information object

SPH_IOCONT - SAPphone: Container for information object

SPH_IODESC - SAPphone: Indicator for information object

SPH_IODIR - SAPphone: Information object directory

SPH_LINEIP - SAPphone: Extension, User und IP Address for Gateway

SPH_LINES - SAPphone: Connections per server

SPH_OWNTEL - SAPphone: Your own telephone numbers

SPH_PCTONO - SAPphone: Work center settings

SPH_PDCALL - SAPphone: predictive dialing call/list entry

SPH_PDCHIS - SAPphone: predictive dialing call history

SPH_PDERR - SAPphone: Planned Call GUID and Error Code

SPH_PDGUID - SAPphone: Planned Call GUID and Server for Get Dialer

SPH_PDTEL - SAPphone: Predictive Dialing: time specification

SPH_QUEUES - SAPphone: List of Queues

SPH_R3DATA - SAPphone: Call data determined in R/3 System

SPH_SERVER - SAPphone: Telephony server settings

SPH_SERVID - SAPphone: ID of telephony server for interface

SPH_SERVT - SAPphone: Telephony server - Text table for SPH_SERVER

SPH_SITES - SAPphone: Site Attributes

SPH_SRVAL2 - Abbreviated, Character only SPH_SRVALL Structure (Unicode)

SPH_SRVALL - SAPphone: Server - all attributes

SPH_STEAGR - SAPphone: Authorization Groups of Sites

SPH_STEEXC - SAPphone: F_ALLOTHNO=(' ') X =>For All (Non)Allowed Numbers

SPH_STESRV - SAPphone: Server in Sites

SPH_STF4HP - SAPphone: Statistical Data - Value Help

SPH_STHDRE - SAPphone: Statistical Data - Header Structure

SPH_STHDRI - SAPphone: Statistical Data - Header Structure

SPH_STHDRM - SAPphone: Statistical Data - Header Structure with Marker

SPH_STRFLD - SAPphone: Structure field with value

SPH_STSLCR - SAPphone: Statistical Data - Selection Criteria

SPH_STSTPE - SAPphone: Statistical Data - External Connection Step Struct

SPH_STSTPI - SAPphone: Statistical Data - Internal Connection Step Struct

SPH_STSTPM - SAPphone: Statistical Data - Step Structure with Marker

SPH_SYSRET - SAPphone: System information for calls

SPH_TCSTAT - SAPphone: Call Overview for all the DNs of a Work Center

SPH_TELKEY - SAPphone: Key information for initiating call

SPH_TELNO - SAPphone: Telephone numbers with name and description

SPH_TELUSR - SAPphone: User settings

SPH_TERM - SAPphone: User-specific settings

SPH_TERMNL - SAPphone: Work center settings

SPH_UIODIR - SAPphone: Unique info object directory

SPH_USNOLI - SAPphone: Telephone number list for each user

SPH_USRDAT - SAPphone: User-specific settings

SPH_USTOAT - SAPphone: Assign address data areas to user

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