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HASH_DATA_FOR_ADVSO - Contains all hash relevant fields of an Advert. Sales Order

HASH_DATA_FOR_BP - Has data structure for businesss partner

HASH_DATA_FOR_BPSA - Contains all hash relevant fields of an BP Sales Account

HASH_DATA_FOR_CANDCY_ACT - Hash data for Candidacy Activity

HASH_DATA_FOR_CLCR - FSCM-CR: Hash Value Relevant Fields of Credit Limit Request

HASH_DATA_FOR_CUSTCONTR - Hash Data for Customer Contract

HASH_DATA_FOR_CUSTOMER - Contains all hash relevant fields of a Customer

HASH_DATA_FOR_CUSTOMER_APPL - Contains all hash relevant fields of a Customer

HASH_DATA_FOR_DISPCASE - FSCM-DM: Hash Value Relevant Fields of the Dispute Case

HASH_DATA_FOR_DOCUMENT - Contains all hash relevant fields of a Document

HASH_DATA_FOR_FMCENTRE - Hash code structure for Centre

HASH_DATA_FOR_FMCOMM_ITEM - Hash code structure for commitment item

HASH_DATA_FOR_FMFUNCTIONALAREA - Hash code structure for Functional Area

HASH_DATA_FOR_FMFUND - Hash code structure for Fund

HASH_DATA_FOR_FMPROGRAM - Hash code structure for Funded Program

HASH_DATA_FOR_FUNDS_CMMT_POS_1 - Hash code structure for Funds Commitment Document items

HASH_DATA_FOR_FU_CMMTDOCHEADER - Hash code structure for Funds Commitment Document

HASH_DATA_FOR_FU_CMMTDOC_HDR_1 - Hash code structure for Funds Commitment Document

HASH_DATA_FOR_FU_CMMTPOSITION - Hash code structure for Funds Commitment Document items

HASH_DATA_FOR_GRANT - Hash code structure for Grant

HASH_DATA_FOR_INDIVMATL - Hash Structure for Individual Material

HASH_DATA_FOR_INDIVMATL1 - Hash Structure for Individual Material

HASH_DATA_FOR_INSTPT - Hash relevant tructure with fields of an Installation Point

HASH_DATA_FOR_MAINTPLN - Hash Structure for Maintenace Plan

HASH_DATA_FOR_MSC - Hash Data Structure for Complaint Order

HASH_DATA_FOR_MSO - Hash relevant fields of a media subscription order

HASH_DATA_FOR_PRODALLWDCOMP - Product Allowed Component

HASH_DATA_FOR_PROJ - Hash Data Structure for Project BO

HASH_DATA_FOR_PROJECT - Hash Data Structure for Project BO

HASH_DATA_FOR_QISR_XI_PROXY - Hash code structure for commitment item

HASH_DATA_FOR_SRVCEXEORD - Hash Structure for Service Execution Order

HASH_DATA_FOR_SRVCREQ - Hash data for service request


HASH_DATA_FR_PROJ_COST_EST - Hash Structure for Project Cost Estimate

HASH_DATA_TXOBJECT_XI_PROXY - Hash Code Structure for Tax Object

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