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DCDATATYPE - DD: Check string for a data type

DCDDLCHK - DD: DDL checks - for example, used names

DCDDLGETSTATE - DD: Result after read of a DDL source

DCDDLGOTSTATE - DD: Result after read of a DDL source

DCDDLPUTSTATE - DD: Control Structure for Reading a DDL Source

DCDDLSACTCTRL - DD: Controls the activation of a DDL object

DCDDLSDBCHG - DD: DB-Relevant Changes

DCDDLSSTATDET - DDL Statistics - Details for Totals

DCDDLSSTATH - DDL Statistics - Header Table

DCDDLSSTATSUM - DDL Statistics - Totals


DCDDLSSTAT_DLMSTAT_2 - Statistics for DLM - ACM separate

DCDDLSSTAT_DLMSTAT_DUR - Statistics for DLM - Duration of Activation

DCDDOBJ - DD: DD objects and their type

DCDDTYPE - DD: DD types and their ABAP Dictionary type

DCDELDEPTB - DD: For dependencies during mass-deletion

DCDELTB - DD: Objects to be deleted in the mass activation program

DCDEPLEV - DD: Dependencies and Level

DCDEPSHORT - DD: Names of Dependent Objects

DCDEPTAB - Table of dep. objects incl. addtl. info. (DOMA,DTEL,TTYP)

DCDEPTB - DD: Dependencies between DD objects

DCDEPTB4LOG - DD: Dependencies for an activation run (key log)

DCDEPTBRC - DD: Dependencies between DD objects

DCDEPTYPES - Dependent types (table types and structures)

DCDODTRMSG - ABAP Dict.: Result message for the act. of a domain/data el.

DCDODTSMSG - ABAP Dict.: Start message for activating a domain/data elem.

DCDOHDATTR - Header Attributes of DOMA Changed by Input Checks

DCDOMAACT - DD: Control String for Domain Activation Program

DCDOMAACTP - DD: Control Parameter String for Domain Activation Program

DCDOMACHK - DD: Check string for domain activation program

DCDOMACHKI - DD: Check string for domain activ. prog. (inner consistency)

DCDOMACHKR - DD: Check string for dom.act.prog. (referential correctness)


DCDOMAFVAL - DD: Check string for the checks regarding the values

DCDOMAGET - Reference Structure for Function Module DD_DOMA_GET

DCDOMAMNT - DD: Fields in the domain maintenance screen

DCDOMAPUT - Control string for DD_DOMA_PUT

DCDOMAVTAB - DD: Check string for the checks regarding a value table

DCDOOUTPUT - DD: Checks for Output Attributes of Domains

DCDOVTGET - ABAP/4 Dic: Read status of data for the domain value tables

DCDTDOATTR - Attributes of DTEL with DOMA Changed by the Input Checks

DCDTEDATTR - Attributes of DTEL Changed by the Input Checks

DCDTEDCHK - Check String for Input Checks in Data Element Maintenance

DCDTELACT - Control String for DTEL Activation Program

DCDTELACTP - DD: Control parameter string for data element activator

DCDTELCHK - DD: Control String for Data Element Header Tests

DCDTELCTRL - DD: Control Parameter for Single Activator of Mass Activator

DCDTELFLAG - DD: Checks for Flags in Data Element

DCDTELGET - DD: Control String for DD_DTEL_GET

DCDTELPUT - Control String for DD_DTEL_PUT

DCDTELTXT - DD: Status of the Data Element Text in a Language

DCDTGET - DD: Control string for reading data element information

DCDTHDATTR - Header Attribute for DTEL Changed by Input Checks

DCDTREFOBJ - DD: Checks for Objects Referenced in Data Element

DCDTSHCHK - DD: Search help checks in the data element activator

DCDTSHGET - DD: Control string for reading a search help

DCDTTXATTR - Texts for DTEL Changed by Input Checks

DCDTTXCHK - DD: Control String for Data Element Text Tests

DCDTX030L - DD: Text for Nametab Representation (Header) for DTEL

DCDTX031L - DD: Nametab Fields with Expanded Flags for DTEL

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