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BSCATALOG - Bookshop Catalog of All Available Books

BSCL_ABBR - Abbreviations for Object Types

BSCL_CLASS_VIEW - Administration of generated Class Views

BSCL_CLASS_VIEW_UI - User interface for class view administration

BSCL_IBIN_SQL - Generated Table for View

BSCL_IBSYMBOLSQL - Generated Table for View


BSCL_S_CLASS_VIEW_KEY - Key of class view

BSCR_BLK - Oracle monitors: Block shipping for CR Blocks.

BSC_ADRK - R3A BP: Address Key

BSC_ADRU - Com. Interface: Structure ADDR_USE_DATA

BSC_ADRUK - Com. Interface: Structure ADDR_USE_KEY

BSC_ADRUX - Com. Interface: Structure ADDR_USE_DATAX

BSC_BANKK - R3A BP: Bank Connection ID

BSC_C400 - Com. Interface: Table Indicator X.400

BSC_CADR - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Address

BSC_CADRK - R3A BP: Relationship Address Key

BSC_CADRRE - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Address Remark

BSC_CADRUS - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Address Useage

BSC_CADRVR - Communication Interface: Table Indicators Address Version

BSC_CBANK - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Bank Details

BSC_CCADR - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Relationship Address

BSC_CCADRV - Com. Interface: Table Indicators - Address Version Catgry 3

BSC_CCARDK - R3A BP: Payment Card ID

BSC_CCCARD - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Credit Card

BSC_CCOMRE - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Communication Remark

BSC_CFAX - Com. Interface: Table Indicator FAX Number

BSC_CIDENT - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Identification Number

BSC_CINDUS - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Industries

BSC_CPAG - External Interface: Table Indicator Pager

BSC_CPFCT - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Partner Function

BSC_CPRT - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Printer

BSC_CRFC - Com. Interface: Table Indicator RFC Destination

BSC_CRML - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Remote Mail

BSC_CROLE - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Role

BSC_CRULE - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Appointments

BSC_CS070 - Com. Interface BP: Table Indicator for Set 70

BSC_CSMT - Com. Interface: Table Indicator SMTP Number

BSC_CSSF - Com. Interface: Table Indicator SSF

BSC_CSTAT - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Long Texts

BSC_CTAX - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Tax Number

BSC_CTAXCL - Com.Interface: Table Indicator Tax Classification

BSC_CTAXEX - Com.Interface: Table Indicator Tax Exemption

BSC_CTEL - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Telephone Number

BSC_CTEXT - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Long Texts

BSC_CTLX - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Telex Number

BSC_CTTX - Com. Interface: Table Indicator Teletex Number

BSC_CURI - Com. Interface: Table Indicator FTP and URL

BSC_CURR - Current_state Container Structure

BSC_DEFC - Com. Interface: Additional Data Credit Card Details

BSC_DEFCX - Com. Interface: Additional Data Credit Card Details

BSC_DROLE - Com. Interface: Data for Creating a Role

BSC_DUPL_ELEM - supported node and element names for duplicate check / fuzzy


BSC_DUPL_OBJ - supported object types for duplicate check

BSC_INDUS - Com. Interface: Structure INDUSTRY_DATA

BSC_INDUSK - Com. Interface: Structure INDUSTRY_KEY

BSC_INDUSX - Com. Interface: Structure INDUSTRY_DATAX

BSC_MAINCE - Com. Interface: Category and Group of a Business Partner

BSC_MAINI - Com. Interface: Business Partner Interface

BSC_MAINO - Com. Interface: Business Partner Object Type

BSC_MAINT - Com. Interface: Business Partner Change Indicator

BSC_NATP - Com. Interface: Stucture NAT_PERSON

BSC_NATPX - Com. Interface: Structure NAT_PERSON_X

BSC_PARENT - Hold Structure Hierarchy for Data Exchange

BSC_PERS - Com. Interface: Additional Data Personal Data

BSC_PERSX - Com. Interface: Additional Personal Data (X Fields)

BSC_PFCT - Com. Interface: Partner Function / Standard Partner

BSC_PFCTK - Com. Interface: Partner Function

BSC_PFSALA - R3A BP: Structure for the Sales Area

BSC_RELGE - Com. Interface: Data for Creating a Relationship

BSC_RELGEX - Com. Interface: Data for Creating a Relationship (X Bar)

BSC_RELI - Com. Ingterface: Instance Relationship

BSC_RELO - Com. Interface: Relationship Object Type

BSC_RELT - Com. Interface: Change Indicator Relationships

BSC_RLCAT - Communication Interface: Role Category

BSC_RLKEYD - Comm. Interface: Object Key and Role Category (Role Data)

BSC_ROLE - Com. Interface: BP Roles

BSC_ROLEX - External Interface: X Structure for Roles

BSC_RULEK - R3A-BP: Time Category

BSC_SALESA - R3A BP: Structure for the Sales Area

BSC_SEMPL - Com. Interface: Sales Employee, Data

BSC_SEMPLX - Com. Interface: Tax Classification Change Indicator

BSC_STATK - BAPI Transfer Structure: Business Partner Status (Read)

BSC_T400 - Com. Interface: Change Indicator X.400

BSC_TADR - Com. Interface: Change Indicator Address

BSC_TADRRE - Com. Interface: Change Indicator Address Remark

BSC_TADRUS - Com. Interface: Change Indicator Address Useage

BSC_TADRVR - Com. interface: Change Indicators Address Version

BSC_TASCLK - Com. Interface: Tax Classification Key

BSC_TAXCL - Com. Interface: Tax Classification Data

BSC_TAXCLK - Com. Interface: Tax Classification Key

BSC_TAXEXK - Com. Interface: Tax Exemption Data

BSC_TBANK - Com Interface: Change Indicator Bank Details

BSC_TCADR - Com Interface: Change Indicator Relationship Address

BSC_TCADRV - Com. Interface: Change Indicators - Address Version Catgry 3

BSC_TCCARD - Com Interface: Change Indicator Credit Card

BSC_TCENT - Com Interface: Change Indicator Central BP Data

BSC_TCOMRE - Com Interface: Change Indicator Communication Remark

BSC_TCONTA - Com Interface: Change Indicator Contact Person

BSC_TEXT - R3A BP: SAPscript; Text Lines


BSC_TFAX - Com. Interface: Change Indicator FAX Number

BSC_TIDENT - Com. Interface: Change Indicator Identification Number

BSC_TINDUS - Com. Interface: Industries Change Indicator

BSC_TINTER - Com. Interface: Change Indicator Shareholder

BSC_TPAG - Ext. Interface: Change Indicator Pager

BSC_TPFCT - Com. Interface: Partner Function Change Indicator

BSC_TPRT - Com. Interface: Printer Change Indicator

BSC_TRELGE - Com. Interface: General Relationship Data Change Indicator

BSC_TRFC - Com. Interface: RFC Destination Change Indicator

BSC_TRML - Com. Interface: Remote Mail Change Indicator

BSC_TROLE - Com. Interface: Role Change Indicator

BSC_TRULE - Com. Interface: Change Indicator Appointments

BSC_TS010 - Com. Interface BP, Set 10, Task and Indic., Reference Data

BSC_TS020 - Com. Interface BP, Set 20, Task and Indic., Reference Data

BSC_TS030 - Com. Interface BP, Set 30, Task and Indic., Reference Data

BSC_TS040 - Com. Interface BP, Task for Set 40

BSC_TS050 - Com. Interface BP, Task for Set 50

BSC_TS070 - Com. Interface BP, Task for Set 70

BSC_TS100 - Com. Interface BP, Task for Set 100

BSC_TS140 - Com. Interface BP, Set140, Task and Indicator Reference Data

BSC_TS60RE - Com. Interface:External Interface BP, Task for Set

BSC_TSEMPL - Com. Interface BP, Task for Sales Employee

BSC_TSMT - Com. Interface: Change Indicator SMTP Number

BSC_TSS10 - Com Interface BP, Set SPL10, Task and Flag Reference

BSC_TSS30 - Com Interface BP, Set SPL30, Task and Indicator Reference

BSC_TSSF - Com. Interface: Change Indicator SSF

BSC_TSTAT - Com. Interface: Change Indicator Long Texts

BSC_TTAX - Com. Interface: Change Indicator Tax Number

BSC_TTAXCL - Com. Interface: Tax Classification Change Indicator

BSC_TTAXEX - Com. Interface: Tax Exemption Change Indicator

BSC_TTEL - Com. Interface: Telephone Number Change Indicator

BSC_TTEXT - Com. Interface: Change Indicator Long Texts

BSC_TTLX - Com. Interface: Telex Number Change Indicator

BSC_TTTX - Com. Interface: Teletex Number Change Indicator

BSC_TURI - Com. Interface: FTP and URL Change Indicator

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