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W3ADMTX - MinApp Text Table

W3ADMX - MiniApp catalog

W3ATTRCX - Customer Settings for MiniApps

W3ATTRX - MiniApp Attributes

W3BHTMCON - WAB: Contexts for BHTML Functions

W3BHTMCONT - WAB: Texts for Use Contexts (BHTML Functions)

W3BHTMFUNC - WAB: Business HTML Functions

W3BHTMFUNT - Business HTML Function Texts

W3BHTMLPURESEQUENCE - BHTML Sequence W/O Comments and Line Breaks


W3BHTMLTAGINFORMATION - BHTML: Position of Tags (BHTL, Comments - Start, End)

W3BHTMPARA - WAB: Business HTML Parameters

W3BHTMPART - WAB: Business HTML Parameter Texts

W3BHTMPATT - WAB: Screen Fields for BHTML Templates

W3BHTMVALT - WAB: Texts for Business HTML Parameter Values

W3BHTMVALU - WAB: Values for Business HTML Parameters

W3BHTMWIZT - Obsolete: WAB: Texts for Business HTML Wizards

W3BHTMWIZZ - Obsolete: WAB: Business HTML Wizards

W3BVALLIST - WAB: Business HTML Values (Parameter + Value)

W3CONTYPES - WAB: Flow Editor Converter

W3CONVERT - ITS Flow Logic - Converter

W3CONVKEY - ITS: Key for Converting Entry Name from Short -> Long

W3CREATPAT - ITS: Table of Templates for Creating Templates

W3CROSS - WAB: Use in ITS Objects

W3CURSOR - ITS: Cursor position

W3DEFAULT - ITS: Flow Logic - Default

W3DEVAPP - Relationship Between Application and Device Type

W3DEVAPPS - Relationships Between Application and Device Type

W3DEVAPPWP - Device Dependency of Transactions: Transfer Structure

W3DEVAPPX - Relationship Between Application and Device Type

W3DEVFAV - MWP: Favorites for Mobile Terminals

W3DEVFAVS - MWP: Favorite Structure

W3DEVFAVT - Text Table for W3DEVFAV

W3DEVTYPE - Device types

W3DEVTYPT - Device Types Short Text

W3DEVTYPTX - Device Types Short Text

W3DEVTYPX - Device Types

W3DYNPFIEL - ITS: Screen Fields for Copy and Rename

W3ERROBJECTS - ITS: List of Objects with Data Errors (Not Readable)

W3EUMOD - ITS: Settings in RSEUMOD

W3EVENT - ITS: Flow Logic - Event

W3EXCEPTON - ITS Flow Logic - Exception

W3FIELDS - Field directory for internal table display in HTML

W3FILE - File name including path

W3FILEMAP - ITS: Flow Logic - Filemapping

W3FINDDYNP - WAB: Find HTML Templates Generated for One Screen

W3FINDINSERVICE - WAB: Search in Service, Query

W3FINDMIME - WAB: Search for MIMEs (Result Structure)

W3FINDMODU - WAB: Search by Module (Results List)

W3FINDREPA - WAB: Search by Resource Parameters (Results List)

W3FINDSEPA - WAB: Search by Service Parameters (Results List)

W3FINDSINP - WAB: Search by Interface Parameters (Results List)

W3FINDTEMP - WAB: Search by Templates (Results Structure)

W3FLAGS - ITS: Flags for Maintenance State

W3FLOWATTR - ITS: Flow Logic Properties

W3FLOWKEY - ITS: Flow Name

W3FLTAGATT - WAB: Attribute and Value of Flow Logic Tag

W3GENSTYLES - W3: Generation Styles for HTML Templates

W3GENSTYLESTEXT - ITS: Generation Style with Description

W3HEAD - Field directory for internal table display in HTML

W3HEXCONV - ITS: Conversion Table for Data Storage

W3HTML - Contains HTML for WWW client

W3HTMLT - WAB: Texts for HTML Files

W3HTMLTAGS - Table of Basic HTML Tags

W3HTML_WAO - Contains HTML for WWW Client (Web Add-On)

W3HTRCT - WAB: Texts for Themes

W3ISTDEVS - Cross Transport Problem

W3JSCRATTR - ITS: Attributes for JavaScript Files

W3JSCRT - WAB: Texts for JavaScript Files

W3MAPPING - ITS: Flow Logic - Parametermapping

W3MARK - WAB: Structure for Selecting Rows of a Table

W3MATTR - Attribute structure for Workplace for Web Applications

W3MIME - Contains MIME data for WWW client

W3MIMEAPPL - Assignment of MIME type and application


W3MIMET - WAB: Texts for MIME Objects

W3MIME_WAO - Contains MIME Data for WWW Client (Web Add-On)

W3MIMLATTR - ITS: Attributes for Language-Specific MIME Objects

W3MINX - Structure for passing MiniApp data to Workplace

W3MODTYPES - WAB: Module Types

W3MODTYPET - WAB: Module Type Texts

W3MODULE - WAB: Flow - Module Element

W3OBJLOINF - WAB: Local Information for ITS Objects

W3PARAM - Parameter definitions for various function modules

W3PARAMX - Parameters

W3PARAMX_O - Old Parameter Structure

W3PARAM_O - Old Structure for the Old PlugIn

W3PARAM_WAO - Parameter Definitions for Various Function Modules

W3PARATX - MiniApp Parameter Texts

W3PARX - Structure for passing MiniApp data to Workplace

W3PUBDIR - WAB: Publish Directory for Objects

W3PUBLISHINFO - Publishing Information for IAC Objects

W3QUERY - Query string for WWW server

W3QUERY_WAO - Query String for WWW Server

W3RESOATTR - ITS: Attributes for Resource Files

W3RESOKEY - ITS: Language Resource Key

W3RESOPARA - ITS: Parameters for Resource File

W3RESULT - ITS: Flow Logic - Result

W3SERINTP - WAB: Interface Parameters for Services

W3SERINTPS - WAB: Interface Parameters for a Service (Screen Fields)

W3SERINTPT - WAB: Texts for Interface Parameters for Services

W3SERVATTR - ITS: Service Attributes

W3SERVICET - Short Text for Internet Services

W3SERVPAFL - WAB: Indicators for Generating Service Parameters

W3SERVPARA - ITS: Service Parameters

W3SESUBOBJ - ITS: Selection Flags for Components of a Service

W3SOURPOS - ITS: Position in Source

W3SPAR - WAB: Possible Service Parameters

W3SPART - WAB: Service Parameter Texts

W3TEMLATTR - ITS: Attributes for Language-Specific Templates

W3TEMPATTR - ITS: Attributes for Templates

W3TEMPLATE - Generated Table for View W3TEMPLATE

W3TEMPLATE_NEW64 - Generated Table for View

W3TEMPLID - Structure for Template IDs in INDX-Like Tables

W3TEXT - Parameter value for long parameter

W3TREES - Internet-enabled Reporting Trees (-> Transaction SERP)

W3XMLPROPERTYINFO - Info for XML Screen Property for Screen

W3XML_EDITOR_CHANGED_ELEMENT - XML Templates, Editor, Changed Elements


W3XML_EDITOR_ELEMENT_PROPS - XML Templates: Structure for ALV of Element Properties

W3XML_EDITOR_ELEMENT_TREE_ITEM - Web Application Builder: Element Tree in XML Editor

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