Select data from sap tables RRP

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RRPODEVCOM - Revenue Recognition: Communication Structure for PODEV Event

RRPODEVCUST - Revenue Recognition: Comm.Structure for Cust.-Specific PODEV

RRPR01 - Structure for specification of printed report (PRINT)

RRPR01F - Flags in CELL

RRPRCTT - Include the Currency Translation

RRPRINPUT - Control Information for Input Readiness

RRPROVRQRRK - Additional Fields in the RRK0 Layer

RRP_CORE_DATA_STY - RRP: Data for Rapid Requirement Calculation

RRP_DOC_TYPE_STY - Relevant Document Types for Rapid Replenishment

RRP_FC_STY - Forecast Data for Rapid Requirement Planning

RRP_LP_OPENQUANT_STY - Logistical Product: open quantities of all ProcProds of SP

RRP_PO_STY - Purchase Order Data for Rapid Requirement Planning

RRP_PP_OPENQUANT_STY - Logistical Product: open quantities per Procurement Product

RRP_PP_SP_MAP_STY - Mapping for Logistical Products: ProcurProd -> SalesProd

RRP_PR_STY - RRP: Purchase Requisition Data for Rapid Requirement Pl.

RRP_REQU_DATA_STY - RRP: Components for Rapid Requirement Calculation

RRP_STOCK_STY - RRP: Stock Data for Rapid Requirement Planning

RRP_V_FC - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_FC_RLT - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_FC_TRC - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_GI_PO - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_GI_PR - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_GRGIPO_ALL - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_GR_GI_PO - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_GR_GI_PR - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_GR_OC - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_GR_PO - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_GR_PR - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_PO_OC_ALL - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_PO_OC_SUM - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_STOCK_MARC - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_STOCK_MARD - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_STOCK_SUM - Generated Table for View

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