Select data from sap tables DB2_O

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Display SAP table details

DB2CONDESCR - DB2: Description of a database connection

DB2CONGROUPS - Groups of DB2 connections

DB2CONINI - represents the connect.ini file

DB2CONTEND - Structure for ALV grid (History Content end time)

DB2CONTENT - Structure for list of history content

DB2CONTSTR - Structure for ALV grid (History Content start time)

DB2CONVTOOL - DB2 z/OS: Recommendations for data conversions

DB2COPYI - DB2 copy information from SYSIBM.SYSCOPY

DB2JOB - JCL Jobs for OS/390

DB2JOBIDMAP - Maps JCL Job ID for backwards compatibility with FTP JES ID

DB2JOBPROFILE - JCL job profiles - old structure - use DB2_JOBPROFILE_DATA

DB2LOBS - DB02 structure for LOBs

DB2LOCKESCAL - DB2 alert for lock escalations

DB2LOCKESCALATIONS - Structure for Lock Escalations (Fieldcatalog)

DB2LOCKESCPROC - DB2 for z/OS: Postprocessed lock escalations (IFCID 337)

DB2LOCKRES - Resources locked by a thread

DB2LOCKS - Locked DB2-Resources and their Holders and Waiters

DB2LOCKSC - Locked Resources for a Thread

DB2LOCKSH - Locked Resources for a Thread

DB2LOCKSHC - Locked Resources for a Thread

DB2LOCKS_RESOURCE_THREADS - Locked DB2-Resources and their Holders and Waiters

DB2LODLK - RFC - Deadlock Table

DB2LODLKI - RFC - Deadlock Table for ICLI Alert Router

DB2LODRS - RFC - Deadlock Resources

DB2LODRSI - RFC - Deadlock Resources with ICLI Alert Router

DB2LOGS - RFC - Active Log Shortage

DB2LOGSHORT - Srtucture for Active Log Shortage (Fieldcatalog)

DB2LONGRUN - Structure for Long-Running Transactions (Fieldcatalog)

DB2LOTHW - RFC - Timeout Waiter and Holder

DB2LOTHWI - RFC - Timeout Waiter and Holder with ICLI Alert Router

DB2LOTRS - RFC - Timeout Resources

DB2LOTRSI - RFC - Timeout Resources with ICLI Alert Router

DB2MON - DB2/390 Monitor Table

DB2MONIKEY - Key for Access to Table MONI

DB2NORUN - Exclude table spaces from RUNSTATS ALL

DB2TOPSTMTS - Structure for DB2 Subsystem Summary (Top SQL Stmts)

DB2VOLLST - List of Volumes on which R/3 Objects Reside

DB2VOLLSTF - Free Space on OS/390 DASD

DB2ZOSENCR - VSAM catalog w. encryption flag

DB2_OBJ_EXCEPTIONS - DB2 z/OS Objects to be excluded for maintenance jobs

DB2_OPTIM_PROFIL - Configuration table for statement profiles

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