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BTXAUTH - BSI Tax Authorities

BTXBGRP - BSI: Group Block Data

BTXBLOK - BSI: Tax Formula Block Data

BTXBRAK - BSI: Tax Formula Bracket Data

BTXCHKF01 - Budge_text: File Name of Last Check Out

BTXCHKO01 - Budge_text: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Obj.

BTXCMTH - BSI: Tax calculation method

BTXCOMP - BSI: Tax Company Code

BTXCOMP_O - BSI: Tax Company Code

BTXCONT01 - Budge_text: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)

BTXCUTX - BSI: Customer Tax Formula

BTXCUTX_O - BSI: Customer Tax Formula

BTXDOCL01 - Budge_text: Instances of Logical Information Objects

BTXDOCP01 - Budge_text: Instances of Physical Information Objects

BTXEERR - BSI: Error messages

BTXEGRP - BSI: Employee Group

BTXEGRP_O - BSI: Employee Group

BTXEMPT - BSI: Employee tax results

BTXERES - BSI: Employee/Employer tax

BTXFDOC - BSI: Tax Formula Documentation

BTXFORM - BSI Tax Formulas

BTXIDXST01 - Budge_text: Status Table for Indexing Documents

BTXKDF - Fields for Exch.Rate Difference Posting for Taxes

BTXLOIOT01 - Budge_text: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects

BTXLOPR01 - Budge_text: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects

BTXLORE01 - Budge_text: Outgoing Relations of Logical Information Object

BTXLORI01 - Budge_text: Incoming Relations of Logical Info Objects

BTXMESS - BSI: Error Messages Entities

BTXOVER - BSI: Higher Level Tax Formula

BTXOVER_O - BSI: Higher Level Tax Formula

BTXOVFR - BSI: Higher Level Formulas for Employees

BTXOVFR_O - BSI: Higher Level Formulas for Employees

BTXPHF01 - Budge_text: Files of Physical Information Objects

BTXPHHR01 - Budge_text: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects

BTXPHNM01 - Budge_text: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects

BTXPHPR01 - Budge_text: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

BTXPHRE01 - Budge_text: Outgoing Relations of Physical Info Objects

BTXPHRI01 - Budge_text: Incoming Relations of Physical Info Objects

BTXPLAN - BSI: Benefit plan types

BTXPLNX - BSI: Benefit Plan

BTXPURG - BSI: Purge Periods in Months

BTXPURGE - BSI: Purge Retention Periods

BTXRATE - BSI: Tax Rates per Company Based on Degree of Experience

BTXRATE_O - BSI: Tax Rates per Company Based on Degree of Experience

BTXRCPT - BSI: Tax Formula Reciprocal Data

BTXSUPB - BSI: Upgrade-Information

BTXTAX - BSI: Grouping Tax Authority Tax Category

BTXTAXC - Tax Authority Mapping


BTXTERR - BSI: Employee Payroll Error Message Grouping

BTXTINF - BSI: Test information

BTXTRES - BSI: Tax Results

BTXTTAX - BSI: Test Taxes

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