Select data from sap tables PRT

Warning: Undefined variable $saptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 45

Display SAP table details

PRTAB - Transfer Table from Graphic Selection

PRTCTRQTYDIS - Generated Table for View

PRTC_PROD_GRP - Product Group

PRTC_PROD_GRP_T - Product Group

PRTC_RACCT - Generated Table for View

PRTE - Scheduling Data for Project Item

PRTEB - Document Structure of Table PRTE

PRTEE - Document Structure of Table PRTE

PRTEF - Internal Transfer Structure for Schedule Errors

PRTEINC - Scheduling Data for Project Item

PRTE_UPDATE - Field string PRTE

PRTE_UPDATE_RELEVANT - Fields from PRTE (sim.vers.) that are relevant to the update

PRTE_UPD_OP2VS - Fields from PRTE (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update

PRTE_UPD_VS2OP - Fields from PRTE (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update

PRTE_UPD_VS2VS - Fields from PRTE (sim.vers.) NOT relevant to the update

PRTGOPALLOCSUMRY - Generated Table for View

PRTGOPERHDRESH - Generated Table for View

PRTGVUIACTVH - Generated Table for View

PRTGVUISASVH - Generated Table for View

PRTGVUIWFLHLP - Generated Table for View

PRTHUKP - Prototype Structure: HU Header Records

PRTHUPO - Prototype Structure: HU Items

PRTHUPO_ALV - Prototype Structure (ALV): HU Items

PRTLPRMAGSTF4674 - Generated Table for View

PRTLPRMSTSUF4674 - Generated Table for View

PRTMFORDSTAT - Generated Table for View

PRTMOBALANCE - Generated Table for View

PRTMOINSPPSTRSRV - Generated Table for View

PRTMOINSPPSTVARC - Generated Table for View

PRTMOINSPPSTWIP - Generated Table for View

PRTMOLOG - Generated Table for View

PRTMOLOGDATA - Generated Table for View

PRTMOPSTKPI - Generated Table for View

PRTMORD - Generated Table for View

PRTMORD1 - Generated Table for View

PRTMORSRV - Generated Table for View

PRTMOTBALANCE - Generated Table for View

PRTMOTBPKPI - Generated Table for View

PRTMOWIP - Generated Table for View

PRTMOWIPRELACT - Generated Table for View

PRTOCCOGMHDRITM - Generated Table for View

PRTOCCOGMHDRITM1 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCCOGMHDRITM2 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCCOGMHDRITM3 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCCOGMHDRITM4 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDACTUAL - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDACTUAL1 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDACTUAL2 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDACTUAL3 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDEBVARC - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDEBVARC1 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDEBVARC2 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDEXCPSTS1 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDEXCPSTS2 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDHDIACTL - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDHDIACTL1 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDHDRITMC - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDHDRITMC1 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDHDRITMC2 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDHDRITMC3 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDHDRITMC4 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDHDRITMC5 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDOOQTY - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDOOQTY1 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDORDTGT - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDPLNSTD - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDPLNSTD1 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDPLNSTD2 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDPLNSTD3 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDPLNTGT - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDTGTQTY - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDVARC - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDVARC1 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDVARC2 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDWIP - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDWIP1 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDWIP2 - Generated Table for View

PRTOCDWIP3 - Generated Table for View

PRTORDERBALANCE - Generated Table for View

PRTORDERCOST - Generated Table for View

PRTORDKST - Generated Table for View

PRTP - Subprojects

PRTRVMRNVAL - Generated Table for View

PRTST - Test Relationships - Relationships Table

PRTSTASSGBLUSER - Generated Table for View

PRTSTCPRCNTCALC - Generated Table for View

PRTSTCPRCNTPRDCA - Generated Table for View

PRTSTCPRCNTPRDNB - Generated Table for View

PRTSTPERSFRMWRK - Generated Table for View

PRTSTUSERASSIGN - Generated Table for View

PRTST_DB - Update Structure for Relationships

PRTT_COMM_HEADITEM_COM - Mixed Header/Item Communication Structure

PRTT_COMM_HEAD_ACS - Access Communication Structure

PRTT_COMM_HEAD_COM - Header Communication Structure

PRTT_COMM_ITEM_COM - Item Communication Structure

PRTT_COMM_TOTAL_COM - Whole Communication Structure

PRTWIPB - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPFPACQUA - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPFPCOST1 - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPFPCOST2 - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPFPCOST3 - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPFPCOST4 - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPHDRITM - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPHISTORY - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPHISTORY1 - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPHISTRLTV - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPHISTRLTV1 - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPORDHDRITM - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPORDMAXSTS - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPPRODORD - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPPRORDSTCT1 - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPPRORDSTCT2 - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPPRORDSTCT3 - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPREPORTING1 - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPREPORTING2 - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPREPORTING3 - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPREPORTING4 - Generated Table for View

PRTWIPREPORTING5 - Generated Table for View

PRTX - PS Texts (WBS)

PRTXD - PS text for WBS, Allocation and administration records

PRTXS - PS texts (standard WBS)

PRTX_D - Draft Table for WBS Assignment to PS Text

PRTX_STD_D - Draft Table for Std WBS Assignment to PS Text

PRTY - Time-Dependent Price Categories

PRT_CLASS_DATA - Dat for class of PRTs

PRT_CLASS_DATA_INTERFACE - PRT assignments (int. format) for Direct Input in the EWB

PRT_CLASS_DATA_PLAIN - PRT assignments (ext. format) for Direct Input in the EWB

PRT_CLASS_LINK - Data for the class of PRTs

PRT_CLASS_SEL - Selection structure for PRTs

PRT_CLASS_VIEW - Descriptions, additional data, screen elements for PRT

PRT_CTRL_DATA - Control data for the class of PRTs

PRT_CTRL_DATA_SCR - Control data

PRT_DATA - Dialog structure PRT assignment

PRT_INCL_EEW_PS - Product Master Basic Data include

PRT_INCL_EEW_TR - Product master retail basic data include

PRT_INCL_EEW_X - Product Master RetailData X include

PRT_INFO - Additional fields for PLFH

PRT_LOG_DATA - Production Res./Tool Data for Log Display in Application Log

PRT_MAN - PRT: Structure for comparing fields changed manually

PRT_PATH - Production resource/tool assignment ID

PRT_SORT_IDENT - IDentification of the operation in the standard sort

PRT_SORT_STD - Standard sort string for production resources/tools

PRT_SORT_VERSION - PRT versions in the standard sort

PRT_VERS_INSTANCE - Task List Version: Production Resources/Tools

PRT_VERS_KEY - Task List Version: key of component allocations

Return Table index