SAP T-Code search on S_G

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SAGRDIST_ATTR - Maintain Value Help for Attributes

SAGRDIST_FIELDNAME - Maintain Field Names for Attributes

SAGRDIST_SETUP - Role Distribution: Customizing

SBGRFCCONF - bgRFC Configuration

SBGRFCHIST - Display Unit History


SBGRFCPERFMON - bgRFC Performance Monitor

SBGRFCSCHEDMON - bgRFC Scheduler Monitor

SEGDNL - Start Segment wise Download Wizard

SEGW - Gateway Service Builder

SFGDT_TOOL - Tool for Risk Objects

SIGNA - Register Signature Application

SIGNO - Register Signature Object

SIGS - IGS Administration

SLG0 - Application Log: Object Maintenance

SLG1 - Application Log: Display Logs

SLG2 - Application Log: Delete logs

SLGD - Display Logs with Selection Screen

SLGM_SUPP - Suppor tool for Application Log

SLGN - Applic.log: Number range maintenance

SLGR - Edit Residence Times for Appl. Log

SLGT - Register in Central Object Directory

SLG_ISU - Log Display for Parallel Mass Run

SMGW - Gateway Monitor

STGTC - Konfiguration der Antwortzeit

SUGR - Maintain User Groups

SUGRD - Display user groups

SUGRD_NAV - Display User Groups

SUGR_NAV - Maintain User Groups

SVGM - SAP R/3 Procedure Model

SVGS - View for activity in Procedure Model

SZGEOCD_COSTOMZVERIF - Verify Customizing (Analysis)

SZGEOCD_GEOCD2CLS - Register Geocoder in System

SZGEOCD_GEOCDRLFLD - Relevant Address Fields for Geocoder

SZGEOCD_GEOCODERS - Assign Geocoding Tools to Countries

SZGEOCD_GEOT005 - Maintain Geodata for Countries

SZGEOCD_GEOT005S - Maintain Geodata for Country/Region

SZGEOCD_MASS - Mass Assignment: Geocoder to Country

SZGEOCD_TEST - Geocoding Test Program

S_GM1_71000030 - Audit Risk Rating Risk Factor

S_GM1_71000031 - Allow Repeat Transfers

S_GM1_71000032 - Maintain Default Values for Transfer

S_GM1_71000035 - Number range for Audit Subprocess

S_GM1_71000036 - Number range for Audit Control

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