SAP T-Code search on RSD

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RSD1 - Characteristic Maintenance

RSD2 - Maintenance of key figures

RSD3 - Maintenance of units

RSD4 - Maintenance of time characteristics

RSD5 - Internal: Maint. of Techn. Chars

RSDANLCON - Set Up Near-Line Connections

RSDAP - Edit Data Archiving Process

RSDAS_BROWSE - Browser for Data Access Services

RSDATA - Transfer BW Scenario Data

RSDBC - DB connect

RSDBGENA - Selection Screen Generation

RSDB_ADD_ID_2_CRM - Create External ID for CRM-GP

RSDB_INIT - Initial Download of D&B Data

RSDCUBE - Start: InfoCube editing

RSDCUBED - Start: InfoCube editing

RSDCUBEM - Start: InfoCube editing

RSDDAGGRCHECK - Maintenance of Aggregate Check

RSDDB - SAP HANA/BWA Index Maintenance

RSDDBIAMON - BW Accelerator Maintenance Monitor

RSDDBIAMON2 - BW Accelerator Maintenance Monitor

RSDDBIAMON3 - BW Accelerator Maintenance Monitor

RSDDCHECK - Recursive DDIC Consistency Check

RSDDG - Demo Data Generation

RSDDSTAT - Maintain the BW Statistics Settings

RSDDSTAT_SEL_CUST - Customizing of selection statistics

RSDDTPS - Start Explorer Maintenance

RSDDV - Maintaining Aggregates/BIA Index


RSDD_LTIP - Administration of Analytical Indexes

RSDD_LTIP_PUBLISH - Publish a TREX Cube Index

RSDEMO02 - Testtransaction Table Control

RSDEPEND - ABAP: Dependent Objects (RSDEPEND)

RSDF - Edit Data Flows

RSDFWIZ - Data Flow Generation Wizard

RSDHAAP - SAP HANA Analysis Process Designer

RSDHAAP_MONITOR - SAP HANA Analysis Process Monitor

RSDHATR - SAP HANA Transformation

RSDHYBR - Initial Screen: Edit HybridProvider

RSDHYBRD - Initial Screen: Edit HybridProvider

RSDHYBRM - Initial Screen: Edit HybridProvider

RSDIOBC - Start: InfoObject catalog editing

RSDIOBCD - Start: InfoObject catalog editing

RSDIOBCM - Start: InfoObject catalog editing

RSDIOBJDBROUT - Display Master Data Routine

RSDIOBJGISMAINT - Maintain GIS Information

RSDIOBJNUMBRAN - InfoObject Number Range Object

RSDIOBJTRANS - Configure Transfer Routines

RSDIPROP - Maintain InfoProvider Properties

RSDL - DB Connect - Test Program

RSDMCUS - Data Mining Customising

RSDMD - Master Data Maintenance w.Prev. Sel.

RSDMD_TEST - Master Data Test

RSDMPRO - Initial Screen: MultiProvider Proc.

RSDMPROD - Initial Screen: MultiProvider Proc.

RSDMPROM - Initial Screen: MultiProvider Proc.

RSDMWB - Datamining Workbench

RSDMWB_OLD - Data Mining Workbench

RSDMWB_OO - Datamining Workbench

RSDODS - Initial Screen: ODS Object Processng

RSDODSD - Initial Screen: ODS Proces. (Deliv.)

RSDPMDDBSETUP - Creates a MOLAP Database in MSAS

RSDPMOLAPDS - MOLAP DataSource creation

RSDPP - Data Protection Workbench


RSDS - DataSource

RSDSD - DataSource Documentation

RSDSHANA - Manage SAP HANA Remote Subscriptions

RSDSHANAS - Overview Realtime Repl. (SAP HANA)

RSDS_JOBLOG - Display job log

RSDS_PROPOSE - Find InfoObjects for DataSource

RSDTA - Administration of the Data Targets

RSDTP - DTP Maintenance

RSDV - Validity Slice Maintenance

RSDWB - Internal call from Eclipse

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