SAP T-Code search on RM_

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RM00 - Position of Risk Objects

RM01 - Position of Risk Objects

RM02 - RM: Position Groups

RM10 - RM: Views

RM10D - RM: Views

RM11 - RM: Portfolio Hierarchies

RM11D - RM: Portfolio Hierarchies (Display)

RMBDS1 - Archiving of Report Data

RMBDS2 - Delete Archived Report Data

RMBDS3 - Report Data: Overview of Archive

RMBDSA - Overview of Report Data

RMBDSB - Create Report Data

RMBDSN - BDS: Number Range for Runs

RMBK1 - BCA: Derivation Strategy

RMBK2 - BCA: Rule Entries

RMBPRE_ASSIGN - Assign Ref. Entities to BPs

RMBSC - Maintain Basis Spread Curve Types

RMBSM - Maintain Basis Spread Values

RMC0 - Single Value Analysis: CFaR

RMCARS - Display Random Walks

RMCM - Link Between Cash Mgmt and Risk Mgmt

RMCOV - Matrix Checks for Risk Analytics

RMCSC - Maint. Cred. Spread Curve Structures

RMCSM - Maintain Credit Spread Values

RMD01 - FO: Derivation Strategy

RMD02 - Financial Object: Rule Entries

RMDR1 - Gen.Transaction: Derivation Strategy

RMDR2 - Gen. Transaction: Rule Entries


RMFD - Financial Object Data

RMFZ1 - Derivation of RM Part for Facilities

RMGK - Maintain Yield Curve Types

RMHWCAL - Calibration of the Hull-White Model

RMIBKKA - BCA Account: FO Integr. act./inact.

RMIFGDT - Gen.Trans.: Act/Deact FO Integration

RMIJBVT - Var. Trans.: FO Integr. act./inact.

RMIKLFZ - Facility: Activate/Deactivate FO Int

RMINI_SAFT - Mini SAF-T Report for Portugal

RMINI_SAFTN - Mini SAF-T Report for Portugal

RMMDG - Market Data Generator

RMMDGSBP - Forex Swap Basis Points Generator

RMPSACTIVATEWF - Activation of Process Routes


RMPSDISPOSALOFFER - Create List of Providers

RMPSDOD_EVENTCUST - DOD: Event customizing

RMPSDOD_EVENTTYPES - DoD: Event Types for Disposal

RMPSDOD_RULEBASE - DOD: Rulebase customizing

RMPSE_SOA_DOC - Customizing for DocTypes for ESOA

RMPSE_SOA_REC - Customizing for RecTypes for ESOA

RMPSP_GENATTR_DOD - Generate Attributes (DoD)

RMPSP_GENATTR_TNA - Generate Attributes (TNA)

RMPSP_GEN_ATTRIBUTE - Generating of Attributes


RMPSP_RECTYPE - Create Disposal Document Type

RMPSP_T_ORG - Define Organizations

RMPSRETDURPW - Maintain Res. Time of Temp. Objects

RMPSSTORDUR - Define Storage Duration in Stor.Cat

RMPSSTORPLACE - Define Storage Location

RMPSTNA_EVENTCUST - TNA: Adapted cutomizing transaction

RMPSTNA_EVENTTYPES - TNA: Event Types for Disposal

RMPS_ACL_STATUS - Status Maintenance Dstb Lists in ACL


RMPS_AUDIT_CUST - Help for Log Customizing

RMPS_AUDIT_REORG - Log Reorganization

RMPS_COFCON - Confirm Cutoff

RMPS_COF_CUST - TNA: Maintain Cutoff Periods

RMPS_CUSTOMIZING - Customizing Public Sector RecordsMgt

RMPS_DIPT_NRRANGE - Nummer Range Maintenance: RMPSDIPTID

RMPS_DOCNR - Nummer Range Maintenance: RMPSDOCNR

RMPS_DOD_DISPOSAL - DOD : Start Disposal Process

RMPS_DOD_DOCSTRG - Storage Categories for DOD disposal

RMPS_DOD_TRANS - DOD : Disposal Transactions

RMPS_DP_REP - TNA: Disposal Reporting

RMPS_EVENTTYPES - TNA: Event Types for Disposal

RMPS_EXPDEST - TNA: Maintain Export Destinations

RMPS_EXPORT - Export in Case Management

RMPS_IMPORT_KC - Import Key Word Catalog

RMPS_KPRO - Objects in KPro: Reporting

RMPS_LIST_ATTRIBUTES - List Attributes for Document Class

RMPS_LIST_PAPER_REC - List of Paper Records

RMPS_MAINT_PATH - Maintain Process Route

RMPS_MAINT_PATH_CASE - Maintain Process Route Case

RMPS_MAINT_PATH_POST - Maintain P. Route Incoming Post Item

RMPS_MT_STORAGE_P - Check and Define Retention Periods

RMPS_PHYS_DISPOSAL - Physical Disposal

RMPS_POST_HISTORY - Call Incoming Post Book

RMPS_POST_PROCESS - TNA: Object Postprocessing Disposal

RMPS_PRO_DISPOSAL - Start Disposal Process

RMPS_PRO_TRANS - TNA: Disposal Transactions

RMPS_PUTAWAY_DELETE - Delete Temporary Objects

RMPS_RATING_LIST - Load Valuation Directory

RMPS_RECORD_LIST - Records Directory

RMPS_RECTYPE - TNA: Declare Record Types

RMPS_RECTYPEC - TNA: Record Types Customizing

RMPS_RULEBASE - Disposal Schedules

RMPS_SECL - Convert Authorization Levels

RMPS_SET_SUBSTITUTE - Maintain Substitute (Administration)

RMPS_TRF_CONFIG - Transfer Configuration

RMPS_TRF_EXPORT - Export Workbench

RMPS_TRF_IMPORT - Import Workbench

RMPS_UNRESERVE - Deletion Report for Reservations

RMPS_VITAL_RECORDS - Check Vital Records

RMPS_VITAL_RECORDS_C - Select Vital Records

RMPS_VITAL_RECORDS_M - Monitor Vital Records

RMPS_VITAL_RECORDS_R - Check Vital Records

RMRB - Dataset Management

RMRBA1 - Dataset Archiving

RMRBA2 - Delete Archived Dataset

RMRE - Maintain Reference Entities

RMREBP - Automatic Creation of Ref. Entity

RMSL02 - Change Label Set

RMSL03 - Display Label Set

RMSLTABLEINFO - Data Analysis Report for Labeling

RMSL_NR - Number Range for Label Set

RMSTAT - Mass Status Change

RMS_EQR_NR - Maintain Number Ranges for Equip.Req

RMS_GLOB - Global Recipe Customizing

RMS_POB_NR - Maintain No. Ranges for Process Mgmt

RMTABLEINFO - RM Data Analysis Report

RMV0 - Single Value Analysis: VAR

RMVARS - Display Shifts during VaR Evaluation

RMVC - Correlations between Exchange Rates

RMVT1 - Variable Trans: Derivation Strategy

RMVT2 - Variable Transaction: Rule Entries

RMW99 - Area Menu

RMWB - Start Workbench

RMWBCUST - Workbench Settings

RMXM_BOM_CMP - Compare Bills of Material

RMXTPLAN02 - Change Trial Planning

RMXTPLAN03 - Display Trial Planning

RMXT_IMG01 - Transf. Characteristics frm Client 0

RMYC - Overview/Maintenance of Yield Curves

RM_01 - Initialize view

RM_02 - Regenerate View

RM_97 - Display of DB Logs

RM_98 - Diagnosis of BP Admin. Tables

RM_99 - Deactivate Financial Objects

RM_START - Test RM Integration

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