SAP T-Code search on RESC

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RESCA - Import A-tape

RESCADVSTATUS - Status of Advance Payments

RESCAJ - Specify Adjustments for SCS

RESCAJAA - Adjustment of Assessments

RESCAJCO - Adjustment for COA Settlement

RESCAJTN - Adjustment for Tenant Settlement

RESCBC - Posting of Settlement

RESCBCAL - Posting of Accrual/Deferral

RESCBCCO - Posting of COA Settlement

RESCBCTN - Posting of Tenant Settlement

RESCCC - Generate Cost Collector

RESCCH - Continue a Service Charge Settlement

RESCCHAA - Continue Assessment Adjustment

RESCCHAL - Continuation of Accrual/Deferral

RESCCHCO - Continue COA Settlement

RESCCHTN - Continue Tenant Settlement

RESCD - Import D-tape

RESCDC - Distribution Overview

RESCDCO - Import D-Tape for COA

RESCD_BY_EVALGRP - Import D-Tape by Evaluation Group

RESCFIX - Store a Simulated SC Settlement

RESCFIXAL - Storing of Accrual/Deferral

RESCFIXCO - Store a COA Settlement

RESCFIXTN - Store a Tenant Settlement

RESCGC - Cost Overview

RESCIS - Report for Service Charge Settlement

RESCISAA - Report on Assessment Adjustment

RESCISAL - Evaluation of Accrual/Deferral

RESCISCO - Report on COA Settlement

RESCISMULTI - Report on Multiple Settlements

RESCISMULTIRO - Report on Multiple Settlements

RESCISTN - Report on Tenant Settlement

RESCML - Create M/L-Tape

RESCMLCO - Create M/L-Tape for COA

RESCMOAL - Change of Accrual/Deferral Results

RESCMOBEAL - Change of Accrual/Deferral Results

RESCMPRO - Display Meters for Rental Objects

RESCMPSU - Meters for Settlement Units

RESCPG - Process Participation Group

RESCPG0001 - PG: Applications

RESCPG0002 - PG: Field Groups

RESCPG0003 - PG: Views

RESCPG0004 - PG: Sections

RESCPG0005 - PG: Screens

RESCPG0006 - PG: Screen Sequences

RESCPG0007 - PG: Events

RESCPG0008 - PG: CUA Standard Functions

RESCPG0009 - PG: CUA Additional Functions

RESCPG0011 - PG: Assignment Screen Fld->DB-Field

RESCPG0012 - PG: Field Modification Criteria

RESCPG0013 - PG: Role Categories

RESCPG0014 - PG: Role Category Grouping

RESCPG0016 - PG: Tables

RESCPG0017 - PG: External Applications

RESCPG0018 - PG: Activities

RESCPG0019 - PG: Fld Mod. per Activity (Control)

RESCPG0022 - PG: Where-Used List: Structure

RESCPG0100 - PG: Field Modification per Activity

RESCPG0102 - PG: Authorization Types

RESCPG0103 - PG: Field Groups for Authorization

RESCPG0104 - PG: Screen Configuration

RESCPG0105 - PG: Fld Modif. per External Applic.

RESCPG0106 - PG: Assignment ObjectPart --> MemoID

RESCPG0107 - PG: Where-Used List: Views

RESCPGAR - Archive Participation Groups

RESCPGARE - Display Participation Grps (Archive)

RESCPGCHECK - Mass Check: Participation Groups

RESCPGRO - Rental Objects for Particip.Groups

RESCPGRP - Change Pers.Resp: Particip. Groups

RESCROSU - Settlement Units for Rental Objects

RESCRV - Reversal of Service Chg Settlement

RESCRVAA - Reversal of Assessment Adjustment

RESCRVAL - Reversal of Accrual/Deferral

RESCRVCO - Reversal of COA Settlement

RESCRVTN - Reversal of Tenant Settlement

RESCSE - Service Charge Settlement

RESCSEAA - Assessment Adjustment

RESCSEAL - Accrual/Deferral

RESCSEAR - Archive SC Settlements

RESCSEARE - Display SC Settlements (Archive)

RESCSECO - COA Settlement

RESCSESTATUS - Current Settlement Periods per SU

RESCSESTATUSPER - Settlement Periods of SU

RESCSETASK - Service Charge Settlement

RESCSETN - Tenant Settlement

RESCSP - Settlement Participation

RESCSU - Edit Settlement Unit

RESCSU0001 - SU: Applications

RESCSU0002 - SU: Field Groups

RESCSU0003 - SU: Views

RESCSU0004 - SU: Sections

RESCSU0005 - SU: Screens

RESCSU0006 - SU: Screen Sequences

RESCSU0007 - SU: Events

RESCSU0008 - SU: CUA Standard Functions

RESCSU0009 - SU: CUA Additional Functions

RESCSU0011 - SU: Assignment Screen Fld->DB Field

RESCSU0012 - SU: Field Modification Criteria

RESCSU0013 - SU: Role Categories

RESCSU0014 - SU: Role Category Groupings

RESCSU0016 - SU: Tables

RESCSU0017 - SU: Non-SAP Applications

RESCSU0018 - SU: Activities

RESCSU0019 - SU: Field Mod. per Activity (Control

RESCSU0022 - SU: Where-Used List: Structure

RESCSU0100 - SU: Field Modification per Activity

RESCSU0102 - SU: Authorization Types

RESCSU0103 - SU: Field Grops for Authorization

RESCSU0104 - SU: Screen Configuration

RESCSU0105 - SU: Field Mod. per Non-SAP Applic.

RESCSU0106 - SU: Assigment Obj.Part --> Memo ID

RESCSU0107 - SU: Where-Used List: Views

RESCSUAR - Archive Settlement Units

RESCSUARE - Display Settlement Units (Archive)

RESCSUBYBE - Collective Creation of SUs

RESCSUCHECK - Mass Check: Settlement Units

RESCSURO - Rental Objects for Settlement Units

RESCSURP - Change Pers.Resp: Settlement Unit

RESCSUSHAREOUT - Allocation Rules of Settlement Unit

RESCZD - Settlement Parameters

RESCZE - Settlement and Settlement Steps

RESCZF - Settlement Types

RESCZG - Settlement Methods

RESCZH - Char. of Service Charge Settlmt Keys

RESCZI - Characteristics-Settlement Companies

RESCZJ - Settlement Participation

RESCZK - Purpose

RESCZL - Which Step Is Dependent on Which

RESCZM - Possible Settlement Steps

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