SAP T-Code search on REIS

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REISACRITEM - Accrual/Deferral Records

REISAJAT - Info System: Measure Overview

REISAJATCOSTS - Info System: Measure Costs


REISAJATEXPENSE - Info System: CEA Current Expenses

REISAJATFINPLAN - Info System: CEA Financing Plan

REISAJATOBJ - Info System: Measure Objects/Meas.

REISAJATPRESTAGE - InfoSystem: CEA Prestage Adjustments

REISALIT - Accruals/Deferrals

REISAO - Info System: Architectural Objects

REISAOCT - IS: Fixt./Fittings for Arch. Objects

REISAODT - Infosystem: Arch. Objs with Details

REISAOOA - Info System: Objects for AO

REISAOPO - Info System: Arch.Obj. - Cont.Occup.

REISBDCT - InfoSystem: Fixt/Fitt. f. MasterData

REISBDOA - Info System: Object Assignment

REISBE - Info System: Business Entities

REISBP - Info System: Objects for Partner

REISBPBD - Info System: Partner for Master Data

REISBU - Info System: Buildings

REISCDBD - Info System: Conditions for RO

REISCDBDAJ - Info System: Cond./Adjustment Rule

REISCDCF - Info System: Cash Flow

REISCDCFOBJ - Info System: Object Cash Flow Contr.

REISCDCFVAC - Info System: Vacancy Cash Flow

REISCDCN - Info System:Conditions for Contracts

REISCDCNAJ - Info System: Cond./Adjustment Rule

REISCEACCDET - Account Determination Customizing

REISCHGDOCBD - IS: Change documents for Master Data

REISCHGDOCCN - Info System: Contract Change Docs.

REISCN - Info System: Contracts

REISCNBP - IS: Business Partners of Contracts

REISCNDP - Infosystem: Security Dep. Agreements

REISCNMS - Info System: Contract Measurements

REISCNNT - Infosystem: Notice on Contracts

REISCNNTRULE - Info System: Notice Rules

REISCNOA - Info System: Objects for Contracts

REISCNPE - Infosystem: Term of Contracts

REISCNRN - Infosystem: Renewal of Contracts

REISCNRNRULE - Info System: Renewal Rules

REISCOCSTACT - Costs/Revenue: Actuals Overview

REISCOCSTACTPLN - Costs/Revenue: Plan/Actual Comp.

REISCOCSTACTPRE - Costs/Rev: Comparison Actual PrevYr

REISCOCSTCMNT - Costs/Revenue: Commitment Overview

REISCOCSTPLN - Costs/Revenue: Plan Overview

REISCOLIBD - Master Data Line Items

REISCOLIBDN - Real Estate Objects - New Line Items

REISCOLICN - Line Items of Contracts

REISCOSKFACT - Stat. Key Figures: Actuals Overview

REISCOSKFACTPLN - Stat.Key Fig: Plan/Actual Comparison

REISCOSKFACTPRE - Stat.Key Fig: Compar. Actual PrevYr

REISCOSKFPLN - Stat. Key Figures: Plan Overview

REISITOR - Overview: Option Rates of RE Objects

REISITORCALC - Info System: Option Rate - Calcul.

REISJL - Info System: Joint Liability

REISLR - Info System: Land Registers

REISLRJL - Info System: Land Reg. - J.Liability

REISLRRG - InfoSystem: Land Reg. w/ RE Register

REISMM - Information System: Mandates

REISMMCAP - InfoSystem:Statement of Reserve Fund

REISMMCAPD - Info Syst: Reserve Fund Stmt Details

REISMP - Infosystem: Move Plans

REISMSAO - InfoSystem: Measurements f.Arch. Obj

REISMSBD - Infosystem: Measurements - Mast.Data

REISMSCN - Infosystem: Measurements - Contracts

REISNA - Info System: Notices of Assessment

REISNAMF - Info System: Not. of Assessmt - Muni

REISNAVL - InfoSystem: Assessmt Not.-AnnualVal.

REISOF - Info System: Contract Offer

REISOO - Info System: Offered Object

REISOOCTOR - IS: Fixt./Fittings for Offered Obj.

REISOOCTRS - IS: Fixt./Fittings for Reserv. Obj.

REISPE - Info System: Other Public Registers

REISPL - Information System: Parcels

REISPLCS - Info System: Contaminated Parcels

REISPLCT - Info System: Fixt./Fit. for Parcel

REISPLDB - InfoSystem: Benefits/Curtailments

REISPLDP - Info System: Parcels - Develop. Plan

REISPLER - Info System: Parcels - Easements

REISPLLR - InfoSystem: Land Registers f. Parcel

REISPLMS - Info System: Parcels - Measurements

REISPLOBJ - Info System: Objects for Parcels

REISPLP - Info System: Predecessor Parcels

REISPLPF - Info System: Area Analysis

REISPLS - Info System: Successor Parcels

REISPLSL - Info System: Cad. Classifications

REISPLUS - Info System: Usages of Parcels

REISPO - Info System: Continuous Occupancy

REISPOCAP - Info System: Cont. Occupancy List

REISPR - Info System: Land


REISRC - Information System: Parcel Updates

REISREDOCCN - InfoSystem: IR Documents f Contracts

REISREP - Reports of Info System

REISREPPP - Parallel Processing of Reporting

REISREPTREE - Info System Report Tree

REISRO - Info System: Rental Objects

REISROAS - Rental Objects -Assessment Contracts

REISROOC - Info System: Occupancy of ROs

REISRR - Info System: RE Search Request

REISRS - Information System: Reservations

REISRSOBJ - Info System: Reservation Object

REISRSSRV - Services for Reservation

REISRSUSER - Info System: Reservations User


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