SAP T-Code search on RECO

Search T-Code

RECON1 - Process Ext. Sec. Acct Statements

RECON2 - Reconcile Ext. Sec. Acct Statements

RECON3 - Delete Ext. Security Acct Statements

RECON4 - Process Ext. Sec. Acct Statements

RECON5 - Reconcile Ext. Sec. Acct Statements

RECON6 - Delete Ext. Security Acct Statements

RECOPLACT02 - RE: Planning -Change Activity Input

RECOPLACT03 - RE: Planning - Display Activ. Input

RECOPLACTCOPY - Copy Actual->Plan for Real Estate

RECOPLCFCOPY - Copy Cash Flow to CO Planning

RECOPLCST02 - RE: Planning - Change CElem/Act.Inp.

RECOPLCST03 - RE: Planning -Display CElem/Act.Inp.

RECOPLCSTLAY01 - Create Cost Element Planning Layout

RECOPLCSTLAY02 - Change Cost Element Planning Layout

RECOPLCSTLAY03 - Display Cost Element Planning Layout

RECOPLKYF02 - RE: Planning - Change Stat.Key Fig.

RECOPLKYF03 - RE: Planning -Display Stat.Key Fig.

RECOPLKYFLAY01 - Create Stat. KF Planning Layout

RECOPLKYFLAY02 - Change Stat. KF Planning Layout

RECOPLKYFLAY03 - Display Stat. KF Planning Layout

RECOPLLAYIMP - RE: Import Planning Layout

RECOPLLAYTR - RE: Transport Planning Layouts

RECOPLPLANCOPY - Copy Plan->Plan for Real Estate

RECOPLPRM02 - RE: Planning - Change Prim.CostElem

RECOPLPRM03 - RE: Planning -Display Prim.CostElem

RECOPLREV02 - RE: Planning - Change Revenue Elems

RECOPLREV03 - RE: Planning -Display Revenue Elems

RECOPLSESNG - Planned Settlement: RE Objects

RECOPLSEVAR - Plnd Collective Settlement: RE Obj.

RECOPLSU - RE: Cost Element Planning for SU

RECOSESNG - CO Settlement of Real Estate Objects

RECOSEVAR - RE: CO Collective Settlement

RECOSEVAR_MAINT_CN - Variant Maint.Contracts f.CO Settlmt

RECOSEVAR_MAINT_OBJ - Variant Maint. Obj.for CO Settlement

RECOSTKFBD - Transfer Measmt to Stat. Key Figure

RECOSTKFSU - Transfer Measmt to Stat. Key Figure

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