SAP T-Code search on REB_

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REBDAO - Process Architectural Object

REBDAO0001 - AO: Applications

REBDAO0002 - AO: Field Groups

REBDAO0003 - AO: Views

REBDAO0004 - AO: Sections

REBDAO0005 - AO: Screens

REBDAO0006 - AO: Screen Sequences

REBDAO0007 - AO: Events

REBDAO0008 - AO: CUA Standard Functions

REBDAO0009 - AO: CUA Additional Functions

REBDAO0010 - AO: Matchcode

REBDAO0011 - AO: Assgmt Screen Field->DB Field

REBDAO0012 - AO: Field Modification Criteria

REBDAO0013 - AO: Role Categories

REBDAO0014 - AO: Role Category Groupings

REBDAO0016 - AO: Tables

REBDAO0017 - AO: External Applications

REBDAO0018 - AO: Activities

REBDAO0019 - AO:Fld Grouping per Activity(Contr.)

REBDAO0022 - AO: Where-Used List: Structure

REBDAO0023 - AO: Data Sets

REBDAO0100 - AO: Field Modification per Activity

REBDAO0102 - AO: Authorization Types

REBDAO0103 - AO: Field Groups for Authorization

REBDAO0104 - AO: Screen Configuration

REBDAO0105 - AO: Field Grouping per Ext. Appl.

REBDAO0106 - AO:Assignment Obj Part --> Notice ID

REBDAO0107 - AO: Where-Used List: Views

REBDAOAR - Archive Architectural Objects

REBDAOARE - Display Arch. Objects (Archive)

REBDAOCHECK - Mass Check: Architect. Objects

REBDAORP - Change Person Resp.: Arch. Objects

REBDBE - Process Business Entity

REBDBE0001 - BE: Applications

REBDBE0002 - BE: Field Groups

REBDBE0003 - BE: Views

REBDBE0004 - BE: Sections

REBDBE0005 - BE: Screens

REBDBE0006 - BE: Screen Sequences

REBDBE0007 - BE: Events

REBDBE0008 - BE: Standard GUI Functions

REBDBE0009 - BE: Additional GUI Functions

REBDBE0011 - BE: Assignment Screen Fld to DB Fld

REBDBE0012 - BE: Field Modification Criteria

REBDBE0013 - BE: Role Categories

REBDBE0014 - BE: Role Category Groupings

REBDBE0016 - BE: Tables

REBDBE0017 - BE: External Applications

REBDBE0018 - BE: Activities

REBDBE0019 - BE: Fld Modif. per Activity(Control)

REBDBE0022 - BE: Where-Used List: Structure

REBDBE0100 - BE: Field Modification per Activity

REBDBE0102 - BE: Authorization Types

REBDBE0103 - BE: Field Groups for Authorization

REBDBE0104 - BE: Screen Configuration

REBDBE0105 - BE: Field Modif per External Applic.

REBDBE0106 - BE: Assignment Object Part -> NoteID

REBDBE0107 - BE: Where-Used List: Views

REBDBEAR - Archive Business Entities

REBDBEARE - Display Business Entities (Archive)

REBDBU - Process Building

REBDBU0001 - BU: Applications

REBDBU0002 - BU: Field Groups

REBDBU0003 - BU: Views

REBDBU0004 - BU: Stages

REBDBU0005 - BU: Screens

REBDBU0006 - BU: Screen Sequences

REBDBU0007 - BU: Events

REBDBU0008 - BU: CUA Standard Functions

REBDBU0009 - BU: CUA Additional Functions

REBDBU0011 - BU: Assgmt Screen Field->DB Field

REBDBU0012 - BU: Field Modification Criteria

REBDBU0013 - BU: Role Categories

REBDBU0014 - BU: Role Category Groupings

REBDBU0016 - BU: Tables

REBDBU0017 - BU: External Applications

REBDBU0018 - BU: Activities

REBDBU0019 - BU:Fld Grouping per Activity(Contr.)

REBDBU0022 - BU: Where-Used List: Structure

REBDBU0100 - BU: Field Modification per Activity

REBDBU0102 - BU: Authorization Types

REBDBU0103 - BU: Field Groups for Authorization

REBDBU0104 - BU: Screen Configuration

REBDBU0105 - BU: Fld Grouping Per External Appl.

REBDBU0106 - BU:Assignment Obj Part --> Notice ID

REBDBU0107 - BU: Where-Used List: Views

REBDBUAR - Archive Buildings

REBDBUARE - Display Buildings (Archive)

REBDCACHECK - Mass Check: Usage Objects

REBDCARP - Change Person Resp.: Usage Objects

REBDCOBJASSTYPE - Object Assignment Types

REBDCOBJASSUSED - Object Types for Obj. Assign. Types

REBDCOBJTYPEASS - Obj.Assignment Types per Object Type

REBDDEFPS - Definition of Pooled Space

REBDFIXFITCHAR - Fixt./Fittings Characteristics

REBDIFRS - IFRS: Mass Change of Contracts

REBDMSA - Maintain Measurement Types

REBDOCC - Occupancy Planning of Architecture

REBDOCCUSE - Occupancy Planning of Usage

REBDPR - Process Property

REBDPR0001 - PR: Applications

REBDPR0002 - PR: Field Groupings

REBDPR0003 - PR: Views

REBDPR0004 - PR: Stages

REBDPR0005 - PR: Screens

REBDPR0006 - PR: Screen sequences

REBDPR0007 - PR: Events

REBDPR0008 - PR: GUI Standard Functions

REBDPR0009 - PR: GUI Additional Functions

REBDPR0011 - PR:Assignment Screen Field->DB-Field

REBDPR0012 - PR: Field Grouping Criteria

REBDPR0016 - PR: Tables

REBDPR0017 - PR: External Applications

REBDPR0018 - PR: Activities

REBDPR0019 - PR:Fld Grouping per Actvty (Control)

REBDPR0022 - PR: Where-Used List: Structure

REBDPR0100 - PR: Field Modification per Activity

REBDPR0102 - PR: Authorization Types

REBDPR0103 - PR: Field Groups for Authorization

REBDPR0104 - PR: Screen Configuration

REBDPR0105 - PR: Field Grouping Per Ext. Appl.

REBDPR0106 - PR: Assign. Object Part --> NoticeID

REBDPR0107 - PR: Where-Used List: Views

REBDPRAR - Archive Land

REBDPRARE - Display Land (Archive)

REBDRO - Process Rental Object

REBDRO0001 - RO: Applications

REBDRO0002 - RO: Field Groups

REBDRO0003 - RO: Views

REBDRO0004 - RO: Sections

REBDRO0005 - RO: Screens

REBDRO0006 - RO: Screen Sequences

REBDRO0007 - RO: Events

REBDRO0008 - RO: CUA Standard Functions

REBDRO0009 - RO: CUA Additional Functions

REBDRO0011 - RO: Assgmt Screen Field -> DB Field

REBDRO0012 - RO: Field Modification Criteria

REBDRO0016 - RO: Tables

REBDRO0017 - RO: External Applications

REBDRO0018 - RO: Activities

REBDRO0019 - RO:Fld Grouping per Actvty (Control)

REBDRO0022 - RO: Where-Used List: Structure

REBDRO0100 - RO: Field Modification per Activity

REBDRO0102 - RO: Authorization Types

REBDRO0103 - RO: Field Groups for Authorization

REBDRO0104 - RO: Screen Configuration

REBDRO0105 - RO: Field Grouping per Ext. Appl.

REBDRO0106 - RO: Assign. Object Part --> NoticeID

REBDRO0107 - RO: Where-Used List: Views

REBDROAR - Archive Rental Objects

REBDROARE - Display Rental Objects (Archive)

REBDROCFAR - Archive Cash Flow of Rental Objects

REBDROCFARE - Display RO Cash Flow (Archive)

REBDRSRETURN - End Rental Spaces

REBDTIVBDMEASRO - Cust:Maint. Msrmnt Type per Usg Type

REBDTIVBDROFSTATUS - Cust: Maintain Field Grp per UsgType

REBDTIVBDROUSGREL - Cust: Maintain Usg Type per RO Type

REBFCR01 - Generate Customizing Classes (TAB)

REBFCR03 - Generate Table Buffer Classes

REBFCR04 - Generate Update Modules

REBFCR05 - Generate Business Object Types

REBFCR06 - Generate Manager Object Types

REBFCR11 - Template Classes for Generation

REBFCR12 - Excluded Fields for Detailed Compar.

REBPZA - Applications

REBPZC - Role Types

REBPZD - Allowed Role Categories

REBPZE - BP grouping

REB_CONDTYPE - maintain rebate condition type

REB_COND_MASS_CUST - Cond. Record Mass Maintenance Cust.

REB_CTAS - Access Sequence Maintenance CRM BO

REB_CTCG - Condition Group Maint. CRM_REBATE

REB_CTCT - Condition Table Maintenance CRM BO

REB_CTCTYPE - Condition Type Maintenance CRM RB

REB_CTCTYPE_SUP - Condition Type Maintenance CRM BO

REB_RQ_ASGN - Requirement Set Assignment

REB_RQ_ASGN_CRMR - Rebate Relevance Maintenance

REB_RQ_MNT - Maintain Rebate Relevance

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