SAP T-Code search on P00

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P0000_M10_CL0_PBS - Generate Qualifications/Qual. Groups

P0000_M10_CL1_PBS - Convert Certf./Lic. to Qualification

P0000_M10_CL2_PBS - Out-of-Field Report

P0000_M10_CL3_PBS - Select Certificates/Licenses

P0000_M10_CL4_PBS - Check Qualif./Certif. Consistency

P0000_M10_EEO_PBS - EEO-4 and EEO-5 Reporting

P0000_M10_ORM_PBS - Form 1042-S Printing

P0000_M10_SBT_PBS - U.S. Savings Bond Purchase

P0000_M10_SPT_PBS - Substantial Presence Test

P0000_M10_SVB_PBS - Display U.S. Savings Bond Purchase

P0000_M10_XCC_PBS - Clear Table COSTS (U.S. Pub. Sector)

P0000_M10_XFC_PBS - XDEC Conversion (U.S. Pub. Sector)

P000_M07_C224 - Infotype 0224 Conversion Workbench

P000_M07_C224_BNCK - Business Number Conversion Check

P000_M07_C224_CONV - Infotype 0224 Conversion

P000_M07_C224_ITCK - Tax Framework Consistency Check

P000_M07_EEA - EEA report (Canada)

P000_M07_GHIS - Garnishment history (Canada)

P000_M07_GRVS - Grievance summary

P000_M07_GSTA - Garnishment statistics (Canada)

P000_M07_PARP - Payroll audit/reconciliation report

P000_M07_PIER - Pensionable and insurable earnings

P000_M07_ROE - Record of Employment (Canada)

P000_M07_ROH - Report on hirings

P000_M07_TXUP - New year tax update utility

P000_M10_AAPM - AAP: Movement analysis report

P000_M10_AAPT - AAP: Turnover analysis report

P000_M10_AAPW - AAP: Workforce distribution report

P000_M10_BTX - Client transp. prog. for BTX* tables

P000_M10_DEP - Benefits dependents list

P000_M10_DTTE - Delete/insert tax table entries

P000_M10_EEO - EEO-1 report

P000_M10_EER - Exemption expiration report

P000_M10_ERISA - ERISA 5500

P000_M10_GANS - Garnishment: Display answer letters

P000_M10_GCUST - Garnishment: Customizing review

P000_M10_GNOT - Garnishment: Display notice letters

P000_M10_GPAL - Garnishment: Print answer letter

P000_M10_GPNL - Garnishment: Print notice letter

P000_M10_GSTA - Garnishment statistics

P000_M10_GSUM - Grievance summary

P000_M10_HER - Employee history report

P000_M10_HIPAA - HIPAA certificate report

P000_M10_LTX - List tax amts in interface tables

P000_M10_NDT - 401(k) non-discrimination testing

P000_M10_NHR - New hire report

P000_M10_OSHA1 - OSHA-101 report

P000_M10_OSHA2 - OSHA-200 report

P000_M10_PEHR - Pensionable earnings and hours

P000_M10_PW2 - Print W-2 forms from TemSe file

P000_M10_TAUTH - Display tax authorities

P000_M10_TAUTN - Tax authorities incl. tax area

P000_M10_TMODEL - Taxability models/tax types by auth.

P000_M10_TSUM - Tax infotype summary

P000_M10_VETS - VETS-100 report

P000_M10_W4 - W-4 withholding allowance report


P001_HSCAL - Factory Calendar with CUA Interface

P002_HHM_D - Cannot be executed directly

P002_HHM_U - Cannot be executed directly

P003_HHCM_D - Cannot be executed directly

P003_HHCM_U - Cannot be executed directly

P004_HFCM_D - Cannot be executed directly

P004_HFCM_U - Cannot be executed directly

P00_M06_DSN_B2A_ADM - B2A for administrators

P00_M06_DSN_B2A_CHKE - B2A Check employees

P00_M06_DSN_B2A_CHKR - B2A Rej./release EEs before dispatch

P00_M06_DSN_B2A_CHKS - B2A Check SIRET

P00_M06_DSN_B2A_LNCH - Run B2A for DSN

P00_M06_DSN_B2A_RECI - B2A Retrieve return files

P00_M06_DSN_B2A_SEND - B2A Send final file

P00_M06_DSN_PAY_RES - B2A - Display DSN cluster tables

P00_M06_TPZ_NEW_HIRE - New employee selection - TOPAze

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