SAP T-Code search on J1GVL

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J1GVL - Vendor Ledger

J1GVL_ALDI - A/L postings via direct input

J1GVL_DEV - devaluation

J1GVL_GL - Read G/L account items

J1GVL_INVB - Inventory book

J1GVL_ML_DEL - Archiving of Material Ledger-Delete

J1GVL_ML_REL - Archiving of Material Ledger-Reload

J1GVL_ML_WRI - Archiving of Material Ledger - Write

J1GVL_P00 - WHB for arbitrary dates

J1GVL_P01 - Warehouse book

J1GVL_P07 - Delete online WHB records

J1GVL_R1 - Sample Valuation Report 1

J1GVL_R10 - Table 10 totals

J1GVL_R11 - Table 11 totals

J1GVL_R2 - Sample Cost/Consumpt. Analys. Report


J1GVL_RE1 - Line items per GL Account

J1GVL_RE2 - Valuation Data: Compact version

J1GVL_REP - Reposting valuation

J1GVL_REX - expenses report

J1GVL_RPU - purchases report

J1GVL_RRV - revenue report

J1GVL_S00 - Global Settings

J1GVL_S01 - WHB definition

J1GVL_S01T - WHB Definition Texts

J1GVL_S02 - Valid plants

J1GVL_S03 - Valid materials

J1GVL_S04 - Valid G/L accounts

J1GVL_S05 - Valid document types, movement types

J1GVL_S06 - Warehouse book layout

J1GVL_S07 - Function modules for online WHB val.

J1GVL_S08 - Valid transaction categories

J1GVL_S09 - Update control table

J1GVL_S10 - Update WHB control table

J1GVL_S11 - compare PC CP component cost

J1GVL_S12 - compare valuation and AL postings

J1GVL_S13 - Accounts for A/L postings

J1GVL_S14 - CO Repostings Settings

J1GVL_S15 - FI Repostings Settings

J1GVL_S16 - Production Costs (Cost Estimates)

J1GVL_S17 - Open Production Orders (WIP)

J1GVL_S19 - valuation methods

J1GVL_S1C - Warehouse Books

J1GVL_S20 - Default forms/functions

J1GVL_T01 - Upload initial stock

J1GVL_T02 - Material moement totals in period

J1GVL_T03 - Initilize production run

J1GVL_T04 - Update offline the WHB table J_1GVL_

J1GVL_T05 - Read online WHB values

J1GVL_T08 - check customizing for valuation/WHB

J1GVL_T09 - Update control table

J1GVL_T10 - Update WHB control table

J1GVL_T11 - Initialize prod. run (new)

J1GVL_T12 - Propose WIP Orders

J1GVL_T14 - Stock report for period

J1GVL_T15 - WHB to CD utility

J1GVL_UPDINV - Update Inventory Book with Valuation

J1GVL_VL - Material valuation

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