SAP T-Code search on FKKB

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FKKBIXBIP_ARCH - Archiving of Billing Plans

FKKBIXBIP_ARCH_CUS1 - Resid. Time of Archived Billing Plns

FKKBIXBIP_ARCH_DEL - Deletion of Archived Billing Plans

FKKBIXBIP_ARCH_READ - Display of Archived Billing Plans

FKKBIXBIP_M - Mass Request

FKKBIXBIP_MA - Request Billing Plan Item

FKKBIXBIP_MA_SAPJ - Fiori App: Billing Plan Mass Request

FKKBIXBIP_PRICE_DISP - Pricing Cond. Display f. BillPlnItem

FKKBIXBIP_REV_M - Reverse Request (Mass Run)

FKKBIXBIP_REV_S - Reverse Request (Indiv. Processing)

FKKBIXBIP_S - Individual Request

FKKBIXBIT02_TRANS - Transfer Raw Data to Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT02_TRANS_MA - Transfer Raw Data to Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH - Archiving of Billed Items

FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_CUS1 - Res. Time Archived Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_DEL - Delete Archived Billed BITs

FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_MA - Archive Billed Items

FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_READ - Display Archived Billed Items

FKKBIXBIT4_DEL - Delete Billed Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT4_MON - Analysis of Billed Items

FKKBIXBITB_MON - Analysis of Billable Items

FKKBIXBITR_MON - Analysis of Raw Data

FKKBIXBITX_DEL - Delete Excepted Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT_CONF - Config. of Billable Item Classes

FKKBIXBIT_CWB - Processing of Billing Item

FKKBIXBIT_DC_MON - Display Duplicate Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT_DIA_GEN - Generate Maintenance Dialog

FKKBIXBIT_ERR_MON - Error Log for Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT_EXC_M - Exception/Admission of Billable Item

FKKBIXBIT_GEN - Generate Billable Item Classes

FKKBIXBIT_MON - Display of Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT_REV_M - Reverse Billable Items (Mass Run)

FKKBIXBIT_REV_MON - Analysis of Reversal Requests

FKKBIXBIT_REV_S - Reverse Billable Items (Indiv.Proc.)

FKKBIXBIT_STRUCCHK - Check of Runtime Structures

FKKBIXBIT_TRANS_SAPJ - Fiori App: Mass Transfer BIT

FKKBIXBIT_UPLOAD - File Upload of Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT_VIEW_GEN - Generate Database Views

FKKBIXCIT02_TRANS - Transfer Raw Data to Cons. Items

FKKBIXCIT02_TRANS_MA - Consumpt. Items: Raw Data Transfer

FKKBIXCIT4_ARCH - Archive Rated Consumption Items

FKKBIXCIT4_ARCH_CUS1 - Residence Time of Archived Cons.Item

FKKBIXCIT4_ARCH_DEL - Delete Archived Rated Cons. Items

FKKBIXCIT4_ARCH_MA - Archive Rated Consumption Item

FKKBIXCIT4_ARCH_READ - Display Archived Rated Cons. Items

FKKBIXCIT4_DEL - Delete Rated Consumption Items

FKKBIXCITX_DEL - Delete Excepted Cons. Items

FKKBIXCIT_CONF - Configur.of Consumption Item Classes

FKKBIXCIT_CWB - Processing of Consumption Items

FKKBIXCIT_DC_MON - Display Duplicates

FKKBIXCIT_DIA_GEN - Generate Maintenance Dialog

FKKBIXCIT_ERR_MON - Error Log for Consumption Items

FKKBIXCIT_EXC_M - Exclude/Include Consumption Items

FKKBIXCIT_GEN - Generate Consumption Item Classes

FKKBIXCIT_MON - Display Consumption Items

FKKBIXCIT_STRUCCHK - Check of Runtime Structures

FKKBIXCIT_TRANS_SAPJ - Fiori App: Mass Transfer CIT

FKKBIXCIT_UPLOAD - File Upload of Consumption Items

FKKBIXCIT_VIEW_GEN - Generate Database Views

FKKBIX_BILLPLAN - Process Billing Plans

FKKBIX_BILLPLAN_MON - Display of Billing Plans

FKKBIX_BILLREQ - Process Billing Request

FKKBIX_BILLREQ_MON - Display Billing Request

FKKBIX_BIP_NUM - Billing Plan Number Range

FKKBIX_BIT_L_NUM - Number Range Maintenance: FKKBIXBITL

FKKBIX_CITID_NUM - Consumption Item ID Number Range

FKKBIX_CYC_MA - Create Periodic Rating Requests

FKKBIX_DISC - Discounts/Charges on Billable Item

FKKBIX_M - Mass Billing

FKKBIX_MA - Billing

FKKBIX_MA_SAPJ - Fiori App: Mass Billing

FKKBIX_MD_ID - Master Data ID Maintenance

FKKBIX_MD_ID_NUM - Number Range Maintenance: FKK_MD_ID

FKKBIX_RATEID_NUM - Rating ID Number Range

FKKBIX_RATE_M - Rating (Mass Run)


FKKBIX_RATE_MA_SAPJ - Fiori App: Mass Rating

FKKBIX_RATE_S - Rating (Individual Processing)

FKKBIX_REQ_ARCH - Archiving of Billing Requests

FKKBIX_REQ_ARCH_DEL - Del. of Archived Billing Requests

FKKBIX_REQ_ARCH_READ - Display of Archived Billing Requests

FKKBIX_REQ_NUM - Billing Request Number Range

FKKBIX_RERATE_M - Reverse Rating (Mass Run)

FKKBIX_RERATE_MA - Reverse Rating and Run Rerating

FKKBIX_RERATE_MON - Display Rerating Requests

FKKBIX_RERATE_S - Reverse Rating (Indiv. Processing)

FKKBIX_REVREC_MON - Display of Accrual/Deferral Items

FKKBIX_REVREC_NUM - Number Range Acc./Def. Items

FKKBIX_S - Individual Billing

FKKBIX_SRCTAID_NUM - Source Trans. ID Number Range

FKKBIX_VT_CYCREQ_DEL - Deletion of Periodic Rating Requests

FKKBI_BA_MON - Monitor Billing Accounts

FKKBI_BILLPROC_LOG - Log Billing Procedures

FKKBI_BILL_REV_M - Mass Reversal of Billing Document

FKKBI_BILL_REV_S - Single Reversal of Billing Document

FKKBI_BI_MA - Billing

FKKBI_BT_BILL - Execute Billing Orders

FKKBI_BT_CRT - Create Billing Orders

FKKBI_BT_DEL - Delete Billing Orders

FKKBI_BT_MON - Monitor Billing Orders

FKKBI_BW_MA - BI Extraction EDRs

FKKBI_BW_MON - Analysis of BW Extraction Orders

FKKBI_EDRRJ_MON - Monitor Provisionally Rejected EDRs

FKKBI_EDRWO_MON - Monitor Permanently Rejected EDRs

FKKBI_EDR_CLEAN - Clean Up Transfer Period

FKKBI_EDR_MON - Monitor Billable EDRs

FKKBI_EDR_RELOAD - Reload Provisionally Rejected EDRs

FKKBPCL - Process BP Duplicates

FKKBPCLCLAR - Clarification of BP Duplicates

FKKBPCLDISP - Display of BP Duplicates

FKKBPCLIMP - Import of BP Duplicate

FKKBRFCIMP - BRF: Copy Implementing Classes

FKKBRFTRANS - BRF:Transport of Application Classes

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