SAP T-Code search on CMS_

Search T-Code

CMS1 - Create set (PPC)

CMS2 - Change Set

CMS3 - Display Set

CMS4 - Delete Set

CMSC_APPL_ATTR_CONF - Configure attributes for all APPL

CMSC_APPL_CUST - Channel Sales Customizing

CMSC_APPL_EXTN - Application extensions

CMSC_APPL_VIEW_CALL - Invoke appl relevant cust data

CMSC_APP_DISP_FIELD - Fields to be displayed in ALV.

CMSC_APP_MAINT - Application maintenance

CMSC_BFW - Business framework customizing

CMSC_BFW_APP_PRF - Maintain BFW profile mappings

CMSC_BFW_CU_BU - Assign BFW profiles for BU

CMSC_BFW_CU_CB - Assign BFW profiles for RTCM

CMSC_BFW_CU_CIR - Assign BFW profiles for CIR

CMSC_BFW_CU_IR - Assign BFW profiles for RTCM

CMSC_BFW_CU_RTCM - Assign BFW profiles for RTCM

CMSC_BFW_CU_SI - Assign BFW profiles for SI

CMSC_BFW_CU_UI - Assign BFW profiles

CMSC_BFW_RTCM_PRF - Maintain BFW profile mappings

CMSC_BP_PROFILE - Business partner profile

CMSC_BP_PROFILE_GEN - Business partner profile - Generic

CMSC_BRE_BU_BUMS - Maintain validations for BUMS

CMSC_BRE_CB_CBCD - Maintain validations for CB

CMSC_BRE_FCAT_EXTN - Extend field catalog

CMSC_BRE_FLDGRP - Maintain fieldgroups

CMSC_BRE_INTERNAL - Configure business rules

CMSC_BRE_IR - Maintain validations for IR

CMSC_BRE_MAINT - BRE maintenance

CMSC_BRE_PP - Eligibility criteria for PP

CMSC_BRE_RTCM_MSST - Maintain validations for MSST

CMSC_BRE_SCHDETMN - Schema determination

CMSC_BRE_SCHGEN - Generate schema determination table

CMSC_BRE_SI - Maintain validations for MSSI

CMSC_BRF_ATTR_EXTN - Create extension for resale tracking

CMSC_BUPA_ATTR - CMS: BP additional attributes

CMSC_BU_ATTR_CONF - Configure attributes for Bill Up

CMSC_BU_EXTN - Create extension for Bill Up

CMSC_BU_REL - CMS Bill Ups Relevancy Mapping

CMSC_BU_SNRO - Maintain number ranges

CMSC_CB_APP_XN - Map xn types to Chargeback

CMSC_CB_PARAMS - Application parameters

CMSC_CB_REL - CMS PP relevancy

CMSC_CB_SNRO - Maintain number ranges

CMSC_CIR_ATTR_CONF - Configure attributes for CIR

CMSC_CIR_EXTN - Create extension for Chan Inv. Recon

CMSC_CIR_PARAMS - Application parameters

CMSC_CIR_SNRO - Maintain number ranges

CMSC_CIR_SUM_EXTN - CIR Summary Key Extension

CMSC_CI_ATTR_CONF - Configure attributes for CI

CMSC_CI_CONKEYXN - Maintain consumption keys

CMSC_CI_FCAT_EXTN - Extend field catalog

CMSC_CI_FCAT_PTYP - Extend field catalog

CMSC_CI_PARAMS - Application parameters

CMSC_CRM_MAP_XN - CMS CRM doc to Lo Xn Ty Customizing

CMSC_DATE_PRF - Maintain date profiles

CMSC_DOCU_PRF - Maintain document profiles

CMSC_DUPC_BU - Maintain matching rules for BU

CMSC_DUPC_CB - Maintain validations for CB

CMSC_DUPC_IR - Maintain validations for MSST

CMSC_DUPC_RTCM - Maintain validations for MSST

CMSC_DUPC_RTCM_MCLM - Claim-resale matching criteria

CMSC_DUPC_RTCM_MERT - Maintain validations for MERT

CMSC_DUPC_SI - Maintain validations for MSST

CMSC_DUPC_TO - Maintain validations for MSST

CMSC_EDI_CODE - CMS EDI code customizing

CMSC_ENTITY_PRF - Maintain entity profiles

CMSC_FIELD_GRP_MAINT - Duplicate check

CMSC_FLDGRP_BU - Maintain fieldgroups for BU

CMSC_FLDGRP_CB - Maintain fieldgroups for CB

CMSC_FLDGRP_CLMM - Maintain fieldgroups for RTCM

CMSC_FLDGRP_IR - Maintain fieldgroups for IR

CMSC_FLDGRP_RTCM - Maintain fieldgroups for RTCM

CMSC_FLDGRP_SI - Maintain fieldgroups for RTCM

CMSC_FLDGRP_TO - Maintain fieldgroups for TO

CMSC_GEN_REL - CMS Relevancy maintenance

CMSC_GEN_RELEVANCY - CMS Relevancy maintenance

CMSC_GRID_BU - Configure grid display for BU

CMSC_GRID_CB_H - Configure header grid display for CB

CMSC_GRID_CB_I - Configure claim grid display for CB

CMSC_GRID_CIR - Configure grid display for CIR

CMSC_GRID_INTERNAL - Configure grid display

CMSC_GRID_IR - Configure grid display for IR

CMSC_GRID_PP - Configure grid display for PP

CMSC_GRID_RTCM - Configure grid display for RTCM

CMSC_GRID_SI - Configure grid display for SI

CMSC_IR_APP_XN - Map xn types to resale tracking

CMSC_IR_ATTR_CONF - Configure attributes for IR

CMSC_IR_EXTN - Create extension for Inv receipt

CMSC_IR_PARAMS - Application parameters

CMSC_IR_SNRO - Maintain number ranges

CMSC_IR_STAT_COMP - Completion status

CMSC_LEPRF_BU - Maintain logical events for BU

CMSC_LEPRF_CB - Maintain logical events for CB

CMSC_LEPRF_CIR - Maintain logical events for CIR

CMSC_LEPRF_INTERNAL - Maintain logical events

CMSC_LEPRF_IR - Maintain logical events for IR

CMSC_LEPRF_PP - Maintain logical events for SI

CMSC_LEPRF_RTCM - Maintain logical events for RTCM

CMSC_LEPRF_SI - Maintain logical events for SI

CMSC_LKEYEXTN - Logical key extension

CMSC_LO_APPL_GEN - Generate LO application objects

CMSC_LO_APP_XN - Map transaction types to application

CMSC_LO_CUST - LO Framework customizing

CMSC_LO_SNRO - Maintain number ranges

CMSC_MAP - CMS Mapper Customizing

CMSC_MTCH_VIEW_CALL - Maintain field group mappings

CMSC_PARTNER_PRF - Maintain partner profiles

CMSC_PP_ATTR_CONF - Configure attributes for PP

CMSC_PP_EXTN - Extension for price protection

CMSC_PP_PARAMS - Application parameters

CMSC_PP_REL - CMS PP relevancy

CMSC_PP_SNRO - Maintain number ranges

CMSC_PREREQ - Maintain process pre-requisites

CMSC_PRF_DEFN - Profile definition

CMSC_PRF_MAINT - Profile maintenance

CMSC_PRF_Q - Profile qualifier definitions

CMSC_PRICE_PRF - Maintain price profiles

CMSC_PRODUCT_PRF - Maintain product profiles

CMSC_PTYPEXTN - Price type attriburtes extension

CMSC_QTY_PRF - Maintain quantity profiles

CMSC_R3_MAP_XN - CMS R3 doc to Lo Xn Type Customizing

CMSC_REL - CMS Transaction for relevancy map

CMSC_RTCM_APP_XN - Map xn types to resale tracking

CMSC_RTCM_ATTR_CONF - Configure attributes for RTCM

CMSC_RTCM_EXTN - Create extension for resale tracking

CMSC_RTCM_PARAMS - Application parameters


CMSC_RTCM_SNRO - Maintain number ranges

CMSC_RTCM_STAT_COMP - Completion status

CMSC_RULE_VALBIT - Set bits to rule and val. class

CMSC_SCENARIO_MAINT - Scenario definition

CMSC_SCRTXT_BU - Maintain screen labels for BU

CMSC_SCRTXT_CB - Maintain screen labels for CB

CMSC_SCRTXT_CIR - Maintain screen labels for CIR

CMSC_SCRTXT_INTERNAL - Maintain screen labels

CMSC_SCRTXT_IR - Maintain screen labels for IR

CMSC_SCRTXT_PP - Maintain screen labels for PP

CMSC_SCRTXT_RTCM - Maintain screen labels for RTCM

CMSC_SCRTXT_SI - Maintain screen labels for SI

CMSC_SELSCR_BU - Selection-screens for BU

CMSC_SELSCR_CB - Selection-screens for CB

CMSC_SELSCR_CIR - Selection-screens for CIR

CMSC_SELSCR_INTERNAL - Selection-screen generation

CMSC_SELSCR_IR - Selection-screens for IR

CMSC_SELSCR_PP - Selection-screens for PP

CMSC_SELSCR_RTCM - Selection-screens for RTCM

CMSC_SELSCR_SI - Selection-screens for PP

CMSC_SEL_SCR_DEFN - Defining selection screen fields.

CMSC_SI_APP_XN - Map xn types to sell-in

CMSC_SI_ATTR_CONF - Configure attributes for SI

CMSC_SI_EXTN - Extension for sell-in

CMSC_SI_PARAMS - Application parameters

CMSC_SI_REL - CMS Sell In relevancy

CMSC_SI_SNRO - Maintain number ranges

CMSC_SKEY_VIEW_CALL - Maintain Scenario key mappings

CMSC_STATUS_MAINT - Status maintenance

CMSC_TM_PARAMS - Application parameters

CMSC_TO_ATTR_CONF - Configure attributes for TO

CMSC_TO_EXTN - Create extension for resale tracking

CMSC_TO_H_EXTN - Create extension for resale tracking

CMSC_TO_I_EXTN - Create extension for resale tracking

CMSC_VIEW_CALL - Invoke relevant customizing view

CMSORG - Organizational Unit in CMS

CMSR_CB_STAT - CB Statistics Report

CMSR_CM_OBJ_DEL - Delete obj refs after processing hdr

CMSR_CM_PROCESS - To process work list entries for CM

CMSR_CM_RUN - To run cascade manager

CMSR_CTR_ALERT - Contract Expiry Alert

CMSR_CTR_NOTIFY - Bid award Not. for CMS contracts

CMSR_CTR_PRICE - Contract Price Check

CMSR_CTR_PRINT - Contract Print

CMSR_GRP_CHECK - Group Roster Affiliation Check

CMSR_RECON - Reconciliation Report.

CMSR_REGISTRY_PROC - Registry Processing

CMST_CI_UPLOAD - Test transaction for CI data upload

CMST_LO_MAINT - Test transaction for LO Maintain Cal

CMS_ACG_01 - Coverage Gap

CMS_ACG_02 - Coverage Gap

CMS_ACG_03 - Coverage Gap

CMS_ACTION_DEF - Define Action Profile

CMS_ARC_CAG_DISPLAY - Display CAG Archived data

CMS_ARC_CDOCU - Archive Change Documents only

CMS_ARC_INS_DISPLAY - Display Insurances Archived data

CMS_ARC_MIGRATE_DATA - Migrate existing data to Arc tables

CMS_ARC_MOV_DISPLAY - Display Movables Archived data

CMS_ARC_RBL_DISPLAY - Display Receivables Archived data

CMS_ARC_RE_DISPLAY - Display Real Estates Archived data

CMS_ARC_RIG_DISPLAY - Display Rights Archived data

CMS_ARC_SEC_DISPLAY - Display Securities Archived data

CMS_ARC_SHP_DISPLAY - Display Ships Archived data

CMS_AST_01 - Create Asset

CMS_AST_02 - Change Asset

CMS_AST_03 - Display Asset

CMS_BATCHLOG_SHOW - Display batch log messages

CMS_BCM - Coverage gap monitoring

CMS_BCM_ACG_DISPLAY - Display BCM Res. with Appr. Cov. Gap

CMS_BCM_DEL - Delete Coverage gap results

CMS_BCM_DISPLAY - Display BCM results for Specific Run

CMS_BII_CUS_01 - Maintain Extraction Process Type

CMS_BII_DEX_PR_START - CMS Data Extraction Process


CMS_BLOCK - CMS Blocking/Unblocking Report

CMS_CAG_01 - Create Collateral Agreement

CMS_CAG_02 - Change Collateral Agreement

CMS_CAG_03 - Display Collateral Agreement

CMS_CB - Chargeback Application

CMS_COR_REQ_PRINT - Start correspondence print

CMS_CREATE_CHG_PTR - Create chg ptr for entities in const

CMS_CS - Collateral Sheet

CMS_CUS_01 - Object Systems

CMS_CUS_02 - Credit Systems

CMS_CUS_03 - Risk Codes

CMS_CUS_04 - Document Types

CMS_CUS_05 - Business Partner Roles

CMS_CUS_06 - Transactions

CMS_CUS_07 - BDT Field Grouping for Asset Type

CMS_CUS_08 - BDT Field Grouping for CAG Type

CMS_CUS_09 - BDT Field Grouping for a Product

CMS_CUS_11 - Asset Types

CMS_CUS_12 - Collateral Agreement Types

CMS_CUS_13 - Products

CMS_CUS_14 - Product Sets

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_001 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_002 - CMS Control: Field Groups

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_003 - CMS Control: Views

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_004 - CMS Control: Sections

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_005 - CMS Control: Screens

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_006 - CMS Control: Screen Seq.

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_007 - CMS Control: Events

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_008 - CMS Control: GUI Standard Functions

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_009 - CMS Control: GUI Addl Functions

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_015 - CMS Control: Appl. Transactions

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_018 - CMS Control: Activities

CMS_CUS_ACG_REL - Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_ASSET_NR - Number range maintenance: CMS_ASSET

CMS_CUS_BDT_001 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_BDT_002 - CMS Control: Field Groups

CMS_CUS_BDT_003 - CMS Control: Views

CMS_CUS_BDT_004 - CMS Control: Sections

CMS_CUS_BDT_005 - CMS Control: Screens

CMS_CUS_BDT_006 - CMS Control: Screen Seq.

CMS_CUS_BDT_007 - CMS Control: Events

CMS_CUS_BDT_008 - CMS Control: GUI Standard Functions

CMS_CUS_BDT_009 - CMS Control: GUI Addl Functions

CMS_CUS_BDT_011 - CMS Control: Asn.scrn.fld->dbase fld

CMS_CUS_BDT_012 - CMS Control: Field Grp. Criteria

CMS_CUS_BDT_013 - CMS Control: BP Roles

CMS_CUS_BDT_014 - CMS Control: BP Role Groupings

CMS_CUS_BDT_015 - CMS Control: Appl. Transactions

CMS_CUS_BDT_016 - CMS Control: Tables

CMS_CUS_BDT_017 - CMS-Control: External applications

CMS_CUS_BDT_018 - CMS Control: Activities

CMS_CUS_BDT_019 - CMS Control: FuncMod. Activity(Ctrl)

CMS_CUS_BDT_020 - CMS Control: Search Help

CMS_CUS_BDT_021 - CMS control: Assign.DI field->DB fld

CMS_CUS_BDT_022 - CMS Control: Where-Used List Struct.

CMS_CUS_BDT_023 - CMS Tax: Data Sets

CMS_CUS_BDT_100 - CMS Cust: Field Grouping Activity

CMS_CUS_BDT_101 - CMS Cust: BP Role Field Grouping

CMS_CUS_BDT_102 - CMS Cust: Authorization Types

CMS_CUS_BDT_103 - CMS Cust: Field Grps f.Authorization

CMS_CUS_BDT_104 - CMS-Cust: Screen Configuration

CMS_CUS_BDT_105 - CMS-Cust:Fld.modif.exter.application

CMS_CUS_BDT_106 - CMS-Cust: Notes on Roles

CMS_CUS_BDT_107 - CMS Cust: Where-Used List

CMS_CUS_CAG_NUMRANGE - Number range maintenance: CMS_CAGMT

CMS_CUS_COM_NR - Number range maintenance: CMS_MOV

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_001 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_002 - CMS Control: Field Groups

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_003 - CMS Control: Views

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_004 - CMS Control: Sections

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_005 - CMS Control: Screens

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_006 - CMS Control: Screen Seq.

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_007 - CMS Control: Events

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_008 - CMS Control: GUI Standard Functions

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_009 - CMS Control: GUI Addl Functions

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_011 - CMS Control: Asn.scrn.fld->dbase fld

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_012 - CMS Control: Field Grp. Criteria

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_015 - CMS Control: Appl. Transactions

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_016 - CMS Control: Tables

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_018 - CMS Control: Activities

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_019 - CMS Control: FuncMod. Activity(Ctrl)

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_104 - CMS-Cust: Screen Configuration

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_001 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_002 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_003 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_004 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_005 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_006 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_007 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_008 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_009 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_011 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_012 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_015 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_016 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_018 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_100 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_103 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_104 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_105 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LOC_01 - Search Application Customizing

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_001 - CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_002 - CMS Control: Field Groups

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_003 - CMS Control: Views

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_004 - CMS Control: Sections

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_005 - CMS Control: Screens

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_006 - CMS Control: Screen Seq.

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_007 - CMS Control: Events

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_008 - CMS Control: GUI Standard Functions

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_009 - CMS Control: GUI Addl Functions

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_011 - CMS Control: Asn.scrn.fld->dbase fld

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_012 - CMS Control: Field Grp. Criteria

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_013 - CMS Control: BP Roles

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_014 - CMS Control: BP Role Groupings

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_015 - CMS Control: Appl. Transactions

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_016 - CMS Control: Tables

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_017 - CMS-Control: External applications

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_018 - CMS Control: Activities

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_019 - CMS Control: FuncMod. Activity(Ctrl)

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_020 - CMS Control: Search Help

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_021 - CMS control: Assign.DI field->DB fld

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_022 - CMS Control: Where-Used List Struct.

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_023 - CMS Tax: Data Sets

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_100 - CMS Cust: Field Grouping Activity

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_101 - CMS Cust: BP Role Field Grouping

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_102 - CMS Cust: Authorization Types

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_103 - CMS Cust: Field Grps f.Authorization

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_104 - CMS-Cust: Screen Configuration

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_105 - CMS-Cust:Fld.modif.exter.application

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_106 - CMS-Cust: Notes on Roles

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_107 - CMS Cust: Where-Used List

CMS_CUS_PCN_ASTC_REL - Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_PCN_AST_REL - Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_PCN_CAGC_REL - Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_PCN_CAG_REL - Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_PCN_OMSC_REL - Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_PCN_OMS_REL - Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_RBL_NUMRANGE - Number range maintenance: CMS_RBL

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_001 - CMS-RE Control:Applications

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_002 - CMS-RE Control: Field Groups

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_003 - CMS-RE Control: Views

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_004 - CMS-RE Control: Sections

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_005 - CMS-RE Control: Screens

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_006 - CMS-RE Control: Screen Seq.

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_007 - CMS-RE Control: Events

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_008 - CMS-RE Control:GUI Standard Function

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_009 - CMS-RE Control:GUI Addl Function

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_011 - CMS-RE Control:Asn scrn fld->DB fld

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_012 - CMS-RE Control: Field Grp. Criteria

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_013 - CMS-RE Control: BP Roles

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_014 - CMS-RE Control: BP Role Grouping

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_015 - CMS-RE Control: Appl Transactions

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_016 - CMS-RE Control: Tables

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_017 - CMS-RE Control: External Application

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_018 - CMS-RE Control: Activities

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_019 - CMS-RE Control:FuncMod. Activity

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_020 - CMS-RE Control: Search help

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_021 - CMS-RE Control:Asn DI fld->DB fld

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_022 - CMS-RE Control:Where used-list

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_023 - CMS-RE Tax: Data Sets

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_100 - CMS-RE Cust: Fld Grouping Activity

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_101 - CMS-RE Cust: BP Role Fld Grouping

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_102 - CMS-RE Cust: Authorization types

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_103 - CMS-RE Cust: Fld Grouping Auth.

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_104 - CMS-RE Cust: Screen Configuration

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_105 - CMS-RE Cust:Fld Mod ext application

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_106 - CMS-RE Cust: Notes on rules

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_107 - CMS-RE Cust: Where used list

CMS_CUS_RE_OBJECT_NR - Number range maintenance: CMS_RE_OBJ

CMS_DEA - Drug Enforcement Agency

CMS_DEL_CAG_RBL - Deletion of invalid CAG-RBL links

CMS_DEL_SUBAST_MOV - Delete wrong subassets for Movables

CMS_DEL_SUBAST_RE - Delete wrong subassets for RE

CMS_DEL_SUBAST_SEC - Delete wrong subassets for Sec acc

CMS_HIN - HIN Master table Maintanence

CMS_INS_01 - Insurance Create

CMS_INS_02 - Insurance Maintain

CMS_INS_03 - Display Insurance

CMS_LIQ_01 - Create Liquidation

CMS_LIQ_02 - Change Liquidation

CMS_LIQ_03 - Display Liquidation Measure

CMS_LIQ_CFL - Maintain Liq. Cash Flows (Rel 3.0)

CMS_LIQ_MOV - Liquidation Measure: MOV handle

CMS_LIQ_RE - Liquidation Measure:RE handle

CMS_LIQ_RIG - Liquidation Measure: RIG handle

CMS_LO_CTMS - Transport Application Objects

CMS_LR_DE_CHANGE - Change German Land Register

CMS_LR_DE_CREATE - Create German Land Register

CMS_LR_DE_DISPLAY - Display German Land Register

CMS_LR_DE_MAINTAIN - Maintain Land Register

CMS_MPBM - Price Bucket Maintenance

CMS_ORG_ATTR - Org. Attr. Master table Maintanence

CMS_OVER - Collateral Overview

CMS_PPDL - Price protection

CMS_RBL_01 - Create Receivable

CMS_RBL_02 - Change Receivable

CMS_RBL_03 - Display Receivable

CMS_RBL_SYNC - Synchronize receivables

CMS_REP_CAG_VLDT_01 - Collateral Expiry Report

CMS_REP_TSK_LIST_01 - Task List

CMS_RE_CHANGE - Change real estate

CMS_RE_COPY - Create real estate

CMS_RE_CREATE - Create real estate

CMS_RE_DISPLAY - Display real estate

CMS_ROSTER - Group Roster Master Maintanence

CMS_RO_MODEL - RO Genil Model

CMS_RO_OBJECTS - RO GenIL Component Objects

CMS_RTCM - Resale tracking/Claims management

CMS_SEC_ISIN - Maintain class master data for ISINs

CMS_SEC_ISIN_PRICE - Maintain price data for ISINs

CMS_SI - CMS Sell In Sel Screen

CMS_TM - Transmission management

CMS_TM_GEN - Transmission management : Generate

CMS_WB - CMS Workbench

Return Table index