SAP T-Code search on CKM

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CKM3 - Material Price Analysis

CKM3A - Activity Consumption Analysis

CKM3AOLD - Activity Consumption Analysis

CKM3N - Material Price Analysis

CKM3OLD - Material Price Analysis

CKM3PH - Material Price History

CKM3PHOLD - Material Price History

CKM3VERYOLD - Display Material Ledger Data

CKM9 - Show Customizing Settings for Plant

CKMACD - Value Flow Display f. Activity Types

CKMADJUST - Reconcil. with Bal. Sheet Acct in FI

CKMARCHBEL - Archive Document

CKMARCHDAT - Archive Period Records

CKMARCHIDX - Archive Index Entries

CKMARCHRUN - Archive Period Records

CKMARCHSPL - Archiving Actl Cost Comp. Split Recs

CKMARCHWIP - Archive WIP for Actual Costs

CKMATCON - Selection List Maintenance Dialog

CKMATSEL - Selection List

CKMB - Display Material Ledger Document

CKMB_RUN - Create Basic List for Costing Run

CKMC - Consistency Check for a Material

CKMCCC - Manual Change: Act. Cost Comp. Split

CKMCCD - ManChang: Display Actual CC Split

CKMCCE - Man. Change of Transfer Price Markup

CKMCCF - Man. Display of Transf. Price Markup

CKMCCS - Display Actual Cost Component Split

CKMC_RUN - Set Costing Sequence

CKMD - Transactions for a Material

CKMDISPACT - Technical Activity Type View

CKMDISPDOC - Technical View ML Document

CKMDISPPOH - Technical View of Order Development

CKMDISPTAB - Technical View of ML Master Data

CKMDUVACT - Distribution of Activity Differences

CKMDUVMAT - Distribution of Inventory Diffs

CKMDUVREC - Enter Activity Differences

CKMDUVSHOW - Display Inventory and Activity Diff.

CKME - Activation of Planned Prices

CKMF - Allow Price Determination

CKMF_RUN - Allow Price Determination for Run

CKMG - Allow Closing Entries

CKMG_RUN - Allow Closing Entries for Run

CKMH - Single-Level Price Determination

CKMHELPWIP - Helpdesk for WIP

CKMH_RUN - Single-Level Price Det.for Costg Run

CKMI - Post Closing

CKMI_RUN - Post Closing for Costing Run

CKMJ - Display Organizational Measures

CKMJ_RUN - Organizational Measures for Run

CKMK - Control of Information System ML

CKMKO88SIM - Simulate order settlement

CKML - Actual Costing/Material Ledger

CKMLAVREXP - AVR Erklärungstool

CKMLAVRPERD - Display period values

CKMLBB_AGGREGATE - Calculate Periodic Receipt Values


CKMLBB_PERIODS_LIST - Display Periodic Receipt Values

CKMLBB_PRICES_CHANGE - Price Change with Alternat. Prices

CKMLBB_PRICES_LIST - Display Alternative Prices

CKMLCP - Cockpit Actual Costing

CKMLCPAVR - Alternative Valuation Run Cockpit


CKMLCPMLBF - Material Ledger Budget Cockpit

CKMLCPOLD - Actual Costing Cockpit (Old)

CKMLCPW - Actual Costing for Reporting Periods

CKMLDC - Debit/Credit Material

CKMLDM - Debit or Credit Material

CKMLLA - Prices in the Material Ledger

CKMLLACHANGE - Display ActvPrices, Change NO_SETTLE

CKMLLACREATE - Create ML-AT Master Data Manually

CKMLLANOSETTLE - Ind.'Do Not Consider Price'

CKMLLASHOW - Display Activity Prices

CKMLMAT - Display Material List

CKMLMVCHECK - Quantity Structure Consistency

CKMLMV_CA - Edit Controlling Level

CKMLMV_MCA_N - Mass Maintenance: Controlling Levels

CKMLOH - PO History/Multiple Currencies

CKMLPC - Price Change

CKMLPOH - Order History Display

CKMLPROT - Delete Logs

CKMLQS - Valuated Quantity Structure(M-level)

CKMLRUNCUMDEL - Delete costing run cumulation

CKMLRUNDEL - Delete Costing Run (Actual Costing)

CKMLRUNREORG - Reorganization of Costing Runs

CKMLRUNWDEL - Delete Runs for Weekly Act. Costing

CKMLSTATUS - Materials by Period Status

CKMLWIPDEACT - Check Report: WIP Deactivation

CKMLXPRA46A - Postprocessing Report for 46A-XPRA

CKML_FPR1 - Create Production Process

CKML_FPR1N - Edit Production Process

CKML_FPR3 - Display Production Process

CKML_PRICES_SEND - Send Material Prices

CKML_SURF - Edit Prcrmnt / Cnsmptn Alternatives

CKMM - Change Price Determination

CKMM_RUN - Multilevel Pr. Deter. for Cstg Run

CKMPCD - Display Price Change Document

CKMPCSEARCH - Price Change Documents for Material

CKMPDB - Price Difference Balance

CKMPROTDIS - Display Log

CKMPRP - Maintain Planned Prices

CKMPRP2 - Maintain Future Prices by Profile

CKMPRPN - Price Maintenance

CKMR - Report Selection Material Ledger

CKMREDWIP - Value Flow Display for Reduced WIP

CKMREP - Repair Program for ML Tables

CKMS - Material Ledger Docs for Material

CKMSTART - Production Startup of Mat. Ledger

CKMTOPPRICEDIF - Mat. with Highest MAP Difference

CKMTOPSTOCKVAL - Materials w/ Highest Inventory Value

CKMVAPP - Data Transfer: Val. Production Plan

CKMVFM - Value Flow Monitor

CKMVFM_DEL - Delete Extract

CKM_CURRENCIES_LIST - Currency and Val.types in ML, FI, CO

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