SAP T-Code search on WB2_

Search T-Code

WB20 - Global Trade

WB21 - Trading contract: Create

WB21_CS - Trading contract: Create Settlement

WB22 - Trading contract: Change

WB23 - Trading contract: Display

WB24 - Trading contract: Coll. status proc.

WB24N - Mass Processing

WB24N_DIS - Mass Processing

WB25 - Trad. contract list: Contracts lists

WB25_COMP - Trad. Contract List: Contracts Lists

WB26 - Trading Contract: Document Flow

WB27 - Trading contract: Standard analysis

WB28 - Trading contract: Change history

WB28N - Trading Contract: Display change doc

WB29_OPEN - Status/Quantity Overview

WB29_PROFIT - Trading Contract: Profit Simulation

WB2B_CUS - Customizing Global Trade

WB2B_MOD - Customizing Global Trade

WB2B_NETUSER - Create User For TradingContract@Net

WB2C - Messages - Target Group: Customer

WB2CM1 - Reconstruction of Credit Mgmt Data

WB2DI1 - Generate Differential Invoices

WB2DI2 - Relvt Billg Docs for Diffrntl Invs

WB2DI3 - Complete Billng Docs for Difftl Invs

WB2DI4 - Open Billing Docs for Diffrntl Invs

WB2GTS1 - Export: Blocked Trading Contracts

WB2GTS2 - Import: Blocked Trading Contracts

WB2GTS3 - Incorrectly Transferred Documents

WB2GTS4 - Transfer Documents Again

WB2IND - Automatic Document Adjustment

WB2INDD - Delete Document Index

WB2INDD2 - Delete Worklist

WB2INDN - Recompilation of Document Index

WB2L - Long Short Analysis

WB2M - Messages for Management

WB2MAP - Mappings in Global Trade

WB2R - Global Trade General Control

WB2R_AB_DOCS - List AB documents for contracts

WB2R_BUSVOL - Business Volume for Contracts

WB2R_BVDETAIL - Detailed Statement for CC Settlement

WB2R_BVDETAIL_IDA - Detailed Statement CC Settlement IDA

WB2R_CANCEL_DOCS - Cancel documents for contracts

WB2R_DOC_ENTRY - Contract Settlement: Manual entry

WB2R_EXTENSION - Condition Contract Extension

WB2R_IMG - Customizing Contract Settlement

WB2R_RAC - Reverse Accruals Customer Settlement

WB2R_RAV - Reverse Accruals Vendor Settlement

WB2R_SC - Customer Contract Settlement

WB2R_SC_CORR - Correct Customer Contract Settlement

WB2R_SETTL_CAL - Settlement Calendar List

WB2R_SETTL_VAL_IDA - Settlement Amounts CC Settlements

WB2R_SV - Vendor Contract Settlement

WB2R_SV_CORR - Correct Supplier Contract Settlement

WB2R_UAC - Update Accruals Customer Settlement

WB2R_UAV - Update Accruals Supplier Settlement

WB2SEL_AB - Agency Document Selection (seltool)

WB2SEL_AB_LST - Agency List Selection (seltool)

WB2SEL_AC - Accounting Document Selection

WB2SEL_IV - Inbound Invoice Selection

WB2SEL_MD - Material Doc. Selection (seltool)

WB2SEL_OD - Delivery Selection (for seltool)

WB2SEL_PO - Purchasing Document Selection

WB2SEL_SHD - Shadow Selection (for seltool)

WB2SEL_SI - Customer Billing Document Selection

WB2SEL_SI_LST - Customer Billing Doc. List Selection

WB2SEL_SO - Sales Order Selection (for seltool)

WB2SEL_TC - Tr. Contract Selection (for seltool)

WB2SEL_Z1 - Selection for Add-On z1

WB2SEL_Z2 - Selection for Add-On z2

WB2SEL_Z3 - Selection for Add-On z3

WB2TEW_FULL - Dummy for ALV Variants (Fullscreen)

WB2TEW_HEAD - Dummy for ALV Variants Header

WB2TEW_ITEM - Dummy for ALV Variants Item

WB2V - Messages for Vendor

WB2_ARCHIVE_PREP - Archiving Preparation

WB2_CANCEL_WF_APP - Approval: Cancel Workflow/Open TC

WB2_CHECK_STATUS_GRP - Check Used Status Groups

WB2_CPM - Contract Processing Monitor

WB2_CS - Trading Contract Settlement

WB2_CS_LOG - Application Log for Contract Settle.

WB2_DI_LOG - Application Log for Delta Invoicing

WB2_DI_MAPPING_C - Mappings for Diff. Calculations

WB2_EWB - Expense Workbench (Trading)

WB2_LOP_LISTS - Log. Option: Search Trading Contract

WB2_PO_TO_TC_MAP_C - Mappings for shadow TC creation

WB2_PO_TO_TC_MAP_E - Mappings for shadow TC creation

WB2_SO_TO_TC_MAP_C - Mappings for shadow TC creation

WB2_SO_TO_TC_MAP_E - Mappings for shadow TC creation

WB2_TC_2_TC_MAP_MM_C - Mappings for TC consolidation

WB2_TC_2_TC_MAP_MM_E - Mappings for TC consolidation

WB2_TC_2_TC_MAP_SD_C - Mappings for TC consolidation

WB2_TC_2_TC_MAP_SD_E - Mappings for TC consolidation

WB2_TC_CONSOLIDATED - Display of consolidated TC

WB2_TC_DISP - Display of Trading Contract Data

WB2_WUF_AVIV_IDQR_C - Mapping AnlytlVwOfInvcIDQR - Cust

WB2_WUF_AVIV_IDQR_R - Mapping for AnlytlVwOfInvcIDQR - ro

WB2_WUF_AVIV_NO_CUST - Mapping AnlytlVwOfInvcNo - Cust

WB2_WUF_AVIV_NO_RO - Mapping for AnlytlVwOfInvcNo - ro

WB2_WUF_AVIV_SELQR_C - Mapping AnlytlVwOfInvcSelQR - Cust

WB2_WUF_AVIV_SELQR_R - Mapping for AnlytlVwOfInvcSelQR - ro

WB2_WUF_AVTO_NO_CUST - Mapping AnlytlVwOfTrdgOrdNo - Cust

WB2_WUF_AVTO_NO_RO - Mapping for AnlytlVwOfTrdgOrdNo - ro

WB2_WUF_MAPPING - Proxy-Mapping (WUF-Tool)

WB2_WUF_MAPPING_CUST - Proxy-Mapping Cust (WUF-Tool)

WB2_WUF_TRO_CNCNO_C - Mapping for ToCncNotif - Cust

WB2_WUF_TRO_CNCNO_RO - Mapping for ToCncNotif - ro

WB2_WUF_TRO_NOTIF_C - Mapping for ToNotif - Cust

WB2_WUF_TRO_NOTIF_RO - Mapping for ToNotif - ro

WB2_WUF_TRO_RELNO_C - Mapping for ToRelNotif - Cust

WB2_WUF_TRO_RELNO_RO - Mapping for ToRelNotif - ro

WB2_WUF_TRO_UPD_CUST - Mapping for ToUpdReq - Cust

WB2_WUF_TRO_UPD_RO - Mapping for ToUpdReq - ro

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