SAP T-Code search on LS

Search T-Code

LS01 - Create Warehouse Master Record

LS01N - Create Warehouse Master Record

LS02 - Change Warehouse Master Record

LS02N - Change Warehouse Master Record

LS03 - Display Warehouse Master Record

LS03N - Display Warehouse Master Record

LS04 - Display Empty Storage Bins

LS05 - Generate Storage Bins

LS06 - Block Storage Bins

LS07 - Block Quants

LS08 - Block Storage Bins by Aisle

LS09 - Display Material Data for Stor.Type

LS10 - Generate Storage Bins

LS11 - Change several stor.bins simultan.

LS12 - Block stor.type

LS22 - Change Quants

LS23 - Display Quants

LS24 - Display Quants for Material

LS25 - Display Quants per Storage Bin

LS26 - Warehouse stocks per material

LS27 - Display quants for storage unit

LS28 - Display storage units / bin

LS32 - Change storage unit

LS33 - Display storage unit

LS41 - List of control cycles for WIP loc.

LS51 - Create Batch Search Strategy - WM

LS52 - Change Batch Search Strategie - WM

LS53 - Display Batch Search Strategy - WM

LSET_BIN_COORDINATES - Maintain Storage Bins by selection

LSF_EXEC_ENH_FC - Load and Maintain Enhanced Forecast

LSF_MAINT_ENH_FC - Maintain Enhanced Forecast

LSMW - Legacy System Migration Workbench

LSOTACITEM - Item Statistics

LSO_ACTIVATE - SAP Learning Solution On/Off

LSO_ETCHANGE - Reset Access Counter

LSO_EVAL_ADMIN - Administrator: Appraisal Document

LSO_EVAL_CATALOG - Evaluation Catalog

LSO_EVAL_CHANGE - Edit Appraisal Document

LSO_EVAL_CREATE - Create Appraisal

LSO_EVAL_PREPARE - Prepare Appraisal

LSO_EVAL_SEARCH - Find Appraisal

LSO_FLUP - Follow Up Participation w/o Date

LSO_LOCAL_CONTENT - Locally Available Course Content

LSO_MMA_ADM - Manage Required Courses

LSO_MMA_MGR - Manage Required Courses

LSO_OORT - Create Resource Type

LSO_PADBOOK - Database Conversion SAP LSO600

LSO_PP40 - Manual Output

LSO_PSV1 - Dynamic Participation Menu

LSO_PSV2 - Dynamic Course Menu

LSO_PSV3 - Dynamic Information Menu

LSO_PSV5 - Info: Participation

LSO_PSV6 - Information: Courses

LSO_PSV7 - Reporting: Resources

LSO_PSV8 - Create Participant

LSO_PSV9 - Change / Display Participant

LSO_PSVI - User-Defined Settings

LSO_PSVO - Change / Display Training Provider

LSO_PSVP - Dynamic Planning Menu

LSO_PSVQ - Create Training Provider

LSO_PSVR - Dynamic Resource Menu

LSO_PSVT - Dynamic Tool Menu

LSO_PUBLISHER - Display Publisher Database

LSO_PV00 - Book Participation

LSO_PV01 - Rebook Participation

LSO_PV02 - Prebook Participation

LSO_PV03 - Replace Participation

LSO_PV04 - Cancel Participation

LSO_PV05 - Book List: Participants/Courses

LSO_PV06 - Prebook List: Participants

LSO_PV07 - Book List: Participants

LSO_PV08 - Book List: Courses

LSO_PV10 - Create Course with Resources

LSO_PV11 - Create Course Without Resources

LSO_PV12 - Firmly Book/Cancel Course

LSO_PV14 - Lock/Unlock Course

LSO_PV15 - Follow Up Course

LSO_PV16 - Prebook List: Course Types

LSO_PV17 - Billing

LSO_PV18 - Activity Allocation

LSO_PV19 - Activity Allocation for Instructors

LSO_PV1A - Change Course

LSO_PV1B - Display Course

LSO_PV1C - Cost Transfer Posting

LSO_PV1D - Price Proposal

LSO_PV1M - Materials Procurement

LSO_PV33 - Create Appraisal

LSO_PVCT - Master Data Catalog

LSO_PVDC - Edit Curriculum Type

LSO_PVDCEL - Curriculum Type Elements

LSO_PVEC - Edit Curriculum

LSO_PVEC_CREATE - Access: Create/Change Curriculum

LSO_PVEK - Manage Course Program

LSO_PVK0 - Correspondence History

LSO_PVSEARCH_ADM - Administer Search Engine

LSO_RHABLAUF_OLD - Course Schedule

LSO_RHPPROGRS - Completion Progress of Learner

LSO_RHPPROGRS_EC - Learning progress for Curriculum

LSO_RHRBEL00 - Resource Reservation

LSO_RHREFDOC0 - Reference Document Reporting

LSO_RHSEMI60 - Course Information

LSO_RHSSREF0 - Instructor Information

LSO_RHXBUCH0 - Bookings per Participant

LSO_RHXCGRP0 - Course Hierarchy

LSO_RHXERES0 - Resource List per Course

LSO_RHXEVALV_OLD - Course Appraisals

LSO_RHXKBED0 - Course Demand

LSO_RHXKBRO0 - Course Brochure

LSO_RHXKBRO1 - Course Dates

LSO_RHXKBRO2 - Course Prices

LSO_RHXKURS2 - Participation Statistics

LSO_RHXKURS3 - Participation and Sales Statistics

LSO_RHXKVOR0 - Participation Prerequisites

LSO_RHXMARP0 - Material Requirements per Course

LSO_RHXORES1 - Resources Not Yet Assigned / Course

LSO_RHXORES2 - Resources Not Yet Assigned/Res. Type

LSO_RHXQANF0 - Prerequisites Matchup

LSO_RHXRBEL1 - Graphical Resource Reservation

LSO_RHXRESO0 - Resource Reservation Statistics

LSO_RHXSTOR0 - Cancellations per Course

LSO_RHXSTOR1 - Cancellations per Participant

LSO_RHXTEILA - Attendance List

LSO_RHXTEILN - Participant List

LSO_RHXTEILNORG - Courses per Organizer

LSO_RHXTHIST - Participant's Training History

LSO_RHXUMBU0 - Participants for Rebooking

LSO_RHXVORM0 - Prebookings per Course Type

LSO_RHXVORM1 - Prebookings per Participant

LSO_SCHEDULE_EMAIL - Scheduler - E-Mail Notifications

LSO_SCHEDULE_JAMIN - Scheduler - SAP Jam Integration



LSO_SMM - Stopmark Manager

LSO_SOCIAL_MANAGER - LSO: Social Integration Manager

LSO_SUBSCRIBE_CP - Subscribe to Course Program

LSO_TAC_ITEMSTAT - Results Overview: Item Statistics

LSO_TAC_PART_RESULT - Results Overview: Participant

LSO_TAC_TRAIN_RESULT - Results Overview: Course

LSO_TP_C - LS: Participation Document

LSO_WBT_ATTEMPTS - Participant Results in Online Tests

LSO_WD_CRP_CHANGE - Change Correspondence Request (WD)

LSO_WD_CRP_PREVIEW - Correspondence Request Preview (WD)

LST_ASSORT_MAINTAIN - Maintain Assortments

LST_ATTRSET - Maintain Set Types and Attributes

LST_CHECK_CUST - Compare CND_MAPC_* with CRM tables

LST_FIELDCAT - Maintain Listing Item Fieldcatalogue

LST_ITEM_ACCESS - Maintain Listing Item Access

LST_MAINTAIN - Maintain Listings

LST_MAINTAIN_CP - Listing Maintenance Access by Report

LST_PPR_LIST_REP - Listing Reporting

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