SAP T-Code search on J1G_

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J1G0 - Hellenization global settings

J1G4 - MYF - Load customer data

J1G4_M - MYF - Load customer data - monthly

J1G5 - MYF - Load vendor data

J1G5_M - MYF - Load vendor data - monthly

J1G6 - Import MYF data

J1G6_M - Import MYF data - monthly

J1G7_M - MYF - Load GL data - monthly

J1GAL0 - Maintain J_1GALC

J1GAL1 - Maintain J_1GAR_AL_V

J1GAL2 - Maintain J_1GOR

J1GAL3 - Maintain J_1GGA

J1GAL4 - Maintain J_1GIA

J1GAL8 - Update A/L (FI) from SPL

J1GALD - Maintain J_1GAT_V

J1GALE - Maintain J_1GOP

J1GALF - Maintain J_1GALL

J1GALT - Create table group

J1GAMRV1 - Rules for Fixed Asset Revaluation

J1GAMRV2 - Asset Super Number Objective Values

J1GAM_AIB0 - Investment Book

J1GAM_ARE1 - Fixed Asset Revaluation

J1GAM_ARG0 - Asset History Sheet

J1GAM_LA - Asset Legal Register

J1GAM_R1 - Field Maintenance

J1GAM_R2 - Maintain fields

J1GCAS - MYF customizing fields for CAS

J1GCASTAX - MYF customizing Tax codes for CAS

J1GCASTAXC - MYF Tax codes for CAS - customers

J1GCD - Check Digit Routines (for Cheques)

J1GCHL - Cash in hands information

J1GCKCP0 - Create and print G/L Account checque

J1GCKPR0 - Print a manual cheque

J1GCL - Customer Ledger

J1GCOA - Chart of Accounts

J1GCPD - Xtd Bill of Exchange information

J1GCVAL - Customer valuation

J1GDAS1 - Maintain J_1GID

J1GDAS2 - Maintain J_1GIM

J1GFBWE - Bill/Exch.Presentation -Greek

J1GFDD - Customer Financial Data

J1GFDK - Vendor Financial Data

J1GFISA - Print FI document card

J1GGL - Detailed Ledger

J1GIN_M - Vendor Tax - Import File - Monthly

J1GJR0 - Document journal

J1GJR1 - Document types

J1GJR2 - Posting keys

J1GJR3 - Journals

J1GJR4 - Journal descriptions

J1GJR5 - Document types assignment

J1GJR6 - Document types

J1GJR7 - Legal numbers list

J1GJR8 - Document types assignment

J1GJR9 - Control table

J1GJRA - Admin tool for Journal official runs

J1GLBPP1 - Control of prepr. headers

J1GLBPP2 - Creation of prepr.headers

J1GO - Invoice selection criteria

J1GO4 - Invoice selection criteria for CAS

J1GOD0 - Control table

J1GP - Edit MYF data

J1GP01 - Pu posting

J1GP02 - Mass update of J_1GPURULES

J1GP03 - Maintain J_1GPURULES

J1GP04 - Maintain J_1GPUPREFIX

J1GP05 - Transfer of 32 to 20

J1GP06 - Maintained J_1GPU32RULES

J1GPCBK - Book of Production & Costing

J1GPMT3V - Check print program

J1GPUF124 - Automatic clearing

J1GP_M - Edit MYF data - monthly

J1GP_Y - Edit MYF data - yearly

J1GQ - Export MYF data

J1GQN - Vendor Tax - Export

J1GQN_M - Vendor Tax - Export Monthly

J1GQ_M - Export MYF data - monthly

J1GR - W.Tax certificate types

J1GRN - Vendor Tax - Print Forms

J1GS - W.Tax accounts

J1GSL0 - Summarized Ledger

J1GSL1 - Control table

J1GSN - Vendor Tax - GL Accounts

J1GSN2 - Vendor Tax - Withholding Tax Codes

J1GT - W.Tax certificates - Load data

J1GTBC - Control table

J1GTBD - Customer Trial Balance

J1GTBG - Ledger Trial Balance

J1GTBGF - Trial Balance to ASCII file

J1GTBK - Vendor Trial Balance

J1GTDL - Dual Acc.System Reconcil.Table

J1GTN - Vendor Tax - Loading

J1GTN2 - Vendor Tax - Loading Extended WHT

J1GTN2_M - Vendor Tax - Loading Ext WHT Monthly

J1GTN_M - Vendor Tax - Loading Monthly

J1GTR - Vendor Tax Rates

J1GTSB - Technical Specifications Book

J1GTSBC1 - Valuation class texts for TSB

J1GU - W.Tax certificates data

J1GUN - Vendor Tax - Edit

J1GUN_M - Vendor Tax - Edit Monthly

J1GVATC1 - Account substitutions for VAT report

J1GVATR - VAT report

J1GVL - Vendor Ledger

J1GVL_ALDI - A/L postings via direct input

J1GVL_DEV - devaluation

J1GVL_GL - Read G/L account items

J1GVL_INVB - Inventory book

J1GVL_ML_DEL - Archiving of Material Ledger-Delete

J1GVL_ML_REL - Archiving of Material Ledger-Reload

J1GVL_ML_WRI - Archiving of Material Ledger - Write

J1GVL_P00 - WHB for arbitrary dates

J1GVL_P01 - Warehouse book

J1GVL_P07 - Delete online WHB records

J1GVL_R1 - Sample Valuation Report 1

J1GVL_R10 - Table 10 totals

J1GVL_R11 - Table 11 totals

J1GVL_R2 - Sample Cost/Consumpt. Analys. Report


J1GVL_RE1 - Line items per GL Account

J1GVL_RE2 - Valuation Data: Compact version

J1GVL_REP - Reposting valuation

J1GVL_REX - expenses report

J1GVL_RPU - purchases report

J1GVL_RRV - revenue report

J1GVL_S00 - Global Settings

J1GVL_S01 - WHB definition

J1GVL_S01T - WHB Definition Texts

J1GVL_S02 - Valid plants

J1GVL_S03 - Valid materials

J1GVL_S04 - Valid G/L accounts

J1GVL_S05 - Valid document types, movement types

J1GVL_S06 - Warehouse book layout

J1GVL_S07 - Function modules for online WHB val.

J1GVL_S08 - Valid transaction categories

J1GVL_S09 - Update control table

J1GVL_S10 - Update WHB control table

J1GVL_S11 - compare PC CP component cost

J1GVL_S12 - compare valuation and AL postings

J1GVL_S13 - Accounts for A/L postings

J1GVL_S14 - CO Repostings Settings

J1GVL_S15 - FI Repostings Settings

J1GVL_S16 - Production Costs (Cost Estimates)

J1GVL_S17 - Open Production Orders (WIP)

J1GVL_S19 - valuation methods

J1GVL_S1C - Warehouse Books

J1GVL_S20 - Default forms/functions

J1GVL_T01 - Upload initial stock

J1GVL_T02 - Material moement totals in period

J1GVL_T03 - Initilize production run

J1GVL_T04 - Update offline the WHB table J_1GVL_

J1GVL_T05 - Read online WHB values

J1GVL_T08 - check customizing for valuation/WHB

J1GVL_T09 - Update control table

J1GVL_T10 - Update WHB control table

J1GVL_T11 - Initialize prod. run (new)

J1GVL_T12 - Propose WIP Orders

J1GVL_T14 - Stock report for period

J1GVL_T15 - WHB to CD utility

J1GVL_UPDINV - Update Inventory Book with Valuation

J1GVL_VL - Material valuation

J1GVVAL - Vendor valuation

J1GW - W.Tax certificates - Printing

J1GWN - Vendor Tax - Print Certificates

J1GX - Bill/Exch.Presentation -Greek

J1G_AMF - Aforologito apothematiko

J1G_AMI - Investment Book

J1G_SM30_GL - Maintain J_1GGL

J1G_SM30_GS - Maintain J_1GGS

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