SAP T-Code search on EM

Search T-Code

EM10 - Goods Movement via Serial Numbers

EMAIL - SAPconnect Easy EMail

EMASN - IDoc Monitor for Inb. Ship. Notific.

EMC_JP - Transaction code for Japan EMC

EMDUSCRTRQ - Create MDUS Request

EMDUSCRTRQ_MA - Mass Activity: Create MDUS Request

EMDUSFORM - Edit Time-of-Use Formula

EMDUSIFACE - Edit Time-of-Use Interface

EMFOR - Monitor for Forecast/JIT Del.Sched.

EMIGALL - IS-U Migration

EMIGCMP - IS-U Migration Company Maintenance

EMIGCNV - IS-U Mig: Maintain Conversion Obj.

EMIGCOM - Compare with migration Customizing

EMIGFLD - IS-U Migration: Maintain Fields

EMIGFVA - Fixed Value Maintenance

EMIGIMP - IS-U Migration: Data Import

EMIGJOB - IS-U Migration: Job Scheduler

EMIGKSV - IS-U Migration: Maintain KSM

EMIGMASSRUN - Mass Import Monitor: IS Migration

EMIGMASSRUNGROUP - Group Import IS Migration

EMIGOBJ - Maintain migration object

EMIGPREPBAL - Migration of Prepaid Balances

EMIGPREPCLE - Prepaid Migration: Clean-Up Tasks

EMIGPROJECT - IS-U Migration: Maintain Project

EMIGSTAT - Display Stats Record: IS-U Migration

EMIGSTR - Maintenance of autom. data structure

EMIGUSR - IS-U migration user maintenance

EMINV - IDoc-Monitor für eingehende Rechnung

EMJIT - IDoc Monitor for JIT Calls

EMMA - Log Analysis and Case Creation

EMMAC1 - Create Case

EMMAC2 - Change Case

EMMAC3 - Display Case

EMMACAP - Run Automatic Processes for Cases

EMMACC - Cust. Tab. Add. Data in Transaction

EMMACCAT1 - Create Case Category

EMMACCAT1M - Create Case Category from Message

EMMACCAT2 - Change Case Category

EMMACCAT3 - Display Case Category

EMMACCAT4 - Delete Case Category

EMMACCAT5 - Transport Case Category

EMMACL - Clarification List

EMMACLGEN - Generate Case List Program

EMMACLS - Case List with Shortcut Keys


EMMAJ3 - Display Job

EMMAJL - Job List


EMMAJOBLOG_DARK - Analyze Job Log Using BPEM

EMMAJP - Process Job

EMMALOG - Display Application Log

EMMARTA - BPEM Runtime Error Analysis

EMMA_NR_CASE - Number Range Maintenance: EMMA_CASE

EMMA_NR_JOB - Number Range Maintenance: EMMA_RUNID

EMMA_OLD - Monitor mass activity

EMORD - IDoc Monitor for SD Orders

EMP_MIGR - Employee Migration

EMSG - Maintenance of Message Groups

EMTB - Mass Activity: Turbo Billing

EMTRA - IDoc Monitor for Inbound Transports

EMU1 - Convert Loans to EURO

EMU2 - Reset Conversion to EURO

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