SAP T-Code search on CRMC

Search T-Code

CRMCACTARC - Archiving Control CRM Activity

CRMCFINANCEID - Number Range Maintenance: FINANCEID

CRMCFSPRODID - Number Range Maintenance: FS_PRODID

CRMCIPMIPMSG - Configure Cust-Spec. IPM-IP Messages

CRMCIP_PRODID - Number Range Maintenance: IP_PRODID

CRMCPRMSG - Configure Customer-Specific Messages

CRMCSERVICEID - Number Range Maintenance: SERVICEID

CRMCUSTOM - Monitoring Middleware System

CRMCWARRANTYID - Number Range Maintenance: COMWTYID

CRMC_ACC_PL_ACT_CONF - ACP:Configure Conditions for Actions

CRMC_ACC_PL_ACT_DEF - ACP : Define Action Profile

CRMC_ACC_PL_ACT_WIZ - Action for Definition via Wizard

CRMC_ACC_PL_FAW - Field Selection Account Plan

CRMC_ACTION_CONF - Configure Action Profile

CRMC_ACTION_DEF - Define Action Profile

CRMC_ACTION_JOB - Action Monitor

CRMC_ACTION_PRINT - Configure action profile (old)

CRMC_ACTION_WIZARD - Action for Definition via Wizard

CRMC_ACTIVITY_H - Customizing Maintenance Activity

CRMC_ACT_CATEGORY - Cust. Maint. Activity: Category

CRMC_ACT_OBJ - Cust. Maintenance Activity: Goal

CRMC_ACT_SURVEY - Cust. Maint. Activity: Questionnaire

CRMC_AGR_PD - Assign Partner Determination Proc

CRMC_AM_JCLASS - Alert Modeler Java Class

CRMC_ATP_PROFILE - Customizing Maintenance: APO Profile

CRMC_AUTH_GRP - Maintain authorization groups

CRMC_AUTH_SCOPE - Authorization Domains and Scopes

CRMC_BLUEPRINT - Maintenance for BSP Blueprint


CRMC_BL_CHECK - Check Blueprint Tables

CRMC_BL_COPY_QUERIES - Copy Report for Delivery Queries

CRMC_BP_CCKPT_PB - Cust.Maint. BP Cockpit: Pushbuttons


CRMC_BSP_CT - Customizing Tool

CRMC_BUAG_NUMBERS - Number Range Maintenance: BUAG

CRMC_BUIL - Enhance BUIL model

CRMC_BUPA_CONSUM - Maintain reference business partner


CRMC_BUS_SUBOB_C - Assign. BUS - Allowed Appl. Areas

CRMC_BUS_SUBOB_I - Assignment BUS-allowed app.area item

CRMC_BUT_CALL_FU - Determining FMs for Data Exchange:BP


CRMC_CATAGORY_WP - Cust. Maintenance Application Area


CRMC_CATALOG_OVV - Catalog Overview

CRMC_CGEN_CGENTYPE - Condition Generation Type Definition

CRMC_CGEN_CONDGRP - Condition Maintenance Group

CRMC_CGEN_COND_GEN - Condition Generation for a contract

CRMC_CGEN_CONFRES - Conflict Resolution

CRMC_CGEN_CONTEXT - Condition Context Definition

CRMC_CGEN_SET_REFTYP - Condition Reference Type

CRMC_CGEN_STAGING - Staging ON/OFF for condition gen

CRMC_CHM_LD_WF_CUST - Lead distribution workflows

CRMC_CIC_AB_LSYS_ASS - Action Box: Assign logical systems

CRMC_CIC_AB_LSYS_CRE - Action Box: Create logical systems

CRMC_CIC_AB_LSYS_RFC - Action Box: Assign LogSYS to RfcDest

CRMC_CIC_AB_NAV - Action Box Navigation Area

CRMC_CIC_AB_WEBGUI - Define ITS for WebGui Mode

CRMC_CIC_ACT0 - Transaction component profile

CRMC_CIC_AM_LANG - Lang. dependent text - Alert Modeler

CRMC_CIC_AM_META - Define Customer-Specific Meta Model

CRMC_CIC_AM_PROFILE - Maintan Alert Modeler Editor Profile

CRMC_CIC_BP_PROFILE - Maintain Profile Templates

CRMC_CIC_BROAD - IC WinClient Broadcast Profile

CRMC_CIC_CLIENT - Maintain Client Switch Application

CRMC_CIC_CLIENT_PROF - Maintain Client Switch Profile

CRMC_CIC_COMP_ACTION - Component Actions (for locator, BDD)

CRMC_CIC_EXT_INB_ACT - Activate Agent Inbox

CRMC_CIC_FW_MAINTAIN - Maintain Framework ID and Parameters

CRMC_CIC_MAIL_ADDR - Addresses for Agent Inbox

CRMC_CIC_MAIL_E_RESP - Maintain Rules for E-Mail

CRMC_CIC_MAIL_F_RESP - Maintain Rules for Fax

CRMC_CIC_MAIL_GLOBAL - Define Global Settings

CRMC_CIC_MAIL_IBXPRF - Define Inbox Settings

CRMC_CIC_MAIL_TASKS - Task Classification

CRMC_CIC_MAIL_WF - Assign Agent for E-Mail Handling

CRMC_CIC_RESTART - Set Time & Memory for Restart

CRMC_CIC_SEARCH_CNTR - Maintain Search Components

CRMC_CIC_SEARCH_RULE - Maintain Search Attributes

CRMC_CIC_TITLE_TEXTS - Maintain Window Title

CRMC_CIC_WSP0 - CIC Component Definition

CRMC_CIC_WSP1 - Inbox Profiles

CRMC_CIC_WSP2 - E-Mail Editor Profiles

CRMC_CIC_WSP3 - Default Workspaces Profile

CRMC_CIC_WSP_EDITOR2 - Editor Profiles

CRMC_CLA_CCB_NR - Number range maintenance: CRM_CLACCB

CRMC_CLA_CCR_NR - Number range maintenance: CRM_CLACCR

CRMC_CLA_CPP_NR - Number range maintenance: CRM_CLACPP

CRMC_CLA_CSD_NR - Number range maintenance: CRM_CLACSD

CRMC_CLA_CSR_NR - Number range maintenance: CRM_CLACSR

CRMC_CLA_RES_NR - Number range maintenance: CRM_CLARES

CRMC_CLA_VSEIVER_NR - Number range maintenance: CLAVSEIVER

CRMC_CLA_VSEXTID_NR - Number range maintenance: CLAVSEXTID

CRMC_CLA_VSID_NR - Number range maintenance: CLAVSID

CRMC_CLA_WF_CUST - Workflows Claims

CRMC_CLM_ACTION_CONF - Configure Action Profile

CRMC_CLM_ACTION_DEF - Define Action Profile

CRMC_CLM_ACTION_WIZ - Action for Definition via Wizard

CRMC_CLM_BTSYNC - Business transaction synchronization

CRMC_CLM_CALLATTRS - Call Attributes


CRMC_CLM_CLDP - Call list determination procedures

CRMC_CLM_CLTYPES - Call list types

CRMC_CLM_CMPGPM - Campaign priority mapping

CRMC_CLM_CTMAP - Calling Times Mapping

CRMC_CLM_ORCC - Order control components

CRMC_CLM_PSM - Persistent storage manager

CRMC_CLM_RSCHVL - Rescheduling validation procedures

CRMC_CLM_SORCC - Standard order control profiles

CRMC_CLM_STMAP - Call State Mapping

CRMC_CMG_ACI_CONF - Configure Action Profile

CRMC_CMG_ACI_DEF - Define Action Profile

CRMC_CMG_ACI_WIZARD - Definition of Action via Wizard

CRMC_CPE - Commodity Pricing Customizing CRM

CRMC_CPRICPROC - Definition of Cust. Determ. Proced.

CRMC_CP_BADI_F - Copying BADI - Text Maintenance

CRMC_CSDR_ADD_CUST - Design Registration Project

CRMC_CSDR_APPL_CUST - Design Registration Project


CRMC_DPRICPROC - Definition of Document Procedures

CRMC_EOP_IDX_REBUILD - Generate End of Business Data

CRMC_ERMS_BDC_FIELDS - Define Repository

CRMC_ERMS_CAT_APPL - Maintain Application Areas

CRMC_ERMS_EVENT - Define Reporting Events

CRMC_ERMS_REPOSITORY - Define Repository

CRMC_ERMS_SF_DS - Smart response data sources

CRMC_ERMS_SF_FMA - Smart response field mapping

CRMC_ERMS_SM_PDET - Define Service Manager Prof.-Determ.

CRMC_ERMS_SM_PROF - Define Service Manager Profiles

CRMC_ERMS_SM_SRV - Define Services

CRMC_ERMS_STATUS - Define Reporting Statuses

CRMC_ERMS_WB_ACT - E-Mail Workbench Actions

CRMC_EXEC_BAB - CRM: Start Business Applic. Builder

CRMC_EXEC_BAB_C - CRM: Start BAB in Customer Mode

CRMC_EXEC_BAB_D - CRM: BAB in Customer Designer Mode


CRMC_FA_ACC_SEQ - Access Sequence for Formula Assembly

CRMC_FA_COND_TYPE - Condition Types for Formula Assembly

CRMC_FA_CT - Cond. Tables for Formula Assembly

CRMC_FA_DET_PROC - Det. Procedure for Formula Assembly

CRMC_FA_FC - CRM Field Catalog

CRMC_FIELD_AUTH - Define Authorization Level

CRMC_FINANCEID_ALL - Number Range Maintenance Financing

CRMC_FM_BPO_WF_CUST - Workflows Budget Postings

CRMC_FM_FND_NR - Number range maintenance: CRM_FM_FND

CRMC_FM_FNP_NR - Number range maintenance: CRM_FM_FNP

CRMC_FM_FU_HEAD_NR - Number range maintenance: CRM_FM_FU

CRMC_FM_LRE_NR - Number range maintenance: CRM_FM_LRE

CRMC_FM_LR_ACT_CONF - Configure Conditions for Actions

CRMC_FM_LR_ACT_DEF - Define Action Profile

CRMC_FM_LR_ACT_WIZ - Actions Definition using Wizard

CRMC_FM_LR_NR - Number range maintenance: CRM_FM_LR

CRMC_FS_CPID - Number Range Maintenance FS_CPID

CRMC_FS_MASS_CHANGE - FS Start Mass-Changes

CRMC_FS_PRODID_ALL - Maintain Number Range for FS Prods

CRMC_GPM_ACT_COND - Define Action Conditions

CRMC_GPM_ACT_DEF - Define Action Profiles and Actions

CRMC_GPM_ACT_WIZ - Action Defintion Using Wizard

CRMC_HISTAB_USG - Tx. for defining history table name

CRMC_HIST_LEVELS - Tx for defining levels for history

CRMC_ICA_BDC_LOG - Intent Driven Interaction Profile

CRMC_ICM_BPCLAS - ICM BP Profile: Category <-> Classif

CRMC_ICM_PHOTOS - Configure Folder To Store The Images

CRMC_IC_ACPROF - Define Activity Clipboard Profiles

CRMC_IC_ACTIONPROF - Copy/Delete Launch Transactions

CRMC_IC_ACTIONWZ - Configure Transaction Launcher

CRMC_IC_ACTPROF - Activity Clipboard Technical Profile

CRMC_IC_AIC_LOGROL - CRM AIC Logical Sys to Business Role

CRMC_IC_ALERTMODELER - Define Alerts and Alert Profiles

CRMC_IC_AMWZ - alert wizard

CRMC_IC_AM_PHS - Maintain Alert Modeler Placeholder

CRMC_IC_AM_PRM - Alert Modeler Input Parameters

CRMC_IC_AUIADDR - Define Receiving E-Mail Addr/Fax No.




CRMC_IC_AUILET - Agent Inbox Letter


CRMC_IC_AUI_FWD - Define Forwards for Inbox Items


CRMC_IC_AUI_MAINCAT - Define Main Categories

CRMC_IC_AUI_MAP_PRI - Map Native to Inbox Priorities

CRMC_IC_AUI_MAP_STA - Map Native to Inbox Status

CRMC_IC_AUI_PARTNER - Agents Universal Inbox - Partners

CRMC_IC_AUI_PROFILE - Define and Assign Inbox Profiles

CRMC_IC_AUI_PRO_FWD - Assign Forward-To to Inbox Profile

CRMC_IC_AUI_QUICKS - Define Quick Searches

CRMC_IC_AUI_TIMEPER - Define Time Periods

CRMC_IC_BDCCONTEXT - Specify alternative BDC context


CRMC_IC_BPPROF - Define Profiles for Customer Identif

CRMC_IC_BPPROFMUL - Define Profiles for Customer Identif

CRMC_IC_BPPROFX - Define Profiles for Customer Identif

CRMC_IC_BPS_CUST - Define Business Partner Search Index

CRMC_IC_BP_MUL - Define Profiles for Customer Identif

CRMC_IC_BROAD - IC WebClient Broadcast Customizing

CRMC_IC_BTPFAS - Assignment of Partner Functions

CRMC_IC_BTPROF - Profile for Business Transaction

CRMC_IC_CAD - Profile for Contact Attached Data

CRMC_IC_CATPROF - Define Categorization Profiles

CRMC_IC_CHAT - Define Chat Profiles

CRMC_IC_CHTPROF - Maintain profiles for Chat

CRMC_IC_CLMPROF - Call List Profile Maintenance

CRMC_IC_CM - Content Management customizing

CRMC_IC_CTXTPROF - Define Context Area Profile

CRMC_IC_CWPROF - Define Client Switch Profile

CRMC_IC_DTMF - Maintain DTMF Tones

CRMC_IC_EMAIL - Define E-Mail Profiles

CRMC_IC_EMAILX - Define E-Mail Profiles

CRMC_IC_EMAIL_BAS - Define E-Mail Profiles

CRMC_IC_EMLPROF - Maintain profiles for Email

CRMC_IC_EVENTING - Define Event Classes

CRMC_IC_EVENTS - IC WebClient Events

CRMC_IC_EVENT_PROF - Intent Driven Interaction Profile

CRMC_IC_EVENT_REP - Intent Driven Interaction Profile

CRMC_IC_FROMGRP - Define Outgoing Address Groups

CRMC_IC_FW_BPP - Parameter Name of BPP

CRMC_IC_HEARTBEAT - Define Heartbeat Check Profile

CRMC_IC_IBASE - Define IBase Profile

CRMC_IC_IDI_PROF - Intent Driven Interaction Profile

CRMC_IC_INT_PWP - Maintain Pre Wrap Up types

CRMC_IC_KSPROF - Define Knowledge Search Profiles

CRMC_IC_LTX_URLS - Define URLs and Parameters

CRMC_IC_MAIL_E_RESP - Maintain Rules for E-Mail

CRMC_IC_MAIL_F_RESP - Maintain Rules for Fax

CRMC_IC_MAIL_WF - Assign Agent for E-Mail Handling

CRMC_IC_MAIN - Define IC WebClient Profiles

CRMC_IC_MCM_CCPRO - Define Com Mgmt Software Profiles

CRMC_IC_MKTPROF - Campaign Profile Maintenance


CRMC_IC_NAVBAR_PERM - Define Navigation Bar Profiles

CRMC_IC_PMASTER - Define Function Profiles

CRMC_IC_PWP - Maintain Pre Wrap Up types

CRMC_IC_RESPNGRP - Define Standard Response Groups

CRMC_IC_RESPNGRPX - Define Standard Response Groups

CRMC_IC_RE_PROF - Define Real-Time Offer Managem. Prof

CRMC_IC_RTFRAMEWORK - IC Runtime Framework Customizing

CRMC_IC_RULE - Maintain Rule profile

CRMC_IC_SCRIPT - Maintain Interactive Scripting Prof

CRMC_IC_SOS_CUST - Define Bus.Transaction Search Index

CRMC_IC_SPH_AGENTPRO - Maintain Profiles for SPH Agent

CRMC_IC_TLBBTN - Define Toolbar Buttons

CRMC_IC_TLBBTNX - Define Toolbar Buttons

CRMC_IC_TLBPROF - Define Toolbar Profiles

CRMC_IC_TRACE - Activate activity tracing for agent

CRMC_IC_WCNT - Define Work Client Settings

CRMC_IIA_KERNEL - IIA: Customizing for Learning Engine

CRMC_IIA_REPORT - IIA: Customizing for Learning Engine

CRMC_IOBJ_FIN_STATE - Change Status of Individual Objects

CRMC_IOBJ_STRUCT - Customizing Object Structure

CRMC_IPMO_BWSELOPT - BW Select Optns: IPMO Sett.DataColl.

CRMC_IPM_CLRRUL - Clearing Control - Diagram Form

CRMC_IPM_RAAREQ - Number range maintenance: IPM_RAAREQ

CRMC_IP_PRODID_ALL - Number Range Maintenance IPs

CRMC_IR_PROFILE - Define Interactive Reports Profile

CRMC_IR_PUBLISH - Define Components

CRMC_ISA_IUSER - Internet User Settings

CRMC_ISA_SHFLD - Maintenance of Shop Fields

CRMC_ISA_SHTP - Maintenance of Shop Scenario

CRMC_ISE_GRP - Define Script Authorization Groups

CRMC_ISU_BASKET - Define Object Set Profiles

CRMC_ISX_MSG_DIST - Document Distribution Settings

CRMC_ISX_NRIV_ADG - Number Range: Allowance Def. Group

CRMC_ISX_NRIV_PPACC - Number range maintenance: BUAG_PPACC

CRMC_ISX_NRIV_PRVMR - Number Range Maintenance: Mass Runs

CRMC_ITEM_CAT_GR - Item Category Usage

CRMC_ITEM_MA - Customizing Maintenance: Item Cats

CRMC_IT_ASSIGN - Customizing Maint.: Item Cat. Dtrmtn

CRMC_IT_COPY_IF - Copy: Item category determination

CRMC_IT_COPY_MA - Copy Item Categories

CRMC_IT_TYPE_US - Item Category Usage

CRMC_LAYOUTC_GENE - Generation of Customer Table Layout

CRMC_LAYOUT_GENERATE - Generation of Layout Table

CRMC_LOGS - Maintenance of message classes

CRMC_LST_ACTION_WIZ - Creating Actions via Wizard

CRMC_LST_ACT_CONF - Configure Conditions for Actions

CRMC_LST_ACT_DEF - Define Action Profile

CRMC_MAP - Customer Maintenance Mapping

CRMC_MASS_CP_NUM - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_MASSCP

CRMC_MASS_LOG_NR - Number Range Maintenance: MASS

CRMC_MKTCA_UDCT - User-Defined Condition Template

CRMC_MKTCA_UDCT_ADM - Administration

CRMC_MKTCA_WF_CUST - Workflows Campaign Automation

CRMC_MKTHV_MC_NR - Number range maintenance: CRMMKTHVMC

CRMC_MKTIB_IL_CUSTOM - Customizing Internal BO Model (BOL)

CRMC_MKTISM_ACT_COND - Define Conditions

CRMC_MKTISM_ACT_DEF - Define Action Profiles and Actions

CRMC_MKTLIST_WF_CUST - Workflows External List Management

CRMC_MKTPL - Customizing: Mkt. Plan. / Camp. Mgmt

CRMC_MKTPLTP_OCT - Additional Overlaps for TPM-Types

CRMC_MKTPLTP_ODI - Overlap Check Dimensions

CRMC_MKTPLTP_ODR - Additional Date Ranges for Overlaps

CRMC_MKTPL_ACT_CONF - Configure Conditions for Actions

CRMC_MKTPL_ACT_DEF - Define Action Profile

CRMC_MKTPL_ACT_WIZ - Action for Definition via Wizard

CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_CPG - Field Selection Campaign

CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_CPT - Field Selection Campaign Element

CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_DLM - Field Selection Deal

CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_MPL - Field Selection Marketing Plan

CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_MPT - Field Select. Marketing Plan Element

CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_TPM - Field Selection Trade Promotion

CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_TPT - Field Selection Trade Element

CRMC_MKTPL_MAPPING - Customizing Field Assignment MS Proj

CRMC_MKTPL_RT_AC - Maintaning residency time

CRMC_MKTPL_SETTYPE - Marketing Planning: Process Set Type

CRMC_MKTTG_CUSTMSG - Configure Customer-Specific Messages

CRMC_MKTTG_DTY - CRM Marketing: View Display Type

CRMC_MKTTG_MGR_H - CRM Marketing: Report Name

CRMC_MKTTG_OPT_H - CRM Marketing: Sample Optimization

CRMC_MKTTG_RUL - CRM MKT: Split/Reduce Rules for TGs

CRMC_MKTTG_SA_DP - Assign Attribute Type to Display

CRMC_MKTTG_SA_TP - CRM Marketing: View Attribute Types

CRMC_MKTTG_TYP_H - CRM Marketing: Target Group Type...

CRMC_MKT_BWA_CUST - Segmentation BW Integration Cust.

CRMC_MKT_DAM - Start DAM customizing directly

CRMC_MKT_PARAMBW - Customizing for BW Parameter ID

CRMC_MKT_SEG_CUST - General Settings for Segmentation

CRMC_MODEL_LIREP - Transaction for List. Rep. BOL Model

CRMC_MODEL_PRCIL - Transaction for Pricing BOL Modeling

CRMC_MODEL_TTEIL - Transaction for Pricing BOL Modeling

CRMC_MSGC - Customizing CRM message attribute

CRMC_MSGS - CRM message attribute maintenance

CRMC_NR_CONF - Number Range Maint.: CRM_CONF

CRMC_NR_EDR_ID - Number range maintenance: CRM_EDR_ID

CRMC_NR_MKT_ICRH - NR for Personalized Response Code

CRMC_NR_MKT_VOCOD - NR for Personalized Voucher Code

CRMC_NR_MPK_MPOINT - Number Range Maint.: Counter

CRMC_NR_MPK_READING - Number Range Maint.: Counter Reading

CRMC_NR_RA_4SAPPL - Maintain Number Range: CRM_4SAPPL

CRMC_NR_RA_4SDFLW - Maintain Number Range: CRM_4SSRVP

CRMC_NR_RA_4SDP - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_4SDP

CRMC_NR_RA_4SSRVP - Maintain Number Range: CRM_4SSRVP

CRMC_NR_RA_ACTIVITY - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_ACTIVI

CRMC_NR_RA_CMPTXN - Number range maintenance: CRM_COMPTX

CRMC_NR_RA_COMPL - Number range editing: CRM_S4COMP

CRMC_NR_RA_CONFIRM - Number Range Maintenance:CRM_confirm

CRMC_NR_RA_CONT_P - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_CONT_P

CRMC_NR_RA_DSM_AP - Number range maintenance: CRM_DSM_AP

CRMC_NR_RA_DSM_AR - Number range maintenance: CRM_DSM_AR

CRMC_NR_RA_FANF - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SERVIC

CRMC_NR_RA_FM_BP - Number range maintenance: CRM_FM_BPO

CRMC_NR_RA_FM_FPO - Number range maintenance: CRM_FM_FPO

CRMC_NR_RA_GM_GAG - Number range maintenance: CRM_GM_GAG

CRMC_NR_RA_GM_GAP - Number range maintenance: CRM_GM_GAP

CRMC_NR_RA_GM_GCL - Number range maintenance: CRM_GM_GCL

CRMC_NR_RA_INCDNT - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_INCDNT

CRMC_NR_RA_KA - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_KA

CRMC_NR_RA_LEADS - Number range maintenance: CRM_LEAD

CRMC_NR_RA_OPPORT - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_OPPORT

CRMC_NR_RA_PROBLM - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_PROBLM

CRMC_NR_RA_PRVCTR - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_PRVCTR

CRMC_NR_RA_PRVORD - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_PRVORD

CRMC_NR_RA_REBATE_AG - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_REBATE

CRMC_NR_RA_REPAIR - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_REPAIR

CRMC_NR_RA_SALES - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SALES

CRMC_NR_RA_SERVICE - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SERVIC

CRMC_NR_RA_SRV_CONF - Number range maintenance: CRM_SRV_CF

CRMC_NR_RA_SUR - Number range maintenance: CRM_SUR

CRMC_NR_RA_SVCONT - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SVCONT

CRMC_NR_RA_TELCO - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_TELCO

CRMC_NR_RA_UBBVOL - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SALES

CRMC_OBJECTS - Subobjects of CRM Document

CRMC_OBJECT_ASSI - Assignment Appl. Area - CRM Object

CRMC_OOCU_MI - Task Customizing: Investigations

CRMC_OPPORT_H - Customizing Maintenance: Opportunity

CRMC_ORGPROF - Maintenance of Org. Data Profile

CRMC_OR_REPPRO - OLTP Report Customizing

CRMC_PARTNER_AS - Maintenance of Access Sequences

CRMC_PARTNER_FCT - Maintenance of Partner Functions

CRMC_PARTNER_MAP2CRM - Mapping Partner Functions into CRM

CRMC_PARTNER_MAP2R3 - Mapping Partner Functions into R/3

CRMC_PARTNER_PDP - Maintenance of Partner Procedures

CRMC_PARTNER_PFT - Maintenance of Partner Function Typ



CRMC_PFTREL - BP PartnerFunctionCat.for Rel. Cat.

CRMC_PLSRV_REL - Product Proposal

CRMC_PPR_CTRL - Maintain Global PPR Settings

CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_APPL - Define Applications using PPRs

CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_OCHK - Transaction Types Rel. for PPR Check

CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_PARA - Customer Maintenance Rule Parameter


CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_RPRF - Define Profiles for PPR Ranks

CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_RULE - Customer Maintenance Rule Definition

CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_SRTB - Define Sort Routines for BPartners

CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_SRTP - Define Sort Routines for Products

CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_TYPE - Customer Maintenance PPR Types

CRMC_PPR_LISTING_TP - Maintain PPR Types for Listings

CRMC_PRCPROC_DET - Cust. Maint. Pr. type determination

CRMC_PRCTYPE_DET - Cust. Maint. Pric. Proced. Maint.

CRMC_PRD_BLOCKED_DEL - CRM Product Blocked data deletion

CRMC_PREFILL_RFC - Transaction for Prefill RFC

CRMC_PROCESS_MA - Customizing Maint.:Transaction Types

CRMC_PROD_FIN_COPY - Copy Financing Product

CRMC_PROD_FIN_HIER - Create Financing Hierarchy

CRMC_PROD_FS_HIER - Create Hierarchy for FS Products

CRMC_PROD_FS_PRHIER - Create Process Hier. for FS Products

CRMC_PRPS - BP Function Proposal Procedure

CRMC_PRP_IL_MAP - PPR-Customizing: Maintenance Mapping

CRMC_PRP_OBJECTS - PPR-Customizing: Maintenance Mapping

CRMC_PR_COPY_MA - Copy Tranasction Types

CRMC_R3_ORG_GENERATE - R/3 organizational data generation

CRMC_REPO_OPT - Configure Report Page Work Center

CRMC_SAF_ADV - SAF: Advanced customizing for saf

CRMC_SAF_ADV_APP - SAF: Customizing for applications

CRMC_SAF_ADV_CLIENT - SAF: Advanced customizing for saf

CRMC_SAF_ICKB - Knowledge search attachment



CRMC_SAF_REPORT - Customizing for SDB Report

CRMC_SAF_TOOL - SAF Diagnosis Tool

CRMC_SAF_WZ_APP - SAF: Wizard for applications

CRMC_SAF_WZ_COMPILE - SAF: Wizard for compilation service

CRMC_SAF_WZ_KB - SAF: Wizard BAdI Knowledge Base

CRMC_SAF_WZ_LE - SAF: Wizard for learning engine

CRMC_SAF_WZ_RFC - Configure RFC Destinations

CRMC_SAF_WZ_SE - SAF: Wizard for seach engine

CRMC_SALES_ITEM - Sales Customizing at Item Level

CRMC_SERVICEID_ALL - Number Range Maintenance Services

CRMC_SERVICE_H - Customizing Maintenance: Service

CRMC_SERVICE_IPT - Maintenance of Internet Trans. Types


CRMC_SLS_ITM_BIL - Maint. Item Types & Billing Relev.

CRMC_SME_MKT_CPG_NR - Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SME_MC

CRMC_SOC_CUST - Define Soc. Media Channels and Accts

CRMC_SOC_DATA_STORAG - Storage of Social Media Posts

CRMC_SOC_NUM_RANGE - Define Number Ranges

CRMC_SRVCATIFC - Catalog Integration

CRMC_SSC_APPL - Maintain Application Mapping

CRMC_SUBJPROFILE_H - Define Subject Profile

CRMC_SUBOB_CAT - Application Areas

CRMC_SUBOB_CAT_I - Item - Business Object Types


CRMC_TAX_CUST_UPD - Maintain Condition Function in Cond.

CRMC_TAX_GROUP - Tax Group Customizing

CRMC_TAX_MAP - Tax Group Customizing

CRMC_TAX_SCHEMA - Maintain tax procedures

CRMC_TEXT - CRM Formatted Text Customizing

CRMC_TIMEPROF - CRM date profile

CRMC_TM_CLPROF0 - Call list profile maintenance

CRMC_UI_ACTIONWZ - Configure Transaction Launcher

CRMC_UI_BI - Define BI Reports for CRM UI

CRMC_UI_CLIP - Activitiy Clipboard

CRMC_UI_COMPONENTS - Component definitions

CRMC_UI_CONF_KEY - Define Role Config Keys

CRMC_UI_DC_PARAM - Define data context parameters

CRMC_UI_LAYOUT - CRM UI Application Context Layout

CRMC_UI_NBCOMP - Define navigation components

CRMC_UI_NBLINKS - Define NavBar Profile

CRMC_UI_OBJ_MAPPING - Define Object Mapping

CRMC_UI_PARAMETERS - Define Paramters

CRMC_UI_PMASTER - Define Function Profiles

CRMC_UI_PROFILE - Define Business Roles

CRMC_UI_TPROFILE - Technical Profile Definition

CRMC_UI_WA_COMP_REP - Define Work Area Components

CRMC_WARRANTYID_ALL - Number Range Maintenance Warranties

CRMC_WEBREQ - Request Categories for Web Requests

CRMC_WEBREQ_BEGR - Authorization Groups for Views

CRMC_WEBREQ_BEGR_DIS - Authorization Groups for Views


CRMC_WLA_STDST - Standard Search Type Profiles

CRMC_XMLEDITOR - Start XML Editor for Spice

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