SAP T-Code search on COM

Search T-Code

COMAC - Collective Availability Check


COMCPRAUTHGROUP - Authorization Groups

COMCPRD_BSP_ID - Number Range Maintenance: PRD_BSP_ID

COMCPRFORMAT - Format of the Product ID

COMCPRLOGSYS - Prod.ID: Storage Type in Log. System

COMCPRMSG - Configure Customer-Specific Messages

COMCPRTYPENRO - Number Assignment Control

COMCSERVICEID - Number Range Maintenance Materials

COMC_CATEGORY_SCHEME - Define Category Numbering Schemes

COMC_DIFF_BSP - Number Range Maintenance: PRDDIFFBSP

COMC_IOBJ_LOCAT - Customizing for Location Ind. Object

COMC_LOGSYS_MAP - Assignment of Logical Systems

COMC_MATERIALID_ALL - Number Range Maintenance Materials

COMC_PRAPPLCAT - Assign Hierachies to Applications

COMC_PRODUCT_IDX - Activate Index Table for Products

COMC_PR_ALTID - Alternative Product IDs

COMC_PR_ALTID_BSP - Alternat. ID Type Profile for PC-UI

COMC_PR_OBJ_FAM - Define Object Families

COMC_PR_OBJ_FAM1 - Define Object Families

COMC_PR_OBJ_FAM2 - Define Object Families (Client)


COMC_SERVICEID_ALL - Number Range Maintenance Service

COMC_TEXT - Cust. Maintenance Text Processing

COMC_TEXT_CHECK_01 - Consistency Check Text Customizing

COMC_TRADEITEMID_ALL - No. Range Maintenance Trade Item

COMES_CAPA_ALLOC - Assignment Individual Cap. - Equipm.

COMLI - Post WIP Closing for Activities

COMLWIPARCH - Archive WIP Quantities Document

COMLWIPDISP - Trans. For Prog. Display_WIP_OBJ_M

COMLWIPDOC - Display WIP Quantities Document

COMMAND_NR - Number Range Maintenance: COMMAND_NR

COMMPR01 - Product Workbench

COMMPR02 - Collective Proc.of Inactive Products

COMMPR03 - Maintain Views

COMMPR05 - Maintain Numbering Scheme

COMMPR06 - Collective Proc.of Inactive Products

COMMPR_PCUI - Set Types Generation in PC-UI PRD

COMM_ATTRIBUTE - Maintain Set Types and Attributes

COMM_ATTRSET - Maintain Set Types and Attributes


COMM_CAT_TEXT_UPG40 - Convert Category Short Texts (4.0)

COMM_CAT_TRANS - Transport Category

COMM_DEL_PRWB_USER - Reset User Settings

COMM_EXTRSET - Extraction Individual Objects

COMM_HIERARCHY - Maintain Categories and Hierarchies

COMM_HIER_CAT_GUID - GUIDs for Hierarchy/Category

COMM_IOBJ_RECATEG - Recategorize Indivdual Objects

COMM_LH_KEY_GEN - Key Types - Generic Link Handler

COMM_MSG01 - Customer Settings for Messages

COMM_PCAT_ADM - Product catalog management

COMM_PCAT_EXPORT - XML Export of Product Catalog

COMM_PCAT_EXPORT_OLD - XML Export of Product Catalog

COMM_PCAT_IMS_INIT - Initial Replication Product Catalog

COMM_PCAT_IMS_SINGLE - Indiv. replication of prod. catalog

COMM_PCAT_IMS_UPDA - Update Replication Product Catalog

COMM_PCAT_LOC - Manage catalog characteristic lists

COMM_PCAT_PROFILE - Process Export Profile

COMM_PCAT_TSRV - IMS Server for Catalog Indexing

COMM_PCAT_VIEW_PPR - Assignment of Partner to Cat. View

COMM_PCAT_VRT_DEL - Delete Variant in Background

COMM_PRAPPLCAT - Assign Hierachies to Applications

COMM_PRDARC - Display Products from Archive

COMM_PROD_RECATEG - Recategorize Products

COMM_PR_DEF - Display Non-Maintained Set Types

COMM_SETTYPE - Maintain Set Types and Attributes

COMM_VALIDATE - Correct Comm. Lines

COMP - Customizing Missing Parts Info Syst.

COMPDAT - BRE: Determine Planned Billing Date

COMPXPD - Progress Tracking for Components

COM_ACCT_COND_MAINT - Assign Symbolic Account Key

COM_BUPA_CALL_FU - Determining FMs for Data Exchange:BP


COM_CAT_UPG30 - Check Duplicate Categ., Hierarchies

COM_CFG_SUPPORT - entry point for support tools

COM_CLEAR_NUM - Number Range Maintenance: COM_CLEAR

COM_MDF - Master Data Framework

COM_OM_ATTRIBUTECHK - Attribute Orgmanagement: Consistenc

COM_PARTNER_ATRGRPWZ - Attribute Group Wizard

COM_PCAT2_INDX_DELTA - Product catalog delta indexing

COM_PCAT2_INDX_INIT - Product catalog initial indexing

COM_PCAT_BOL_DEF - BOL Model Maintenance

COM_PR_MDCHECK - Consistency Check Product Master

COM_SE_ADMIN - Search Engine Service: Admin

COM_SE_NRO_CP - Number Range Maintenance: COM_SE_CP

COM_SE_NRO_CP2 - Number range maintenance: COM_SE_CP2

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