SAP T-Code search on CNV_

Search T-Code

CNVA_00006 - Content Based Search Transaction

CNVA_00006_NO_REC - Transaction to view size category

CNVA_00555_IMG - Runtime Estimation IMG

CNVA_00555_RUNTM_CCD - Runtime Analysis for CC Delete

CNVA_00555_RUNTM_GEN - Trigger Runtime Estimation

CNVA_00555_TRIGGER - Trigger Runtime Estimation

CNVA_CCD_ANA - Trigger CC Delete Downtime Analysis

CNVA_CCD_ANA_IMG - CC Delete Downtime Analysis IMG

CNVA_COA_ANALYSIS - Chart of Accounts Pre-Analysis

CNVA_TAB_DEF_CHR - Usage Characteristics

CNVCDMCCA_GET_EXITS - Get Programs linked to CustomerExits

CNVCDMCCA_UPLD_EXITS - UploadProgram linked to CustomerExit

CNVCDMC_EXTRACT_KB - Transaction to Extract RIB content

CNVCDMC_IMPORT_KB - Transaction to Import RIB content

CNVC_CCE - Customizing Comparison Engine

CNVC_CCE_ACT - Vergleichslauf aktivieren

CNVC_CCE_EVAL - CCE - Auswertung

CNVC_CCE_EVAL_OBJECT - CCE - Auswertung (nach Objekten)

CNVC_SCNG_STATUS - Status Overview

CNVC_SCWB - System comparison workbench

CNVC_SCWB1 - System comparison workbench

CNVC_SCWB1_V1 - System comparison workbench

CNVC_SCWB_ADM - System comparison - Administration

CNVC_SCWB_ADM_V1 - Display for old runid's

CNVL - Variable Overviews

CNVMBTACT - Activity definition function

CNVMBTACTDEF - MBT PCL Activity maintenance

CNVMBTACTGRP - Activity group definition

CNVMBTACTIVE - Active packages in subprojects

CNVMBTACTPAR - Activity parameters in package

CNVMBTACTSTATUSRESET - Maintain reset variant & activities

CNVMBTACTTSREF - Assign activities to troubleshooting



CNVMBTCOBJ - Conversion objects

CNVMBTCOBJC - Conversion objects

CNVMBTCONDEF - Conversion object definition

CNVMBTCONFLICTS - Active packages in subprojects

CNVMBTCOPYC - Maintain Copy Variants

CNVMBTCOPYVAR - Define Copy Variant

CNVMBTDELMON - TDMS Standard Deletion Monitor

CNVMBTDEST - Maintain RFC connections for package

CNVMBTDESTDIST - MBT PCL define destination distrib.

CNVMBTDEVCL - Devclasses used in packages

CNVMBTDOCTEMPL - MBT PCL activity docum. templates

CNVMBTDOMS - domains

CNVMBTFIELDS - fields / conversion rules

CNVMBTFIELDSC - fields / conversion rules

CNVMBTIMG - MBT process tree definition

CNVMBTINCL - Includes for migration

CNVMBTJOBSCT - Batch-related technical control

CNVMBTMON - Migration process monitor

CNVMBTMSG_SETT - Message Settings

CNVMBTNAMSP - DMIS Package Development Namespaces

CNVMBTNOTETEMPL - Maintenance view for note templates

CNVMBTOVWDEF - Partner Platform Package Development

CNVMBTPACDEF - Package definition function

CNVMBTPACK - Package overview

CNVMBTPACKOVWDEF - Package overview definition

CNVMBTPARAMS - General package parameter settings

CNVMBTPCT - Migration Process Tree


CNVMBTPEM - User Interface for PEM

CNVMBTPROCTYPE - Process Type Maintenance

CNVMBTPRODEFDELTA - Process tree delta definition

CNVMBTPROJECT - Project definition

CNVMBTPROMO - Merged Process tree and monitor

CNVMBTPTDEF - Process type definitions

CNVMBTREORG - Reorganization



CNVMBTSEL - Selection group maintenance

CNVMBTSELCLAUSE - MBT PCL Selection group clause

CNVMBTSELDEF - Selection Group Definition

CNVMBTSELGRP - MBT PCL Selection groups

CNVMBTSELGRPDEF - MBT PCL Selection group definition

CNVMBTSELGRPDOCU - Selection group documentation

CNVMBTSELGRPVAL - MBT PCL Selection group values

CNVMBTSELMEMTYPE - MBT PCL Selection group member types

CNVMBTSELREF - MBT PCL Selection group reference

CNVMBTSELVAR - MBT PCL Selection group variants

CNVMBTSPEZC - Table handling for copy procedure

CNVMBTSPEZL - Table handling for load procedure



CNVMBTSTOVW - State management overview

CNVMBTSUBPARAMS - Includes for migration

CNVMBTSUBPROJECT - Subproject definition

CNVMBTTABLES - tables to be handled

CNVMBTTABLESC - tables to be handled

CNVMBTTRANSPROJ - Transfer Projection

CNVMBTTREE - Hierachy of conversion object

CNVMBTTREEC - Hierachy of conversion object

CNVMBTTS - Define trouble shooting process

CNVMBTTSWB - Troubleshooter Workbench


CNVMBTUISWITCH - Change User Interface Design

CNVMBTUSEPEM - Enable/Disable PEM Execution

CNVMON - Conv. Services Procedure Monitor

CNVNOTE1003051 - Call note 1003051

CNVTDMSAMOUNT - Transaction for Amount Transfer



CNVTDMS_01_ORMAS - All orgunits and reference tables

CNVTDMS_03_FNAME - TDMS Ass.of Member-ID and field name

CNVTDMS_03_HANDI - Handicap Factors for the Sel. Groups

CNVTDMS_03_ORG - Orgunits used in GROUP_IDs

CNVTDMS_04_TAB - Table Pool for TDMS MD&C

CNVTDMS_05_CSM - Cust. select statem. in fill header

CNVTDMS_06_EXCLU - TDMS Excl. table for TDMS cross appl

CNVTDMS_06_SPEC - TDMS Special handling of tables

CNVTDMS_09CTR - Maintenance view of CNVTDMS_09_CTR

CNVTDMS_09PACK - To maintain table CNVTDMS_09_PACK

CNVTDMS_09TAB - Maintenance View for CNVTDMS_09_TAB

CNVTDMS_09_PACK - TDMS Package features

CNVTDMS_10_COPYC - TDMS copy control data

CNVTDMS_11SCADR - Transaction for address maintain

CNVTDMS_11_NRANG - TDMS Number Ranges

CNVTDMS_12_UPGR - Maintain view V_CNVTDMS_12_OBJ

CNVTDMS_13_EXCTB - Shell Creation Excluded Tables

CNVTDMS_13_SIZE - Shell Creation Size Methods

CNVTDMS_13_TEMPL - Shell Creation Table size Templates

CNVTDMS_HCM_DELETE - Deletion using target ranges

CNVTDMS_HCM_PA - Transfer Selection Program for PA

CNVTDMS_HCM_PAPD_EXP - Transfer Selection Program for Exprt

CNVTDMS_HCM_PD - Transfer Selection Program for PD

CNVTDMS_HCM_SUB - Submit Program forTransfer Selection

CNVTDMS_REDUCTION - TDMS scenario reduction


CNV_00000_DOWNLOAD - Download mapping

CNV_00000_UPLOAD - Upload mapping

CNV_00001_BACKUP - Optimization transaction

CNV_00001_BACKUPTOOL - Backup Tool

CNV_00001_COND_SPLIT - Analysis of selection partitioning

CNV_00001_CONFIRM - Confirm preparations for conversion

CNV_00001_FORMS - Maintenance of forms and parameters

CNV_00001_INDEX - Selection of indexes for dropping

CNV_00001_INDEX_E - Selection of indexes for dropping

CNV_00001_MAINTAIN - Maintenance of converted tables

CNV_00001_MAINTAIN_E - Maintenance of tables - expert view

CNV_00001_MAINTAIN_G - Maintenance of tables - general view

CNV_00001_MAINTAIN_R - Maintenance of tables - expert view

CNV_00001_MAP_HIST - Display upload history

CNV_00001_OPT - Optimization transaction

CNV_00001_OPT_D - Optimization transaction - delivery

CNV_00001_OPT_E - Optimization transaction - expert

CNV_00001_OPT_G - Performance optimization transaction

CNV_00001_PERFDB - Transaction for database performance

CNV_00001_PROCNUM - Conversion runtime parameters

CNV_00001_PROCNUM_E - Set number of processes for convers.

CNV_00001_REG_USER - Register users for conversion

CNV_00001_RUN_INFO - Runtime evaluation for conversion

CNV_00001_SEL_ANLZ - Selection partitioning analysis

CNV_00001_SEL_ANLZ_E - Selection partitioning analysis

CNV_00001_USERLOCK - Lock/unlock user

CNV_00001_USERUNLOCK - Unlock users

CNV_00300_ID - Maintain Identifiers

CNV_00300_MAPS - Maintain Mapping IDs

CNV_00300_MAPSPC - Maintain Template ID - Profile Class

CNV_02300_AA - Archive conversion - Analysis

CNV_10000_FIELDREF - CNVFIELDREF maintenance

CNV_10000_FILL_FLDS - Extension of CNVFIELDS


CNV_10000_MAINTAIN - Simplified CNVFIELDREF maintenance

CNV_10000_PACK_CHK - Check org. unit derivation

CNV_10000_SELECTION - Selection of organizational units

CNV_10020_ANACMON - Monitor for analysis comparison

CNV_10020_ANACRES - Monitor for analysis comparison res.

CNV_10020_ANACRT - Monitor for analysis of crit. values

CNV_10020_ANALYSE - Org. analysis

CNV_10020_ANAMON - Monitor for analysis status

CNV_10020_ANAOBJ - Monitor for analysis of obj. numbers

CNV_10020_ANARES - Monitor for analysis of filling

CNV_10020_AOBJNR - Maintenance of CNV_10020_AOBJNR

CNV_10020_CALCULATOR - Calculation of memory requirements

CNV_10020_CARD - Maintenance of CNV_10020_CARD

CNV_10020_CFTAB - Maintenance of CNV_10020_CFTAB

CNV_10020_COLLECTOR - Summary of LOR data for coll. paths

CNV_10020_CONDFV - Maintenance of CNV_10020_CONDFV

CNV_10020_COPY - Copy of relationship data

CNV_10020_DELETE_LOR - Deletion of object tables

CNV_10020_DELREP - Deletion of generated org. programs

CNV_10020_DLV_STAT - Change of delivery status

CNV_10020_DPPATH - Maintenance of CNV_10020_DPPATH

CNV_10020_DTFLD - Maintenance of CNV_10020_DTFLD

CNV_10020_DTFLD_C - Maint. of CNV_10020_DTFLD w. client

CNV_10020_DTMON - Monitor for determination

CNV_10020_EMEM - Maintenance of CNV_10020_EMEM

CNV_10020_EOBART - Maintenance of CNV_10020_EOBART

CNV_10020_EPATH - Maintenance of CNV_10020_EPATH

CNV_10020_FILL_LOR - Fill object tables

CNV_10020_FUA - Follow up actions

CNV_10020_GET_PATH - Display path SDetObj to TDetObj

CNV_10020_GET_REF - Where-used list for objects

CNV_10020_IOBJECTS - Entry point: Edit ITR objects

CNV_10020_LCOMP - Maintenance of CNV_10020_LCOMP

CNV_10020_LOAD - Initial load: org. objects, DTFLD

CNV_10020_LOBART - Maintenance of CNV_10020_LOBART

CNV_10020_LOGMON - Monitor for log

CNV_10020_LPATH - Maintenance of CNV_10020_LPATH

CNV_10020_MEMORY - Calculation of memory requirements

CNV_10020_MEMPMON - Monitor for memory requirem. tab/fld

CNV_10020_MEMTMON - Monitor for memory requirem. tables

CNV_10020_MESSAGE - Maintenance of CNV_10020_MSG

CNV_10020_OBJECTS - Entry point: Edit org. object

CNV_10020_PARAM - Maintenance of CNV_10020_PARAM

CNV_10020_PARAMP - Maintenance of CNV_10020_PARAMP

CNV_10020_PKGINT - Maintenance of CNV_10020_PKGINT

CNV_10020_PLHMON - Monitor for history of partial load

CNV_10020_PLSMON - Monitor for statistics - part. load

CNV_10020_PLTP - Maintenance of CNV_10020_PLTP

CNV_10020_PROXYF - Maintenance of CNV_10020_PROXYF

CNV_10020_PROXYT - Maintenance of CNV_10020_PROXYT

CNV_10020_RANGES - Creation of intervals

CNV_10020_RCOMP - Maintenance of RCOMP/RCPARM

CNV_10020_RCOMPS - Maintenance of CNV_10020_RCOMP

CNV_10020_RCOMPS_C - Maint. of CNV_10020_RCOMP w. client

CNV_10020_RCOMP_C - Maint. of RCOMP/RCPARM w. client

CNV_10020_RCPARMS - Maintenance of CNV_10020_RCPARM

CNV_10020_RCPARMS_C - Maint. of CNV_10020_RCPARM w. client

CNV_10020_RDPARMS - Maintenance of CNV_10020_RDPARM

CNV_10020_RDPARMS_C - Maint. of CNV_10020_RDPARM w. client

CNV_10020_RDTOBJ - Maintenance of RDTOBJ/RDPARM

CNV_10020_RDTOBJS - Maintenance of CNV_10020_RDTOBJ

CNV_10020_RDTOBJS_C - Maint. of CNV_10020_RDTOBJ w. client

CNV_10020_RDTOBJ_C - Maint. of RDTOBJ/RDPARM w. client

CNV_10020_RELV - Maintenance of CNV_10020_RELV

CNV_10020_RELV_EXP - Export of the relevance table

CNV_10020_RELV_IMP - Import of the relevance table

CNV_10020_SCAN - Find block limits for partial load

CNV_10020_SCMON - Monitor for scan

CNV_10020_SE16 - Data Browser

CNV_10020_SHORTCUTS - Creation of shortcuts

CNV_10020_SPECFF - Maintenance of CNV_10020_SPECFF

CNV_10020_TDTOBJ - Maintenance of CNV_10020_TDTOBJ

CNV_10020_TRANSLATE - Translation of object names

CNV_10020_TRANSPORT - Creation of an org content transport

CNV_10020_TRANS_OBJ - Creation of an org object transport

CNV_10020_TRMON - Monitor for tracking

CNV_10020_UPD_STATS - Refresh of optimizer statistics

CNV_10020_VIEWCLUST - Viewcluster maintenance

CNV_10020_VIEWS - View maintenance

CNV_10030_ANALYSE - Org. analysis

CNV_10030_ANALYSE_E - Org. analysis (expert)

CNV_10030_ANALYSE_S - Org. analysis (standard)

CNV_10030_ANAMON - Monitor for org. analysis

CNV_10030_AOBJNR - Maintenance of CNV_10020_AOBJNR

CNV_10030_A_DTFLD - Assignmt. of DTFLD entries (expert)

CNV_10030_A_DTFLD_S - Assignmt. of DTFLD entries

CNV_10030_A_RCOMP - Assignmt. of RCOMP entries (expert)

CNV_10030_A_RCOMP_S - Assignmt. of RCOMP entries

CNV_10030_CARD - Maintenance of CNV_10020_CARD

CNV_10030_CHCK_DTFLD - Check of DTFLD entries

CNV_10030_CHCK_RCOMP - Check of RCOMP entries

CNV_10030_CWBPARAM - Maintenance of CNV_10030_PARAM

CNV_10030_C_DTFLD - Check of DTFLD entries (expert)

CNV_10030_C_DTFLD_S - Check of DTFLD entries

CNV_10030_C_RCOMP - Check of RCOMP entries (expert)

CNV_10030_C_RCOMP_S - Check of RCOMP entries

CNV_10030_DPPATH - Maintenance of CNV_10020_DPPATH

CNV_10030_DTFLD - Maint. of CNV_10020_DTFLD

CNV_10030_DTMON - Monitor for loading object tables

CNV_10030_DT_ASSIGN - Assignment of determin. to fields

CNV_10030_EMEM - Maintenance of CNV_10020_EMEM

CNV_10030_ENRICH - Enter fields for the determination

CNV_10030_EPATH - Maintenance of CNV_10020_EPATH

CNV_10030_FILL_LOR - Load object tables

CNV_10030_FILL_LOR_E - Load object tables (expert)

CNV_10030_FILL_LOR_S - Load object tables (standard)

CNV_10030_GENERORG - Prepare for org-spec. generation

CNV_10030_ICHK_DTFLD - IMG check of RCOMP entries

CNV_10030_ICHK_RCOMP - IMG check of DTFLD entries

CNV_10030_IDT_ASSIGN - IMG assignm. of rules to components

CNV_10030_IIT_ASSIGN - IMG assignm. of determin. to fields

CNV_10030_IT_ASSIGN - Assignment of rules to components

CNV_10030_LCOMP - Maintenance of CNV_10020_LCOMP

CNV_10030_LOAD_OBJ - Initial load of org. objects

CNV_10030_LOBART - Maintenance of CNV_10020_LOBART

CNV_10030_LPATH - Maintenance of CNV_10020_LPATH

CNV_10030_MAIN_DTFLD - Maintenance of DTFLD entries

CNV_10030_MAIN_RCOMP - Maintenance of RCOMP entries

CNV_10030_MAIN_RELV - Maintenance of relevant org. units

CNV_10030_MEMORY - Calculation of memory requirements

CNV_10030_MEMPMON - Monitor for memory requirem. tab/fld

CNV_10030_MEMTMON - Monitor for memory requirem. tables

CNV_10030_M_DTFLD - Maint. of DTFLD entries (expert)

CNV_10030_M_DTFLD_S - Maint. of DTFLD entries

CNV_10030_M_RCOMP - Maint. of RCOMP entries (expert)

CNV_10030_M_RCOMP_S - Maint. of RCOMP entries

CNV_10030_NOTLOAD - Exclude paths that are not needed

CNV_10030_PARAM - Maintenance of CNV_10020_PARAM

CNV_10030_PARAMP - Maintenance of CNV_10020_PARAMP

CNV_10030_PLHMON - Monitor for history of partial load

CNV_10030_PLSMON - Monitor for statistics - part. load

CNV_10030_PLTP - Maintenance of CNV_10020_PLTP

CNV_10030_PROXYF - Maintenance of CNV_10020_PROXYF

CNV_10030_PROXYT - Maintenance of CNV_10020_PROXYT

CNV_10030_RDTOBJ - Maintenance of CNV_10020_RDTOBJ

CNV_10030_RELV - Maintenance of CNV_10020_RELV

CNV_10030_SCENARIO - Display org. scenario

CNV_10030_SCENPACK - Display org. scen. (package-depndnt)

CNV_10030_SCMON - Monitor for scan

CNV_10030_SWITCH - Maintenance of CNV_10030_SWITCH

CNV_10030_TDTOBJ - Maintenance of CNV_10020_TDTOBJ

CNV_10030_TRMON - Monitor for tracking

CNV_10030_VIEWCLUST - Viewcluster maintenance

CNV_10030_VIEWS - View maintenance

CNV_10100_01 - Convert sets

CNV_10100_02 - Delete sets

CNV_10100_03 - Convert sets

CNV_10100_C_ANAL_SET - Analyze Set Classes

CNV_10100_C_DEL_DUPL - Clarify Duplicate Set Values

CNV_10100_C_DUPREC - Determine Set duplicate records

CNV_10100_C_INTERVAL - Determine Set Intervals

CNV_10100_C_IV_BRDWN - Break Down Set Intervals

CNV_10100_C_OLD_SET - Check old set data tables

CNV_10100_C_RELOCATE - Relocate Set Hierarchy

CNV_10100_C_SETCHECK - Check changed Sets

CNV_10210_CUST - NCE Settings

CNV_10210_DOMS - NCE Subobject Domains

CNV_10210_INFO - NCE: Original & New Numbers

CNV_10210_NCE_ANA - Analyse number range objects

CNV_10210_NCE_CHECK - NCE: completeness check

CNV_10210_NCE_DET - Determine number range objects

CNV_10210_NCE_FINAL - Final adaptation of NR settings

CNV_10210_NCE_GEN - Generate NCE mappings

CNV_10210_NCE_INIT - Initialize NCE for CWB

CNV_10210_NCE_MAINT - Local knowledge base: maintenance

CNV_10210_NCE_MAP - Manual maintenance of NCE mapping

CNV_10210_NCE_SIMU_A - Simulation During System Lock

CNV_10210_NCE_SIMU_B - Simulation Before System Lock

CNV_10210_NRIV - Manual processing of NRIV

CNV_10210_TNRO - NCE Settings

CNV_10310_ANA - Maintenance of CNV_INTR_FLD_ANA

CNV_10310_ANALYSE - Analyze intransp. fields

CNV_10310_ANALYSE2 - Exclude non-relev. intransp. fields

CNV_10310_ANA_CL - Analysis of intransp. fields: Tables

CNV_10310_ANR_CL - Analysis of intransp. fields: Rule

CNV_10310_ANT_CL - Analysis of intransp. fields: Text

CNV_10310_CREATE - Create check routines for intr.flds

CNV_10310_DEFINE - Maintain intransp. fields (defin.)

CNV_10310_JOBS_START - Start analysis jobs

CNV_10310_MAINTAIN - Maintenance of the non-transp. flds

CNV_10310_MAINT_ANA - Setting of analysis for intr. fields

CNV_10310_SET_JOBS - Specify number of batch jobs

CNV_10310_STRUC - Strukcure maint. for intr. fields

CNV_10310_VIEW - Display structure for intr. field

CNV_10320_ANA_HEAD - Analyze Condition header table

CNV_10320_DISP_RES - Display Analysis Results

CNV_10320_SIMU_C - Analysis Conversion Simulation

CNV_10400_MAINTAIN - Maintain Scharacteristics for Conver

CNV_10400_SELECTION - Select/Prepare Characteristics

CNV_10500_NEWGL - Start program for new G/L

CNV_10501_CONFIRM - Confirm execution of CHECK-reports

CNV_10501_PREPARE - Start program for new G/L

CNV_10510_CREATEMAP - Create mapping for FI-CA connection

CNV_10520_CHECKI - Check for merges in FI-CA logic. key

CNV_10520_CREATEMAP - Create mapping for foreign curr

CNV_10520_TRANSFERI - Transfer flags to FI-CA

CNV_10940 - Transaction for Report Variant

CNV_10940_CCD_RVSA - Execute the Analyse steps for scan

CNV_10940_COA_RVSA - Execute the Analyse steps for scan

CNV_10940_COA_RVSAC - Execute Analyse & Conversion steps

CNV_10940_COA_RVSC - Execute the Conversion step for scan

CNV_10940_RVSAC_GEN - Generic RVS - Analysis & Conversion

CNV_10940_VIEW - Maint. View for Table CNV_10940_str

CNV_10992_DATA_CHECK - Check existing text data

CNV_10992_FIND - Find unknown text objects

CNV_10992_FIND_UNKNO - Find unknown text objects

CNV_10992_FORMS_CHK - Check form routines to be used

CNV_10992_JOBS_START - Start search jobs

CNV_10992_MAINTAIN - Maintenance of text object table

CNV_10992_OPTIMIZE - Program optimization for long texts

CNV_10992_PARALLEL - Process STXH and STXL in parallel?

CNV_10992_SET_JOBS - Specify number of batch jobs

CNV_10993 - Code Scan Transaction

CNV_10993_CCD_CS - SHC: Coding Scan for CCD

CNV_10993_COA_CS - SHC: Coding Scan for COA

CNV_10993_CS_GEN - SHC: Coding Scan for CCD

CNV_10993_DISPLAY - transaction to display results

CNV_10993_VIEW - Maint. View for Table CNV_10993_STAT

CNV_10994_CDPOS - Find unknown objects in CDPOS

CNV_10994_CDPOS_A - Analyze CDPOS

CNV_10994_DATA_CHECK - Check existing change document data

CNV_10994_FIND - Find unknown change document objects

CNV_10994_FIND_UNKNO - Find unknown change document objects

CNV_10994_FORMS_CHK - Check form routines to be used

CNV_10994_JOBS_START - Start search and analysis jobs

CNV_10994_MAINTAIN - Convert change documents

CNV_10994_OPTIMIZE - Optimize program for change docum.

CNV_10994_PARALLEL - Process table CDPOS in parallel?

CNV_10994_SAVE - Save certain tables

CNV_10994_SET_JOBS - Specify number of batch jobs

CNV_10996_ADDTAB - Add temporary entries

CNV_10996_ADD_CHECK - Add. checks for conversion

CNV_10996_ARCHIV - Maintain archive obj. for conversion

CNV_10996_CHECKACC - Check accessibility

CNV_10996_CHECKFILE - Check accessibility in file system

CNV_10996_CHECKFUB - Check function modules for a.classes

CNV_10996_CHECK_CONS - Check CNV tables for consistency

CNV_10996_CHECK_PACK - Doublecheck package settings

CNV_10996_CHECK_REL - Check relev. of archiving sessions

CNV_10996_CHECK_RELV - Check relev. of archiving sessions

CNV_10996_CLASS - Maintain archive obj. for conversion

CNV_10996_DELIM - Archive conv.: a'obj. delimitation

CNV_10996_DELTAB - Delete temporary entries

CNV_10996_DTFLD - Maintenance of CNV_10996_DTFLD

CNV_10996_FIELDS - Maintenance of CNV_10996_FIELDS

CNV_10996_FINALIZE - Finalize archiv conversion

CNV_10996_GENER - Expert: Generate archive conv.progr.

CNV_10996_GENERATE - Create archive conversion programs

CNV_10996_GENERI - Create archive conversion programs

CNV_10996_JOBS - Define jobs for archive conversion

CNV_10996_MAINTAIN - Maint. ARCHIVING sessions for conv.

CNV_10996_MAINTAIN2 - Check ARCHIVING sessions for conv.

CNV_10996_MOVECOMM - Transfer orig. note to new sessions

CNV_10996_MOVEDATE - Creation date of new sessions

CNV_10996_ORGPTH - Maintenance of CNV_10996_ORGPTH

CNV_10996_PREPARE - Prepare conversion

CNV_10996_SCAN - Scan archiving sessions for generat.

CNV_10996_START - Start conversion of archive sessions

CNV_10996_TABLES - Maintain archive obj. for conversion

CNV_11000_UPLOAD - Upload mapping table

CNV_12000_UPDATE - Update Text Objects after Conversion

CNV_20000_ANALYSE - Start the fiscal year analysis

CNV_20000_BELNR - Determine value to be added to BELNR

CNV_20000_BELNR_CONS - Consistency check for BELNR-BKPF

CNV_20000_BELNR_EXT - Create mapping for BELNR-EXT NUMKR

CNV_20000_BELNR_INTR - Create mapping for BELNR-In NUMKR

CNV_20000_CETAB - Maintain CE* tables in CNVFIELDSCU


CNV_20000_CLOSE - Confirm settings

CNV_20000_DECISION - NRIV Adjustment decision

CNV_20000_DIS_MAPP - Display mapping of BELNR

CNV_20000_GAP_DOC - Gap in FI Document Numbering

CNV_20000_LIST_AFT - FY Change Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20000_LIST_BEF - FY Change Docu BEFORE Conversion


CNV_20000_NRIV_CHANG - Txn : For CNV_20000_CHANGE_NRIV

CNV_20000_POST_30 - Adapt fiscal year variant

CNV_20000_PRE_30 - Preprocessing_30

CNV_20000_PRE_40 - Save scenario , package 10000 on/off

CNV_20000_PRE_45 - Consider analysis results

CNV_20000_SAVE1 - Save important header tables

CNV_20000_SCENARIO - Determine scenario for FY Conversion

CNV_20100_ANALYZE - Carry out analyses

CNV_20100_BPRIO - B segment merge

CNV_20100_BPRIO_CALL - Used for calling CNV_20100_BPRIO_M..

CNV_20100_BPRIO_CHK - Check B priority entries

CNV_20100_BPRIO_IMPL - Check for undefined B segment merge

CNV_20100_BPRIO_INIT - B segment merge (Direct without PCL)

CNV_20100_CHECKBUK - Check participating company codes

CNV_20100_CHECK_COES - Check table COES

CNV_20100_CHECK_GUV - Check p&l statement structures

CNV_20100_CHECK_INT - Check interval limits

CNV_20100_CHECK_N - Check accounts for conversion

CNV_20100_CHECK_PACK - Check package settings

CNV_20100_CHK_FLD - Analyze new account/cost el. fields

CNV_20100_COES_ADJ - Postprocess tables COES and COSP

CNV_20100_COMPLETE - Check for completeness of mapping

CNV_20100_CONFIRM - Confirm settings

CNV_20100_DATAB - Adapt validity periods of cost elmts

CNV_20100_DOWN - Download results of accounts check

CNV_20100_DOWNLOAD - Download backup tables

CNV_20100_DOWN_BPRIO - Download results of accounts check

CNV_20100_DOWN_MASK - Download found masked entries

CNV_20100_GETSCEN - Determine scenario

CNV_20100_GUV - Specify p&l structures for conv.

CNV_20100_GUV_CONV - Convert a balance sheet structure

CNV_20100_GUV_RESOLV - Break down intervals of p&l structur

CNV_20100_GUV_START - Create conv. jobs for bal.sheet str.

CNV_20100_IC_CHECK - Check Target Item Category customizi

CNV_20100_IC_MAIN - Maintain Target Item Category

CNV_20100_IC_MAP - Find Critical Item Category Changes

CNV_20100_IC_NEW - Build Item Category Customizing

CNV_20100_INIT - Carry out initialization

CNV_20100_KNUMV_EKKO - Time-independent conditions from PD

CNV_20100_KNUMV_LIKP - Time-independent cond. from SD doc.

CNV_20100_KNUMV_VBAK - Time-indep. cond. from sales doc.

CNV_20100_KNUMV_VBRK - Time-indep. cond. from billing hdr

CNV_20100_KNUMV_VPKH - Conditions from sales price headers

CNV_20100_KNUMV_WBRK - Time-indep.cond.from vendor bill.doc

CNV_20100_LANDCOPY - Save SKA1 for country-spec. CoA

CNV_20100_LAND_IMPL - Implement country-specific CoA

CNV_20100_LIST_AFT - CoA Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20100_LIST_BEF - CoA Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20100_MAINTAIN - Specify Mapping Values (Ch. of Acc.)

CNV_20100_MAP - Accounts and CoA for conversion

CNV_20100_MAP_CONS - Check Consistency of Mapping

CNV_20100_ME_KTOPL - Mapping Template for CoA Conversion

CNV_20100_OVERVIEW - Mapping overview

CNV_20100_SETDATA - Transfer set data into transp tables

CNV_20100_TABOPT - Make scen.related optimization

CNV_20100_TX_KONTEN - Mapping Descr. for Chart of Accounts


CNV_2010C - GL Account Conversion

CNV_2010C_ACTIVE - TCODE for update CNV_2010C_ACTIVE

CNV_2010C_CF_RD_ADPT - Adaption for CF Redesign Data Model

CNV_2010C_COEP_CONV - TCode to convert COEP

CNV_2010C_DESC - Update description

CNV_2010C_FC_ITEM - TCode for FC_ITEM tables addition

CNV_2010C_GET_MAPP - Update mapping

CNV_2010C_GUV_IMG - Specify and Breakdown Financial stat

CNV_2010C_LCOA - Conversion - Local Chart of Accounts

CNV_2010C_LOCK_APP - Toggle the app lock


CNV_2010C_REC_DATA - Record Modified Data into Transport

CNV_2010C_SB_COA_CHK - Check Chart of Accounts data

CNV_2010C_SB_COLLECT - TCode to start the Sol Builder colle

CNV_2010C_SB_TDC - TCode to start TDC change doc creat

CNV_2010C_STATE_UP - Update state table for deactivated



CNV_20110_PAN - Pre-analysis for CoA conversion

CNV_20200_ANALYZE - Carry out analyses

CNV_20200_CHECK - Check mapping

CNV_20200_CHK_REGU - Check open payment runs

CNV_20200_CJTRANS - Generate CJTRANS Mapp.

CNV_20200_CONFIRM - Confirm mapping for CoCode merge

CNV_20200_CRE_STCEG - Create mapping for VAT reg. no.

CNV_20200_FILLRF180 - Copy Balance Sheet Adjustment Runs

CNV_20200_FILLTABAS - Copy Periodic Posting Run Keys

CNV_20200_KLIMT_ADD - Sum up credit limits?

CNV_20200_LIST_AFT - CC Merge Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20200_LIST_BEF - CC Merge Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20200_MNT_ACCCOD - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_ACCGRP - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_BRANCH - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_CJNR - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_CJTRAN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_HBKID - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_RLDEPO - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_STCEG - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_POSTPROC - Postprocess table TABA

CNV_20200_SNAP_CRE - Create and Activate Snap Shots

CNV_20200_SNAP_DEL - Deactivate and Delete Snap Shots

CNV_20200_SPECPRIO - Assign Special Priority

CNV_20200_SPEC_LEDG - Special Ledger tables: Convers.logic

CNV_20200_SUBMIT_ANA - Call pre-analysis for CoCd merge

CNV_20200_TABOPT - Make settings (company code merge)

CNV_20200_TX_ACCCODE - Mapping Descr. for Accouting Codes

CNV_20200_TX_ACCGRP - Mapping Descr. for Sec. Acc. Groups

CNV_20200_TX_CJNR - Mapping Descr. for Cash Journals

CNV_20200_TX_CJTRANS - Mapping Descr. for Trans. number

CNV_20200_TX_HBKID - Mapping Descr. for House Banks

CNV_20200_TX_RLDEPO - Mapping Descr. for Securities Acc.

CNV_20200_WEL1 - EDI: Interface Invoice for EDILOGADR

CNV_20201_CONV_CHECK - Check the conversion rule

CNV_20201_DOC - FI document old - new

CNV_20201_DOC_GEN - NoRg objects (general) old - new

CNV_20201_LOAD - Load the number range table

CNV_20201_NRIV_A - Indicator for shifting, tracking

CNV_20201_NRIV_N - Target number ranges

CNV_20201_NROBJ - Conversion rules for number ranges

CNV_20201_NROBJ0 - Maintain no. range conversion rule

CNV_20201_NROBJ1 - Display number range conversion rule

CNV_20201_RELOAD - Reload the number range table

CNV_20201_SIMUL_B - Simulate number range conversion

CNV_20201_SIMUL_R - Simulate number range conversion

CNV_20201_UPDATE_B - Update the current number levels

CNV_20201_UPDATE_R - Update the current number levels

CNV_20211_MNT_RCOMP - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20211_TX_RCOMP - Mapping Descr. for Companies

CNV_20212_MNT_KKBER - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20212_TX_KKBER - Mapping Descr. for Cred. Contr. Area

CNV_20302_TKA01 - Strd hierarchy - insert top node(s)

CNV_20302_TKA01_STR - Strd hierarchy - insert top node(s)

CNV_20305_ADJUST_CNV - Adjust conversion settings (CoAr-dep

CNV_20305_SAVE_TABS - Save customizing tables in CNV table

CNV_20306_ADD_ERKRS - Enter fields for operating concerns

CNV_20306_LIST_AFT - CA Rename Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20306_LIST_BEF - CA Rename Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20306_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20306_ME_KOKRS - Map. Template for Controlling Areas

CNV_20306_TEXT_MAP - Descriptions for Controlling Areas

CNV_20306_TKA00 - Adapt TKA00

CNV_20306_TX_KOKRS - Mapping Descr. for Controlling Areas

CNV_20308_BACKUP - Save and Restore

CNV_20308_CMPMON - Program Monitor for Comparisons

CNV_20308_COMPARE - Comparison of Package Data

CNV_20308_CONDITION - Maintenance Conditions for Download

CNV_20308_CWBMON - Data Transfer from CWB Monitor

CNV_20308_DLMON - Program Monitor for Download

CNV_20308_DOWNLOAD - Download of Package Data

CNV_20308_FIELDS - Maintain Table Fields for Comparison

CNV_20308_HLPMSG - Maintain More Tips for Messages

CNV_20308_INIT - Copy Customizing

CNV_20308_MONITOR - Display package comparison

CNV_20308_PARAMS - Maintain Param. for Package Compar.

CNV_20308_PRGMON - Monitor for Programs

CNV_20308_REPORT - Display Report for Comparison Run

CNV_20308_REPORTS - Maintain Reports for Comparison

CNV_20308_STAFF - Assignment of Users to Objects

CNV_20308_VARIANTS - Maintain Variants for Pack. Compar.

CNV_20308_VIEWS - Call Maintenance Views

CNV_20308_WB - Workbench for Package Comparison

CNV_20308_WORKBENCH - Workbench for Package Comparison

CNV_20309_CMPMON - Program Monitor for Comparisons

CNV_20309_COMPARE_G - IMG: Comparison in Phase G

CNV_20309_COMPARE_N - IMG: Comparison in Phase N

CNV_20309_DLMON - Program Monitor for Downloads

CNV_20309_DOWNLOAD - IMG: Download of CWB Package Data

CNV_20309_MONITOR - IMG: Display Package Comparison

CNV_20310_ADD_ERKRS - Enter fields for operating concerns

CNV_20310_EDIT_DATBI - DATBI for Cost Centers

CNV_20310_LIST_AFT - Cost Center Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20310_LIST_BEF - Cost Center Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20310_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20310_ME_KOSTL - Mapping Template for Cost Centers

CNV_20310_RKCORRH1 - Check on cost center and profit cene

CNV_20310_TEXT_MAP - Descriptions for Cost Centers

CNV_20310_TX_KOSTL - Mapping Descr. for Cost Centers

CNV_20317_DATBI_M - Maintain validity dependent mergers

CNV_20317_DATBI_TS - Maintain validity dependent mergers

CNV_20317_FILL - Fill CNV_20317_DATBI

CNV_20320_ADD_ERKRS - Enter fields for operating concerns

CNV_20320_EDIT_DATBI - DATBI for Activity Types

CNV_20320_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20320_TEXT_MAP - Descriptions for Activity Types

CNV_20320_TX_LSTAR - Mapping Descr. for Activity Types

CNV_20325_ADD_ERKRS - Enter fields for operating concerns

CNV_20325_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20325_TX_STAGR - Mapping Descr. for Stat. key figure

CNV_20330_ANALYZE - analyze CO object numbers

CNV_20330_AO_OBJNR - Prepr. program for AO objNo (ONRAO)

CNV_20332_CREATEMAP - Create mapping for AO object IDs

CNV_20332_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20332_PARTIF - Settings for package 20332

CNV_20333_CREATEMAP - Create mapping for VD object IDs

CNV_20333_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20333_PARTIF - Settings for package 20333

CNV_20335_ADD_ERKRS - Enter fields for operating concerns

CNV_20335_EDIT_DATBI - DATBI for Business Processes

CNV_20335_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20335_TEXT_MAP - Descriptions for Business Processes

CNV_20335_TX_PRZNR - Mapping Descr. for Business Proc.

CNV_20340_DUPLICATES - Determine duplicate cycles

CNV_20340_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20340_TX_CYCLE - Mapping Descr. for Cycles

CNV_20345_ADD_ERKRS - Enter fields for operating concerns

CNV_20345_ADJ_CBUKRS - Adjust table CEPC_BUKRS

CNV_20345_EDIT_DATBI - DATBI for Profit Centers

CNV_20345_LIST_AFT - Profit Center Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20345_LIST_BEF - Profit Center Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20345_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20345_ME_PRCTR - Mapping Template for Profit Centers

CNV_20345_TEXT_MAP - Descriptions for Profit Centers

CNV_20345_TX_PRCTR - Mapping Descr. for Profit Centers

CNV_20365_COO - Load object table

CNV_20365_CUR1 - create table cnv_20365_cur

CNV_20365_CUR2 - cnv: maintain cnv_20365_cur

CNV_20365_DATREF - Fill table cnv_20365_datref

CNV_20365_ORG - Maintain rate determination method

CNV_20365_V - Preproc. 20365 parameter

CNV_20375_EDIT_DATBI - DATBI for Cost Elements

CNV_20375_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20375_TX_KSTAR - Mapping Descr. for Cost Elements

CNV_20400_DATA_CHECK - Check Summarization Data in system

CNV_20400_EXCLUDE - Exclude Tables from Conversion

CNV_20400_LIST_AFT - CA Merge Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20400_LIST_BEF - CA Merge Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20400_PERF_OPT - 20400: Performance optimizer

CNV_20400_PRIO - Set priority indicator

CNV_20400_REBUILD - Check rebuild summarization data

CNV_20400_TKA01 - Strd hierarchy - insert top node(s)

CNV_20400_TKA01_STR - Strd hierarchy - insert top node(s)

CNV_20410_ADD_DUPL - Add Object Numbers to Mapping Values

CNV_20410_ADJUST_CNV - Adjust conversion settings (Op.conc)

CNV_20410_ERKRS_ME - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20410_EXCL_TABFL - Exclude non-rel. tab/flds (Op.conc)

CNV_20410_GET_DUPL - Get Object Numbers being log. dupl.

CNV_20410_SIZE - Analyze size of relevant tables

CNV_20410_TABFLD_CHK - Consistency Check of TabFld-Mapping

CNV_20410_TABFLD_MAP - Maintain Mapping for Tables & Fields

CNV_20425_MAP_TABLE - Maintain data for parallel currency

CNV_20425_OB22 - Activate parallel currency

CNV_20425_ORG - Maintain data for parallel currency

CNV_20425_RECON_BSEG - Zero balance check on document level

CNV_20425_VORLAUF - Complete organization table

CNV_20551_ABGL - Create reconciliation routines

CNV_20551_ADJUST - Make additional changes

CNV_20551_ADJ_1099X - Carry out adjustments re 1099x

CNV_20551_ANALYSE - Carry out various analyses

CNV_20551_ANA_COPA - CO-PA analysis

CNV_20551_AN_INTFLDS - Analyze intransp. fields

CNV_20551_AN_POOLS - Analysis of the table pools

CNV_20551_AN_RUL - Maint. of table CNV_20551_AN_RUL

CNV_20551_AN_RUL_CL - Analysis of intransp. fields: Rule

CNV_20551_AN_TAB - Maint. of table CNV_20551_AN_TAB

CNV_20551_AN_TAB_CL - Analysis of intransp. fields: Tables

CNV_20551_AN_TXT - Maint. of table CNV_20551_AN_TXT

CNV_20551_AN_TXT_CL - Analysis of intransp. fields: Text

CNV_20551_APLNO_EDIT - Applicant numbers for clean-up

CNV_20551_APLNO_SHOW - Applicant numbers for clean-up

CNV_20551_BUKRS - Maintain company codes for deletion

CNV_20551_CHECK_DELE - Check deletion criteria

CNV_20551_CHECK_MD - Check master data for deletion

CNV_20551_CHECK_ORG - Check org. units for deletion

CNV_20551_CHECK_P - Check PersNo/PersArea for deletion

CNV_20551_CHK_RULES - Check delet. crit. for indiv. tables

CNV_20551_CHK_RULES2 - Check delet. crit. for indiv. tables

CNV_20551_CLEAR_SCOB - Delete log tables

CNV_20551_CLIINDEP - Exclude cross-client tables

CNV_20551_COMPARE - Compare pre-selected obj. for packge

CNV_20551_CONFIRM1 - Confirm master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_CONFIRM_B - Confirm completeness of preparations

CNV_20551_CONFIRM_O - Confirm org. units for clean-up

CNV_20551_CONFIRM_P - Confirm PersNo/PersArea for deletion


CNV_20551_CO_BEL - CO document numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_CO_BEL_D - CO document numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_CREATESUGG - Create default for deletion crit.

CNV_20551_DATA_CHECK - Check intransp. fields

CNV_20551_DATA_CHK_A - Check intransp. fields (all)

CNV_20551_DEFINE - Maintain intransp. fields (defin.)

CNV_20551_DELDOC - Deletion Criteria document viewer

CNV_20551_DELET1_CPY - Take-over from CNV_20551_DELET1

CNV_20551_DELET1_MNT - Tables (CHECK_MANDT) for take-over

CNV_20551_DELTAB - Edit list of tables to be dropped

CNV_20551_DELTAB_E - Edit list of tables to be dropped(E)

CNV_20551_DELTAB_MNT - Edit list of tables to be dropped

CNV_20551_DEL_CSKS - Deletion CSKS and CSKT

CNV_20551_DEL_PROC - Check Deletion Procedure

CNV_20551_DEL_SCOB - Not delete master data with conflict

CNV_20551_DEL_T001 - Deletion of T001 and TKA01

CNV_20551_DERIV - Maintain determination logic

CNV_20551_DISPLAY - Display deletion criteria

CNV_20551_DISP_EDIT - Display/edit deletion criteria

CNV_20551_DISP_MORE - Display filled client-dependent tabs

CNV_20551_DOMS - Domain maintenance

CNV_20551_DOMS0 - Display domains and check routines

CNV_20551_DOWNLOAD - Download

CNV_20551_DOWNLOAD_O - Download Organizational Units

CNV_20551_DOWNLOAD_T - Download transactional data(Seq 1-6)

CNV_20551_DROP - Delete complete tables from DB

CNV_20551_DROPINS - Maintain drop-insert indicator

CNV_20551_D_CHK - Maint. of table CNV_20551_D_CHK

CNV_20551_EDIT - Edit deletion criteria

CNV_20551_EDIT_E - Edit deletion criteria - Expert mode

CNV_20551_EXCL - Specify tables to be excluded

CNV_20551_EXCLUDE - Exclude tables with empty del. crit.


CNV_20551_EXCL_DROP - Set drop tables to NOTUSE=X

CNV_20551_EXCL_TAB - Exclude specific tables

CNV_20551_FIND_GEN - Create determination routines

CNV_20551_FIND_GEN2 - Create check routines

CNV_20551_FIND_MORE - Find more filled tables

CNV_20551_FIND_YZ - Find more filled tables

CNV_20551_HRNODEL - Identify HR tables not cleaned up

CNV_20551_HROBJ - HR object IDs for clean-up

CNV_20551_HROBJID - Find HR object IDs for clean-up

CNV_20551_HROBJ_EDIT - Maintain HR object IDs for clean-up

CNV_20551_HROBJ_SHOW - Display HR object IDs for clean-up

CNV_20551_HR_ANALYSE - Exclude HR tables

CNV_20551_INTR_FLDS - Maintain intransp. fields (defin.)

CNV_20551_INTR_FLDS2 - Create check routines for intr.flds

CNV_20551_JOBS_START - Start determination jobs

CNV_20551_KNUMH - Condition record no. for deletion

CNV_20551_KNUMH_D - Condition record no. for deletion

CNV_20551_KNUMVT - Condition numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_KNUMVT_D - Condition numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_KOMBI - Maintain combined check routines

CNV_20551_LIST_AFT - CC Delete Docu for Comparision Check

CNV_20551_LIST_BEF - CC Delete Docu for Comparision Check

CNV_20551_MAINTAIN - Maintenance of the non-transp. flds

CNV_20551_MAINTAIN1 - Select master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINTAIN2 - Maintain objects for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINTAIN_O - Select org. units for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_ANA - Setting of analysis for intr. fields

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ - Org. units/master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ1 - Org. units/master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ2 - Org. units/master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ3 - Org. units/master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ4 - Display mat. numbers for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ5 - Maintain mat. numbers for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ6 - Display master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ7 - Edit master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MATKL - Find material and sales groups

CNV_20551_MATNR - Material numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_MATNR_D - Material numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_MBLNR - Material documents for deletion

CNV_20551_MBLNR_D - Material documents for deletion

CNV_20551_MONITOR - Monitor for determination jobs

CNV_20551_MONITOR_E - CNV_20551_MONITOR in expert mode

CNV_20551_NO_MORE_TX - Preprocessing of control tables

CNV_20551_OBJ - Maintain object types

CNV_20551_OBJ0 - Assignm. domain/DataEl - obj. type

CNV_20551_OBJNR - Internal CO obj. no. for deletion

CNV_20551_OBJNR_D - Internal CO obj. no. for deletion

CNV_20551_OPT_PCDPOS - Optimization for table PCDPOS

CNV_20551_PDSNR - Find PDSNR

CNV_20551_PDSNR_SHOW - Sequ. PDC message no. for deletion

CNV_20551_PERC - Maintain tables for % calculation

CNV_20551_PERCENTAGE - Calculate relev. transact. data (%)

CNV_20551_PERNR - Displ./edit PerNr/AplNo for deletion

CNV_20551_PERNR_EDIT - Personnel numbers for clean-up

CNV_20551_PERNR_SHOW - Personnel numbers for clean-up

CNV_20551_PERSA - Personnel areas for clean-up

CNV_20551_PERSA0 - Personnel areas for deletion

CNV_20551_PERSA_EDIT - Personnel areas for clean-up

CNV_20551_PERSA_SHOW - Personnel areas for clean-up

CNV_20551_PNRAPPL_ED - Displ./edit PerNr/AplNo for deletion

CNV_20551_PNRAPPL_SH - Displ./edit PerNr/AplNo for deletion

CNV_20551_POOL - Maintain pool tables and pools

CNV_20551_POOL2 - Create check routines for pools

CNV_20551_REORGANISE - Reorganize structure data

CNV_20551_RKEOBJ - CO-PA object numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_RKEOBJNR - COPA object numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_RKEOBJ_D - CO-PA object numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_RPUDELPN - Delete specific HR tables

CNV_20551_RPUSELPN - Find personnel numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_SCOB - Org. units/master data for deletion

CNV_20551_SCOB0 - Org. units/master data for deletion

CNV_20551_SCOB0_D - Org. units/master data for deletion

CNV_20551_SCOB1 - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1A - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1A_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1B - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1B_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1C - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1C_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2 - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2A - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2A_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2B - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2B_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2C - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2C_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3 - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3A - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3A_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3B - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3B_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3C - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3C_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4 - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4A - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4A_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4B - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4B_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4C - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4C_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4_D - Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB_D - Org. units/master data for deletion

CNV_20551_SE11 - Monitor for determination jobs

CNV_20551_SEL_MD - Determine master data

CNV_20551_SEL_MD1 - Determine Master Data (KOKRS delet.)

CNV_20551_SEL_MDX - Determine master data

CNV_20551_SEL_ORG - Determine relevant org. units

CNV_20551_SET_DESCR - Set or delete DESCR indicator

CNV_20551_SET_JOBS - Specify number of batch jobs

CNV_20551_SET_LANGU - Specify preferred language

CNV_20551_SHOW - Display/maintain deletion criteria

CNV_20551_SHOW_E - Display/maintain deletion criteria

CNV_20551_START_OBJ1 - Determine objects for deletion

CNV_20551_START_OBJ2 - Determine objects for deletion

CNV_20551_START_OBJ3 - Determine objects for deletion

CNV_20551_START_OBJ4 - Determine objects for deletion

CNV_20551_START_OBJ5 - Determine objects for deletion

CNV_20551_START_OBJ6 - Determine objects for deletion

CNV_20551_STRUC - Strukcure maint. for intr. fields

CNV_20551_SYNTAX - Syntax check for generated routines

CNV_20551_TEMP - Not delete master data w/ conflict

CNV_20551_TSTRUC - Maintenance of the non-transp. flds

CNV_20551_VBELN - Sales documents for deletion

CNV_20551_VBELN_D - Sales documents for deletion

CNV_20551_VIEW - Display structure for intr. field

CNV_20600_ADJUST_CNV - Adjust conversion settings (CoCd)

CNV_20600_BUKRSN_ME - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20600_BUKRS_ME - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20600_CHECK - Check mapping

CNV_20600_LIST_AFT - CC Rename Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20600_LIST_BEF - CC Rename Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20600_ME_BUKRS - Mapping Template for Company Codes

CNV_20600_MNT_ACCCOD - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20600_TEXT_MAP - Descriptions for Company Codes

CNV_20600_TXT_ACC_CD - Descriptions for Accounting Codes

CNV_20600_TX_BUKRS - Mapping Descr. for Company Codes

CNV_20600_TX_BUKRSN - Mapping Descr. for CoCode no. alloc.

CNV_20600_USR_MAPP - Create User Mapping for DM

CNV_20600_USR_RESET - Reset users in DM after conversion

CNV_20700_CMFP_ANA - CMFP Analysis

CNV_20700_DECIDE - Determine scenario for MATNR conv.

CNV_20700_LIST_AFT - Material No. Docu AFTER conversion

CNV_20700_LIST_BEF - Material No. Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20700_MAINTAIN - Enter Material Number Mapping

CNV_20700_MATNR_MAP - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20700_MDTC - Start framework program for MDTX

CNV_20700_ME_MATNR - Mapping Template for Material No.

CNV_20700_OMSL_NEW - Transaction to call OMSL

CNV_20700_TX_MATNR - Mapping Descr. for Material Numbers


CNV_20800_CHK_KUNNR - Check mapping table for customers


CNV_20800_KNVK_DELE - Delete contact persons KNVK

CNV_20800_LIST_AFT - Customer No. Docu AFTER conversion

CNV_20800_LIST_BEF - Customer No. Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20800_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20800_ME_KUNNR - Mapping Template for Customer No.

CNV_20800_PARAM - Maintenance of CNV_20800_PARAM

CNV_20800_PART_FUNC - Adjust Customer Partner Functions

CNV_20800_SETTINGS - Special settings for customer conv.

CNV_20800_TABOPT - Make scen.-dependent optimizations

CNV_20800_TX_KUNNR - Mapping Descr. for Customer Numbers



CNV_20900_CHK_LIFNR - Check mapping table for vendors

CNV_20900_KNVK_ADJ - Vendor KNVK partner adjust

CNV_20900_KNVK_DELE - Delete contact persons KNVK

CNV_20900_LIST_AFT - Vendor No. Docu AFTER conversion

CNV_20900_LIST_BEF - Vendor No. Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20900_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20900_ME_LIFNR - Mapping Template for Vendor No.

CNV_20900_PARAM - Maintenance of CNV_20900_PARAM

CNV_20900_PART_FUNC - Adjust Customer Partner Functions

CNV_20900_SETTINGS - Special settings for vendor convers.

CNV_20900_TABOPT - Make scen.-dependent optimizations

CNV_20900_TX_LIFNR - Mapping Descr. for Vendor Numbers

CNV_21216_BAL - Zero balance check for all G/L accts

CNV_21216_C0C - Correct clearing documents

CNV_21216_C0F - Adjust balance carryforwards

CNV_21216_C0O - Reconcile G/L with subsidiary ldgrs

CNV_21216_COPYGLT0 - Copy 1st local currency

CNV_21216_F070 - Doc./transactn figures comparison

CNV_21216_F071 - Update transaction figures

CNV_21216_RAEWUCIB - Reconc. program FI-AA (update)

CNV_21216_RAEWUSIB - Reconc. program FI-AA (selection)

CNV_21216_RAFABNEW - Open new deprec. area automatically

CNV_21216_S0C - Zero balance check for clearing docs

CNV_21216_S0P - Selection of open items

CNV_21500_ANALYZE - HR conversions: analysis

CNV_21500_ANALYZEI - HR conversions: analysis

CNV_21500_CUSE - HR conversions: customer search

CNV_21500_CUSEI - HR conversions: customer search

CNV_21510_ANALYZE - HR conversions: analysis

CNV_21510_CUSE - HR conversions: customer search

CNV_21510_GENER - Generate HR Conversion Programs

CNV_21510_GENERI - Generate HR Conversion Programs


CNV_40107_MAINT - Call CNVRENAME maintenance

CNV_40300_CHECK - Check mapping for asset classes

CNV_40300_KTOGR_AD - Update Asset Account Determination

CNV_40300_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_40300_ME_ANLKL - Mapping Template for Asset Classes

CNV_40300_TX_ANLKL - Mapping Descr. for Asset Class

CNV_40301_CHECK - Check mapping for acct. det.

CNV_40301_MAINTAIN - Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_40301_ME_KTOGR - Map. Template for Asset Account Det.

CNV_40301_TX_KTOGR - Mapping Descr. for Asset Account Det

CNV_40305_ANALYZE - Analyze Backup Tables

CNV_40305_ANLN_CHK - Check assets with changing a.det.

CNV_40305_ANLN_GET - Identify assets with changing a.det.

CNV_40305_BACKUP - Fill Backup Tables

CNV_40305_BLART - Specify Document Type for Transfer

CNV_40305_LIST_AFT - FIAA Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_40305_LIST_BEF - FI-AA Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_40305_RAP2000 - Check execution of FI-AA posting run

CNV_40305_SIM_GET_PA - Display Assest Values Amounts

CNV_40305_VAL_GET - Get asset values for reposting

CNV_40305_VAL_GET_N - Determine Assest Values to be Posted

CNV_40305_VAL_TRAN - Repost asset values

CNV_ACT - CNV: Display active package

CNV_ADT - Transformation Summary

CNV_ADT_CUST - Transformation Summary: Customizing

CNV_AKTP - Activate Conversion Package

CNV_BACKUP_TAB - CNV: Maint. of tables for backup

CNV_BACKUP_TOOL - Backup tool


CNV_BACK_GENER - Generate program for table backup

CNV_BACK_GENERI - Generate conversion programs

CNV_BACK_START - Start jobs for table backup

CNV_CDMC - Custom Develop. Management Cockpit

CNV_CDMC_IMGDEF - CDMC Source Projects Definition

CNV_CDOP - Custom Develop. Optimization Package

CNV_CDOP_IMGDEF - CDOP Source Projects Definition

CNV_CDOP_TRFILEDWNLD - CDOP:Download Trace file to Frontend

CNV_CHECK - Check Conversion Package

CNV_CHECK_FIN_MAPP - Check final mapping

CNV_CHECK_INDEX - Check indexes

CNV_CHECK_LAST - Check Package before Generation

CNV_CHECK_MAPMONITOR - Monitor: Check Mapping

CNV_CHECK_MAPPING - Check mapping

CNV_CHECK_MAP_EXIST - Check whether mapping content exist

CNV_CHECK_MAP_MON - Monitor: Check Mapping

CNV_CHECK_PROFILES - Maintain check profiles

CNV_CHECK_SET - Check Conversion Package

CNV_CHECK_TMPDUPL - Check for temp. dupl. in mapping


CNV_CLUST - Create cluster

CNV_CLUSTER - Create CNVCLU data temp. storage

CNV_CLUST_NEW - Create cluster

CNV_CLUST_NONDIA - Create cluster - no user intraction

CNV_CMIS_BACKUP - Backup and Restore Tables

CNV_CMIS_HTML_DOWNLO - Download file from appln server

CNV_CMIS_TAB_COUNT - Display tables counter



CNV_CONF - Transaction for conflict handling

CNV_CONTROL - CNV: technical settings

CNV_COPY - Copy Conversion Package

CNV_CRE_BACKUP_CLUST - Create tablespace for backup cluster

CNV_CUPF - CNV: Field Control, Custom.

CNV_CUS1 - Find user-defined tables

CNV_CUSA - Save user-defined tables

CNV_CUSAH - CNV: Maintenance of IMG attributes

CNV_CUSU - Find user-defined tables

CNV_CUTA - CNV: Maintain user-def. table INFO

CNV_DELETE - Delete a Conversion Package

CNV_DEL_MON - Process monitor for deletion pack.

CNV_DEL_MONITOR - Monitor for deletion packages

CNV_DEMO_CONS_CHK - Consistency check for flight data

CNV_DEMO_CONS_CHK_A - Consistency check before conversion

CNV_DEMO_CONS_CHK_B - Consistency check after conversion

CNV_DOMS - CNV: Domain Maintenance

CNV_DOMSC - CNV: Domain maintenance conflicts

CNV_DOWNLOAD - Download table entries

CNV_DOWNUP_GUI - Table set creation GUI

CNV_DOWNUP_TABLESETS - Maintain download / upload table set

CNV_DOWN_PACK - Download Table Entries

CNV_DOWN_TAB - Maintanence of table CNVDOWNLOADTAB

CNV_DOWN_UP_TAB - Maintenance of table CNV_DOWN_UP_TAB

CNV_EMPCHKEXCL - CNV: Tables without filling check

CNV_EMPTY_CHECK - Check Conversion Package

CNV_ENCRYPT - CNV: Package Overview

CNV_FIELDS - CNV: Field-rel. control

CNV_FIELDSC - CNV: Field-rel. control

CNV_FRM_UI_EXAMPLES - CNV UI Framework Examples

CNV_FY_ANA - Execute fiscal year analysis

CNV_GENER - Generate the Conversion Programs

CNV_GENERI - Generate conversion programs

CNV_GL_GENER - Generate Special Ledger programs

CNV_GL_JOBS - Schedule Special LEDGER jobs

CNV_GL_START - Special Ledger analysis

CNV_HCM_AUTH_PAPD - View Authorizations for PA / PD data

CNV_HCM_AUTH_PA_PD - View Authorizations for PA / PD data

CNV_HCM_AUTH_SELECT - View Authorizations for Data Selecti

CNV_HCM_EXC_ORGGRP - Exclude organizational groups frm DT

CNV_HCM_EXC_ORG_GRP1 - HCM Exclude Org Group





CNV_HCM_SCR_TABLES - View tables required for Scrambling






CNV_IMG - Start IMG Conversion

CNV_IMGORD - Exception table IMG sequence

CNV_IMGORD_NEW - Exception table IMG sequence

CNV_IMG_ATTR - CNV: Maintenance of IMG attributes

CNV_IMG_BACKUP - Add IMG activities


CNV_IMG_DOC - Maintain text documents for IMG act.

CNV_IMG_MAIN - IMG maintenance

CNV_IMG_TEST - Testing the IMG for a package



CNV_INDX_CHECK - Check conv. settings for INDX tables

CNV_INDX_CHECKI - Check conv. settings for INDX tables

CNV_INDX_GENER - Generate Conv. Prog. for INDX tables

CNV_INDX_GENERI - Generate Conv. Prog. for INDX tables

CNV_INDX_KNOWLEDGE - INDX knowledge maintenance

CNV_INDX_MACROS - HR conversion: Macro maintenance

CNV_INDX_OVERVIEW - Overview of INDX package customizing

CNV_INDX_PREPARE - Init. conversion of INDX-like tables

CNV_INDX_PREPAREI - Init. conversion of INDX-like tables

CNV_INDX_SCAN - Find conv.-relev. INDX components

CNV_INDX_SCANI - Find conv.-relev. INDX components

CNV_INDX_TABLES - HR: Maintain tables, fields, steps


CNV_JOB - Schedule conversion jobs


CNV_JOBS - Conversion Job Scheduling

CNV_KONHL - Finding condition tables

CNV_LIC_SET - SLO Licensing

CNV_LKEY - License Key


CNV_LM_GEN_ANALYSIS - Analysis of DMIS Generation Errors

CNV_LOAD - Loading Conversion Package from 000

CNV_LOAD_NEW - Loading Conversion Package from 000

CNV_LTHCM_CFG_DOWNLD - Download Settings

CNV_LTHCM_TAB_SEARCH - Search for Tables

CNV_MACO - Rebuilding matchcodes

CNV_MAPPING_HIST - CNV: Display mapping history

CNV_MATA - Maintaining mapping tables

CNV_MATA_COA - View/Viewclusterdisplay w/o StatMan

CNV_MAXPROCSET - Set max. number of processes

CNV_MBT_AKTP - Changing the Phase of a PCL Package

CNV_MBT_ALL_ND - Call Overview with all scenarios

CNV_MBT_CLUSTTABS - Cluster tables for de-clustered syst

CNV_MBT_CMIS - Migration Server Overview - CMIS

CNV_MBT_CMIS_MY - Migration Server Overview - CMIS

CNV_MBT_CMIS_ND - Call Overview with scenario CMIS

CNV_MBT_COPY - Copy package

CNV_MBT_COT_NAMESPC - SLO Central Object Name Space

CNV_MBT_CR - Checking Rule maintenance

CNV_MBT_CUS_SAVE - Save customer objects

CNV_MBT_CUS_SEARCH - Customer Search Expert Modus

CNV_MBT_CWB_DUMMY - Dummy Transaction

CNV_MBT_DEXDEFAULTS - Tech.Settings for DMIS Data Extracts

CNV_MBT_DOCU - Maintain activity documentation

CNV_MBT_DOCU_PROCT - Maintain Process Type documentation

CNV_MBT_DOCU_SHOW - Program start in background

CNV_MBT_FREERECEIVER - Unlock field receiver in rfc mngmnt

CNV_MBT_GP - Global parameter maintenance

CNV_MBT_KP_OVW - Overview/Reload load routines of KP

CNV_MBT_KP_OVW_E - Overview/Reload load routines of KP

CNV_MBT_LOAD - Load/blend package

CNV_MBT_MENU - MBT package development menu

CNV_MBT_ME_DOWN_DEMO - Download Demo Excel for a Mapping

CNV_MBT_ME_DYN_MAINT - DMIS Mapping Maintenance

CNV_MBT_NGLM - NewGL Migration - Overview

CNV_MBT_NGLM_MY - NewGL Migration - Overview

CNV_MBT_NGLM_ND - Calling NGLM Overview

CNV_MBT_NOTE_SEARCH - To Search oss notes

CNV_MBT_NO_REORG - Exclude package from reorg and back

CNV_MBT_OVW - Migration Server Overview

CNV_MBT_PCT - Migration process tree

CNV_MBT_PEP_REPAIR - Force recalculation of PEM Plan

CNV_MBT_PIFD_IF - DMIS PIFD Interface Definition

CNV_MBT_PIFD_PARAM - DMIS PIFD Parameter Definition

CNV_MBT_PLK - Settings for Product lock

CNV_MBT_REP_PWD - Change pwds in locked rfc destinatio

CNV_MBT_RFCDESTCLCNT - Delete User Info for RFC Connections

CNV_MBT_RFCDESTCLLOC - Delete User Info for RFC Connections

CNV_MBT_RFCM - MBT RFC destination management

CNV_MBT_RULES - Rule Maintenance Platform

CNV_MBT_SHELL_EXCTB - Shell Creation Excluded Tables

CNV_MBT_SHELL_SIZE - Shell Creation Size Methods

CNV_MBT_SHELL_SPECN - Shell Creation Specific Tables

CNV_MBT_SHELL_TEMPL - Shell Creation Table size Templates

CNV_MBT_SLOP - SAP LT Project Overview

CNV_MBT_SWITCH - Transaction for switch framework

CNV_MBT_TDMS - Migration Server Overview - TDMS

CNV_MBT_TDMS_COLTREE - New overview for TDMS

CNV_MBT_TDMS_MY - Migration Server Overview - TDMS

CNV_MBT_TDMS_ND - Call Overview with scenario TDMS

CNV_MBT_URL_TDMS - Call TDMS information URL

CNV_MBT_UT - Unittest Runner

CNV_MBT_VIEWS_R3E - Adapt Maint.Views for R/3 Enterprise

CNV_MCR - Rebuilding matchcodes

CNV_MC_CHECK - Conversion: Checking for matchcodes

CNV_MC_CHECK1 - Conversion: Checking for matchcodes


CNV_MESSAGE - CNV: Number of log messages

CNV_MIG46 - Migrate CWB menu to user menu

CNV_MONITOR - Conv. Services Procedure Monitor


CNV_MWB - CWB / MWB coupling

CNV_NCE_KB - Knowledge Base maintenance

CNV_NCE_XLS_TMPL - Create Excel template

CNV_NOTE_00001 - Display Note 500290

CNV_NOTE_329116 - Display Note 329116

CNV_NOTE_534036 - System settings Note 534036

CNV_NOTE_638258 - Note 638258

CNV_NOTE_SHOW - Display notes

CNV_NOTE_SHOW_NEW - Display notes

CNV_OBZU - CNV: Object Assignment Maintenance

CNV_OBZUL - Determine General LEDGER Data

CNV_OPT - Optimization transaction

CNV_OPTSET - Switch on optimized job starter

CNV_ORDER - Maintenance for CNVORDER

CNV_OT_ST22 - ST22 for OT

CNV_PACK - CNV: Package Overview

CNV_PACKDP - CNV: Overview of Dependent Packages

CNV_PACKOVW - Package Overview

CNV_PAKSPEZTAB - Handling of package-specific tables



CNV_PERFDB - Transaction for database performance


CNV_PE_DOWNUP - Posting Engine: Down-/Upload

CNV_PE_EDITOR - Posting Engine Editor

CNV_PE_ERR_MON - Posting Engine Error Messages

CNV_PE_JOBS - Posting Engine: Job Overview

CNV_PE_JOBS_PLAN - Posting Engine: Job Planner

CNV_PE_PROJ - Posting Engine Projects

CNV_PE_WLR_MON - Posting Engine Results

CNV_PE_WL_MON - Posting Engine Worklist Items

CNV_PROG_START - Program start in background

CNV_PROT - Display log

CNV_RECHECK_MAPPING - Recheck mapping

CNV_REC_GENER - Generate prog. for reloading data

CNV_RENAME - CNV: Maintain Renamed Entries


CNV_RESET - Reset all table buffers

CNV_RESTART_PEM - Restart PEM Plan execution

CNV_RESTORE - Recover backup tables

CNV_RUNTIME - Runtime evaluation for conversion

CNV_SAVE_BACKUP_CLUS - Save tables in backup cluster

CNV_SCR_INDX_CHECK - INDX Check for HCM Packages

CNV_SETYELLOW - Set red traffic lights to yellow


CNV_SHOWTRANSPORTS - Transports imported into system

CNV_SIM_LOAD - Simulate package loading

CNV_SOBJ - CNV: Maintenance of subobjects

CNV_START - Start conversion

CNV_START_BATCH - Start Conversion in Background Job

CNV_STAT - CNV: Display the Status Table

CNV_STATE_ORDER - Maintain relationship of programs

CNV_STEPS - CNV: Table-Related Control

CNV_STEPSC - CNV: Table-Related Control

CNV_SUBSTEPS - Table related control Cluster

CNV_SUBSTEPSC - Table related control Cluster


CNV_SYST - Optimize number of processes

CNV_TABLEFIELDMAP - Table field mapping

CNV_TABLEFIELDMAP_ST - Field mapping with status support

CNV_TABLES - CNV: Maintenance of Table INFO

CNV_TABLESC - CNV: Maintenance of Table INFO

CNV_TABLO - CNV: enter package-dependent tables

CNV_TABSIZE - Determination of table size

CNV_TAB_DOWN - Download Table Entries

CNV_TAB_ORDER - Maintain sequence between tables

CNV_TDMS_04_MAINT_VI - maintenance view for CNVTDMS_04_TAB

CNV_TDMS_CLS_SCRAM - TDMS HCM Classical scrambling

CNV_TDMS_HCM_PRESEL - Selection of HCM Objects for Transf.

CNV_TDMS_HCM_SCRAM - Scramble maintainance (Sub-)Projekt

CNV_TIMEREC - CNV: Runtime logging

CNV_TR - Transformation Rule Workbench

CNV_TRANS - Transporting Table Contents


CNV_TR_DOWNUP - Download/UpLoad

CNV_TS_ACT - Troubleshooting activities

CNV_TS_DEF - Troubleshooting definition

CNV_TS_GENER_N - TS for generating programs

CNV_TS_GENER_T - TS for generating programs

CNV_TS_IMG - Troubleshooting activities

CNV_UPLOAD - Download table entries

CNV_WD - CNV: Watchdog

Return Table index