SAP T-Code search on AL

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AL08 - Users Logged On

AL08_OLD - List of All Users Logged On

AL11 - Display SAP Directories

AL11_OLD - Display SAP Directories

AL12 - Display Table Buffer (Exp. Session)

AL13 - Display Shared Memory (Expert Mode)

AL15 - Customize SAPOSCOL destination

ALLOC_BATCH_RUN - To run Allocation in the batch mode

ALM99 - JBALMCTRL Control Tables

ALM_01 - ALM: Assign CF Type to CF Indicator

ALM_ME_DEBUG - MAM Debugging Settings

ALM_ME_GENERAL - Smartsync Settings

ALM_ME_INVENTORY - Inventory Management Profile

ALM_ME_NOTIF - Notification Processing Profile

ALM_ME_ORDER - Order Processing Profile

ALM_ME_ORDER_STATUS - Change Mobile Status for Order


ALM_ME_SCENARIO - Mobile Asset Management Scenario

ALM_ME_USER - User-specific settings

ALO1 - Determine ASH/DOREX Relationships

ALRTCATDEF - Editing Alert Categories

ALRTCATDEF_SEL - Define Alert Category

ALRTDISP - Display Alerts

ALRTINBOX - Alert Inbox

ALRTMON - Alert Monitor

ALRTPERS - Personalize Alert Delivery

ALRTPROC - Process Alerts

ALRTSUBSCR - Subscribe to Alert Categories

ALVIEWER - ArchiveLink Viewer in the Web

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