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T5W0P - (Old) UIF reference number assignment to personnel area/sba.

T5W0S - SIC Code maintainence based on Personnel Area and Subarea

T5W10 - Link pay scale groups to occupational level. - Equity

T5W11 - Link pay scale groups to occupational level. - Equity

T5W12 - Link reason for income diff to occupational level. - Equity

T5W13 - Link job category occupational level Employment equity.

T5W14 - Obsolete (see Note 641916)

T5W14T - Obsolete (see Note 641916)

T5W15 - Job to SOC Code Allocation (South Africa)

T5W16 - Position to SOC Code Allocation (South Africa)

T5W17 - SOC Codes (South Africa)

T5W17T - SOC Codes Descriptions (South Africa)

T5W1F - RSA SI Exemption Reasons

T5W1G - RSA SI Exemption Reasons

T5W1H - Medical Aid Payment model Assignment

T5W1K - Pension Funds and Medical Aid Schemes (RSA)

T5W1M - Social insurance companies

T5W1N - Social insurance schemes

T5W1O - Contributions for Social Insurances

T5W1P - RSA Definitions of Social Insurances

T5W1Q - Social insurance indicator

T5W1R - Social Insurance schemes ZA Text

T5W1U - Contribution class for social insurances ZA

T5W1V - Contribution class for social insurances ZA text

T5W1X - Social Insurance Contributions ZA

T5W1Y - Medical Aid contribution (as of 01.01.2000)

T5W1Z - Late Joiner Penalties

T5W2A - (Old) Tax Revenue Offices (South Africa)

T5W2B - (Old) Tax Status Indicators (South Africa)

T5W2C - (Old) Tax Age Group Indiciators (South Africa)

T5W2D - (Old) Employment Indicators (South Africa)

T5W2E - (Old) Tax Regions (South Africa)

T5W2F - (Old) RSA Tax Procedures

T5W2G - (Old) Income Tax Rates (South Africa)

T5W2H - (Old) Tax Rebates (South Africa)

T5W2I - (Old) RSA Tax Year Specifications

T5W2M - (Old) Tax status indicators ZA text

T5W2MC - Municipality Codes

T5W2N - (Old) Age Indicator ZA text

T5W2O - (Old) Employment Indicators (South Africa) Text

T5W2P - South African Revenue Service Offices

T5W2Q - South African Tax Year Status

T5W2R - South African Tax Rates

T5W2S - South African Tax Rebates

T5W2T - South African Employment Indicators - Text

T5W2U - South African Employment Indicators

T5W2V - South Africa - Form Names

T5W30 - Termination categories

T5W31 - Termination Categories

T5W3A - Wagetypes to Subtype relation

T5W4A - Leave parameter table - Southern Africa

T5W4B - Leave entitlement (IT0005) parameter table - Southern Africa

T5W4S - Absence Types for UIF Download Report

T5W5A - Bank check digit verification table for South Africa

T5W5B - Account Type Recognition for ZA

T5W5C - South African Bank Names

T5W61 - SARS Interface : Status Check Table

T5W62 - SARS Interface : Status Description

T5W63 - SARS Interface : Run Attributes

T5W64 - SARS Interface : Employee Status

T5W65 - SARS Interface : Certificates Issued

T5W66 - SARS Interface : PAYE Reference Number Attributes

T5W67 - SARS Interface : Definition of Electronic Tax Certificate

T5W68 - SARS Interface : Record Types

T5W70 - UIF Interface : Run Attributes

T5W71 - UIF interface : Reference number attributes

T5W72 - UIF interface: Runs per UIF reference number

T5W7A - Salary components

T5W7AT - Salary component text

T5W7B - Predefined attributes of salary components

T5W7C - Eligibility of salary components

T5W7E - Salary packaging categories

T5W7ET - Salary packaging Categories

T5W7F - Salary packaging: ZA receiver rates

T5W7G - Salary packaging: package variant data

T5W7H - Salary packaging: Categories of salary components

T5W7HT - Salary packaging: Text table Categories

T5W7I - Salary packaging: package variants

T5W81 - Regional Services Councils

T5W8A - NQF Field Defintion

T5W8AT - NQF Field Text

T5W8B - NQF Sub-fields

T5W8BT - NQF Subfield fext

T5W8C - Qualifiaction types

T5W8CT - Qualifiaction type text

T5W8FUNC - NQF Appraisl modelFunction modules

T5W8H - Appraisal templates

T5W8HT - NQF Appraisal templates text

T5W8I - Appraisal template - Object attributes

T5W8K - Appraisal template - Follow up function modules

T5W8L - Link NQF appraisal ids to profile views

T5W8O - Register of object links to their NQF appraisal models

T5W8P - Strategic Skills Priorities

T5W9C - Categories of Labour Relations interventions

T5W9CT - Text - Categories for Labour Relations types

T5W9O - Outcome Types of Labour Relations Interventions

T5W9OT - Text - Outcome Types Labour Relations Interventions

T5W9P - Participating Roles for Labour Relations Interventions

T5W9PR - Role responsibilities

T5W9PT - Text - Participating Roles for Lab. Relations Interventions

T5W9R - Reasons for Labour Relations interventions

T5W9RT - Text - Reasons for Labour Relations interventions

T5W9S - Status/Level of a Labour Relation intervention process

T5W9ST - Text - Status/Level of a Lab. Relation intervention process

T5W9T - Possible Object Types of Lab.Rel. Participants

T5W9TT - Text - Possible Object Types of Lab.Rel. Participants

T5WA - Electronic fund transfer codes

T5WAT - Elctronic fund transfer texts

T5WER - South Africa - IRP5 Company Contact Person Details

T5WET - Employee Tax incentive

T5WITA88 - ITA88 Transaction Table

T5WMW - Wage Regulating Measure

T5WNMW - National Minimum wage for learners

T5WOC - Link Occupation Codes with Alt. Titles/Spec.

T5WOCT - Alternative Title / Specialization (South Africa)

T5WOF - OFO Codes (South Africa)

T5WOFT - OFO Codes Descriptions (South Africa)

T5WOM - Link Major and Skill Levels (OFO South Africa)

T5WOT - OFO Codes Descriptions (South Africa)

T5WOX - Alternative Title / Specialization (South Africa)

T5WRFN - ZA Tax and UIF reference number table

T5WRTW - Retro wagetypes configuration

T5WSC - SIC code

T5WSC_T - SIC Code (Text table)

T5WSE - Employer SIC Code - Assigned to PAYE reference number

T5WSEZ - Employer SEZ Code

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