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SNIWE - Transfer Structure for Lowest Value Determination

SNIWE0 - Transfer Structure for Lowest Value Determination

SNIWE0_PRICE - Analysis of Market Prices for Lowest Value Determination

SNIWE1 - Transfer Struct. for Lowest Val. Determ. (Range of Coverage)

SNIWE2 - Transfer Structure for Lowest Value Determination

SNIWE3 - Determination of Lowest Value: Loss-Free Valuation

SNIWE8 - Transfer Structure for Lowest Value Determination

SNIWE9 - Transfer Structure for Lowest Value Determination

SNIWEABW - Structure for Devaluation Information - Lowest Value

SNIWEACC - Structure for Displaying Balance Sheet Values per Account

SNIWEBEW - Structure for Devaluations due to Range of Cov./Non-Movement

SNIWEBI - Structure of Mat. Price Change from Balance Sheet Valuation

SNIWEBKL - Structure for Displaying Balance Sheet Values per Account

SNIWEERR - Structure for Error Table (Balance Sheet Valuation)

SNIWEF - Internal Structure for LIFO Valuation

SNIWEF1 - Transfer Structure Parameter for FIFO Valuation

SNIWEFY - Lowest Value: Fiscal Year ID Data

SNIWEL - Transfer Structure for Lowest Value Determination

SNIWEL3 - Transfer Structure for Lowest Val. Comparison LIFO (General)

SNIWEL6 - Transfer Structure for Lowest Val. Comparison LIFO (Special)

SNIWEL9 - Transfer Structure for Lowest Val. Comparison LIFO (Special)

SNIWELS - Lowest Value Determ. Structure: List Display Parameters

SNIWEMAT - Material Master Data at Balance Sheet Valuation Level

SNIWEMBL - Material Document View (Balance Sheet Valuation)

SNIWEMP - Structure for Lowest Value Determination by Market Prices

SNIWEMTI - Material Master Data at Bal. Sheet Valuation Level (Input)

SNIWEN3 - Loss-Free Valuation: Sales Prices

SNIWESPL - Communication Structure for Valuation Types/Stock Accounts

SNIWESTK - Weighted Stocks

SNIWEVP - Structure for Sales Documents for Market Price Analysis

SNIWEX - General Results Data: Lowest Value Determination

SNI_AO_TAX_CODE - SAF-T AO: List of tax codes

SNI_NO_REL_GRP - SAF-T NO : Relation Between Grouping Code and Category

SNI_NO_REL_GRPT - SAF-T NO : Relation Between Grouping Code and Category texts

SNI_NO_STAND_TAX - SAF-T NO : Standard tax

SNI_NO_STD_ACCT - SAF-T NO : Standard account

SNI_NO_STD_ACCTT - SAF-T NO : Standard account texts

SNI_NO_STD_GRCT - SAF-T NO : Grouping Category

SNI_NO_STD_GRCTT - SAF-T NO : Grouping Category Text

SNI_NO_STD_TAX - SAF-T NO : Standard tax

SNI_NO_STD_TAXT - SAF-T NO : Standard tax descriptions

SNI_NO_ST_TAXT - SAF-T NO : Standard tax descriptions

SNI_PL_VAT_FLD - SAF-T PL: VAT Declaration Fields

SNI_PL_VAT_FLDT - SAF-T PL: VAT Declaration Field Texts

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