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BEH_BOPF_TEST - Obsolete

BEH_C_SUBSCRIBER - Entity Table for subscribers

BEH_C_SUBSCRIPTN - List of subscriptions

BEH_D_QUEUE - Event Queue Table


BEH_EVENTS - Structure for sending notification

BEH_E_INBCONSUMR - Inbound Configuration table

BEH_E_INBFLDMAP - Inbound Events Field Mapping

BEH_E_INBOUNDMAP - Inbound Events Configuration Mapping Table

BEH_I_EVENT - Event Code and Task Mapping for SAP Object Type

BEH_I_EVENTT - Text for Event Code and Task Mapping Table

BEH_I_KEYS - Table for keys

BEH_I_PAYLOAD - Business Event Handling Payload Extension

BEH_I_TASKTYPE - SAP Object Task Type

BEH_L_BOPF - Active persistance table

BEH_RELATED_OBJECTS - related objects - event notification

BEH_SUBS_CONSUM - Indicator to Push Subscriber

BEH_S_EVENTMAP - Event Mapping

BEH_S_EVENT_KEY - Business Event Key

BEH_S_INBCONSUMR - Inbound Events Consumer Details

BEH_S_INBOUND_MAP - Inbound events configuration

BEH_S_KEYS - Event Keys

BEH_S_OUTBOUND_COMMON - Outbound Events - Common Fields

BEH_S_PRIORITY_PARAM - Importing parameter structure for Update priority action

BEH_S_SUBSCRIBER - Business Event Handling Subscriber details

BEH_S_SUBSCRIPTION - Business Event Subscription

BEH_S_UPDATE_PRIORITY - Update priority structure

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