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FXI_ECC_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_ADDRESS_COMMUNICATION - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_ADDRESS_EMAIL - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_ADDRESS_FACSIMILE - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_ADDRESS_MOBILE_PHONE - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_ADDRESS_OFFICE - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_ADDRESS_TELEPHONE - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_ADDRESS_WEB - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_AMOUNT - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_BDM_HEADER - A BusinessDocumentMessageHeader consists of business informa

FXI_ECC_BDM_HEADER_PARTY - BusinessDocumentMessageHeaderParty Is General Information

FXI_ECC_BDM_ID - A BusinessDocumentMessageID is a unique ID that

FXI_ECC_BTD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_BTD_REF - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_DATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_EMAIL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_GEO_COORDINATES - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_LOG_ITEM - protocol message issued by an application

FXI_ECC_MEASURE - Measure ist eine physikalische Maßangabe mit der dazu gehöri

FXI_ECC_PARTY_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_PARTY_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_PARTY_TAX_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_PERSON_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_PERSON_NAME_AFFIX - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_PERSON_NAME_FAMILY - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_REGION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_TAX_AUTHORITY_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)

FXI_ECC_TAX_JURISDICTION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)


FXMOMENTSTORE - Feedback moments that pushed to client

FXMS_ABS_NET_ODATA - Odata Service for Absolute Net Exposure

FXMS_BSR_ATTR - Additional attribute of balance sheet exposure hedge request

FXMS_BSR_IN - Action control for balance sheet request

FXMS_BSR_INTX - Interface Change Structure for balance sheet request

FXMS_BSR_INX - Action control for balance sheet request

FXMS_BSR_MAIN - Main part of balance sheet exposure request

FXMS_BSR_MAIN_PARAM - Balance Sheet Exposure Request Main Parameter

FXMS_BSR_PARAS - Balance Sheet Exposure Request Parameter

FXMS_BSR_VAL_DTE - Balance Sheet Exposure Request Value Date

FXMS_ERROR - Message

FXMS_KEYFIGURE_ODATA - Keyfigure Odata Structure

FXMS_KF_META - Meta Data for Keyfigures

FXMS_KF_SEL - Key Figure Selections

FXMS_KF_SEL_LONG - Key Figure Selections

FXMS_OVP_ABS_NET_ODATA - Odata Service for Absolute Net Exposure

FXMS_OVP_PAR - Parameter for OVP Parameter

FXMS_RP_ID - Request Parameter ID List For Checking

FXMS_RP_OPTN_SRCH - Request Parameter Option Searching

FXMS_RP_SEL_OPTN - Request Parameter Selection Option

FXMS_RP_SEL_PARAM - Request Parameter Selection Parameter

FXMS_SNAPITEMX - Snap Item Flag Structure


FXMS_SNAPITEM_INX - Action Control for Snap Item

FXMS_SNAP_EP_DIMENSION - Exposure Dimension of Snapshot (Balance Sheet FX Risk)

FXMS_SNAP_FI_DIMENSION - FI Dimension of Snapshot (Balance Sheet FX Risk)

FXMS_SNAP_TM_DIMENSION - TRM-TM Dimension of Snapshot (Balance Sheet FX Risk)

FXMS_SYDATA - System Administrative Data

FXMS_SYDATA_CREATE - System Data: Creation

FXMS_SYDATA_LAST_CHANGE - System Data: Last Change

FXMV_CURR_PAIR - Generated Table for View

FXMV_KF_DEF - Generated Table for View

FXMV_KF_GRP_DEF - Generated Table for View

FXMV_RP_DEF - Generated Table for View

FXMV_RP_GRP_DEF - Generated Table for View

FXMV_TCURL_DISP - Generated Table for View

FXM_BSR - Balance Sheet Exposure Hedge Request

FXM_KF_DEF - Key Figure Definition

FXM_KF_GRP_DEF - Key Figure Group Definition

FXM_KF_SEL - Key Figure Selections

FXM_RP_DEF - Request Parameter Definition

FXM_RP_GRP_DEF - Request Parameter Group Definition

FXM_RP_SEL_OPTN - Request Parameter Selection Option

FXM_RP_SEL_PARAM - Request Parameter Selection Parameters

FXM_SNAP - Snapshot (Balance Sheet FX Risk)

FXM_SNAP_ITEM - Snapshot Item (Balance Sheet FX Risk)

FXM_SNAP_PARAMETERS - Snap Selection Parameters

FXM_TCURL_DISP - Display settings for Currency Pairs

FXVL_EXT - Fixed characteristic values

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