Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table


Query Service Components
A query is represented by a query object, which is managed by a Query Manager (also an object). The Query Manager represents the query service with respect to the ABAP program.
To create a Query Manager, you need the static method GET_QUERY_MANAGER of the general system service class CL_OS_SYSTEM.
An ABAP program does not work with the Query Manager and queries by using class reference variables. Instead, it uses the interfaces IF_OS_QUERY_MANAGER, IF_OS_QUERY, and IF_OS_QUERY_FACTORY.
A query is not executed directly, but using the method GET_PERSISTENT_BY_QUERY of the interface IF_OS_CA_PERSISTENCY of a class agent. This means a search is carried out for persistent objects of the associated persistent class that match the filter condition.
The options for executing a query are controlled using the interface IF_OS_QUERY_OPTIONS. To enable this, a structure of type IF_OS_QUERY_OPTIONS=>OPTIONS can be passed to method GET_PERSISTENT_BY_QUERY.

Relevant Method of the System Service
Most of the components of the system service class CL_OS_SYSTEM are used internally by the Object Services. A method must be used in an application program to be able to work explicitly with object-oriented queries.
GET_QUERY_MANAGER This static method returns the return value RESULT of type IF_OS_QUERY_MANAGER containing a reference to the Query Manager. The Query Manager is created when you initialize the Object Services.

Methods of the Query Manager
The Query Manager manages the object-oriented queries of the ABAP program and is executed from interface IF_OS_QUERY_MANAGER.
IF_OS_QUERY_MANAGER~CREATE_QUERY Creates a query and returns a reference to the query object in return value RESULT of type IF_OS_QUERY. The filter condition is passed to the parameter I_FILTER of type string. The sort condition is passed to the parameter I_ORDERING of type string. If the query’s parameters are specified using a parameter list, this must be passed to the parameter I_PARAMETERS of type string.

Methods of a Query
Queries are executed from interfaces IF_OS_QUERY and IF_OS_QUERY_EXPR_FACTORY.

Methods of the Interface IF_OS_QUERY
IF_OS_QUERY~GET_EXPR_FACTORY Returns a reference to a query expression factory in the return parameter RESULT of type IF_OS_QUERY_EXPR_FACTORY. Technically speaking, a query expression factory is part of a query object, although it is executed using the interface IF_OS_QUERY_EXPR_FACTORY, like a separate object.
IF_OS_QUERY~SET_FILTER_EXPR Sets the filter condition. The internal display of the filter condition that is created with a query expression factory is passed to parameter I_FILTER_EXPR of type IF_OS_QUERY_FILTER_EXPR.
IF_OS_QUERY~SET_PARAMETERS_EXPR Sets the parameter list of the filter condition. The internal display of the parameter list that is created with a query expression factory is passed to parameter I_PARAMETERS_EXPR of type IF_OS_QUERY_PARAMETERS_EXPR.
IF_OS_QUERY~SET_ORDERING_EXPR Sets the sort condition. The internal display of a sort condition created with the query expression factory is passed to parameter I_ORDERING_EXPR of type IF_OS_QUERY_ORDERING_EXPR.
IF_OS_QUERY~PARSE Creates the internal displays of the filter condition, the parameter list, and the sort term if these have not yet been created or set.

Methods of the Interface IF_OS_QUERY_EXPR_FACTORY
IF_OS_QUERY_EXPR_FACTORY~CREATE_OPERATOR_EXPR Creates either a filter condition in the form
attr1 operator attr2,
where attr1, operator, and attr2 are the values of parameters I_ATTR, I_OPERATOR and I_ATTR2.
attr1 operator 'val' or
attr1 operator val_w_quotes
where val and val_w_quotes are the values of parameters I_VAL and I_VAL_W_QUOTES. If parameter I_IDX of type i is passed, val is the value of the parameter from the parameter list, for which the index when the query is executed is determined by the value of parameter I_IDX . The filter condition that is created is returned in the return value RESULT of type IF_OS_QUERY_FILTER_EXPR.
IF_OS_QUERY_EXPR_FACTORY~CREATE_LIKE_EXPR Creates a filter condition in the following form (depends on the value of I_NOT parameter)
attr [NOT] LIKE 'pattern' or
attr [NOT] LIKE pattern_w_quotes,
where attr, pattern, and pattern_w_quotes are the values of the parameters I_ATTR, I_PATTERN and I_PATTERN_W_QUOTES. If parameter I_IDX of type i is passed, pattern is the value of the parameter from the parameter list, for which the index when the query is executed is determined by the value of parameter I_IDX. Specifying parameter I_ESCAPE or I_ESCAPE_W_QUOTES appends the definition of an escape character in form ... ESCAPE 'escape' or . ... ESCAPE escape_w_quotes, where escape and escape_w_quotes are the values of parameters I_ESCAPE and I_ESCAPE_W_QUOTES. The filter condition that is created is returned in the return value RESULT of type IF_OS_QUERY_FILTER_EXPR.
IF_OS_QUERY_EXPR_FACTORY~CREATE_ISNULL_EXPR Creates a filter condition in the following form (depends on the value of I_NOT parameter)
attr IS [NOT] NULL,
where attr is the value of parameter I_ATTR. The filter condition that is created is returned in the return value RESULT of type IF_OS_QUERY_FILTER_EXPR.
IF_OS_QUERY_EXPR_FACTORY~CREATE_REF_EXPR Creates a filter condition in the form
attr EQUALSREF ref,
where attr is the value of parameter I_ATTR and ref is the value of the parameter from the parameter list whose index when the query is executed is determined by the value of parameter I_IDX . Instead of using a parameter to set the persistent object reference, you can specify the instance GUID and class GUID using parameters I_GUID and I_CLSGUID of type OS_GUID. The filter condition that is created is returned in the return value RESULT of type IF_OS_QUERY_FILTER_EXPR.
IF_OS_QUERY_EXPR_FACTORY~CREATE_NOT_EXPR Creates a filter condition in the form
NOT ( expr ),
where expr is a filter condition that has already been created and passed to parameter I_EXPR. The filter condition that is created is returned in return value RESULT.
IF_OS_QUERY_EXPR_FACTORY~CREATE_AND_EXPR Creates a filter condition in the form
( expr1 ) AND ( expr2 )
where expr1 or expr2 are filter conditions that have already been created and passed to parameter I_EXPR1 or I_EXPR2. The filter condition that is created is returned in return value RESULT.
IF_OS_QUERY_EXPR_FACTORY~CREATE_OR_EXPR Creates a filter condition in the form
( expr1 ) OR ( expr2 )
where expr1 or expr2 are filter conditions that have already been created and passed to parameter I_EXPR1 or I_EXPR2. The filter condition that is created is returned in return value RESULT.
IF_OS_QUERY_EXPR_FACTORY~CREATE_PARAMETERS_EXPR Creates a parameter list. The paremeter list that is created is returned in return value RESULT of type IF_OS_QUERY_PARAMETERS_EXPR . The parameters are appended in succession when method APPEND of a further interface IF_OS_QUERY_PARAMETERS_EXPR is called. The parameter name is passed to parameter I_PAR.
IF_OS_QUERY_EXPR_FACTORY~CREATE_ORDERING_EXPR Creates a sort condition. The sort condition is returned in the return value RESULT of type IF_OS_QUERY_ORDERING_EXPR. The attributes that you are sorting by are appended one after the other when you call method APPEND_ASCENDING or APPEND_DESCENDING of additional interface IF_OS_QUERY_ORDERING_EXPR. The parameter name is passed to parameter I_ATTR.