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abs, sign, ceil, floor, trunc, frac - Numerical Functions
The following table shows the general numerical functions for a single unnamed argument with any numerical data type. These functions are overloaded with the effect that the return value can have different numerical types.

... func( arg ) ...

The argument of a general numerical function must be an individual data object outside an arithmetic expression, and can itself be a numeric expression within an arithmetic expression.
Effect of the general numerical functions. Function funcReturn Value ABAP_KEY absAbsolute value of argument arg ABAP_KEY signSign of argument arg: -1, if the value of arg is negative; 0, if the value of arg is 0; 1, if the value of arg is positive ABAP_KEY ceilSmallest integer that is not less than the value of the argument arg is ABAP_KEY floorLargest integer that is not greater than the value of the argument arg is ABAP_KEY truncValue of the integer part of the argument arg ABAP_KEY fracValue of the decimal places of the argument arg

The following applies with regard to the data type of the return value:
With the exception of an arithmetic expression, the data type of the argument determines the data type of the return value.
Within an arithmetic expression, the argument of the function contributes to the calculation type of the entire expression and the function is calculated using the calculation type. If the argument itself is an arithmetic expression, its operands contribute to the entire calculation type and the argument is also calculated with this type.
If the argument arg is a numeric expression, the function works like an arithmetic operator and it is handled in its operand position like an arithmetic expression.
If the argument of a numerical function outside of an arithmetic expression has no numerical data type, i,
int8, p, decfloat16, decfloat34, or f its data type determines the type of return value as follows:
d and t give i
c, n and string give p
x and xstring givei
Before the calculation of the function, the argument is converted into the respective type..

The functions described here are some of the functions that can be used in the obsolete extended functional operand positions, even if their argument is a single data object.

For a demonstration of the numeric functions, see Numeric Functions.