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Runtime Analysis in Release 4.6C

In Release 4.6C, SAP has enhanced the Runtime Analysis transaction to include the following functions:

1 The Color of the Bar on the Evaluation Overview Screen 2 Object-Centered Hit Lists 3 Measurement Restrictions 4 Sets of Statistics

ABAP_MODIFICATION_1 The Bar Color on the Evaluation Overview Screen
When ABAP statements or system statements are being analyzed, the system shows a green bar to indicate that 50 percent of the total execution time was required for the execution of the relevent statements. A red bar indicates that more than 50 percent of the total execution time was used. When database operations are being analyzed, a red bar indicates that 25 percent of the total execution time has been used.

ABAP_MODIFICATION_2 Object-Centered Hit Lists
For ABAP programs that work with classes and instances, the appropriate hit lists are now generated. If you want, you can also filter the display of methods and events belonging to this class or instance.

ABAP_MODIFICATION_3 Measurement Restrictions
From now on, the system uses the variant of a measurement restriction that was created or edited most recently. The default variant is set to None in the AS ABAP. In all other systems, it is set to Full.

ABAP_MODIFICATION_4 Sets of Statistics
Sets of statistics are no longer displayed when performance data is aggregated.