Get Example source ABAP code based on a different SAP table
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General Expression Positions General expression positions are reader positions> in which suitable data objects >, constructor expressions>, table expressions>, calculation expressions>, predefined functions>, or functional methods> and method chainings> can be specified. The following general expression positions exist:
Right side of an assignment with the assignment operator =>>
Operands of arithmetic expressions> and of bit expressions>,
Embedded expressions> in string templates>,
Operands of comparison expressions > in logical expressions>
Operand of the statement CASE>>,
Actual parameters> for input parameters of methods in meth( ...)>>, RAISE EVENT>>, CREATE OBJECT>>, and RAISE EXCEPTION>>.
Actual parameters> for input parameters of function modules in the case of CALL FUNCTION>>.
Arguments of predefined> numerical functions> if they are themselves executed in an arithmetic expression.
The operands behind the addition WITH TABLE KEY> of the statements READ TABLE itab>> and DELETE TABLE itab>>.
The operands behind the addition WITH KEY >> of the statement READ TABLE itab>>.
Work area wa> of the statements
APPEND wa TO ...>>
INSERT wa INTO ...>>
MODIFY ... FROM wa ...>>
Expression exp> for dynamic sorts in the case of
SORT itab BY exp>>
Source fields of the statements WRITE>> and WRITE TO>>, with the restriction that arithmetic expressions> and bit expressions> cannot be specified directly, only as embedded expressions> in string templates>. The type restrictions defined by the operand type> apply in the operand positions. For example, no numerical functions> can be specified in a bit expression.
Specifying functional methods> as actual parameters of methods enables the nesting of method calls in an operand position.
The three types of calculation expression> can be executed as operands of relational expressions, but they cannot be mixed in one calculation expression.