SAP Function Module search on DD_M

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DD_MAP_NAMETAB_TO_DDFIELDS - Maps the nametab to a table of the type DDFIELD

DD_MAP_TO_FRKART_AND_CARDLEFT - Mapping of dependency factor to the type and left cardinality

DD_MASS_ACT - DD: Mass activation

DD_MASS_ACT_C3 - DD: Mass activation




DD_MCID_COPY - Copy routine for class matchcode IDs (MCID)

DD_MCID_GET - Read a matchcode ID

DD_MCID_PUT - Write a matchcode ID

DD_MCOB_COPY - Copy routine for class matchcode objects (MCOB)


DD_MCOB_GET - Read a matchcode object

DD_MCOB_PUT - Write a matchcode object

DD_MESSAGE_LOG - Log writer for Data Dictionary

DD_MIBT_GET - ABAP/4 internal: read base tables of matchcode IDs

DD_MIBT_PUT - ABAP/4 internal: write routine for component object MC ID tables (MIBT)

DD_MIFD_GET - ABAP/4 internal: read fields of a matchcode ID

DD_MIFD_PUT - ABAP/4 internal: write routine for component object MC ID fields (MIFD)

DD_MIHD_GET - ABAP/4 Dict.: read routine for component object MC ID header (MIHD)

DD_MIHD_PUT - ABAP/4 Dict. internal: write routine for comp. obj. MC ID header (MIHD)

DD_MOD_NAMETAB_HEADER - Modifies a nametab header according to given DD09V (techn. config.)

DD_MOHD_GET - ABAP/4 Dict.: read routine for component object MC object header (MOHD)

DD_MOHD_PUT - ABAP/4 Dict. internal: write routine for comp. obj. MC obj. header (MOHD)

DD_MX_MERGE - DD: Copy Back Dependencies of Multiplex Tables

DD_MX_NTAB_SWITCH - DD: Switch for the Multiplexing Flag of the Nametab

DD_MX_TABL_ACT - DD: activation of tables with MULTIPLEX = 'M' including dependent tables

DD_MX_TABL_DEP_ACT - DD: activation of tables with MULTIPLEX = 'D'

DD_MX_TNMAP_MAINTAIN - DD: Maintenance of table TNMAP

DD_MX_TNMAP_MAINTAIN_ALL - DD: Select All Multiplex Tables for Maintenance

DD_MX_TNMAP_MAINTAIN_SINGLE - DD: TNMAP Maintenance for One Single Table


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