SAP Function Module search on CRM_U

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CRMCUE_BDOC_IN_ERROR - BDOCS aggregated in error status

CRMCUE_BUPA01 - data from table cue_bupa (bussiness partner information)

CRMCUE_BUSRELA - data from tables tbz9, tbz9a bussiness relations

CRMCUE_DOWNLOAD_SMWMCOMM - Download of Commstation Statistic and Session Result failed

CRMCUE_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_MONITOR - Download Status Monitor (R/3 Adapter)

CRMCUE_FLOWDEF_CHECK - Check Flow Definitions


CRMCUE_MWMESSAGEFLOW_STAT_3 - Statistic MW Messageflow

CRMCUE_ORDER01 - data from tables crmd_orderadm...

CRMCUE_ORDER02 - data from tables crmc_proc_type and crmc_item_type

CRMCUE_QUEUES_MW - Checks for CRM middleware queues

CRMCUE_STATUS_TESTDOWNLOAD - Result Testdownload per CRM client and connected R/3 OLTP

CRMCUE_TABSIZES_SMO - Downloads specific smo* tables with sizes in kb

CRM_UBB_CR_I_ALL_FC - General credit checks

CRM_UBB_CR_I_CHANGE_OW - Modify from Creidt data

CRM_UBB_CR_I_CHECK_OW - Check credit data

CRM_UBB_CR_I_COPY_EC - Copy Credit Data

CRM_UBB_CR_I_CREATE_OW - Anlegen von Produktdaten

CRM_UBB_CR_I_DELETE_EC - Löschen Produktdaten

CRM_UBB_CR_I_DELETE_OB - Delete an entry from the object buffer

CRM_UBB_CR_I_FIELDCHECK_FC - Check for credits

CRM_UBB_CR_I_FILL_OW - Fill changed data to work area

CRM_UBB_CR_I_GET_MULTI_DB - Data export from database buffer

CRM_UBB_CR_I_GET_MULTI_OB - Reading data from OB Buffer when saving

CRM_UBB_CR_I_INIT_DB - Initialization of the database buffer

CRM_UBB_CR_I_INIT_EC - Initialisierung Produktdaten

CRM_UBB_CR_I_INIT_OB - Initialization of object buffer

CRM_UBB_CR_I_MAINTAIN_M_OW - Maintenances (creation or modifying) of credit repository

CRM_UBB_CR_I_MAINTAIN_OW - Maintenances (creation or modifying) of credit data

CRM_UBB_CR_I_MAP_INPUT2INTERN - Check input fields that belong to the actual item

CRM_UBB_CR_I_MERGE_OW - Merge Produktdaten

CRM_UBB_CR_I_PUBLISH_OW - Event für andere Objekte auslösen

CRM_UBB_CR_I_PUT_DB - Adjust the data into the database bufferer

CRM_UBB_CR_I_PUT_OB - Writing credit data into the object buffer

CRM_UBB_CR_I_READ_DB - Lesen der Produktdaten aus dem Datenbankpuffer bzw. von der Datenbank

CRM_UBB_CR_I_READ_OB - Read data from object buffer

CRM_UBB_CR_I_READ_OW - Informationen zu Positionsdaten

CRM_UBB_CR_I_SAVE_EC - Sichern Produktdaten

CRM_UBB_CR_I_SAVE_OB - Writing credits to the database

CRM_UBB_CR_I_SELECT_BY_ITEM_DB - Lesen einer Position von der Datenbank

CRM_UBB_CR_I_SELECT_M_DB - Lesen mehrerer Produktdaten von der Datenbank

CRM_UBB_CR_I_SELECT_S_DB - Lesen einer Position von der Datenbank

CRM_UBB_CR_I_UPDATE_DU - Writing modified credit data to the database

CRM_UBB_CR_I_UPDATE_DU_DOCFLOW - update credit data to the docflow data as audit trail

CRM_UBB_CTR_I_DELETE_OB - Delete from objectbuffer

CRM_UBB_CTR_I_EXIST_OB - UBB Extension OB Existcheck

CRM_UBB_CTR_I_FIELDCHECK_FC - UBB Contractextension Fieldselection

CRM_UBB_CTR_I_GET_MULTI_OB - UBB Extension Objectbuffer

CRM_UBB_CTR_I_INIT_OB - UBB Contractextension Objectbuffer initialize

CRM_UBB_CTR_I_PUT_OB - UBB Contractextension: Objectbuffer

CRM_UBB_CTR_I_READ_OB - Reads entry in objectbuffer

CRM_UBB_CTR_I_SAVE_OB - UBB Contract Extension

CRM_UBB_CTR_I_UPDATE_DU - UBB Contractextension DB-Update

CRM_UBB_EST_SEQ_CB - UBB: Output sequence for Reading Reminder

CRM_UBB_NOTIF_H_UPDATE_DU - Notification: Update to Database

CRM_UBB_OUT_CHM_CB - UBB: Output correspondence channel - Media + Partner

CRM_UBB_OUT_SEQ_CB - UBB: Output sequence for Reading Reminder

CRM_UBB_PRICE_AGMTS_PRINT - Get ubb price agreements for printing

CRM_UBB_SERVICEPROD_CHECK_GRI2 - UBB Service Product Determination

CRM_UBB_SERVICEPROD_CHECK_GRID - UBB Service Product Determination

CRM_UBB_SERVICEPROD_POP_UP_UI - Pop up für FinProd Eingabehilfe

CRM_UBB_USG_ASS_CB - Read Usage Mapping

CRM_UBB_USG_MAP_CB - Read Usage Mapping

CRM_UBB_VOLUME_ITEM_SELECT_CB - Access to item type customizing for volume

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_CHECK_READING_FC - Check if Reading exists

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_DELETE_OB - Löschen eines Eintrags aus dem Objektpuffer

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_EXIST_OB - Prüfen, ob ein Eintrag existiert

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_FIELDCHECK_FC - Check for credits

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_GET_DATA_IL - UBB Volume Set: Get data from IL

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_GET_MULTI_DB - Datenexport aus Datenbankpuffer

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_GET_MULTI_OB - Lesen mehrer Productdaten aus dem globalen Puffer

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_GET_REF - UBB Volume Set: Get Ref

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_INIT_DB - Initialisierung des Datenbankpuffers

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_INIT_OB - Initialisierung des Objektpuffers der Produktdaten

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PROVIDE_DATA_IL - UBB Volume Set: Provide Data

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PUT_DATA - UBB Volume Set: Put Data

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PUT_DB - Einstellen der Daten in den Datenbankpuffer

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PUT_IL - UBB Volume Set: Put data into IL

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PUT_INPUT_FIELDS - UBB Volume Set: Put Input Fields

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PUT_OB - Schreiben der Produktdaten in den Objektpuffer

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_PUT_UI_DATA - put data from UI to IL

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_READ_BY_ITEM_DB - Lesen einer Position von der Datenbank

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_READ_DB - Lesen der Produktdaten aus dem Datenbankpuffer bzw. von der Datenbank

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_READ_OB - Produktdaten aus dem Objektpuffer lesen

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_SAVE_OB - Schreiben der Produktdaten auf die Datenbank

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_SELECT_M_DB - Lesen mehrerer Produktdaten von der Datenbank

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_SELECT_S_DB - Lesen einer Position von der Datenbank

CRM_UBB_VOL_I_UPDATE_DU - UBB Volume Set: Write to DB

CRM_UC_XML_CLOSE_DOC - XML Dokument abschließen: Konvertierung zu XML

CRM_UC_XML_DOC_PARSE_CLOSE - Abschluss interner data für XML Parser

CRM_UC_XML_DOC_PARSE_INIT - Initialisierung interner Variablen für XML Parsing

CRM_UC_XML_INIT_DOC - Vorbereitung zur Konvertierung zu XML

CRM_UC_XML_MAP_FROM_BAPIMTCS - Konvertierung zu XML aus der BAPIMTCS (CRM konform)


CRM_UC_XML_R3A_PARSE_BAPIMTCS - Parser: R/3 Adapter XML über Struktur BAPIMTCS


CRM_UNASSIGN_SINGLECONTRACTS - CRM UBB unassign single contracts from Poolcontract

CRM_UPG_ATTACHMNT_EXT_ID - Extract ID customer defaults for MSA, initial download

CRM_UPG_ATTACH_UPLOAD_MAP - Initial download for customer defaults to MSA

CRM_UPLOAD_AFTER_MAP_HANDLER - General data handling after the mapping step

CRM_UPLOAD_BW_TSS_DTRACK - Middleware Connection: Outbound Flow Service TSS for BW

CRM_UPLOAD_BW_TSS_DTRACK_MAP - Mapping Module to Map BDoc Data to DB Compatible Data (for BW)

CRM_UPLOAD_BW_TSS_DTRACK_SRV - Middleware Connection: Outbound Flow Service TSS for BW

CRM_UPLOAD_EXTRACT_FILL_BDOCS - To fill the BDOCs from the guids for upload

CRM_UPLOAD_EXTRACT_GUIDS - To extract all documents from CRM

CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_PRJ - Outbound Flow Service für Mobile Clients

CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_PROJECT - Outbound Adapter: Mobile project.

CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_PROJECT_FILTER - Outbound Adapter: Mobile Project Filter

CRM_UPLOAD_MCA_PROJECT_PACK - Outbound Adapter: Mobile Project convertor

CRM_UPLOAD_PLANOGRAM - Mobile Bridge for Planogram CRM->CDB

CRM_UPLOAD_PLANOGRAM_MAP - Planogram Mapping function

CRM_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_IMG - Mobile bridge for product images


CRM_UPLOAD_REALOGRAM - Mobile bridge for Realogram

CRM_UPLOAD_REALOGRAM_MAP - Mapping function for Realogram CRM->CDB



CRM_UPLOAD_TO_OLTP - Centralized Upload from CRM to an OLTP site

CRM_URL_CONSISTENCY_CHECK - Consistency Check of Data Elements from Field Group

CRM_USER_CHECK - Consistency Check for User in Portal and Backend

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