SAP Function Module search on CRM_G

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CRM_GAG_AUTO_BILLING_BLOCK_EC - Set Automatic Billing block

CRM_GAG_AUT_BILLING_BLOCK - Maintain automatic billing block

CRM_GAG_BILLING_BUAG_CHECK_EC - Check validity of business agreement

CRM_GAG_CHECK_CONSISTENCY - Check program data

CRM_GAG_CHECK_EC - grantor agreement reference check

CRM_GAG_DATES_CHANGE_CHECK_EC - Check the posting date

CRM_GAG_ITEM_CHANGE_ALLOW - CRM Grantor application: Fields checks

CRM_GAG_ITEM_CHECK_EC - grantor agreement reference check

CRM_GAG_ITEM_SELECT_CB - Access to Grantor agree. item type customizing

CRM_GAG_ITEM_VALIDATE - Check program data

CRM_GAG_PRDECESSORS_SET_EC - Manual creation of an agreement item

CRM_GAG_PRIDOC_GET_IL - Pricing Connection: IL

CRM_GAG_STATUS_BEFORE_CHANG_EC - Check before application status change at item level

CRM_GAG_STATUS_BEFORE_FINI_EC - Prüfen, ob alle Items erledigt

CRM_GAG_SUCCESSOR_CHECK - Check existence of earmarked funds


CRM_GAP_CHECK_FUP_PROCTYPS - Check allowed process types for followup

CRM_GAP_CHECK_ITEM_EC - Check grantor application item - program data consistency

CRM_GAP_GAG_DATES_COPY - Copy dates from Grantor application to agreement

CRM_GAP_GAG_DOC_FLOW_COPY - Copy Grantor program link

CRM_GAP_GAG_GET - Get agreement assigned to a Grantor application

CRM_GAP_GAG_H_AFTER_COPY_EC - Kopieren spezieller Belegflußsätze

CRM_GAP_GAG_H_BEFORE_COPY_EC - Check before copy grantor application to agreement (headers)

CRM_GAP_GAG_I_AFTER_COPY_EC - Kopieren spezieller Belegflußsätze

CRM_GAP_GAG_I_BEFORE_COPY_EC - Check before copy grantor application to agreement (items

CRM_GAP_GPM_BADI_INSTANCE_GET - **** Obsolete - do not use ****

CRM_GAP_GPM_CHECK_CONSISTENCY - Check the grantor program data

CRM_GAP_GPM_CHECK_EC - Check grantor application - program data consistency

CRM_GAP_GPM_GET - Get program assigned to a Grantor application

CRM_GAP_GPM_INIT_CHECK_EC - Check grantor application - program data consistency

CRM_GAP_GPM_VALIDATE - Validate the grantor program data

CRM_GAP_GPM_VALIDATE_EC - Check grantor application - program data consistency

CRM_GAP_HEADER_SELECT_CB - Access to Grantor appl. transaction category customizing

CRM_GAP_ITEMS_UPDATE - Add / Update application items

CRM_GAP_ITEM_CHANGE_ALLOW - CRM Grantor application: Fields checks

CRM_GAP_ITEM_CHECK_CONSISTENCY - Check grantor application item consistency

CRM_GAP_ITEM_SELECT_CB - Access to Grantor appl. item type customizing

CRM_GAP_ORDER_BEFORE_CHANGE_EC - Check before application change at header level

CRM_GAP_PRIDOC_GET_IL - Pricing Connection: IL

CRM_GAP_PRIDOC_PUT_UI_DATA - Pricing Connection: IL

CRM_GAP_SELECT_BY_GPM - Select Grantor Application by Grantor Program

CRM_GAP_SELECT_BY_GPM_GUID - Select Grantor Application by Grantor Program

CRM_GAP_STATUS_BEFORE_CHANG_EC - Check before application status change at item level

CRM_GAP_TBOX_ATTACH_DOCS - Attach document to service order of type 'BUS2000270'

CRM_GENERATED_CHAR_STR - Generates the BAPI structure with only char fields

CRM_GENERATE_CHAR_MAPPING - Wrapper for CRM and OLTP function generation

CRM_GENERATE_CHAR_STRUCT - Generates Character BAPI-structures

CRM_GENERATE_MAPPING - Wrapper for CRM and OLTP function generation

CRM_GENERIC_CRM_IN - Receive module for R/3 back-end or CRM Online data

CRM_GET_ALLOWED_SUC_PROC_TYPES - Returns allowed sucessor process types

CRM_GET_ALL_APPLICATIONS - Supplies All CRM Applications with Description from CRMC_BL_APPL_T

CRM_GET_CROSS_DOCKING_DATA - makes ECC-RFC call and fills table which is used for display

CRM_GET_LASTN_BW_ACT - LAST N activites from BW


CRM_GET_PRD_CAT_ID - Get the Product category ID

CRM_GET_RELEVANT_PROD_CATEGORY - Product Category based on Territory ID of Responsible and Sample Category

CRM_GET_ROLE_MO_DATA - Supplies Data from Table CRMC_PRT_ROLE_MO

CRM_GET_ROLE_RL_DATA - Supplies Data from Table CRMC_PRT_ROLE_RL

CRM_GET_SAP_JNRL_TEMP_TYPE - Get the SAP JRNL Template Type if maintained

CRM_GET_SEARCH_DDLB_VALUE - Gives Name-value pair of Get-ddlb value of simple search


CRM_GET_TRANSFER_STRUCT - Retrieves structure name and mapping module for Non-XML from OLTP

CRM_GPM_ATT_UPDATE - Update Attributes Assignment for Grantor Program Mgmt

CRM_GPM_EEW_TASK_NEW_FIELDS - GPM: Task API for adding new fields

CRM_GPM_EEW_UPDATE - GPM: Update EEW assignment

CRM_GPM_GM_GMP_READ - Grantor Program - Read

CRM_GPM_HIER_BW_EXTRACT - GPM: Hierarchy extraction

CRM_GPM_HIER_BW_F4 - GPM : F4 for hierarchy choice


CRM_GPM_MBDOC_VALIDATION - GPM: Validation module for inbound MBDOC

CRM_GPM_NODE_ATTR_BW_MAP - GPM: Mapping function module for BW

CRM_GPM_NODE_BW_SELECT - GPM: Select function module for BW

CRM_GPM_NODE_BW_TEXTS - Data extraction : Grantor Program Management node - Texts

CRM_GPM_PAR_UPDATE - GPM: Database Update for Partner Assignment

CRM_GPM_PCT_UPDATE - Update Grantor Program Process Control Assignment values

CRM_GPM_PDP_SRCH_HLP_EXIT - GPM: Exit for partner determination procedure value help

CRM_GPM_PSM_INBOUND - GPM: Inbound adapter for download from OLTP

CRM_GPM_PSM_OUTBOUND - GPM: Outbound adapter for upload to PSM

CRM_GRANTOR_DROP_DOWN_FILL - Fill Drop Down Listboxes

CRM_GRM_BRF_GAP_CREATE_ITEM - Creates the item (params: header GUID, eligible Grant amount and due date)

CRM_GRM_BRF_GAP_GET_GUID - Sends back the GUID linked to the current 1O object in the inter. layer

CRM_GRM_BRF_GAP_STATUS_DECLINE - Sets the status of the Application to 'declined' (Input :GAP Header GUID)

CRM_GRM_BRF_RAISE_EVENT - Triggers a BRF event from a standard context (for WR request, use WR FM)

CRM_GRM_CASE_CREATE - Create a Grantor Management Case

CRM_GRM_CASE_EXIST_STATUS - Check if object has been linked to a case



CRM_GRM_CASE_OBJECT_LINK_RFC - RFC: Grantor Link Objects to a Case

CRM_GRM_CASE_OBJ_LINK_STATUS - Check if case exists for an object

CRM_GRM_CASE_RELATION - Maintain Relationship between Case, GAP and GAG

CRM_GRM_DATES_CHANGE_CHECK_EC - Check the posting date

CRM_GRM_DOC_FILTER_PSM_ITEM - Grantor Management: See if item is relevant for PSM Upload

CRM_GRM_DOC_MAP_LOG_R3MESS - Add messages from R3 to application Log

CRM_GRM_DOC_MAP_MTCS2BDOC - Grantor management: Map proxy's bapimtcs to new bdoc


CRM_GRM_DOC_PSM_FILTER - Grantor Management: Filter relevant docs for PSM Upload

CRM_GRM_DOC_PSM_MAP_BDOC2BAPI - Grantor management: map BDOC->bapiproxy structures

CRM_GRM_DOC_PSM_UPLOAD - Grantor Management: Upload of Grantor Docs to PSM

CRM_GRM_GET_1O_GUID - Retrieves the guid of the 1O object for the current event

CRM_GRM_GET_PROGRAM_GUID - Retrieves the Grantor program GUID corresponding to a 1 Order GUID

CRM_GRM_MESSAGE_COLLECT - Collect messages

CRM_GRM_MESSAGE_DELETE - Delete messages

CRM_GRM_REASON_CODE_RESET_EC - Check subject profile and reset reason code

CRM_GRM_STATUS_ACTUALIZE_H_EC - Actualize header status

CRM_GRM_STATUS_AFTER_CANC_EC - Status set to 'Cancelled'

CRM_GRM_STATUS_AFTER_COMP_EC - Status set to 'Completed'

CRM_GRM_STATUS_AFTER_DECL_EC - Status set to 'Rejected'

CRM_GRM_STATUS_AFTER_RELE_EC - Status et to 'Released'

CRM_GRM_STATUS_TRANSLOCK_EC - Check if the document could be locked against transfer

CRM_GRM_SUCCESSOR_CHECK - Check existence of earmarked funds

CRM_GRM_WR_BP_INITIALIZE - Initialize web form fields with BP data

CRM_GRM_WR_BUAG_LIST_GET - Get existing partner business agreement list

CRM_GRM_WR_BUILD_DOC_FLOW - Add a link to Grantor program

CRM_GRM_WR_CALCULATE - Perform calculation based on form data

CRM_GRM_WR_CONVERT_NUMBER - Remove thousandth separator and make sure the decimal separator is '.'

CRM_GRM_WR_VALIDATE - Validate form data

CRM_GRM_WR_VALIDITY_DATES_COPY - Update application validity period

CRM_GRM_WR_XML_EXCEPTIONS - Handle Exceptions from get_value_via_xpath

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