SAP Function Module search on CRM_E

Search FMs

CRM_ECO_ENTITLEMENTS_SWITCH - Returns entitlements application switch

CRM_ECO_ENT_GET_DETAILS - FM for Entitlements and Summary Read

CRM_ECO_ENT_SELECT_ENTITLEMENT - Select the set of Entitlements for the given selection criteria

CRM_ECO_TRANSFER_ENTITLEMENT - FM for Entitlement Transfer

CRM_EH_OUTBOUND - Outbound function for Event History

CRM_EH_OUTBOUND_GET_BDOCH - Get BDOC Header for Event History

CRM_EH_OUTBOUND_SET_BDOCH - Set BDOC Header for Event History

CRM_EI_DDIC_GET_FIXEDTEXT - SAF - Get the Text Description of a Domain's Fix Value

CRM_EI_DOCS_CLU_INSERT - Insert into feature cluster table

CRM_EI_DOC_CLU_DELETE - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_DOC_CLU_DEL_MARKED - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_DOC_CLU_INSERT - Insert into feature cluster table

CRM_EI_DOC_CLU_MARK_DEL - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_DOC_CLU_ROLLBACK - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_DOC_INSERT - Insert a new document in document table

CRM_EI_FEATID_TO_FEAT - Convert feature id to feature

CRM_EI_FEATS_CLU_INSERT - Insert into feature cluster table

CRM_EI_FEAT_CLU_DELETE - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_FEAT_CLU_DEL_MARKED - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_FEAT_CLU_INSERT - Insert into feature cluster table

CRM_EI_FEAT_CLU_MARK_DEL - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_FEAT_CLU_RETRIEVE - retrieval from feature cluster table given cluster id

CRM_EI_FEAT_CLU_ROLLBACK - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_FEAT_INSERT - Insert a new document in document table

CRM_EI_FEAT_TO_FEATID - Conversion from feat + lang to feat_id


CRM_EI_GET_COMPILED_KBS - EI: get the compiled KBs

CRM_EI_GET_COMPILED_LANGS - EI: get the compiled languages for a knowledge base

CRM_EI_GET_INDEXNAME - EI: get the compiled index name

CRM_EI_GET_PERSONALIZATION - EI: Get personalization information

CRM_EI_IIA_ADJUST_HITLIST - IIA: Drill down the matched symptoms/solutions based on hitlist

CRM_EI_IIA_DATA_FROM_CIC - IIA: Receiving text from CIC


CRM_EI_IIA_GET_SOLU_ATTA - Get Details of Symptom

CRM_EI_IIA_GET_SOLU_SUMMARY - Get Details of Symptom

CRM_EI_IIA_GET_SUMMARY - Get Details of Symptom

CRM_EI_IIA_GET_SUMMARY_EMAIL - Get Details of Symptom




CRM_EI_IIA_KBID_2_SOLID - Convert Knowledge ID into Symptom ID

CRM_EI_IIA_KBID_2_SYMPID - Convert Knowledge ID into Symptom ID

CRM_EI_IIA_SDB_ONLY - Check if there is an SDB KB in the list






CRM_EI_IIA_TREX_BOR_SELECT - Select BOR for the search criteria


CRM_EI_IIA_TREX_CIC_START - IIA: Receiving text from CIC

CRM_EI_IIA_TREX_EMAIL_ADDRESS - Ask for the Email Addresses

CRM_EI_IIA_UI_END_CONTACT_CIC - IIA: Close contact event is raised

CRM_EI_KB_BATCH_JOB_CHECK - SAF: API to check whether batch job can continue without conflicts

CRM_EI_KB_BATCH_JOB_DELETE - SAF: API to check whether batch job can continue without conflicts

CRM_EI_KB_BATCH_JOB_NAME - SAF: API to generate batch job name

CRM_EI_KB_BATCH_JOB_SCHEDULED - SAF: API to check whether batch job can continue without conflicts

CRM_EI_KB_BATCH_JOB_START - SAF: API to start batch job for a set of knowledge bases

CRM_EI_KB_BATCH_JOB_START_ALL - SAF: API to start a batch job for all knowledge bases

CRM_EI_KB_BATCH_JOB_START_SNG - SAF: API to start batch job for a set of knowledge bases

CRM_EI_KB_BATCH_JOB_STOP - SAF: API to stop batch jobs for a set of knowledge bases

CRM_EI_KB_BATCH_JOB_STOP_ALL - SAF: API to start batch job for a all knowledge bases

CRM_EI_KB_BATCH_JOB_VARIANT - SAF: API to generate program variant name in 14 characters (limitation)

CRM_EI_KB_CONV_DEC_TO_HEX - SAF: Conver decimal id to hex id

CRM_EI_KB_GEN_NECESSARY - SAF: Returns whether generation (set up) is necessary

CRM_EI_KB_GET_ACCESS_INFO - SAF: API to access information from compilation log

CRM_EI_KB_GET_ALL_GEN_KBS - SAF: API to get infomation of all generated knowledge bases

CRM_EI_KB_GET_ALL_KB_NAMES - SAF: API to get names of all knowledge bases

CRM_EI_KB_GET_ATTR_PATTERNS - SAF: API to get attribute patterns for infomation security

CRM_EI_KB_GET_ATTR_SRH_RET - SAF: API to get a list attribute name to be returned with a search request

CRM_EI_KB_GET_ATTR_VALUES - SAF: API to get attributes and their values of a knowledge base

CRM_EI_KB_GET_BOL_DETAIL - SAF: Get detail via genil BOL

CRM_EI_KB_GET_BOL_DTL_SDB - SAF: Get detail via genil BOL

CRM_EI_KB_GET_BOL_DTL_SDBATT - SAF: Get detail via genil BOL

CRM_EI_KB_GET_BOL_DTL_SDBICS - SAF: Get detail via genil BOL

CRM_EI_KB_GET_BOR_ATTRIBUTES - SAF: Convert BOR details to attributes

CRM_EI_KB_GET_DEPENDENCY_ATT - SAF: API to get info about which kb needs generation

CRM_EI_KB_GET_ENTITY - SAF: Retrieve knoweldge entity based on ID

CRM_EI_KB_GET_ENTITY_HISTORY - SAF: Retrieve knoweldge entity history given an ID

CRM_EI_KB_GET_GENERATION_LOG - SAF: API to get details of generation log

CRM_EI_KB_GET_JOBNAME - SAF: API to compose job name from kb name and job type

CRM_EI_KB_GET_LANGUAGES - SAF: API to get available languages for knowledge bases

CRM_EI_KB_GET_META_ATTR - SAF: API to get attributes of a knowledge base

CRM_EI_KB_GET_MLT_DETAIL_HTML - SAF: API to get details of multiple knowledge entities in html & string

CRM_EI_KB_GET_MLT_DETAIL_TAB - SAF: API to get details of multiple knowledge entities in a text table

CRM_EI_KB_GET_MLT_DETAIL_TEXT - SAF: API to get details of multiple knowledge entities in text format

CRM_EI_KB_GET_MLT_DETAIL_XML - SAF: API to get details of multiple knowledge entities in XML format

CRM_EI_KB_GET_PRODUCT_INFO - SAF: API to retrieve product information for FAQ

CRM_EI_KB_GET_SETTINGS - SAF: API to get info about which kb needs generation

CRM_EI_KB_GET_SNG_DETAIL_HTML - SAF: API to get details of single knowledge entity in html & string format

CRM_EI_KB_GET_SNG_DETAIL_TAB - SAF: API to get details of single knowledge entity in table

CRM_EI_KB_GET_SNG_DETAIL_TEXT - SAF: API to get details of single knowledge entity in text format

CRM_EI_KB_GET_SNG_DETAIL_XML - SAF: API to get details of single knowledge entity in XML format

CRM_EI_KB_GET_XSL_NAME - SAF: API to get info about which kb needs generation

CRM_EI_KB_GET_XSL_NAME_TEXT - SAF: API to get info about which kb needs generation

CRM_EI_KB_IS_DEPENDED_BY - SAF: API to get info about which kb needs generation

CRM_EI_KB_IS_DEPENDENT_OF - SAF: API to get info about which kb needs generation

CRM_EI_KB_RUN_AUTO_COMPILE - SAF: API to run auto compilation

CRM_EI_KB_RUN_AUTO_COMPILE_ALL - SAF: API to run auto compilation for all knowledge bases

CRM_EI_KB_RUN_AUTO_GENERATION - SAF: API to check and run automatic generation

CRM_EI_KB_RUN_CLUSTERING - SAF: API to run delayed clustering

CRM_EI_KB_RUN_FULL_COMPILE - SAF: API to run full compilation

CRM_EI_KB_RUN_FULL_DELETION - SAF: API to delete all content of a knowledge base on a specified language

CRM_EI_KB_RUN_FULL_GENERATION - SAF: API to run generation of a knowledge base

CRM_EI_KB_SET_DELTA_UPDATE - SAF: API to set needed update for batched delta compilation

CRM_EI_KB_SET_DELTA_UPDATE_UT - SAF: API to set needed update for batched delta compilation

CRM_EI_KB_UPDATE_ACCESS_INFO - SAF: API to update flags after full/auto compilation

CRM_EI_KB_UPDATE_AFTER_COMPILE - SAF: API to update flags after full/auto compilation

CRM_EI_KB_UPDATE_AFTER_DELETE - SAF: API to update flags after full/auto compilation

CRM_EI_LE_ACTSPREAD - EI - Activation Spread Correlations

CRM_EI_LE_ASP_ASY - EI - LE - Update and Activation Spreading

CRM_EI_LE_DELENTS_ADD - EI - LE - Add Entities to to-be-deleted List

CRM_EI_LE_DELENTS_FINAL - EI - LE - Finally Delete to-be-deleted Entities

CRM_EI_LE_DELENTS_GET - EI - LE - Get to be deleted Entities

CRM_EI_LE_DELETE - EI - LE - (Asynchronously) Delete to be deleted Entities

CRM_EI_LE_DSP_CORMAT - EI - LE - Display Correlation Matrix

CRM_EI_LE_DSP_RECOM - EI - LE - Display Recommendations

CRM_EI_LE_GENDATA - EI - LE - Generate Hierarchy Nodes for TestData

CRM_EI_LE_GENNODES - EI - LE - Generate Hierarchy Nodes for TestData

CRM_EI_LE_GENTREE - EI - LE - Tree Generator

CRM_EI_LE_GET_STATE - EI - LE - Get the State of the Learning Engine

CRM_EI_LE_GUID2LABEL - EI - LE - Translate Entity-GUID to Entity-Label

CRM_EI_LE_MULTMATMAT - EI - Multiplication: Matrix x Matrix (PLEASE: read comments in source)

CRM_EI_LE_MULTVECMAT - EI - Multiplication: Matrix x Vector

CRM_EI_LE_RANDINT - EI - LE - Random Integer

CRM_EI_LE_RECOMMEND - EI - Recommendation of Entities

CRM_EI_LE_RENORM - EI - Update Correlation Weights

CRM_EI_LE_SET_STATE - EI - LE - Set the State of a Learning Engine

CRM_EI_LE_UPDATE - EI - Update Correlation Weights

CRM_EI_LE_UPDCOOC - EI - Prepare Entity-Pairs for Co-occurrence Learn. Rule

CRM_EI_LE_UPDNAVB - EI - Prepare Entity-Pairs for Navigational Learn. Rule

CRM_EI_LE_UPDSEQB - EI - Prepare Entity-Pairs for Sequence Learn. Rule

CRM_EI_LE_UPD_ASY - EI - LE - Update and Activation Spreading

CRM_EI_RECOMMENDATION - recommendation for search refinement

CRM_EI_RFC_DELETE_DOC_CLU - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_RFC_DELETE_FEAT_CLU - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_RFC_DEL_MARKED_DOC_CLU - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_RFC_DEL_MARKED_FEAT_CLU - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_RFC_GET_CLASSIFY - EI: returns true if classification is required for delta compilation

CRM_EI_RFC_INSERT_DOCS_CLU - Insert into feature cluster table

CRM_EI_RFC_INSERT_DOC_CLU - Insert into feature cluster table

CRM_EI_RFC_INSERT_FEATS_CLU - EI: Insert feature cluster

CRM_EI_RFC_INSERT_FEAT_CLU - EI: Insert feature cluster

CRM_EI_RFC_LOG_END_CLU - EI: Update clustering infor in compilation log

CRM_EI_RFC_LOG_END_DCMP - EI: Update delat compilation info in compilation log

CRM_EI_RFC_LOG_END_DELETE - SAF: Log the end of deleting an index

CRM_EI_RFC_LOG_END_FCMP - EI: Update delat compilation info in compilation log

CRM_EI_RFC_LOG_START_CLU - SAF:Log the start of clustering

CRM_EI_RFC_LOG_START_DCMP - EI: Log full compilation start

CRM_EI_RFC_LOG_START_FCMP - EI: Update delat compilation info in compilation log

CRM_EI_RFC_LOG_UPD_CLU - EI: Update clustering infor in compilation log

CRM_EI_RFC_LOG_UPD_DCMP - EI: Update delat compilation info in compilation log

CRM_EI_RFC_LOG_UPD_FCMP - EI: Update delat compilation info in compilation log

CRM_EI_RFC_MARK_DEL_DOC_CLU - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_RFC_MARK_DEL_FEAT_CLU - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_RFC_ROLLBACK_DOC_CLU - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_RFC_ROLLBACK_FEAT_CLU - EI: Delete feature cluster relationship for an index

CRM_EI_RFC_SYNC_DOC - EI: Remove disappeared feature from feature table

CRM_EI_RFC_SYNC_FEAT - EI: Remove disappeared feature from feature table

CRM_EI_RFC_SYNC_LEARNING - EI: Remove disappeared features from learning table

CRM_EI_RFC_TEST - Test RFC function modules

CRM_EI_SDB_CONV_SOLU_HITLIST - Converts an SDB Solution Hitlist into a result list

CRM_EI_SDB_CONV_SYMP_HITLIST - Converts an SDB Symptom Hitlist into a result list

CRM_EI_SDB_GET_SOLU_LANGUAGES - Return available languages for solutions

CRM_EI_SDB_GET_SYMP_LANGUAGES - Return available languages for problems

CRM_EI_SDB_SE_QUERY - SDB: Receive a query and send to the search engine

CRM_EI_SDB_SOLU_SEARCH - SDB: Receive a query (with parsed descriptor list) and send it to the SE

CRM_EI_SDB_SOLU_SEARCH_SRTV - SDB: Receive a query (with parsed descriptor list) and send it to the SE

CRM_EI_SDB_SRTV_GET_SCORE - Returns score analysis table

CRM_EI_SDB_SRTV_INIT_SCORE - Initializes score analysis table

CRM_EI_SDB_SYMPSOLU_LANGU_F4 - Beispiel für ein Suchhilfe-Exit eine Suchhilfe

CRM_EI_SDB_SYMP_SEARCH - SDB: Receive a query (with parsed descriptor list) and send it to the SE

CRM_EI_SDB_SYMP_SEARCH_SRTV - SDB: Receive a query (with parsed descriptor list) and send it to the SE

CRM_EI_SDB_TREX_SOLU_SEARCH - SDB: Receive a query (with parsed descriptor list) and send it to the SE

CRM_EI_SDB_TREX_SYMP_SEARCH - SDB: Receive a query (with parsed descriptor list) and send it to the SE

CRM_EI_SET_PERSONALIZATION - EI: Set personalization information

CRM_EI_SYNC_DOC - EI: Remove disappeared feature from feature table

CRM_EI_SYNC_FEAT - EI: Remove disappeared feature from feature table

CRM_EMAIL_GET_EMAIL_FOR_BDOC - Holt E-Mail aus CRM und erzeugt BDOC

CRM_EMAIL_MAP_BDOC2EMAIL - Map Bdoc structure into E-Mail structures

CRM_EMAIL_MAP_EMAIL2MBDOC - Mapping vom CRM Applikationsformat in MBDOC für den E-Mailaustausch

CRM_EMAIL_MAP_TO_CDB - Email Mobile Bridge

CRM_EMAIL_MBDOC_START_FLOW - Start MBDOC Outbound Flows for Email Data Exchange

CRM_EMAIL_SAVE_EMAIL_FROM_BDOC - Anlegen eines E-Mails aus einem BDOC


CRM_EMAIL_VALIDATE - Inbound Validation for PPRs


CRM_EQUI_CONFIG_VALIDATE - Validate the equi/ser no configuration data


CRM_ERMS_ADD_CATEGORIES - Store current e-mail's categories

CRM_ERMS_AGENT_DETERM1 - agent determination by Java rule engine

CRM_ERMS_CAN_UP_CREATE - Coherent Cat - Generate new ID

CRM_ERMS_CAN_UP_MODIFY - Coherent Cat - Generate new ID

CRM_ERMS_CAN_UP_READ - Coherent Cat - Generate new ID

CRM_ERMS_CAN_UP_UPDATE - Coherent Cat - Update Objects on Database

CRM_ERMS_CAN_UP_UPDATE_UI - Coherent Cat - Parameterless Update Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_AA_READ - Coherent Cat - Read Schemes

CRM_ERMS_CAT_AS_CREATE - Coherent Cat - Create Aspect

CRM_ERMS_CAT_AS_DELETE - Coherent Cat - Delete Aspect

CRM_ERMS_CAT_AS_MODIFY - Coherent Cat - Create Aspect

CRM_ERMS_CAT_AS_READ - Coherent Cat - Read Aspect

CRM_ERMS_CAT_AS_SEARCH - Coherent Cat - Search Aspects by Description

CRM_ERMS_CAT_AS_SEARCH_CMP - Coherent Cat - Complex Search for Aspects

CRM_ERMS_CAT_AS_UPDATE - Coherent Cat - Update Aspect

CRM_ERMS_CAT_AS_UPDATE_DATES - Coherent Cat. - Update Validity Dates of Aspects

CRM_ERMS_CAT_AS_UPDATE_UI - Coherent Cat - Parameterless Update Aspect

CRM_ERMS_CAT_CA_CONFIG - Categorization - Buffer Configuration

CRM_ERMS_CAT_CA_CREATE - Coherent Cat - Create Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_CA_DELETE - Coherent Cat - Delete Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_CA_INTERSECT - Coherent Cat - Intersect two Sets of Categories

CRM_ERMS_CAT_CA_MODIFY - Coherent Cat - Modify Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_CA_READ - Coherent Cat - Read Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_CA_READ_KIDS - Coherent Cat - Read Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_CA_SEARCH - Coherent Cat - Search Categories by Description

CRM_ERMS_CAT_CA_SEARCH_CMP - Coherent Cat - Search Categories by Description

CRM_ERMS_CAT_CA_UPDATE - Coherent Cat - Update Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_CA_UPDATE_UI - Coherent Cat - Parameterless Update Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_CREATE - Coherent Cat - Create Hierarchy Edge

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_DELETE - Coherent Cat - Delete Hierarchy Edge

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_KIDS_ALL - Coherent Cat - Get All Children for a given node

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_KIDS_ALL_ONLY - Coherent Cat - Get All Children for a given node

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_KIDS_LEVEL - Coherent Cat - Get All Children for a given node

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_MODIFY - Coherent Cat - Modify Hierarchy Edge

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_PARS_LEVEL - Coherent Cat - Get All Children for a given node

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_READ - Coherent Cat - Read Hierarchy Edge

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_READ_DB - Coherent Cat - Read Hierarchy from DB

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_READ_KIDS - Coherent Cat - Read Hierarchy from DB

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_READ_PARS - Coherent Cat - Read Hierarchy from DB

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_TEMP - Coherent Cat - Temporary Hierarchy

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_TEST - Coherent Cat - Recursive Hierarchy Generator

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_UPDATE - Coherent Cat - Update Hierarchy

CRM_ERMS_CAT_HI_UPDATE_UI - Coherent Cat - Parameterless Update Hierarchy

CRM_ERMS_CAT_IC_CREATE - Coherent Cat - Generate new ID

CRM_ERMS_CAT_IC_MODIFY - Coherent Cat - Generate new ID

CRM_ERMS_CAT_IC_READ - Coherent Cat - Generate new ID

CRM_ERMS_CAT_IC_UPDATE - Coherent Cat - Update Objects on Database

CRM_ERMS_CAT_IC_UPDATE_UI - Coherent Cat - Parameterless Update Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_ID_CREATE - Coherent Cat - Generate new ID

CRM_ERMS_CAT_ID_UPDATE - Coherent Cat - Update Objects on Database

CRM_ERMS_CAT_ID_UPDATE_UI - Coherent Cat - Parameterless Update Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_LN_CREATE - Coherent Cat - Create Link of Object to Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_LN_DELETE - Coherent Cat - Read Link of Object to Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_LN_READ - Coherent Cat - Read Link of Object to Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_LN_READ_TST - Coherent Cat - Read Link of Object to Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_LN_UPDATE - Coherent Cat - Update Objects on Database

CRM_ERMS_CAT_LN_UPDATE_UI - Coherent Cat - Parameterless Update Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_OB_ALIGN - Coherent Cat - Align objects to ensure data-consistency

CRM_ERMS_CAT_OB_CREATE - Coherent Cat - Create Object

CRM_ERMS_CAT_OB_DELETE - Coherent Cat - Delete Objects

CRM_ERMS_CAT_OB_KEY_GUID - Coherent Cat - Map Object Key to Object GUID

CRM_ERMS_CAT_OB_LNK2TYP - Map Link Type to Object Type

CRM_ERMS_CAT_OB_READ - Coherent Cat - Read Objects

CRM_ERMS_CAT_OB_TYP2LNK - Map Object Type to Link Type

CRM_ERMS_CAT_OB_UPDATE - Coherent Cat - Update Objects on Database

CRM_ERMS_CAT_OB_UPDATE_UI - Coherent Cat - Parameterless Update Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_QU_CREATE - Coherent Cat - Create Query Entry

CRM_ERMS_CAT_QU_DELETE - Coherent Cat - Delete Query Entry

CRM_ERMS_CAT_QU_LANG - Coherent Cat - Read Query Entry

CRM_ERMS_CAT_QU_MODIFY - Coherent Cat - Modify Query Entry

CRM_ERMS_CAT_QU_READ - Coherent Cat - Read Query Entry

CRM_ERMS_CAT_QU_SEARCH - Coherent Cat - Search Query Entry

CRM_ERMS_CAT_QU_UPDATE - Coherent Cat - Update Query Entry

CRM_ERMS_CAT_QU_UPDATE_UI - Coherent Cat - Parameterless Update Query Entry

CRM_ERMS_CAT_SC_CREATE - Coherent Cat - Create Categorization Scheme

CRM_ERMS_CAT_SC_READ - Coherent Cat - Read Categorization Scheme

CRM_ERMS_CAT_SC_UPDATE - Coherent Cat - Update Categorization Scheme

CRM_ERMS_CAT_SP_CREATE - Coherent Cat - Modify Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_SP_MODIFY - Coherent Cat - Modify Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_SP_READ - Cohrerent Cat - Application Area Read

CRM_ERMS_CAT_SP_UPDATE - Coherent Cat - Update Category

CRM_ERMS_CAT_SP_UPDATE_UI - Coherent Cat - Parameterless Update Category

CRM_ERMS_FIELDLIST - Email Erstellung: mögl. Merkmale und Werte lesen

CRM_ERMS_FIND_BP_FOR_USER - Find the BP number for a given user

CRM_ERMS_FIND_DIALOG_TASKS - Find Dialog Task (E-Mail Wrapper)

CRM_ERMS_FIND_USER_FOR_BP - Find user ID for a given BP number

CRM_ERMS_GET_ACTIVE_PLVR_VERS - Answer key to the rel. version of the active policy variant at date/time

CRM_ERMS_GET_ESC_EMAILS - Get Escalated E-Mails

CRM_ERMS_GET_EVENT_CSTMZNG - RFC to get the ERMS event customizing

CRM_ERMS_GET_GUID_FOR_TICKET - Get GUID for service ticket number

CRM_ERMS_GET_HOURS_SINCE_2000 - Get number of hours since 01/01/2000 @ 00:00

CRM_ERMS_GET_OV_AGENT - Get Overview By Agent


CRM_ERMS_GET_STATUS_CSTMZNG - RFC to get the ERMS status customizing

CRM_ERMS_ITEMS_ENHANCEMENT - Enhances the extract structure with one order information


CRM_ERMS_ITEMS_SEND_DELTA - Send delta package of ERMS data to BW

CRM_ERMS_MAILFORM_CAPTION_GET - Mailform_caption_get

CRM_ERMS_MAILFORM_READ - Mailform retrieval


CRM_ERMS_MAIL_COMPOSE - Compose an email using objects linked to a category.

CRM_ERMS_MAIL_COMP_FROM_WF - Compose an email using objects linked to a category.

CRM_ERMS_MAIL_FORWARD - Forward E-Mail Document

CRM_ERMS_MAIL_SEND - Mail verschicken über BCS


CRM_ERMS_PROFILE_UPD_INTERNAL - Conducts Update to DB Tables (Internal Use ONLY!)

CRM_ERMS_RECEIVE_DOCUMENT - Receive document (via CICSUPRT2 object)


CRM_ERMS_RESPONSE_ATTACHS_GET - crm_erms_response_attachs_get list of attachments

CRM_ERMS_RPT_BYEMAIL_GET - Get data by email address

CRM_ERMS_RPT_BYORG_GET - Get data by org.unit

CRM_ERMS_RPT_BYWEBFORM_GET - Get data by web form ID

CRM_ERMS_RPT_DATA_DOWNLOAD - RFC to get reporting data from ERMS

CRM_ERMS_RPT_EVENT_HANDLER - ERMS: Reporting - Handle events

CRM_ERMS_RPT_EVENT_HANDLER_IMP - ERMS: Reporting - Handle events (Implementation)

CRM_ERMS_RPT_KW_URL_GET - Get URL of F1 help for BSP application

CRM_ERMS_RPT_ORGDATA_GET - Get Org. unit name via orgunit ID

CRM_ERMS_RPT_TEXT_GET - Get text element

CRM_ERMS_RULE_SIMULATE - Invokes simulation


CRM_ERMS_WB_CLASS_EXIT - ERMS PW Search help exit for action handler classes

CRM_ERP_GET_RFC_DESTINATION - Returns a RFC destination for a IC profile

CRM_ESRV_1O_CHANGE_EXT_REF - Changes external reference

CRM_ESRV_1O_CREATE_EXT_REF - Creates external reference

CRM_ESRV_1O_DELETE_EXT_REF - Deletes external reference

CRM_ESRV_1O_GET_HEADER - Gets the one order document header information

CRM_ESRV_1O_GET_ID_GUID - Gets ID or GUID for a one order document

CRM_ESRV_1O_GET_ITEM_DOCFLOW - Gets item docflow

CRM_ESRV_1O_READ_EXT_REF - Reads external reference

CRM_ESRV_BILLING_CHECK_ITEM - Check billing item (reference document)

CRM_ESRV_CAMPAIGN_CHECK - Check if product and campaign document are valid

CRM_ESRV_CAMPAIGN_CHECK_BP_TG - Checks if a business partner is in the target group

CRM_ESRV_CAMPAIGN_GET_PRODUCTS - Read the products of a campaign

CRM_ESRV_CHECK_ITEM_ALTID - Checks if the alternative ID of product is unique

CRM_ESRV_CHECK_RSUBTXT_ALLOWED - Check if resubmit text is allowed and return text info

CRM_ESRV_CHECK_TEXT_ALLOWED - EService: Checks allowed text for item type

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_ADD_H_TO_BUFFER - Adds a one order document header GUID to the list of accessed documents

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_ADD_MSG_BUFFER - Add messages to buffer


CRM_ESRV_COMPL_ANALYZE_HEAD - Compares header data entered by user vs document header


CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHANGE_HEADER - Updates the complaint's header information

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHANGE_ITEM - Updates the information of a single complaint item (detail)

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHANGE_ITEMS - Updates the complaint's items (overview)

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHECK_COPY - Check if copy ref doc item is allowed into a complaint item

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHECK_DYN_FIELD - Checks dynamic fields visible or active

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHECK_SERNO_ACT - Checks if serial number exists

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHG_DYN_FIELDS - Prepare for change of dynamic fields

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHG_ITEM_PROD - Prepare for the change of the item's product

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHG_ITEM_QTY - Change a complaint main item's quantity

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHG_ITEM_RCODE - Change item reason code

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHG_ITEM_SERNO - Updates list of serial numbers

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHG_ITEM_STATUS - Changes the item's status process

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHG_ITEM_TEXT - Change an item's text

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CHG_ITEM_UNIT - Change unit of measure

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CONVERT_CURR_IN - EService: Converts amount to internal format

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CONVERT_DAT_OUT - Converts a date in UI format

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CONVERT_DF_OUT - Converts docflow document number for UI

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CONVERT_DYN_IN - Converts dynamic fields from UI to internal format

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CONVERT_DYN_OUT - Converts dynamic fields from internal format to UI format

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CONVERT_H_OUT - Converts data for UI format

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CONVERT_I_IN - Converts items from external to internal format

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CONVERT_I_OUT - Converts item to UI format

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CONVERT_QTY_IN - EService: Converts quantity to internal format

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CONVERT_REF_OUT - Converts item to UI format

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CREATE - Create a complaint document from scratch

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CRT_FROM_DELV - Create a complaint document based on a delivery

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CRT_FROM_INV - Create a complaint document based on an invoice

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CRT_FROM_MKT - Create a complaint document based on a campaign

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CRT_FROM_PSL - Create a complaint document based on a recall

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_CRT_FROM_SORD - Create a complaint document based on a sales order

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_DELETE - Delete a complaint

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_DELETE_ITEMS - Deletes complaint item(s)

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_DEL_H_BUFFER - Removes document(s) from list of docs accessed

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_DEL_I_BUFFER - Clears the item buffer

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_DEL_MSG_BUFFER - Deletes message from the buffer

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_GET_HEADER - Gets the complaint header information

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_GET_H_FR_BUFFER - Get header guids from buffer

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_GET_ITEM - Gets the information of a single complaint item (detail)

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_GET_ITEMS - Gets the information of a complaint's items (overview)

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_GET_I_FR_BUFFER - Gets an item from the buffer

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_GET_MESSAGES - Get messages related to one order document

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_GET_MSG_BUFFER - Get the messages from the buffer

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_GET_RMA - Gets RMA information for Reman Inspection confirmation

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_INITIALIZE - Removes document(s) from one order buffer and from list of docs accessed

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_IS_DYN_FIELD_ON - Checks if dynamic field exists

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_LOAD_DYN_FIELD - Loads dynamic field definition

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_CT_CONF - Read credit info in confirmation item

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_CT_DT - Read credits & debits related to a complaint

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_CT_INV_COR - Get invoice correction info for complaint item

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_CT_SUBITEM - Get credit/debit request and correction in sub-items

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_DYN_FIELD - Reads dynamic fields

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_HEAD_DFLOW - Reads document header docflow

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_HEAD_INFO - Reads document header informations

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_HEAD_STAT - Reads document status

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_ITEM_DUE_D - Reads item due date

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_ITEM_INFO - Read item general information

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_ITEM_QTY - Read item quantities

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_ITEM_RCODE - Read item reason code

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_ITEM_REFDO - Read item reference document

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_ITEM_REJRS - Read item rejected reason code


CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_ITEM_SERNO - Reads list of serial numbers



CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_ITEM_UNIT - Read item unit of measurement


CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_KIT_COMP - Read components of a kit

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_PARTNER - Reads partner function data

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_RMA_DLVRY - Read deliveries following a return

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_READ_SUCC_INV - Read successor invoices for items in a complaint

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_SAVE - Saves the complaint document

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_SEARCH_PARTNER - Look for partner of specified partner function

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_SET_HEAD_DFLOW - Sets the header docflow

CRM_ESRV_COMPL_SET_I_TO_BUFFER - Sets an item to the buffer

CRM_ESRV_DELIVERY_CHECK_ITEM - Check if product, item number and delivery document are valid.

CRM_ESRV_DELIVERY_GET_HEADER - Read the details of a delivery

CRM_ESRV_DELIVERY_GET_ITEMS - Read the details of a delivery

CRM_ESRV_DETERMINE_BILLING - Identifies the invoice(s) related to the sales order

CRM_ESRV_DETERM_PROD_API - Determine internal products for a product of 1O item

CRM_ESRV_DETERM_PROD_ITEM - Determine internal products for item

CRM_ESRV_DETERM_PROD_ITEM_API - Determine internal products for item overview or detail

CRM_ESRV_DETERM_PROD_REF_ITEM - Determine internal products for reference item

CRM_ESRV_GET_DEFAULT_ITEM_TYPE - Gets default item type

CRM_ESRV_GET_EXT_REF_TYPES - Retrieve list of external reference types for a transaction type

CRM_ESRV_GET_ITEM_TYPES - Gets the list of item type

CRM_ESRV_GET_PARTNER_FUNCTION - Retrieves list of partner function for a transaction type or item type

CRM_ESRV_GET_PROCESS_TYPES - Gets the list of process type and ref doc for each process type

CRM_ESRV_GET_PROD_UNITS - EService: Gets product units

CRM_ESRV_GET_PROD_UNIT_F4 - EService: Gets products units

CRM_ESRV_GET_REASON_CODES - Gets codes for item type depending on catalog type

CRM_ESRV_GET_SUBJECT_PROFILE - Returns subject profile used for an item type within a transaction type

CRM_ESRV_IS_PROD_DETERM_ACTIVE - Determine if the product determination is active

CRM_ESRV_ITEM_TYPE_ATTR_GET - Gets item type attribute

CRM_ESRV_RECALL_CHECK_BP_IN_TG - Vefrifies if the soldTo is part of one of the target group of the PSL

CRM_ESRV_RECALL_CHECK_ITEM - Check if product and recall document are valid

CRM_ESRV_RECALL_CHECK_TARGETGR - EService: Checks target group in recall document

CRM_ESRV_RECALL_GET_HEADER - Read recall header data


CRM_ESRV_RECALL_GET_TARGETGRP - EServices: Gets target group for business partner in recall search

CRM_ESRV_RECALL_SEARCH_SOPT - Add specific select options in the generic search for recalls

CRM_ESRV_REJECT_CONFIRM - Confirms rejected items

CRM_ESRV_SORDER_CHECK_ITEM - Check sales order item (ref doc) and return also the invoice it

CRM_ESRV_SRVCONF_CREATE - Create confirmation of inspection results

CRM_ESRV_SRVCONF_GET_HEADER - Reads service confirmation header

CRM_ESRV_SRVCONF_GET_ITEMS - Reads confirmation document items

CRM_ESRV_SRVCONF_SAVE - Saves a confirmation document

CRM_EVALCOND_PPF_CHANCE_DOWN - Actions: Check Status Change

CRM_EVALCOND_PPF_STATUS_CHANGE - Actions: Check Status Change

CRM_EVENT_LOG_ADD_MESSAGE - Add messages to protocol from SY-MSG Field

CRM_EVENT_LOG_DEL - Delete Protocol

CRM_EVENT_LOG_DEL_MESSAGES - Delete Messages from Header/item

CRM_EVENT_LOG_GET - To Get log handle for the protocol

CRM_EVENT_LOG_READ_MESSAGES - To read messages in the protocol

CRM_EVENT_LOG_REFRESH - Refresh protocol buffer

CRM_EVENT_LOG_SAVE - Save Protocol

CRM_EXT_REF_CHANGE_OW - Changing an Entry

CRM_EXT_REF_CHECK_OW - Checking the entry for Consistency

CRM_EXT_REF_COPY_EC - Copying the EXT_REF data from the Predecessor doc

CRM_EXT_REF_CREATE_OW - Creation of Initial Entries

CRM_EXT_REF_CREA_HEAD_FRM_ITEM - Creating the Header Entry from Item

CRM_EXT_REF_CREA_INPUT_FIELDS - Creation template for input Fields


CRM_EXT_REF_DELETE_AC - Delete the Archived Entries

CRM_EXT_REF_DELETE_EC - Deletes Add. External References Data

CRM_EXT_REF_DELETE_OB - Deletion of an entry from the Object Buffer

CRM_EXT_REF_DELETE_OW - Deleting the Entries

CRM_EXT_REF_FIELDCHECK_FC - Prüfen der Eingabebereitschaft von Feldern im Fakturierungsplan

CRM_EXT_REF_FILL_OW - Fill an Entry

CRM_EXT_REF_FIND_LOGICAL_KEY - Determine the Correct Logical Entry

CRM_EXT_REF_GET_ALLOWED_TYPES - Get the Allowed External Reference Types attached to the Profile

CRM_EXT_REF_GET_DATA - Fetching the data from the IL for display

CRM_EXT_REF_GET_DB - Selection from Database Buffer with REF GUID

CRM_EXT_REF_GET_EXT_TYPES - External Systems Based on the Profile

CRM_EXT_REF_GET_MULTI_DB - Reading from the Database Buffer

CRM_EXT_REF_GET_MULTI_OB - Reading from the Global Buffer

CRM_EXT_REF_GET_REF - Fetching the Reference Number & Type

CRM_EXT_REF_GET_REF_OBJ_OW - Determining the referenced objects to the Set-Guid

CRM_EXT_REF_INIT_DB - Initializing the Full/Selected records of the Buffer

CRM_EXT_REF_INIT_EC - Call-Back Initialisieren

CRM_EXT_REF_INIT_OB - Initializing the Object Buffer

CRM_EXT_REF_MAINTAIN_MULTI_OW - Maintaining multiple entries in OW

CRM_EXT_REF_MAINTAIN_S_OW - Maintain an Entry in OW

CRM_EXT_REF_MERGE_OW - Merge an Entry with the other data

CRM_EXT_REF_POPULATE_OW - Populating the changes to Line Item

CRM_EXT_REF_PRESELECT_AC - Preselect for Archiving

CRM_EXT_REF_PROFILE_SEL_CB - Profile / Reference Types Selection

CRM_EXT_REF_PROF_T_SEL_CB - Profile Type: Descriptions

CRM_EXT_REF_PROVIDE_DATA_0100 - Makes the data available

CRM_EXT_REF_PUBLISH_OW - Publishing the events for other objects

CRM_EXT_REF_PUT_DATA - Puts the Global data in CRM Structures

CRM_EXT_REF_PUT_DB - Putting references data in the Database Buffer

CRM_EXT_REF_PUT_INPUT_FIELDS - Storing the Input Fields in the Global Table

CRM_EXT_REF_PUT_OB - Modify/Insert into Object Buffer

CRM_EXT_REF_PUT_UI_DATA - Puts the Global Data in CRM Structures

CRM_EXT_REF_READ_AC - Data from the Archive

CRM_EXT_REF_READ_DB - Database Buffer: References Read

CRM_EXT_REF_READ_OB - Read into Object Buffer

CRM_EXT_REF_REFERENCE_TYPE_FC - Reference Type is changeable or not on the UI

CRM_EXT_REF_SAVE_AC - Sets the data for Achiving

CRM_EXT_REF_SAVE_EC - Callback: Save OB to the Database

CRM_EXT_REF_SAVE_OB - Save in the Database

CRM_EXT_REF_SELECT_M_DB - Multiple GUIDs: References Data Selection

CRM_EXT_REF_SELECT_S_DB - Single GUID: References Data Selection

CRM_EXT_REF_TYPES_SELECT_CB - All Reference Types and Descriptions

CRM_EXT_REF_TYPE_SELECT_CB - Reference Type Selection

CRM_EXT_REF_TYPE_T_SEL_CB - Reference Types: Descriptions

CRM_EXT_REF_UPDATE_DU - Database Updates

Return Table index