SAP Function Module search on CRM_A

Search FMs

CRMDAM_F4IF_SHLP_DOCTYPE - Search help exit for auth.-object DAM_ASSETs document type

CRMDAM_F4IF_SHLP_PROP - Search help exit for auth.-object DAM_ASSETs PROPERTY_x

CRMDAM_F4IF_SHLP_SPRAS_SYLANGU - Search help exit for auth.-object DAM_ASSET document and security status


CRM_ACCPL_EEW_BD_DU - MKTPL: Additional fields (Basic Data) data base update

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_CHECK - Prüft die Konsistenz der EEW-Erweiterung

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_CH_DU - MKTPL: Additional fields (Channel) data base update

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_CN_DU - MKTPL: Additional fields (Coupon) data base update

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_CONV_LIST_2_DDIC - Konvertierung: Parameterliste in DDIC-Info

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_GET_RELV_FIELDS - Liefert die relevanten EEW-Felder zu einem Objekttyp

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_NAME_FUGR_AUX - Name der AUX-Funktionsgruppe

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_NAME_FUGR_UI - Name der UI-Funktionsgruppe

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_NAME_FUGR_VIEW - Name der AUX-Funktionsgruppe

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_NAME_FUNC_CHECK - Name des Funktionsbausteins, der auf Erweiterungsebene prüft

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_NAME_FUNC_OBJTYP - Name des FB, der auf Relevanz für Vorgangstypen prüft

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_NAME_INCL_ADV - Ermittelt den Namen des Advanced Search Subincludes

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_NAME_INCL_CDB - Name der UI-Funktionsgruppe

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_NAME_TABL - Name einer DB-Tabelle

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_OBJ_TYPES - Bestimmt die relevanten Geschäftsobjekte einer Erweiterung

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_TASK_ADV_SEARCH - Task-API für Hinzufügen von Feldern zur erweiterten Suche im PC-UI

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_TASK_MOBILE - Task-API für Hinzufügen von Feldern zur Mobile Bridge

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_TASK_NEW_FIELDS - Task-API für Hinzufügen von Feldern zum Marketingplaner

CRM_ACCPL_EEW_TASK_NEW_VALTAB - Task-API für Hinzufügen von Feldern zum Marketingplaner

CRM_ACC_DOWNLOAD_MAP - Filling Mbdoc for Account Object

CRM_ACC_EXTRACT_ID - Account ID Extractor

CRM_ACC_MOBILE_MSA - Account Mobile Bridge

CRM_ACC_PL_ATTR_POST - Account Planning Attributes - update DB

CRM_ACC_PL_BP_BY_TERRITORY - retreiving planning customers related to territory

CRM_ACC_PL_BW_DELTA_QUEUE - Send Account plans to BW delta queues


CRM_ACC_PL_BW_GET_EXTRACT - Get single extract record from guid


CRM_ACC_PL_BW_MAP_TO_EXTRACT - Map account plan to BW extract structure



CRM_ACC_PL_BW_TEXTSOLD - ***obsolete**** can be deleted

CRM_ACC_PL_CALL_BP - Call Account (BP) maintenance application

CRM_ACC_PL_CALL_BPHN - Call BP hierarchy node maintenance application

CRM_ACC_PL_CALL_MKTPL - Call marketing planner in new session

CRM_ACC_PL_CALL_PDF_SEND - Local FM for send mail

CRM_ACC_PL_COND_IF_CGTYP_DET - Determine Condition Generation Type

CRM_ACC_PL_COND_IF_COND_GRP - Read Condition Maintenance Group for Account Planning

CRM_ACC_PL_COST_POST - Verbuchung: Zuordnung Zielgruppen - Marketingelemente

CRM_ACC_PL_CUST_ID_F4_EXIT - Search help exit for customer id

CRM_ACC_PL_GET_PL_PROFILES - Get list of planning profiles for the specified group

CRM_ACC_PL_KPI_PROFILE_GET - Retrieve the planning profiles for Account Planning


CRM_ACC_PL_MRMBW_GET_BW_MAPPG - Account Planner : Get info object Mappings from BW

CRM_ACC_PL_OPERATION_POST - Account Planner : Update of the Operations done on an object (external id)

CRM_ACC_PL_PCAT_POST - Saving the product categories


CRM_ACC_PL_PERIOD_DESC_GET - Returns planning period description and dates

CRM_ACC_PL_UPDATE_PAR - Acc Pl. - Assignmts: Part

CRM_ACC_VAL - Validation Service for Account Mbdoc

CRM_ACE_DEACTIVATE_RIGHTS_BACK - Deactivate rights in background process

CRM_ACE_OBJ_FROM_ARC - Notify ACE about objects coming from archive

CRM_ACE_OBJ_TO_ARC - Notify ACE about objects to be archived

CRM_ACE_PROCESS_DISP_PACK_CALC - Process calculation of ACE Dispachter packages

CRM_ACP_STATUS_OBJINFO_CALLBCK - Callback for status management

CRM_ACS_GEN_ACTIVITIES - Generate activities (API from outside)

CRM_ACS_GEN_GET_APPLOG_OBJECT - Get the application log object

CRM_ACS_GEN_GET_SCHED_INFOS - Get scheduling infos

CRM_ACS_GEN_GET_TIME_ZONE - Determine the time zone

CRM_ACS_GEN_MAINTAIN_SCHED_ACT - Inserts or updates a scheduled activity

CRM_ACS_GEN_SAVE - Save generated activities

CRM_ACS_GEN_START - Starts the generation of activities

CRM_ACTION_DETERMINE_EC - CRM Action: Determination

CRM_ACTIVITY_APPLOG_NAV_SSC - Verarbeitung der Application Log Navigation

CRM_ACTIVITY_BRIEF_DISPLAY - Kurzanzeige vom Activity Beleg

CRM_ACTIVITY_CALL_SCREEN_UI - Aufruf des Trägerdynpros

CRM_ACTIVITY_CHANGED - Gibt Auskunft ob sich die Aktivität seit PBO geändert hat

CRM_ACTIVITY_CHECK_MERGE_FLAG - Read prefilled products merge customizing

CRM_ACTIVITY_CLEAN_UP - Aufräumen der Activities

CRM_ACTIVITY_CREATE - Erzeugen einer Aktivität aus einer Aktivität ohne Bezug

CRM_ACTIVITY_CREA_REF - Erzeugen Aktivität aus Vorgaengerbeleg

CRM_ACTIVITY_DATES_CHANGE_EC - Prüfe, ob Partneränderungen erlaubt

CRM_ACTIVITY_DEACT_TAB_FCODES - Deactivate Tabs according to the Opportunity Customizing

CRM_ACTIVITY_DROP_DOWN_FILL - Fill Drop Down Listboxes

CRM_ACTIVITY_EXP_PANEL_TO_SSC - Setzen des Layoutscreens

CRM_ACTIVITY_EXP_TFCODE_T_CUCO - Setzen des Layoutscreens

CRM_ACTIVITY_EXP_TFCODE_T_TEXT - Setzen des Layoutscreens

CRM_ACTIVITY_FCODE - CRM Order: Dynamic OK Code function

CRM_ACTIVITY_FETCH_DISP_GUID - Ermittlen des Guid für Display_Only Fall

CRM_ACTIVITY_FOLLOW_UP - Erzeugen Folgevorgang aus Aktivität

CRM_ACTIVITY_FOLLOW_UP_CHECK - Überprüfen des Folgebelegs

CRM_ACTIVITY_ITEM_CHANGE_ALLOW - Check Item, if changes allowed

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_A_CHANGEITYP_EC - Callback für Änderung des Positionstyps

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_A_CHANGEPROD_EC - Callback für Änderung des Produkts

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_A_CHANGEQUAN_EC - Callback für Änderung der Menge

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_CATEGORY_CHECK - Check if line items are allowed for the process type

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_CHANGE_OW - Ändern von Produktdaten

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_CHECK_EC - Callback, um erneut Prüfungen für PRODUCT_I anzustossen

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_CHECK_OW - Produktdaten auf Konsistenz prüfen

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_COMPLETE_EC - Callback for the completion of the activity item

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_COPY_EC - Kopieren Produktdaten

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_CREATE_EC - Callback for creating activity items

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_CREATE_OW - Create activity item

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_DATESCHECK_FC - Dates Changebility if 'Signature' is there in the activity

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_DELETE_EC - Callback for deleting the product data

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_DELETE_OB - Löschen eines Eintrags aus dem Objektpuffer

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_EXIST_OB - Prüfen, ob ein Eintrag existiert

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_FIELDCHECK_FC - Prüfen der Eingabebereitschaft von Feldern

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_FILL_OW - Füllen einer Produktdaten

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_GET_MULTI_DB - Datenexport aus Datenbankpuffer

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_GET_MULTI_OB - Lesen mehrer Productdaten aus dem globalen Puffer

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_GET_TMPLT_TITLE - Activity I: Get template Title

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_INIT_DB - Initialisierung des Datenbankpuffers

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_INIT_EC - Initialisierung Produktdaten

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_INIT_JRNL_DWLD - Function to download initial Journal data to Mobile

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_INIT_OB - Initialisierung des Objektpuffers der Produktdaten

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_JRNL_CHECK_EC - Activity Journal: Check for mandatory journals

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_MAINTAIN_OW - Pflegen (Anlegen oder Ändern) von Produktdaten

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_MAND_FLD_CHK_EC - Activity Journals Mandatory field check event call function

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_MERGE_OW - Merge Produktdaten

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_PHARMA_CHECK_EC - Callback für Änderung des Produkts

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_PUBLISH_OW - Event für andere Objekte auslösen

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_PUT_DB - Einstellen der Daten in den Datenbankpuffer

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_PUT_NOREC_DB - Anlegen eines NOREC-Eintrages im Datenbankpuffer

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_PUT_OB - Schreiben der Produktdaten in den Objektpuffer

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_READ_DB - Lesen der Produktdaten aus dem Datenbankpuffer bzw. von der Datenbank

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_READ_OB - Produktdaten aus dem Objektpuffer lesen

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_READ_OW - Informationen zu Positionsdaten

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_SAVE_EC - Sichern Produktdaten

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_SAVE_OB - Save the activity item in buffer

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_SELECT_M_DB - Lesen mehrerer Produktdaten von der Datenbank

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_SELECT_S_DB - Lesen einer Position von der Datenbank

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_SIGN_CHECK_EC - Callback für Änderung des Produkts

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_STAT_CHANGE_EC - Callback für Änderung des Produkts

CRM_ACTIVITY_I_UPDATE_DU - Schreiben der geänderten Produktdaten auf die Datenbank

CRM_ACTIVITY_LSCREEN_SET - Ermitteln des benötigten Layoutscreens

CRM_ACTIVITY_PARTNER_FUNC - Read Activity partner functions

CRM_ACTIVITY_PROVIDE_DATA_UI - Bereitstellen von Daten für Activity Userinterface

CRM_ACTIVITY_SCHED_BP_SEARCH - Suche nach Geschäftspartnern aus Aktivität oder Aufgabe

CRM_ACTIVITY_SCHED_SHLP_BPTASK - search help exit: bussiness partners assigned to a task

CRM_ACTIVITY_SIGNATURE_CHECK - Signature check for activities/samples



CRM_ACTIVITY_UI_SET_INSTANCE - Bekanntgabe der Worka-objektes

CRM_ACTIVITY_UI_SET_PARTNER - Bekanntgabe der Worka-objektes

CRM_ACTIVITY_USER_SETTING - user choice for the easy or professional activity UI

CRM_ACTIV_SHLP_EXIT_PRIORITY - Exit für suchhilfe Activity priority

CRM_ACTJRNL_CHECK_PPR_FIELDS - Check for which PPR field the value should be transfered

CRM_ACTJRNL_CHECK_PROPOS_FLAG - Check UsePPR and UseListing Template flags

CRM_ACTJRNL_GET_PRODUCT_PROPOS - Product proposal (with default values) for Activity Journals

CRM_ACTJRNL_GET_PROD_FROM_CAMP - Get Products from Campaigns

CRM_ACTJRNL_GET_PROD_FROM_LST - Get products proposal from PRP

CRM_ACTJRNL_GET_PROD_FROM_PPR - Get products proposal from PRP

CRM_ACTLOC_SRC - search BP from activity locator

CRM_ACT_CAL_DROP_DOWN_FILL - Read activity types flagged for calendar functionality

CRM_ACT_CAT_ASS_F4_EXIT - Get Activty Category for Process Type

CRM_ACT_GENERATE_BAPI_EEW_SCR - Generate the BAPI selection screen

CRM_ACT_GET_SIGN_STATUS - Find if signature has been captured

CRM_ACT_ITEMS_FOR_PREFLLD_PRDS - Create line items for prefilled products

CRM_ACT_I_F4_SHLP_EXIT_REASON - Search Help for Activity Reason

CRM_ACT_I_F4_SHLP_EXIT_SAMPLES - Search Help for the Samples

CRM_ACT_I_F4_SHLP_EXIT_TG - Search Help for the Samples

CRM_ACT_JNL_CHECK_PRODUCT - Prüfen Produkt in der Journal Definition

CRM_ACT_JNL_CLEAR_ALT_PROD_INF - Read alternative Product profile for Journal Defintion

CRM_ACT_JNL_SET_ALT_PRODUCT_IN - Read alternative Product profile for Journal Defintion

CRM_ACT_JOURNAL_UI_SETTINGS - Persönliche Einstellungen

CRM_ACT_JOURN_COPY_PREVIOUS - Copy historical data of the Template

CRM_ACT_JOURN_UI_SETTINGS_EXEC - Funktionale Auswirkung der Benutzereinstellungen

CRM_ACT_JOURN_UI_SETTINGS_GET - Benutzereinstellungen lesen

CRM_ACT_JRNL_BPHIER_FIELDCHECK - Field check for Business Partner Hierarchy Nodes in a Journal Template

CRM_ACT_JRNL_CHECK - Check the ui data for validity

CRM_ACT_JRNL_COMMIT - Commit Journal Changes

CRM_ACT_JRNL_FILL_BUFFERS - Fill the buffers of activity journals

CRM_ACT_JRNL_GET_MANDATORY - Activity Journals: Get mandatory Journals

CRM_ACT_JRNL_PREFILLED_PRDS - Create line items for prefilled products

CRM_ACT_JRNL_PROCTYPE_F4 - Value help for activty journal process types

CRM_ACT_JRNL_PRODS_FIELDCHECK - Field check for prefilled products in a Journal Template

CRM_ACT_JRNL_PRODUCT_F4 - Launching of F4 for Product / Category / Hierarchy

CRM_ACT_JRNL_READ_BUFFERS - REad the buffers of activity journals

CRM_ACT_JRNL_REQUESTED_OBJECTS - Set the requested activity journal object

CRM_ACT_JRNL_ROLLBACK - Rollback Changes to Journal

CRM_ACT_JRNL_TGROUP_FIELDCHECK - Field check for Target groups in a Journal Template

CRM_ACT_JRNL_UPDATE_DU - Update Activity Journal Tables

CRM_ACT_JR_FIELDCHECK_FC - Activity Journals: Fieldcheck function

CRM_ACT_SCHED_SHLP_CP_OF_BP - Contact Person of a Business Partner

CRM_ACT_SET_SIGN_STATUS - Set the status of the activity - signature validity


CRM_ADPTESTMBDOC_CRM_IN - Receive module for R/3 back-end data

CRM_AIL_GET_ITEM_GUID - Function module to set the item guid

CRM_AIL_SET_ITEM_GUID - Function to set the interaction layer item guid

CRM_ARC_COMP_READ - Lesen archivierter Reklamation

CRM_ARC_GAG_CHECK - Check function module- Grantor Agreement

CRM_ARC_GAG_CHECK_AC - Specific check function module- Grantor Agreement

CRM_ARC_GAG_READ - Read function module- Grantor Agreement

CRM_ARC_GAP_CHECK - Check function module- Grantor Application

CRM_ARC_GAP_CHECK_AC - Specific chek function module- Grantor Application

CRM_ARC_GAP_READ - Read function module- Grantor Application


CRM_ARC_OPPT_READ - Reading Opportunities

CRM_ARC_SACONT_READ - Reading Sales Contracts

CRM_ARC_SALDOC_READ - Read the document to be archived

CRM_ARC_SDB_PREPROCESS - Preprocessing function

CRM_ARC_SRVCON_READ - Lesen archivierter ServiceRückmeldung


CRM_ATTACHMNT_EXTRACTOR - Attachments Id Extractor for upload

CRM_ATTR_SETTYPE_EXIST_IN_API - To check whether a given settype or attr exist in Product API

CRM_AUC_BASKET_GETPRICINGINFO - Preisfindungsdaten für den IPC lesen

CRM_AUC_ORDER_ADD_SHIIPING - Add the Shipping Address to the Order Object

CRM_AUC_ORDER_CHANGE_PRICE - Change the Manual Price for an Auction

CRM_AUC_ORDER_CREATE_MULT - Create Web Auction Quotation for Muitiple Products

CRM_AUC_ORDER_CREATE_WITH_REF - Create a sales order from a auction quotation

CRM_AUC_ORDER_GETITEMS - Returns Items of the sales document

CRM_AUC_ORDER_MAINTAIN - Order/quotation maintain

CRM_AUC_ORDER_RELEASE_BLOCK - RFC to Release Delivery/Billing Block

CRM_AUC_ORDER_RESET_STATUSES - Reset the system statuses to the order related to an auction

CRM_AUC_ORDER_SET_BLOCK - Set the delivery/billing blocks to all items

CRM_AUC_PROD_ATP_CHECK - Product availability check

CRM_AUC_PROD_GETDETAIL - Get product detail


CRM_AUC_QUOTE_CANCEL - CRM ISA Selling via eBay Quotation Cancel

CRM_AUC_QUOTE_CHANGEHEAD - Auction Quotation Change the Head Info, Used in update eBay List ID

CRM_AUC_SALESDOC_GETGUID - Get Soles Document Guid From Document Number

CRM_AUC_SHIPTO_ADD_ORDER - Add a new shipping to to the order

CRM_AUI_GET_USERS_OF_ORG_UNIT - Benutzer zu einem OrgObjekt

CRM_AV_CHECK_EXT_DO_CHECK - CRM Interface with External ATP Check

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