SAP Function Module search on BBP_P

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BBP_PASSWORD_APPROVE - Reset password for user

BBP_PASSWORD_GENERATOR - Create a random password .

BBP_PASSWORD_REJECT - Reset password for user

BBP_PASSWORD_RESET_START - Reset password for user

BBP_PCARD_GETLIST - Read list of P-Card Statements

BBP_PCCOM_GETDATA - Gets customzing data for P-Card commitment

BBP_PCMAS_CHECK_AUTHORITY - Authority check for procurement card master

BBP_PCMAS_CHECK_PCMAS - Check Procurement Card Master Data

BBP_PCMAS_MODIFY_PCMAS - Modify Procurement Card Master Data

BBP_PCMAS_READ_PCINS - Read Procurement Card Institute

BBP_PCMAS_READ_PCMAS - Read Procurement Card Master Data

BBP_PCMAS_SHOW_CHANGE_DOCUMENT - Show Change Documents of Card Master

BBP_PCSTAT_CHANGE - P-Card Statement change

BBP_PCSTAT_GETDETAIL - Read P-Cards Statement in detail

BBP_PCSTAT_GETLIST - Read list of P-Card Statements

BBP_PCSTAT_INSERT - P-card data feed database update

BBP_PCSTAT_NEXTSTATUS - Returns next status for P-Card statement

BBP_PCSTAT_UPDATE - P-Card Statement database update

BBP_PC_ACLPAY - P-Card Posting Statements Invoice

BBP_PC_ACPJOU - P-Card Posting Statements

BBP_PC_CREATE_EVENT - Create Event ApproveCharges for different WFLevel

BBP_PC_GOODS_MOVEMENT - P-Card Posting Statements

BBP_PC_INVOIVE_RECEIPT - P-Card Posting Statements Invoice

BBP_PC_WFAGENTS - Get Workflowagents for Role Resolution

BBP_PORTAL_USER_CHANGE - Ändern eines Benutzers einer einkaufenden Firma

BBP_PORTAL_USER_CREATE - Anlegen eines Benutzers einer einkaufenden Firma

BBP_PORTAL_USER_TYPE_GET - Anlegen eines Benutzers einer einkaufenden Firma in MarketSet

BBP_PO_BID_EXT_CREATE - create Purchase Order from ext. RFQ without Sourcing

BBP_PO_BID_EXT_SOCO_CREATE - create Purchase Order from ext. RFQ with Sourcing

BBP_PO_BID_LOC_CREATE - create Purchase Order from loc. RFQ without Sourcing

BBP_PO_BID_LOC_SOCO_CREATE - create Purchase Order from loc. RFQ with Sourcing

BBP_PO_FROM_BID_EXT_CREATE - Create Purchase Order from ext. RFQ

BBP_PO_FROM_BID_LOC_CREATE - create Purchase Order from local RFQ


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