SAP Function Module search on SPOO

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SPOOL_CREATE_JOB - spools a job according to bbp rules

SPOOL_ES_CREATE - spools the creation of a service entry sheet

SPOOL_ES_CREATE_DO - spools the creation of a service entry sheet

SPOOL_ES_FIND - Reads Entry sheet table in event of an error

SPOOL_ES_READ_BAPI_EXPORTS - spools the creation of a service entry sheet

SPOOL_ES_WRITE_BAPI_IMPORTS - spools the creation of a service entry sheet

SPOOL_MAX_RETRY_EX - Workflow event for retry

SPOOL_PD_POD_WRITE_BAPI_IMP - spools the deletion of a po

SPOOL_PD_PO_WRITE_BAPI_IMPORTS - spools the creation of a purchase order.

SPOOL_PD_RQD_WRITE_BAPI_IMP - spools the deletion of a po

SPOOL_PD_RQ_WRITE_BAPI_IMPORTS - spools the creation of a requisition

SPOOL_PD_RSD_WRITE_BAPI_IMP - spools the deletion of a reservation

SPOOL_PD_RS_WRITE_BAPI_IMPORTS - spools the creation of a reservation

SPOOL_POD_READ_BAPI_EXPORTS - spools the deletion of a po

SPOOL_POD_WRITE_BAPI_IMPORTS - spools the deletion of a po

SPOOL_PO_CREATE - spools the creation of a purchase order.

SPOOL_PO_CREATE_DO - spools the creation of a purchase order.

SPOOL_PO_CREATE_MULTI - spools the creation of a purchase order.

SPOOL_PO_DELETE - Spooler function to delete a po in core

SPOOL_PO_DELETE_DO - Spooler function to delete a po in core

SPOOL_PO_READ_BAPI_EXPORTS - spools the creation of a purchase order.

SPOOL_PO_READ_BAPI_EXP_MULTI - spools the creation of a purchase order.

SPOOL_PO_WRITE_BAPI_IMPORTS - spools the creation of a purchase order.

SPOOL_PO_WRITE_BAPI_IMP_MULTI - spools the creation of a purchase order.

SPOOL_RQD_READ_BAPI_EXPORTS - spools the deletion of a po

SPOOL_RQD_WRITE_BAPI_IMPORTS - spools the deletion of a po

SPOOL_RQ_CREATE - spools the creation of a requisition

SPOOL_RQ_CREATE_DO - spools the creation of a requisition

SPOOL_RQ_DELETE - Spooler function to delete a po in core

SPOOL_RQ_DELETE_DO - Spooler function to delete a requisition in core

SPOOL_RQ_READ_BAPI_EXPORTS - spools the creation of a requisition

SPOOL_RQ_WRITE_BAPI_IMPORTS - spools the creation of a requisition

SPOOL_RSD_READ_BAPI_EXPORTS - spools the deletion of a reservation

SPOOL_RSD_WRITE_BAPI_IMPORTS - spools the deletion of a reservation

SPOOL_RS_CREATE - spools the creation of a reservation

SPOOL_RS_CREATE_DO - spools the creation of a reservation.

SPOOL_RS_DELETE - Spooler function to delete a reservation in core

SPOOL_RS_DELETE_DO - Spooler function to delete a reservation in core

SPOOL_RS_READ_BAPI_EXPORTS - spools the creation of a reservation.

SPOOL_RS_WRITE_BAPI_IMPORTS - spools the creation of a reservation

SPOOL_WF_RETRY - Workflow event for retry


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