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SMW0_ERROR_HANDLER - Middleware Errorhandler

SMW0_RAISE_WF_EVENT - Workflow Event for Errorhandler

SMW1_MSAQ_DISPLAYLUWS - Start display of queues for passed sitequeues

SMW1_MSAQ_OPENDISPLAY - Start display of queues for passed sitequeues

SMW1_PROVEXMPL_OUTADAPTER - Sample outbound adapter function (untyped message bdoy

SMW1_PROVEXMPL_OUTQRY - Site Provider Example: Query for Outbound Function

SMW1_PROVIDER_GETBDOCOUTFUNC - Get Outbound Function for BDoc Type and Site Provider

SMW1_PROVIDER_GETINFO - Get query function for outbound adapter

SMW1_PROVIDER_GETLIST - Get query function for outbound adapter

SMW1_SAPMOBILE_OUTADAPTER - Sample outbound adapter function (untyped message bdoy

SMW1_SAPMOBILE_OUTBOUNDADPGET - Site Provider Example: Query for Outbound Function

SMW1_SAPMOBILE_XML_STORE_BDOC - Storage of BDoc message in case of xml error

SMW2_SITEMEASURE_AUDIT - Get list of sites that sent messages during last 6 weeks (for all clients)



SMW3_BDOCSTORE_GETSTATISTICS - Get BDoc Message Statistics (SAP internal use / TCC)



SMW3_BDOCUTILGEN_META_ROOTIDS - generator: get root ids from BDoc message

SMW3_BDOCUTILGEN_META_SPLIT - generator: Get single BDoc instance from multi instance BDoc message

SMW3_BDOCUTILGEN_META_SPLITFRM - Template: meta-info for msg include generation (Template)

SMW3_COMPUTEBDOCSTATUS - compute bdoc status from receiver states

SMW3_FLOW_EXECUTE - Executes a Bdoc in a flow

SMW3_FLOW_GETLIST - Finds services for a Bdoc/flow context

SMW3_FLOW_SERVICE_EXECUTE - Executes a Bdoc in a flow

SMW3_MFLOW_QPROCESSMBDOC - Process mBDoc after qRFC step

SMW3_MFLOW_UPDATETASKBDOC - Process mBDoc in the update task

SMW3_MSGSTORE_DEL_MASS - Delete Message with all Attibutes from Message Store

SMW3_OUTBOUNDADP_CALLADAPTERS - Flow Outbound Adapter (Dispatcher)

SMW3_QRFCTEST_FUNC1 - Flow RFC Test Function 1

SMW3_QRFCTEST_FUNC2 - Flow RFC Test Func 2

SMW3_QRFCTEST_FUNC3 - Flow RFC Test Func 3

SMW3_QRFCTEST_UPD - Flow RFC Test: Update function module

SMW3_RECOVERUI_START - Start BDoc Message Recovery


SMW3_ROLE_FOR_BDOC_AUTHOR - Select Creator of CRM Online as Target

SMW3_SBDOCMSG_COMPARE - Determine Delta between old Current State and New Current State BDoc Msg

SMW3_SBDOCMSG_COMPARESEGMENT - sBDoc Message Segment: Determine insert, update , delete from old, new

SMW3_SBDOCMSG_CONDENSE - Determine Delta between old Current State and New Current State BDoc Msg

SMW3_SBDOCMSG_GETROOTIDCONTENT - Get root IDs from BDoc Message (classic part)

SMW3_SBDOCMSG_GETROOTIDS - Get root IDs from BDoc Message (classic part)

SMW3_SCARREXAMPLE_ADAPTER - SCARR Example: A sample site type specific outbound adapter



SMW3_SCARREXAMPLE_EXTRACT - mBDoc Extract based on Object IDs

SMW3_SCARREXAMPLE_MSA - SCARR Example: Mobile Bridge


SMW3_SCARREXAMPLE_REPLICATE - SCARR Example: Dummy replication service

SMW3_SCARREXAMPLE_RFC1 - SCARR Example: Start inbound processing via RFC (for qRFC inbound tests)

SMW3_SCARREXAMPLE_VALIDATE - SCARR Example: Validation Service (Validates and processes SCARR data)




SMW3_SCARREXAMPLE__RFC1 - SCARR Example: Start inbound processing via RFC (for qRFC inbound tests)

SMW3_SFLOW_INBOUNDRETRY - Retry Inbound sBDoc Message processing (automatic retry)

SMW3_TRACE_ON_COMMIT - Internal use: Re-register on commit event

SMW3_VALIDATION_EXECUTE - Executes a Bdoc in a flow

SMWIXML_XML_TO_DOM - Precorrection

SMWM_ALERT_BDOC_ANALYZE - Analysis method for BDoc Messages in the CCMS Alert Monitor

SMWM_ALERT_BDOC_STATUS - Alerts for BDoc Messages with error in the Flow Control

SMWM_ALERT_COMM_STATUS - Alerts : Status of Communication Status

SMWM_ALERT_QRFC_STATUS_CHECK - Check Alerts for Status of qRFC queues

SMWM_ALERT_RRQUEUE_DEMON - Alerts for R&R Queue Demon

SMWM_ALERT_RRQUEUE_STATUS - Alerts for R&R Queue status

SMWM_ASTAT_BDOCSERV_CLOSE - Closes an application statistic record

SMWM_ASTAT_BDOCSERV_OPEN - opens a statistic record for Service per BDoc inside the flow

SMWM_ASTAT_BDOC_CLOSE - closes an application statistic record

SMWM_ASTAT_BDOC_OPEN - opens a statistic record for a BDoc inside the flow

SMWM_ASTAT_CLOSE - opens an application statistic record

SMWM_ASTAT_CLOSE_OLD - Closes an application statistic record

SMWM_ASTAT_DISPLAY - displays the application statistic

SMWM_ASTAT_FLOW_WRITE - writes application statistic records

SMWM_ASTAT_FLOW_WRITE_OLD - writes application statistic records

SMWM_ASTAT_INIT - initialization of application statistics

SMWM_ASTAT_KEY_BDOCSERV_CREATE - creates an astat key in table SMOMSTACUS

SMWM_ASTAT_KEY_BDOC_CREATE - creates an astat key in table SMOMSTACUS

SMWM_ASTAT_KEY_SERVICE_CREATE - creates an astat key in table SMOMSTACUS

SMWM_ASTAT_OPEN - opens an application statistic record

SMWM_ASTAT_OPENKEY_DELETE_MEM - deletes all Monitoring Objects in Shared Buffer

SMWM_ASTAT_OPENKEY_DIR_MEM - provides a list of openkeys available in Shared Buffer

SMWM_ASTAT_OPENKEY_EXPLANATION - gives the explanation for openkeys

SMWM_ASTAT_OPENKEY_EXPLANATOLD - gives the explanation for openkeys

SMWM_ASTAT_OPENKEY_GET_LIST - provides a list of all MW Openkeys

SMWM_ASTAT_OPENKEY_GET_LISTOLD - provides a list of all MW Openkeys

SMWM_ASTAT_OPENKEY_HIERARCHY - Provides the call hierarchy in MW Message Flow

SMWM_ASTAT_OPENKEY_HIERARCHY2 - Provides the call hierarchy in MW Message Flow

SMWM_ASTAT_OPENKEY_MEM_TO_DB - saves openkeys for application statistic from memory to db

SMWM_ASTAT_OPEN_OLD - opens an application statistic record

SMWM_ASTAT_READ_LASTMIN_WORKL - Reads the application statistic to global data area

SMWM_ASTAT_READ_WORKL_FROM_DB - reads workload data collect from Transaction st03

SMWM_ASTAT_SERVICE_CLOSE - Closes an application statistic record

SMWM_ASTAT_SERVICE_OPEN - opens a statistic record for the Service inside the flow

SMWM_ASTAT_TASK_FREE - deletes the internal tables

SMWM_ASTAT_TEXT_OKEY_CREATE - Anlegen von Openkeys für die Anwendungsstatistik

SMWM_ASTAT_TEXT_OKEY_CREATEOLD - Anlegen von Openkeys für die Anwendungsstatistik

SMWM_ASTAT_WORKL_GET_STATISTIC - Selects Middleware Message Flow Application Statistic

SMWM_BAPI_CRM_SAVE - Receivebapi for OLTP-Data

SMWM_BSTAT_BDOC_MON - Write BDoc statistic record file

SMWM_BSTAT_COLLECTOR_START - Schedule the Bdoc Flow Statistic Collector

SMWM_BSTAT_FILE_DELETE - Delete statistic files

SMWM_BSTAT_FILE_READ - Read statistic file

SMWM_BSTAT_FILE_REORG - File Reorganization


SMWM_BSTAT_GET_DIRECTORY - Read Statistic Directory from Database

SMWM_BSTAT_GET_STATISTIC_3 - Read Statistic from Database

SMWM_CHECK_COMM_STATUS - Check Status of Communication Station

SMWM_CHECK_REGISTER - provides queue registration status

SMWM_DELETE_TIMESTAMPS_IN_MEM - delete timestamp structure in memory

SMWM_DEL_APPLICATION_INFO - removes entries from WP application stack

SMWM_DEL_APPLINFO_STATUS - delete application info status from shared buffer

SMWM_DEL_MONITORING_PARAMETER - Delete a monitoring parameter

SMWM_DISPLAY_WHERE_USED_LIST - Where used list for BDoc's/ services

SMWM_END_SESSION - DCOM Server: End Session

SMWM_FLOW_COLLECTOR_3 - Collector of BDoc statistic records

SMWM_FLOW_COLLECTOR_TOTAL - Condensation of application server statistics

SMWM_GET_APPLICATION_INFO - provides the content of the WP application stack

SMWM_GET_APPLICATION_INFO_ALL - reads application info from all WPs

SMWM_GET_APPLINFO_STATUS - provides status of application info interface

SMWM_GET_CENTRAL_TIMESTAMP - provides central timestamp

SMWM_GET_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - provides currnt timestamp

SMWM_GET_DESTINATION - Get Destination of current instance

SMWM_GET_FILEXY - Import file flag from shared buffer


SMWM_GET_LASTMIN_WORKL - Reads the application statistic from file

SMWM_GET_MONITORING_PARAMETER - Get the value of a monitoring parameter

SMWM_GET_MONITORING_STATUS - Set monitoring status


SMWM_GET_PERIOD_FOR_BDOC_STAT - gets period for which BDOC statistic will be send

SMWM_GET_TIMESTAMP - provides current local timestamp

SMWM_GET_TIMESTAMP_FROM_MEMORY - reads the timestamp structure from shared buffer

SMWM_PREPARE_SMOHSITEID - prepares information from smohsiteid

SMWM_QIWK_GET_ALL - Ermitteln aller registrierten/deregistrierten Eingsqueues

SMWM_QUEUE_GET_DATA - reads RFC parameter values


SMWM_QUEUE_GET_SCHEDULER_INFO - provides Information about qRFC scheduler

SMWM_QUEUE_READ - searches in certain queues for data

SMWM_READ_BDOC_STAT - reads workload statistics of BDOCs

SMWM_READ_SMOFPARSFA - provides content of customizing table SMOFPARSFA

SMWM_SESSION_CHECK_ACTIVE - Communication Monitor: Check session data available

SMWM_SESSION_CONDENSE - Condensation of session information

SMWM_SESSION_GET_STATISTIC - Read Session Statistic from Database

SMWM_SESSION_GET_STATISTIC_EXT - Read Session Statistic and complete fields for display

SMWM_SESSION_INFO - DCOM Server: Session Info

SMWM_SET_APPLICATION_INFO - Sets application info in WP user context

SMWM_SET_DEFAULT_TIME_SERVER - sets an application server as default time server

SMWM_SET_FILEXY - Export file flag to shared buffer

SMWM_SET_MONITORING_PARAMETER - Set the value of a monitoring parameter

SMWM_SET_MONITORING_STATUS - Set monitoring status

SMWM_START_SESSION - DCOM Server: Start Session

SMWM_STAT - Write monitoring statistic record

SMWM_STAT_3 - Write monitoring statistic record

SMWM_UPDATE_HISTORY - Updates history of send BDOC statistically data

SMWP_ACTION_FUNCTION_SAMPLE - Monitoring Cockpit: Interface for action submit function of node

SMWP_ALERT_MONITOR_DISPLAY - Monitoring Cockpit: Interface for analysis function of node

SMWP_ALERT_MONITOR_STATUS_GET - Monitoring Cockpit: Get the status of BDoc Workload Statistics

SMWP_ANALYSIS_CALL_TRANSACTION - Monitoring Cockpit: Interface for analysis function of node

SMWP_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_SAMPLE - Monitoring Cockpit: Interface for analysis function of node

SMWP_BACKG_JOB_LIST_DISP - Monitoring Cockpit: Display execution list of a background job (SM37)

SMWP_BACKG_JOB_SCHEDULE - Monitoring Cockpit: Schedule the Middleware Reorganization Job

SMWP_BACKG_JOB_STATUS_GET - Monitoring Cockpit: Get the status of a background job

SMWP_BDOC_ASTAT_STATUS_GET - Monitoring Cockpit: Get the status of BDoc Workload Statistics

SMWP_BDOC_BSTAT_STATUS_GET - Monitoring Cockpit: Get the status of BDoc Messages Flow Statistics

SMWP_BDOC_STAT_COLLECTOR_START - Monitoring Cockpit: Schedule the Bdoc Statistic Collector

SMWP_COCKPIT_NODES_DATA_READ - Monitoring Cockpit: Read the actual nodes data for display

SMWP_COCKPIT_NODES_DISPLAY - Monitoring Cockpit: Build up and display the tree

SMWP_COCKPIT_NODES_HEADER_GET - Monitoring Cockpit: Read nodes header

SMWP_COCKPIT_NODES_REFRESH - Monitoring Cockpit: Refresh nodes

SMWP_COCKPIT_NODES_SHTEXT_READ - Monitoring Cockpit: Read short text of node values

SMWP_COCKPIT_NODES_VALUES_EXT - Monitoring Cockpit: Read the nodes values for TCC extract

SMWP_COCKPIT_NODES_VALUES_GET - Monitoring Cockpit: Read nodes values

SMWP_COCKPIT_NODE_ACTION_DISP - Monitoring Cockpit: Display the action for a node status

SMWP_COCKPIT_NODE_ATTRIB_DISP - Monitoring Cockpit: Display the properties of a node

SMWP_COCKPIT_NODE_DOCU_DISP - Monitoring Cockpit: Display the documentation for a node

SMWP_COCKPIT_NODE_START_ANALY - Monitoring Cockpit: Start the analysis function for a node

SMWP_COCKPIT_NODE_START_DETAIL - Monitoring Cockpit: Start the detail function for a node

SMWP_COCKPIT_REFCCMS_DOCU_DISP - Monitoring Cockpit: Display the node docu of a CCMS reference node

SMWP_COCKPIT_REFCCMS_NODE_READ - Monitoring Cockpit: Get the values of an CCMS reference node

SMWP_COCKPIT_REFCCMS_START_ANA - Monitoring Cockpit: Start the analysis function for a CCMS reference node

SMWP_COCKPIT_REFCCMS_START_DET - Monitoring Cockpit: Start the detail function for a CCMS reference node

SMWP_COLLECT_FUNCTION_SAMPLE - Monitoring Cockpit: Interface for Collect function of node

SMWP_COLLECT_INITIAL_DOWNLOAD - collect R/3-Adapter status information

SMWP_COLLECT_OLTP_PARAMETER - Monitoring Cockpit: Collect R/3 Backend parameters for object load

SMWP_COLLECT_OLTP_PAROLTP - Monitoring Cockpit: Collect R/3 Backend parameters for object load

SMWP_COLLECT_REQUEST - collect R/3-Adapter status information

SMWP_DETAIL_FUNCTION_SAMPLE - Monitoring Cockpit: Interface for detail display function of node

SMWP_FLOW_BDOC_DISP - Monitoring Cockpit: Display of blocked qRFC Inbound queues

SMWP_FLOW_BDOC_STATUS_GET - Collect Function Queuestatus for MW Portal

SMWP_INACT_ADP_OBJ_DNL_STATUS - collect info about inactive objects

SMWP_INACT_PARENT_ADP_OBJ - collect info about inactive objects

SMWP_INIT_DOWNL_MONITOR - analyse monitor for initial download

SMWP_OLTP_PARAM_TABLE_DISP - Monitoring Cockpit: Display parameter table in R/3 Backend sytem

SMWP_QRFC_IN_BLOCKED_QUEUES - Monitoring Cockpit: Collect blocked qRFC inbound queues

SMWP_QRFC_IN_BLOCKED_Q_DISP - Monitoring Cockpit: Display of blocked qRFC Inbound queues

SMWP_QRFC_IN_UNREGIST_QUEUES - Monitoring Cockpit: Collect unregistered qRFC inbound queues

SMWP_QRFC_OUT_BLOCKED_QR3_DISP - Monitoring Cockpit: Display of blocked qRFC Outbound queues

SMWP_QRFC_OUT_BLOCKED_QUEUES - Monitoring Cockpit: Collect blocked qRFC outbound queues

SMWP_QRFC_OUT_BLOCKED_QUEUE_R3 - Monitoring Cockpit: Collect blocked R/3 Backend qRFC outbound queues

SMWP_QRFC_OUT_BLOCKED_Q_DISP - Monitoring Cockpit: Display of blocked qRFC Outbound queues

SMWP_QRFC_QIN_SCHED_ERRORS - Monitoring Cockpit: Collect qRFC inbound scheduler errors

SMWP_QRFC_QOUT_SCHED_ERRORS - Monitoring Cockpit: Collect qRFC outbound scheduler errors

SMWP_QRFC_R3_SITE_SHORTTEXT - Monitoring Cockpit: Short text read for nodes connected R/3 backends

SMWP_R3_BACKEND_SYSTEMS_COLL - Monitoring Cockpit: Collect R/3 Backend systems and dependent information

SMWP_R3_BACKEND_SYSTEM_LOGON - Monitoring Cockpit: Remote Logon to R/3 Backend system

SMWP_REQUEST_MONITOR - analyse monitor for initial download

SMWP_RR_QUEUESTATUS - datacollector for crm mw cockpit

SMWP_SHORTTEXT_FUNCTION_SAMPLE - Monitoring Cockpit: Interface for short text function of node

SMWP_SITETYPE_SHORTTEXT_READ - Monitoring Cockpit: Short text read for nodes connected R/3 backends

SMWP_SITETYPE_SITES_COLLECT - Monitoring Cockpit: Interface for Collect function of node

SMWP_SITETYPE_SITES_DISPLAY - Monitoring Cockpit: Interface for analysis function of node

SMWP_SITE_CSTAT_STATUS_GET - Monitoring Cockpit: Get the status of Mob. Client Communication Statistics

SMWP_TRACE_STATUS_GET - Monitoring Cockpit: Get the status of Middleware Trace

SMWT_TRC_BAPIRETURN - MW Trace write Bapirturn values to memory

SMWT_TRC_FLUSH - MW flush local trace data to DB

SMWT_TRC_INIT - MW Trace initializing

SMWT_TRC_READ - MW Trace read trace data from smwt_trc

SMWT_TRC_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_GET - Get the trace default settings

SMWT_TRC_SETTINGS_READ - Read the trace settings

SMWT_TRC_SETTINGS_SHBUF_DEL - Reset the trace settings from shared memory of an application server

SMWT_TRC_SETTINGS_SHBUF_GET - Read the trace settings from shared memory

SMWT_TRC_SETTINGS_SHBUF_RESET - Reset the trace settings from shared memory of all servers

SMWT_TRC_WRITE - MW Trace write data to local memory

SMWT_TRC_WRT_FRM - Display Function

SMWT_XX_WRITE - MW flush local trace data to DB

SMW_BDM_XML_METAINFO - Delivers all data for CDB service generation

SMW_BUILD_QUEUENAME - Build queue name for CRM MW processing

SMW_COMP_VERSION - Compare with current BDoc message version

SMW_DETERMINE_IF_CDB_NEEDED - Determine, if a BDoc type has to be sent

SMW_DISPLAY_BDOCQUEUE_FOR_BO - Display queues and BDocs for application objects (3.0)

SMW_DISPLAY_BDOC_RECEIVERS - Shows receivers of a BDoc

SMW_DISPLAY_MWOBJECTS - Display queues and BDocs for application objects



SMW_ERR_ACTIONSEQUENCE - Find all actions and trigger them step by step

SMW_ERR_ASYNC_X_MESSAGE - Raise X -Message asynchronously without breaking running program

SMW_ERR_CUST_ACT - Perform customer defined action

SMW_ERR_CUST_SAMPLE - Perform customer defined action: example

SMW_ERR_RAISE_WF_EVENT - Raise Workflow-Event

SMW_ERR_RETRY_SYNC - Synchronous retry of message reprocessing


SMW_FLOW_PROCESSERROR - Handles errors within the flow control

SMW_FLOW_PROCESSERROR_NEW - Handles errors within the flow control

SMW_FLOW_PROCESSERROR_TEST - Internal. do not use: Test the error handler

SMW_GET_CURRENT_BDOC_VERSION - Get current BDoc message version

SMW_INQUEUES_RESTART - Stop inbound queues

SMW_INQUEUES_STOP - Stop inbound queues

SMW_KMS_KEY_OBJECT_CREATE - Create a key object (including key mapping table)

SMW_KMS_KEY_REGISTER_PAIR - Register a pair of local keys

SMW_KMS_KEY_REGISTER_SINGLE - Register a local key

SMW_KMS_KEY_RETRIEVE_ADVANCED - Retrieve a key (advanced version)

SMW_KMS_KEY_RETRIEVE_MEDIUM - Retrieve a key (medium version)

SMW_KMS_KEY_RETRIEVE_SIMPLE - Retrieve a key (simple version)

SMW_READ_RECGR_FOR_BDOCTY - Read Receiver group for BDoc type

SMW_RELATE_INBOBJ2BDOC - Create link between incoming bdoc and applica. obj.

SMW_RELATE_INBOBJ2BDOC_MULT - Create link between incoming bdoc and applica. obj.

SMW_RELATE_NEWBDOC2BDOC - Create link between incoming bdoc and applica. obj.

SMW_RELATE_OUTBBDOC2OBJ - Create link between applica. obj. and outgoing Bdoc

SMW_RELATE_OUTBBDOC2OBJ_MULT - Create link between applica. obj. and outgoing Bdoc

SMW_SERVID2TEXT - Get Longtext of BDoctype GUID

SMW_TEXT2TRANSID - Get Longtext of BDoctype GUID

SMW_TRANSID2TEXT - Get Longtext of BDoctype GUID

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